Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Connection ❯ Test Two: With The Heart ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Test Two: With The Heart
by: LilCupidjr.

DISCLAIMER (You Must Read This So I Don't Get Sued) : I do not own the song "When You Say Nothing At All", sung by Ronan Keating. I heard this song off of the Notting Hill soundtrack and just fell in love with it. There, now don't sue me.

Shocked by the sudden fall of Misty, Ash slowly sat up, careful not to startle her farther.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked her.
Instead of answering or even really moving, Misty looked up from his shirt. A still flash of evil sparked in her eyes.
"Why should I tell you?" she remarked.
"What?" he asked confused.
"I said" the mystical bluish-green tint in her eyes began to fade and become a pitch black. "I don't care for you caring for me."
"Huh?!" he asked, apparently not catching onto any of these weird riddles.
Misty's eyes sparked in anger. Some of the strands of her red hair stood on end as she growled.
"Get off of me!" she shouted.
"But... Misty, you're on me...."
"I said GET OFF!!!" she screamed.
Utterly shocked of the sudden anger that she never seemed to posess, Ash moved quickly out from under her and stood. Misty jumped up in a flash and stared at him dead in the eye.
"Now you listen. I don't want to have anything to do with you! You leave me alone. I have a life to attend to!" she shouted.
"But-" Ash muttered.
"Don't you "but" me! Now, did you get what I said?!"
"Misty..." his eyes watered.
"Don't call me that! From now on you call me "Miss". Understand?!"
Ash nodded, trying to back away, but his feet seemed glued to the floor.
"Don't even try to follow me." she turned to the door. "I want you to leave me alone!" she shouted and left in an instant, the door slamming rudely behind her.
"Mist..." Ash whispered, but was interrupted by the sudden sobs that cluttered his throat.
Suddenly, he dropped to his knees as if the weight of his own tears was the heaviest bearing on Earth.

Misty stomped into the lobby and spotted Brock and Pikachu sitting in a chair, sleeping.
"Hey you!" she shouted and trudged up to him. She reached down on the table and picked up a Masters Diary magazine and threw the heavy booklet on his lap harshly. "Wake up!"
"What?!" Brock sat up quickly, his eyes wide open.
"You make sure that Ash stays away from me! I'm leaving!" she turned towards the doorway.
"Wait! Why?!" he called after her.
"Because he's such a jerk!" she shouted back at him at the top of her lungs.
Brock watched as Misty walked down the street in anger, not even sure of where she was going.
"What the-" the mumbled.
"Pika..." Pikachu awoke, rubbing his eyes. "Pika-pi? Pika pichu?"
"I don't know, Pikachu..." Brock whispered.

Brock threw open the door shouting, "What did you do to Misty, Ash?"
Then, he spotted him on the floor, crying.
"What did Misty do to you, Ash?" he asked.
"I... don't know... what... happened." he said between the harsh sobs that poured from his puffy red eyes.
"Pika-pi!" Pikachu shouted, running into the room and by his master's side to pat on his back with a paw. Togepi waddled in unseen by Brock.
"Toge?.. " Togpei looked at Ash crying. "Priiiii!" it screamed, shedding billions of tears.
"Pika!" Pikachu shouted at Togepi and ran over to it to calm it's nerves, then Ash cried harder. Pikachu ran to Ash. Togepi screeched and screamed. Pikachu ran to Togepi. After Ash's heavier wailing and Togepi's useless screeching, Pikachu sweatdropped and plopped on the bed to sleep.
"Pika." it said.
"What-what.." was all that Brock could mutter. "Well, maybe it was Misty, after all..."
Then, Brock turned around and left the room in a hurry, leaving Ash and Pikachu and Togepi behind. What was Misty thinking?!

Suddenly, Misty blinked, the total blackness in her eyes had faded into the crystal green-blue it was originally and naturally born with. Her now pale skin began to highlight into the tannish color it used to be. Everything was turning back to normal, but her mind was left back at the Poke'Center.
"What happened???" she looked around anxiously.
"Where" she panted in fear, "Am I?!"
"Misty! Thank God, there you are!" Brock shouted, turning a corner from the water-glazed highway.
Misty spun around in shock and stared at him, surprised that Brock had suddenly shown up.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..." Brock calmed and shot up his hands. "It's me. 'Brock-o', remember?" he smiled.
"I... think so, yeah." Misty nodded. "Wait, where am I? Where's Ash?"
"What are you talking about? You just left him in the Center crying his eyes out!" Brock informed sternly.
Misty's mouth dropped. "I did not!"
"What, you-" Brock scoffed, "You just did! And from the way it looks, you beat him up and pretty much tore out his heart!"
"What are you talking about?!" Misty gasped, "You! You knocked me out or drugged me because... So that I'd wake up in the streets and you'd hide out around the corner 'till I'd wake up and now you're filling my head with these stories 'cause... 'Cause you don't like the fact that we're together now!"
"Wha-What What?! Wha-" Brock shook his head confusingly, not getting a word out of this.
"Well, you'll see! I'll show you, he's just fine!" Misty said, and ran off into the night painted streets in search of the first sight of the Center.
Misty ran as quickly as she could in the direction of the Poke'Center.
'I don't know what's going on, but if it has anything to do with you, Shauna..." Misty thought, spotting the sight of the Center, "You'll regret it."

"Ash?" she asked, knocking on the door.
Ash's head shot up from the tear infested pillow. Pikachu's ear shot up out of his sleep.
"Yeah?" he asked shakily, recognising her voice.
"Are you alright?"
"No!" he whined.
Misty grabbed the doorknob and turned. The door flung open.
"Wow... I always lock the door when I cry..." Misty mumbled. "Well, anyways, what happened?"
"What happened? What happened?! You broke up with me is what happened!"
"Pi..." Pikachu mumbled to himself and walked out the door bringing the now silent Togepi along with him. This was a "big people's" personal conversation.
"I what?" Misty gaped.
"Yeah! And Brock should know! That's the worst way to break up with somebody; what you did."
"What did I do?" she asked.
"You were just... I don't even know whay I'm talking about this to you! You wanted to be without me, so go away!"
"But I-" Misty began, but he'd already thrown his head back into the terribly damp pillow. She sighed.
"Ash, I really don't know what happened. I don't know... the only things that I remember was you... really close, I tripped or something, and then I blink and I'm in an alleyway run off the road with Brock all up in my face saying I made you cry."
"What?" he asked, picking up his head from the pillow.
"Yeah. I don't know what happened. I really don't."
"But... I don't get it..." Ash said, confused.
"I don't either. But I do know that I never wanted for us to break up."
"Misty..." his eyes sparkled, "You mean it?"
"Well-yeah." she looked down. "Yeah, I do."
"Well... What happened? Maybe you were just in a bad mood or something?" he asked.
"No! I know what- I think I know what happened."
"What happened?" Ash asked.
"I think that-" Misty stared at the bed and suddenly felt awkward standing here in front of the doorway. "Um, can I sit down?"
"Sure. Sure." he whispered and lay back on the bed, "If you can find a spot to sit down."
Misty looked down on Ash spread scross the bed.
"Move over." she commanded.
"Make me."
"Are you challenging me?" she smiled.
"Maybe, Maybe not." he grinned.
"Maybe, Maybe not, hm? Oh, come on, Ash, I'm tired." her shoulders slumped.
"There is a carpet, you know."
"This is my bed, now move." Misty said.
"I want the bed tonight." he whined.
"We can both have it, just move!" Misty growled.
Ash chuckled, "Make me."
She glared at him angerily. "Fine, but if you don't move, I'm gonna hafta sit down wherever I want. I hope you don't mind, 'cause I don't." Misty warned.
"Whatever." was his only reply.
"Okay..." then, she sat on his legs.
"Hey, get off!" he screamed, "You're bruising up my legs!"
"You said you didn't care." she said, kicking up her feet on Ash's chest.
"Okay, okay, fine! You win!" Ash said and jumped from the bed, knocking Misty off of his legs.
"Thank you!" Misty sung out and lay back on her pillows. "Hey! My pillows are soaked!" she sat up quickly.
"You're the one who made me do that!"
"Oh, yeah." Misty muttered. "I forgot to tell you what I think happened. Here, sit down." Misty offered and patted the part of the bed next to her.
"Well? What happened?" he asked, now seated next to her.
"I think I was posessed." she said quietly.
"Pos-... Shauna." he said.
"I know. I think it was Shauna, too. I think it may have been another test."
"Oh, no! We still have four more to go!" Ash grasped his head.
"No kidding. Well, I'm sure that we won this one. I think that it's goal was to get us to split up."
"I agree." Ash said.
"Hm." Misty nodded.
"I'm tired, are you?" Ash yawned.
"No! Oh, please, don't even mention sleep! I never want to go back there again!" Misty stressed.
"Well, what are you gonna do? Stay awake for the rest of your life?" he asked.
"I don't know." Misty sighed. "Just promise me that if I do fall asleep that you will too. I hate waiting for you and the last time I did your arrival wasn't too..." Misty swallowed, "inviting."
"Huh?" Ash tried to remember the time Misty had to wait for him. It was the time... Oh, yeah.


She gasped and was about to jump to her feet, when something heavy fell from it... and it landed on top of her.
The 'burden' began to groan slightly and stir. Misty held her breath when she noticed the Pokemon League cap under her chin and 'the burden's' chin... uh... somewhere else... The person looked up at her. She took in more air when she saw Ash's face within inches from her own. She could feel her cheeks, forehead, and the back of her neck grow warmer than ever. About what seemed ten minutes went by when Misty looked around at nothing in particular and then back at Ash.
"Are you able to move?" she asked quietly, the blush rapidly spreading.
"Uh.. oh, yeah..." Ash chuckled nervously and sat up, turning a bit red also.

:::::End Flashback:::::

"Uh.. oh, yeah..." Ash chuckled nervously, turning a bit red and adjusted his cap.
"Mm-hmm." Misty nodded, also remembering the 'delightful' memory.
"Yeah, but that was before... uh... now!" Ash perked and smiled.
"I know, but... Hey, wait a minute. So what if it was before now? What's now, Ash?" she asked.
"Uh." he backed up. "I dunno."
"I think you do." Misty's eyes narrowed.
"Well, we're... uh..." Ash blinked. "You know..."
"No, I don't." Misty lied.
"We're... um, I don't know the right word. We're just..." he mumbled.
"What are we, Ash? Pray do tell."
"We're... Oh! We're together!" he laughed.
"I know! Ain't it great!" she said and began to dance around like her previous 'victory dance'.
"Oh no..." Ash said. "I don't think I should of said that..." he sweatdropped.
*It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart...*
"Huh?" Misty paused. "What was that?"
"I don't know. Beats me." Ash said, confused.
They both look towards the door, where the sound was coming from.
*Without saying a word, you can light up the dark.* it continued.
Misty gasped. "I know this song!"
*Try as I may, I can never explain what I hear when you don't say a thing.* the sound said.
Ash ran over to the door.
*The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me*
"There's a radio out here!" he said, staring down at the small boombox. "Wha-"
Ash thought he saw a green vest disappear around a corner.
'Brock...' he thought.
*The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
You say it best when you say it best when you say nothing at all.* it continued.
*All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you-*
Ash pushed the 'stop' button.
"Hey! Why'd you do hafta go and do that?" Misty asked.
"What? What, you actually want this thing playing?" he asked.
"Of course I do! Now, push play again!" she commanded.
"Allright, but I have to bring it in her or else the neighbors will start complaining." he said, picking up the radio and carrying it into the room. "Where do you want me to put this?"
"I don't care. Who's is it?" she asked.
"I think it's Brock's. I saw him running away when I looked down the hall."
"Ohhh.... Just put it on the dresser, then." she murmured. "Hey Ash?"
"Do you think he put it there on purpose?" she asked.
"I don't know. Why would he?"
Misty stared at him for a while as he set the radio on the dresser.
'I wonder... Maybe Brock does care about us.' she thought. 'Maybe he really does care about us, but doesn't care about us getting together.'
Ash walked over to his sleeping bag and stretched it out over the floor.
"Please keep the sound down. I'm tired." he said, beginning to lay down.
"Why aren't you sleeping in my bed?" she asked.
"Huh? Oh yeah! I forgot..." he chuckled.
Misty smiled and watched Ash climb into her bed and lay down.
"I hope that-" Misty began as she lay down next to him, but noticed that his eyes were closed. "Ash?"
"Good night Mist..." he mumbled sleepily.
She pulled out the covers from under Ash's body and covered the two of them. Then, after slipping her arm around his waist, whispered in his ear, "Goodnight, Ash."

~~~~~~~~End of this chapter~~~~~
*snores* "..." ......... OW! Okay, I'm up! I'm up! Jeez, what an ending... Anywho, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My next chapter is gonna be about ::in loud booming voice:: THE THIRD TEST. *duh dum dum....* Oh wells, it's gunna be sooo fun in the next chappy that I hope I just speed right through it. Oh, I can't wait to start! I just..... I... *snores* "..." ...... byesees...
zzz -_- zzz