Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Stranded ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter 15

Gohan, Goku and Piccolo immediately went into fighting stances as soon as the portal appeared. The three of them were rather confident that they could take on anything that came out of that portal. There was no signs of fear on any of their faces.

A figure started to emerge. A very familiar figure at that. The three fighters dropped their fighting stances in fear as they realized who it was that was coming out of the portal. Goku and Gohan were sweating.

It was Chichi.

Chichi fell out of the portal and landed on her hands and knees. She was visibly disoriented, but she appeared to be in good health

Chichi looked up and yelled "Gohan!" in excitment as she ran over and hugged him as hard as she could. After a minute of Chichi holding on to Gohan and making sure over and over again that he was alright, her face became stern. "You've been fighting again, haven't you?" she asked, her voice becoming angrier.

Gohan nodded nervously. "Well, yes, but I've also done a lot of studying, like you wanted me to at home." he said pointing towards his capsule desk.

Chichi let go of Gohan, but before she could say anything else, Vegeta came out of the portal. He landed gracefully on his feet and walked a short distance away from the portal. Bulma soon followed, landing on her hands and feet, the same way Chichi had.

Goku looked at them all with confusion evident on his face. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked.

"Chichi insisted on making sure Gohan was alright, and I wanted to test out some other devices of mine. Vegeta also insisted on coming, but he came to help fight." Bulma answered standing up as the portal closed.

Vegeta snorted. "I only came to make sure you don't get killed before I get the chance to kill you myself." he said to Goku with obvious contempt in his voice.

Goku laughed as he heard Vegeta's reply. "Nice to see you too."Goku answered with a smile. Vegeta of course scowled and looked away from Goku.

Chichi then walked up to Goku and looked at him with murder in her eyes. "I thought I told you to make sure Gohan didn't fight!" she said somewhat loudly, but not yet in her actual 'yelling voice'.

"I couldn't!" Goku pleaded. "Piccolo and I arrived after the battle took place. Besides, if Gohan didn't fight, he might have been killed."

Chichi was about to yell at Goku in rage, but realized that it was not only pointless, but it also wasn't Goku's fault. She stomped away trying to find something to take her anger out on.

Gohan, Goku, Piccolo and Bulma all sighed in relief. "You were very lucky there, Goku." Bulma told him. "She usually yells even if she doesn't have a logical reason to."

Vegeta laughed. "I can't believe you let your mate boss you around like that, Kakkorot." he said. "It's pathetic!"

Bulma looked at vegeta with an angry face. "What's THAT supposed to mean?!" she asked angrily.

"Exactly what I said, woman!" Vegeta growled back.

Goku laughed at the exchange. "You two sound like you're married too!" Goku laughed.

Bulma looked away from Vegeta and Goku blushing, while Vegeta snorted and turned away with his arms crossed. From their reactions and the visit from Trunks, Goku was starting to suspect there might actually be something going on between the two of them.

Chichi returned, no longer fuming as she was earlier, but still not in a good mood. The six of them then walked back to Professor Oak's laboratory. They found p=Professor Oak in his study, looking over some of the information he gathered for them.

Professor Oak looked up at the returning group. "Hello. I have some information here that you might find useful." He said as he handed some printed sheets of computer paper at Goku. Goku was reading them and showing little understanding of the information. Bulma then took the paper from Goku and started reading it herself.

Oak looked at Bulma. "I don't believe I saw you before. When did you get here?" he said puzzled.

"She came through a portal when Gohan, Piccolo and I were excercising. She came with these two." Goku said pointing to Vegeta and Chichi. "That was Bulma, this is Vegeta and this is Chichi." GOku said pointing them out.

Professor Oak shook hands with Chichi and Bulma. "Gohan told me a lot about you." Oak was about to shake hands with Vegeta, but he glared at him, discouraging him from another attempt.

"What happened to Ash, Brock and Misty?" Gohan asked.

"They went to Ash's house to unpack and rest." replied Professor Oak.

He had them sit down in his study and poured tea for everyone but Piccolo, whom he handed another bottle of water.

Chichi smiled. "You're a good influence for Gohan, unlike SOME of the men I know..." she said glaring at Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo. Goku laughed and put his hand on the back of his neck, as was usual for him, while Piccolo looked slightly embarrased. Even Vegeta shifted uncomfortably under her penetrating gaze.

Professor Oak laughed. "I can imagine."

After talking for several hours, They decided that they better set up their capsule houses for the time being. Goku Gohan and Chichi were using the same one, of course, while Bulma and Vegeta used another, which all but confirmed Goku's suspicions. Piccolo refused to use one at all, since he really didn't need to sleep himself.

Piccolo sat atop the capsule house that belonged to Goku, Gohan and Chichi, and was thinking to himself, a change since he was usually meditating at night while everyone else was sleeping. 'From what Trunks said, Dr. Gero is capable of quite a bit.' he thought to himself. 'I just hope that he doesn't find a way to make even more powerful monstrosities from the discovery of this dimension.' Piccolo calmed himself and started his usual meditation.


Gohan awoke early the next morning, and he decided to go and talk to Professor Oak. Gohan wanted someone to talk to, and he seemed to be the best choice, as Piccolo wasn't much of a talker, and everyone else would be asleep still. From talking to Oak the first time, he knew that he started work early in the morning.

Shortly, Gohan was in Oak's study with Oak himself. Professor Oak seemed to have something on his mind. "Is there something bothering you?" Gohan asked.

Professor Oak was brought out of his deep thought and looked at Gohan. "That one man was named Vegeta. You mentioned a Vegeta earlier... are they the same one?" Oak replied worriedly.

Gohan nodded. "Yep. He tried to destroy the planet."

Oak was rather upset. "You aren't scared?" he asked.

"Not really..." Gohan replied. "He's been living on the planet for a while, and he no longer seems bent on destroying it. He just wants to become better than my dad."

"Oh..." Professor Oak said thinking about Gohan's answer. "Your mother seemed rather pleasant."

Gohan nodded sadly. "Yes, but that's only when she's in a good mood. If she's angry, people can gwet hurt. Usually, it's my dad that gets hurt."

Professor Oak's eyes widened. "Is she an alien too?" he asked.

Gohan shook his head. "No, but she used to be a fighter."

They continued talking for a while, and eventually Goku and Chichi came in followed by Piccolo. They sat down as well, and began talking. Before long, they were also joined by Vegeta and Bulma. They began talking, and before long it was obvious Goku, Piccolo and Vegeta were becoming bored.

Vegeta abruptly stood up and looked at Goku. "You should be training, not sitting around. I will give you the honour of being able to spar with me, Kakkarot. I dont want you to get killed by these creatures before I am allowed to, and I also don't want an easy victory." he said aloud.

Goku stood up. "Sounds good to me." he replied as he started to follow Vegeta.

Before Vegeta could leave the room, Bulma stood in his way and stopped him. Before Vegeta could protest, she gave him a kiss on the lips. For a few seconds, Vegeta was suprised and embarassed. He quickly shook himself out of his daze as Bulma sat back down. "Damn woman..." he muttered as he started walking outside.

Every one else was smiling at the exchange and it was VERY obvious what was going on. Goku was almost completely sure that Trunks would be born in this timeline. He was glad he didn't ruin it. Goku followed Vegeta outside.

Piccolo also stood up. "I think I'm going to go and train as well. Do you feel up to it, Gohan?" he asked.

Gohan jumped up and was about to follow Piccolo when Chichi grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back to his chair. "He'll pass." Chichi said firmly.

Piccolo didn't want to press the matter, so he went outside on his own, while Gohan was stuck talking to Bulma, Chichi and Professor Oak...

(End of Chapter 15)
