Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Orion Rickter's Pokemon Journey ❯ The Begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ch. 1: The Begining

Orion Rickter jumped out of bed. Today was the day. He had just turned 10 and it was time for him to get his very own pokemon. He got dressed and ran downstairs. He gobbled down breakfast and was out the door before barely 3 minutes were up. He ran the whole way to Professor Oriki's house. He ran up to the door and rang the doorbell. By the time the Professor had answered the door Orion's heartbeat had slowed down to about 75 beats per second.

"Hello Professor. I'm here to get a pokemon." He said.

"Ho, Ho. Orion. Drank all the coffee, did we?"


"Nevermind. Come in."

"Thank you." Orion followed the Professor to the back of his house. When they got there Orion saw 3 pokeballs.

"Now Orion, pick. But be careful. Whichever one you choose will be your's for life so choose carefully." Orion had gone over which one to choose for a while. He knew which one he wanted. He took the one in the middle. "Good choice. Now here are 10 pokeballs. Good luck on your journey."


He left and walked back home. When he got there he shouted, "Hey mom, I got my pokemon!"

"That's great. What did you pick?"

"Look." He tossed the pokeball into the air. It opened and out came… "Char."

"A charmander, How cute! Oh, I just forgot, here."

"Wow, Pokegear! Thanks mom!"

"You are welcome. Open it up."

"What is this? A Pokedex?! Mom…you are the best ever!!!" He put his stuff on, called charmander, said goodbye and left. He walked chatting with charmander as he left Havenstown. Finally his journey had begun.

So, how did you like it? It gets better. This is my first fanfic and I could use reviews. Please review.