Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Legend of Drygoon ❯ In The Beginning... ( Chapter 1 )

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The Legend of Drygoon: Part 1

-Created by: funkmastavlad2k1

-Type: General/Action (with a dash of romance)


The Cast

Ash- age 14; Pokémon master of Pallet Town

Misty- age 14; one of Ash's best friends

Brock- age 17; another one of Ash's best friends

Pikachu- Ash's best "pika-pal"

Team Rocket- a duo bent on stealing Pikachu

Delia- Ash's mother

Prof. Oak- master expert of Pokémon

Gary- age 15; Ash's rival & Prof. Oak's grandson

Daisy- age 17; leader of the Sensational Sisters

Violet- age 16; another Sensational Sister of Cerulean

Lily- age 16; the third Sensational Sister of Cerulean

Note: Let's see…Misty have both moved in with Ash & Brock went back to Pewter City, and "[]" represents an Author's Note. That's all.


Ever hear of the Legend of the Guardian Pokémon Spirit, Drygoon? It is a known fact that far away, on the edge of the universe, lies a planet that has remained secret for over 3 million years, and on said planet lived the legendary Guardian Pokémon, Drygoon! Drygoon was the most powerful Pokémon that ever lived! It had flaming blue fur, the body-shape of an Entei, white, silky hair, and 5 tails like a Ninetales. Drygoon is comprised of the 6 elements of the galaxy: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Ice, and Water! This mighty hero protected all of the Pokémon that inhabited its home. Only when a great Guardian Pokémon called Tryker appeared did Drygoon finally meet its demise! Tryker had soon taken over the planet, but Drygoon's soul still wanders the galaxy, hoping to find a Pokémon Trainer of strong and pure heart to control its power. At long last, 3 million years pass, and Drygoon has finally found him!! The Chosen One!!



If you read the legend above, you already know what this story is about, and if you know the show Pokémon well enough, you should know which Pokémon Trainer the legend is talking about! So…enjoy!


Ash Ketchum, now renowned Pokémon Master, has finally ended his journey. Returning to Pallet Town, Brock bids farewell to his friends, while Misty, surprisingly, moves in with Ash. Ash, however, doesn't object! Delia, Ash's mom, welcomes her son back.

Delia runs over to Ash.

Delia: Oh, Ash, I missed you so much!

Ash: (gasping) Mom…I…can't…breathe…

Misty quietly giggles.

Delia: Oh, hello, Misty.

Misty: Hi, Mrs. Ketchum.

Ash: Mom, Misty decided to move in with us.

Delia: Aw, isn't that sweet? My boy finally has such a sweet girlfriend!

Ash: MOM!!

Ash hides his face in embarrassment. Misty giggles again.

Delia: You'll probably want to settle in. Let me show you to your room, Misty.

Misty: Okay.

Later that day…

Ash: Here you go, Misty! Our best guest room!

Misty: Thanks, Ash.

Ash: I'll let you comfy for a while.

Misty: Um, Ash, uh, there's something I-

Ash closes the door.

Misty: (sigh)

While Ash walks down the hallway, Delia stops him.

Delia: So, did you & Misty finally take to each other?

Ash: MOM!!!

Delia: I'm only kidding, sweetie! (Giggles) Lunch is ready!

Ash: (sigh)


???: Did you find him?

Soldier 1: N-Not yet, s-sir!

???: IMBECILE!! How hard can it be to find one boy!?

Soldier 2: We just haven't been able to find him, sir!

???: (sigh) Must I do everything myself!?

The mysterious person pressed a button on his chair handle.

???: Find that boy!!

The mystery person contacted an even more mysterious Pokémon.

Pokémon: Yes, sir, Mr. Giovanni, sir!

Giovanni: (sigh) It's good to know I can trust you at least… Mewtwo!!

Mewtwo: Yes, sir!


Joy: Here you are, Ash!

Ash: Thanks, Joy! [Since the Viridian City Nurse Joy takes care of Ash's Pokémon the most, Ash calls her Joy because she's been like an older sister to him.]

Joy: My pleasure, Ash. Huh? Say, Ash, isn't this your friend who was here a long time ago? Didn't she also have that broken-and-burnt bicycle?

Ash: Don't remind me.

Misty: Hi. It's good to see you again.

Joy: Mm-hmm.

All of a sudden, a Meowth hot-air balloon broke through the glass ceiling of the Pokémon Center.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make that double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight, fight, fight!

Wobbuffet: Wobbu-

Meowth cuts Wobbuffet off.

Meowth: Meeeeeeowth, that's right!!

Ash: Them again!!

Misty: Buzz off!

James: Not a bad idea! Go, Electabuzz!!

An Electabuzz popped out of James' Pokéball.

Ash: He caught a new Pokémon?!?

James: Electabuzz, Thundershock!! Shock the entire center!!

A big thunderstorm shocked all over the center.

Ash: Everyone, take cover!

Everyone ducked behind the front counter.


Jessie: I've never seen James like this before!

Meowth: Yeah…I like it!!

Soon, one of the thunderbolts struck Misty's right shoulder.


Ash: Misty! Are you okay?

Misty: Yeah…I'm okay! Unh!

Ash: Here!

Ash placed a moist handkerchief on Misty's shoulder.

Misty: Thanks, Ash.

Ash came out from hiding, with his hair lightly glowing green.

Pikachu: Pika-pi? (What was that?)

Ash: You're not the only ones with tricks up their sleeves, Team Rocket! Pokéball, go!!

Out of Ash's Pokéball came a…

Golem: Golem! (Let's go!)

Pikachu: Pikachu!! (Go get `em!!)

Ash: Golem, Earthquake!!

Golem: Golem, gol!! (I'm on it!)

Golem stomped on the ground to bring down Team Rocket's balloon.

Team Rocket: Whoa-ho-ho!!

Ash: Now, Golem!!! Magnitude 10!!!

Golem started to roll towards Team Rocket.

James: Uh-oh!

The impact sent team Rocket flying.

Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off agaaaaaaaaaaasaaa…


Ash: That takes care of that!

Misty: I didn't know you caught a Golem, Ash!

Ash: I caught on our way out of Mount Moon!

Misty: Hmm…ugh…

Misty dropped to her knees.

Ash: Misty! What's wrong?

Joy: Maybe it was the Thundershock. Let's put her in bed.

Ash: Okay…

Soon, Misty was put into bed, with the covers up to her neck, with a cool, wet cloth on her forehead.

Misty: Ohhh…

Ash: Misty?

Misty turned to see Ash.

Misty: Ash…what're you doing here?

Ash: You passed out because of James' Electabuzz. I stayed with you since then.

Ash then blushed at his remark.

Misty: You kept me company?

Ash nodded.

Misty: Thank you, Ash…

Pikachu: Pikachu! Pika-pika-pi-chu? (Hey, Ash! What happened back there?)

Ash: What?

Pikachu: Pikachu-pika-pi! (Your hair turned green!)

Misty: I noticed it too.

Ash: Hmm…I'm not sure…

The next day…

Giovanni: How could you let a little boy defeat you!?

Jessie: It wasn't any ordinary boy! This was Ash Ketchum! The Pokémon Master!

Giovanni: Ingrates!! Luckily, I have my star Pokémon on the job…

Meanwhile, Ash, Misty & Pikachu were having a picnic at Ash's most favorite place in the forest. Until…

Misty: Hey, Ash, look…

Ash: Huh?

The two saw a big glowing sphere hurdling towards them.

Ash: Look out!


Out of the sphere came a Pokémon covered in armor.

Mewtwo: Ash Ketchum…you are my target…come with me…

Ash: Let's see…

Dexter: Pokémon information unavailable.

Ash: Unavailable!? Who…orwhat are you?

Mewtwo: Come with me…

Misty: I…think you better do what he says…

Ash: Why?

Ash saw Misty hovering in the air.

Ash: Put her down!

Mewtwo: First you must come with me…

Ash: And if I refuse?

Mewtwo: Then your friend pays the ultimate price…

Soon, Misty felt something on her neck. Mewtwo's psychic attack seems to be choking her.

Ash: STOP IT!!

Ash's hair glowed lightly red.

Ash: Go, Cyndaquil!


Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil! (Hi!)

Ash: Cyndaquil, Flamethrower!

Cyndaquil: Cyndaquil! Cynda…quilll!!! (Right! Take…this!!!)

A stream of fire was shot at Mewtwo. He sent it flying up.

Mewtwo: Is that the best you've got?

Mewtwo clenched his fingers and Misty screamed.


Ash's hair glowed bright golden.

Ash: Go…Raichu!!


Raichu: Rai, Raichu! (Let's get it on!)

Pikachu: Pi-Pika!? (What the!?)

Ash: Raichu, Thunderbolt!!

A surge of electricity flew out of Raichu's cheeks.


Mewtwo: HA!!

The evil Pokémon clenched his fingers again, and Misty screamed at the top of her lungs.

Ash: STOP!!

Ash fell to his knees.

Ash: Let Misty go…and I'm yours…

Mewtwo: Hmph! I knew you'd come to your senses!

Mewtwo walked up to Ash, and they both teleported to Rocket Base.

Misty: Ash, no!!