Ouran High School Host Club Fan Fiction ❯ Sleeping In ❯ Sleeping In - Chapter Four - Merit and Pleasure ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sleeping In
by Palatyne
Chapter Four - Merit and Pleasure
Disclaimer: I do not own Ouran High School Host Club. The original manga story, characters and plot belong to Bisco Hatori, Lala, English editions to Viz Media and the anime to Bones, et.al.
Acknowledgements: Thank you so much to all the people who have read this story. To the faithful reviewers, thank you so much.
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Chapter Four - Merit and Pleasure
Haruhi found herself trying to stem the tide of embarrassment that was threatening to devour her.
“Well you see…it's because there was this person downstairs -”
“Wait. Haruhi. Get up.” He commanded, obviously bothered by her uncomfortable state. He moved toward the edge of the bed, reached his hand to grab her by the elbow, pulling her upright.
She looked around her to find someplace to sit but there was only the bed. Sitting herself on the edge, she wanted to place a respectable distance between her and Kyouya.
Her initial embarrassment was giving way to slight anger over Kyouya's trickery. There were no signs of disrupted sleep in his appearance. He looked to her, like someone who had been wide awake for quite awhile.
And to add to her chagrin, Kyouya seated himself at the bed's edge and moved closer to her.
“Now tell me again, why are you here?”
“The Host Club asked me, to ask you to please go to the community expo with them.” She answered.
“I see…” He replied after a moment of silence. “I thought I made it perfectly clear that I was refusing their invitation?”
“If you are referring to how you have banned them from this building, then yes, I believe it was perfectly clear.”
She knew her acid retort was not lost on Kyouya. But to her surprise, there was amusement in his voice and his lips were faintly smiling.
“And so they sent you here?”
“I think, they want to apologize for what they did to you earlier.” She declared crossly, irritated by his amused demeanor.
Their conversation was not turning the way it should. His nearness was making her anxious. It was a strange feeling that was stealing away her calm.
But she was not frantic because of Kyouya. It was something else - something that she could not pin down.
I have to calm down …
“I see…and you are delivering this apology…” Kyouya was now smirking unreservedly “that makes you…their peace offering?”
“A what?!”
“Peace offering. A gift of goodwill.”
“I know that!” She snapped. “What I mean is, I am a person. And contrary to what the twins think, I'm not a toy and certainly not anyone's gift!”
Kyouya looked at her with the same amused expression. “No? Then you are a willing accomplice to all that they have done earlier?”
“No, that is not what I'm -”
“And as a Plan B they coerced you and sent you here?”
“I'm not part of any of their plans -”
“Or were they planning to use you to trick me into going to that fair?”
“Trick you?! You were the one who tricked me into thinking you were sick!” She almost shouted, her anger over his earlier deception, spilling uncontrollably.
“I did not trick you. You assumed that I was sick.” He replied smilingly.
She turned away, too angry to face him.
Kyouya was once again mocking her and seemed to be trying his very best to anger her.
“So, did they bribe you with food? Offer to erase your debts?”
“Please stop insulting me.” She snapped, tuning to look at him with her fiercest glare, her patience at an end.
“Then why are you here, Haruhi?
He was now looking directly at her, his dark eyes serious and questioning, his amused expression gone. He was looking at her as if he could read her thoughts and suddenly, her anger was giving way to her earlier anxiety and she was suddenly fearful that Kyouya could really read her mind.
She knew he was deliberately trying to goad her into anger, but there was something in the way he looked at her - the intensity of his gaze. His dark eyes, not shielded by his glasses, were wreaking havoc on her composure.
“I am here because…..” Her words trailed away, her mind a riot of thoughts.
Why am I here?
I came willingly.
What do I fear?
She forced her mind to quiet and with the calmness born of a lifetime of taking charge, she finally spoke with the voice of composure which all who knew her admired.
“I am here because the Host Club asked me a favor and also, because I thought to relay their apology. But I see now that -.”
“Or are you here, because you wanted to see me?”
Instantaneously her mind remembered her musings earlier in the living room, her unexplainable curiosity, her fascination with his sleeping form.
“Of course not!” Her answer was quick, vehement and forceful - and she regretted it. She felt the familiar warmth of mortification flood her cheeks - she had the inexplicable urge to flee, as if she were being cornered.
She knew then that she needed to get as far away from Kyouya as she could.
“I'm leaving now.”
Haruhi rose from the bed swiftly but Kyouya was faster, grabbing her by the wrist to prevent her escape.
“No. You are not.”
None too gently he pushed her to the bed and before Haruhi could summon a coherent thought, she was lying on her back looking up at Kyouya.
She lay still, too startled to move, too confused to say much else. Kyouya was merely looking at her, burning her with his gaze.
This again
Her heart was beating wildly. She could feel his weight above her, pinning her firmly. She was physically trapped by his body, without any way to escape.
Yet she could the warmth from his body surrounding her, making her feel strangely…safe. She was overwhelmed by his nearness, her thoughts in chaos, her senses attuned only to him - his warmth, his scent and his steady, piercing gaze and even the firm hold of his own hands upon hers.
“Haruhi,” he whispered her name, his face moving so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath.
His face was set in a fiery expression she had seen before, the briefest flicker of it, on that one night at the seaside villa.
“Kyouya-sempai…” she managed to whisper, the rational part of her mind making one last stand, “I have told you before, there is no merit in…this.”
He merely smiled at her words, his lips only a fraction away from her own.
“No merit, yes. But much, much pleasure.”
He leaned down swiftly and kissed her.
As if struck by a blow she drew in a sharp breath, her body arching against his. She tried to part her lips to protest but instead he drew her parted lips into a deeper kiss, slanting his mouth over hers, his tongue gently but firmly probing into her. The contact sent a thrill of heat course through her, and she was suddenly all too aware of every place where their bodies touched.
His arms were braced against the bed, supporting his weight, his hands pinning hers. But one hand was now moving gently toward the side of her face, his thumb stroking her, coaxing her, urging her.
She felt all her energy, all her mind's objections seeping away, replaced by the warmth of Kyouya's body against hers, his hand upon her cheek, his lips upon hers. She felt herself slowly relinquishing control, slowly giving in.
And against all reason, against all the alarm bells ringing in her mind, warning her of the dangers of her situation, in one moment of utter selfishness and insanity, her lips sought his and ever so carefully, she kissed him back.
to be continued…