Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Odium ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

What set me over?

Maybe it was the irony in my very name. Of course, I was no longer called by it... Cheer. Long ago Gengar denounced it and dubbed me "Odium."


Maybe it was my team itself. I loved those dark in nature; just like myself. The joy of seeing the power in a dark creature defeat miserable opponents was what brought us together.

What amazed others, and on a certain degree myself, was that I had succeeded. My Pokémon were all that mattered. I don't know who my parents are; I was struck with amnesia and no one knew who I was, myself included.

Misdreavus, what are you doing? Just a moment. I'm thinking.

I don't like people. They're annoying, stupid, and generally too happy. I don't like happy people. What reason do they have to be happy? The world was crumbling around me, closing in. All that was keeping me safe was..

Sneasel, if you don't leave Murkrow alone, he's going to nip off your ear.

No, I'm not joking.

Anyways, as I was saying... I wandered a bit, didn't I? What sent me over is most likely myself. I only find comfort in my Pokémon's presence. Why? I don't know. I avoid people at all costs. My Pokémon are powerful; I see another trainer, they challenge me, the fight rages, I get my cash, and disappear. That's how it works for me. Humans are not worth my time. Selfish, immoral.

Odium. Haha, I see your point now, Gengar. It is fitting. Odium. Hate. Houndour accuses me of being consumed by hate; maybe on some level she's right, but I won't admit it. Hate and anger too, but this is of no worry to my Pokémon. They are dark, they thrive without light, the sun, which generally creates happiness. Happiness is foolishness, merely ignorance of the truth, which is hate and anger and pain. The night is more powerful... It can consume the sun.

The day is vanquished, immersed, destroyed by the night. Darkness.

I HATE IT! Why? Go away! That voice.. It's creepy. It's unnatural. Too happy, too ignorant, too kind. Nurse Joy's bright red hair burns my eyes. The lights are practically blinding, the tile floor reflecting every movement of every worthless being in the room. Hide me! They feel my pain. Some comfort is restored in me at this thought. They are my night, my saviors from the Sun.

We're leaving. The sun's going down, I instruct. The five bright eyes around me nod and return to their confines. What amazes me is that they don't mind; but I do. I'm sure it's dark in there... Ah. Such lucky creatures they are, Pokémon.

The little red eye senses my presence, and two glass doors widen enough for me to pass. Oh, how thoughtful. Thank you, plate plastic.

My next goal is undetermined. I am lost without a purpose, I do not idle. This is night, no one will be around to hear me. I am done with my quest, I need somewhere to go, a place to lurk. Suddenly, in my daze, I bump into someone.

"Oh, pardon me, sir!" A voice says.

My eyes widen. This voice... my stomach is on fire. My darkness, my night.. My deep black pupils trace downward, meeting with a slightly frightened pair of navy blues. The sound felt like a knife, ripping through the shards of my plastic bag.

The black, plastic bag those bizarre homebodies used for taking out their trash. I longed to crawl into one, suffocate even, in the blissful darkness. I almost gasped for air, her mere words causing my heart to suddenly flip about in the pit abyss of my chest.

Her hair was the color of night, bound in small pigtails, wearing a handmedown striped beanie. Her deep eyes were almost frightened at having bumped into me, although the fault was of course mine.

I never would have admitted it.

Oh no, that's alright, I rasped.

In the darkness, there was a light. The Sun was still unwelcome.

The night is forgotten, absent, dissolved by the moon. A light.

When it is dark, she will be there to light the way.

What is your name? She smiles, hopefully she is no longer afraid.

It's silly, you wouldn't like it. Maybe if you tell me yours? Well, a bargainer! I'll be.

Odium. I think. She raises an eyebrow. She is smart; she knows what it means.


I think I outmatch you in silly names, I respond. She laughs.

My moon. The sun is unwelcome in my world, but my moon can show me the way home.

Gengar will never believe this.