Outlaw Star Fan Fiction ❯ Gene's new adventure ❯ Teresa's story ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at an Outlaw Star fic. But I only own 1 character. I do not own Gene, Jim of any of the Outlaw Star cast. Now, read and enjoy.

Outlaw Star
Gene’s new adventure.

Chapter 4-Teresa’s Story.
They had landed on Sentinel 3 about an hour later. Teresa had passed out in exhaustion after Gene had seen the mark. He had left her on his bed, while he went to get some coffee down him. While he was sat in the space station cafe, drinking the very strong coffee, Suzuka came up behind him. “Funny, I expected that to be whiskey.” She said.

“Nah, had too much of that lately.” Said Gene.

Suzuka sat down beside him. “Teresa’s alright. Aisha and Jim took her to the hotel to sleep.” She said.

“How did you…?” Started Gene.

“It’s not hard to figure out Gene. I’ve known you long enough to know what you’re like when you’re drunk. What makes me confused is why you weren’t in there with her, out for the count.”

“…You know me when I’m drunk, I get a little rough. But something stopped me this time.”


“She didn’t want to do it, and something made me stop.”

“Well, if you want to see her and straighten this all out, I suggest you get in there before she wakes up and has the strength to throw you out.”

Gene smirked. “Thanks Suzuka. Where are Jim and Aisha?” Asked Gene.

“In the room across from you. I’m going to take a look around this place for a while.” Said Suzuka, grabbing her sword and leaving.

Gene finished his coffee and left to make amends with Teresa.

~~~At the Hotel.~~~

Teresa had been asleep for over an hour after Gene had arrived. He was willing to wait though, it would help him sober up a little bit more. After what he’d done to Teresa, he’d had time to reflect. Ever since Melfina was killed, he’d been so consumed by getting his revenge that he hadn’t seen what it was doing to his friends, or himself.

His head felt clearer than it had for months. He’d left Jim and Gilliam to run the business while Suzuka and Aisha had had to pick up after him and make sure he didn’t get into any trouble. He felt really guilty. Mel wouldn’t have wanted this for him.

Just then, Teresa shot up. She looked around and saw Gene and backed up as he came over to her. “Easy, I’m not going to hurt you again.” Said Gene as he sat down.

He handed her a cup of coffee, but she hesitated in taking it. “It’s not drugged.” He said.

“I wouldn’t put anything past you right now.” She said, taking the cup.

“OK, I deserve that one. Look Teresa, I’m sorry for what I did. Drunk or not, I shouldn’t have scared you like that.”

“I’m surprised you even remember. You were so drunk, you couldn’t even walk straight.”

“Oh I remember. I also remember what I saw on your chest.”

Teresa looked down, then brought the cover up to her neck. “Why didn’t you tell us that McDougall did this to you?” Asked Gene.

“Get real Gene, that’s not exactly a conversation starter. ‘Hi, I’m Teresa and I was raped by Ron McDougall.’, nice way to break the ice.” Teresa said sarcastically.

“But you should want him dead as much as I do.”

“I do. But what about everyone else he’s hurt. Shouldn’t they see him die too?”

“I guess you do have a point. But how can you be so calm with all this?”

“I guess it’s because it happened so long ago. But then again, this kind of pain doesn’t go away.”

“When did it happen?”

Teresa hesitated before answering. “5 years ago, when I was just starting out.” Said Teresa.

“I was working with my partner on busting a drug operation that would effect the entire Blue Heaven system. Guess who was running the operation.”

“Ron McDougall.” Said Gene.

“Bingo. Anyway, to get close enough to take him down, I went undercover. After a while we had enough evidence to take him down, but, we must have made a mistake somewhere down the line.”

“You were found out.”

“Ron McDougall killed my partner in front of me, then he raped me. It went on like that for a week until I escaped. But he’d already left his mark.”

Gene came over and wrapped his arms around Teresa’s trembling shoulders. He pulled her into an embrace. “I’m sorry for what I did. I was drunk, and the pain over losing Melfina…” Started Gene.

“It’s OK. Just promise that you won’t drink anymore, or at least for the rest of the time I’m with you.” Said Teresa.

“I promise. And I promise I’ll get McDougall, and he’ll pay for all his crimes.”

“Thank you.”

Teresa wiped her eyes. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” Said Teresa.

“Yeah and I uh…I have to go check on the ship. See you later.” Said Gene, making a hasty exit from the room.

Teresa smiled as Gene left. Now, after their talk, she felt a lot safer than she had been for a long time