Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Timetravelers: AAMLS I ❯ Complications in the Relationship ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer for the lazy: don't own Pokémon.

Story number: Uh… now what is it? Five of about seven
Rating? PG-13. More use of whips. ^_^ Not for dirty purposes, of course. It's always manner lessons! I don't know why I like doing it, but it's so FUN!

Before I get to the notes to the story… you have to get these notes first. [of course, if you read the series before, you're allowed to skip]
-These Timetraveler people, in short, beat up team rocket. More later.
-Celedon Mansion: Where Celedons [people who founded TR] live
-Yes, they're dating… and yes, he is psychic. Ash anyway. And yes, he works for these Timetraveler people.
-And yes, Giovanni is his father. He's not evil anymore though. …I think that's it for now. More later if necessary.

Notes for this story: First: I am never typing out the full title… except for now. The Ash and Misty Love Story is too freakin long to write out. That… and AAMLS sounds cool. ^_^
Second: What's the I for in the title? I had to split it into two stories. Actually, when you come down to it, they pretty much sing the same tune. Well, at least the first couple of parts in AAMLS II.
Third: Ok, romance isn't my strongest point. Give me a break. But if you have suggestions, please tell me! I'll take all the help I can get!
Forth: The College in here is like a US state college… I think. Don't know how colleges run…
Fifth: I already told you there would be no sex scenes [well, it was stated in the original notes for the Beginning]; so don't ask for them please. I'm no pervert.

… Besides…
… How would I do that?
And one more thing! There's supposed to be a strikethrough in a word again, but if you don't see it, I think you'll know where it was supposed to be.

The Timetravelers: AAMLS I
Part One: Complications in the Relationship

September 1st, 2001
Viridian City, 8:30 a.m.

Misty had been teleported to the Viridian City College from her apartment. The college was quite large, with many building made up of white stone all around the campus area. The college was old, considering that it was founded in 1910, when Viridian was still young. Anyway, she walked in and got her schedule. She had decided to become a secretary. Why, I'm not too sure. All she wanted was some money later in life. Her mother was paying for college (considering that Rachael just got her inheritance from her mother, and she had millions) and rent for her apartment, but after that, Misty was on her own. Like I said, Misty had an apartment in Pallet Town for one reason (that she'd tell everyone anyway): Less rent for higher quality apartments.

Anyway! She went to get her schedule. All her classes and times were on it. In this college, you took only the courses you needed except for one. Misty had chosen Psychic Explanations I. She was very interested in the psychic thing, and she wasn't quite sure why. Maybe it was because of Ash. Whatever the reason, she liked it. These kinds of classes were different from all the others.

Then she had to go to all of her classes. They were so different from high school. The classes themselves were more difficult and later in the day than her high school ones, her friends weren't here to distract [er,] help her, and no one made fun of the fact that her boyfriend was younger than her. They didn't know who he was.

While she was walking down the hall, she bumped into an old enemy, and his name was Darren. He had been jealous of the fact that Misty would never go out with him, and that her boyfriend could kick his butt in an instant. But today, he seemed nice and serious.

"Hey Misty. How's life treating you?" He had a great voice that could melt the hearts of women. But it never worked on Misty.

"Just fine! I think I like college already."

"It's ok. Still together with your twerp boyfriend?"

Misty glared at him. Ash was not a twerp! "Yes, I am. What's it to you?"

Darren shrugged and walked off. They shared a computer class together. When all of her classes were done, she called Ash's house from the Pokémon Center. Delia answered the phone.

"Hi! Want me to teleport you down?"

"Please." Then she came over and teleported them to the house (with her car). It was another sunny day in Pallet Town, with children off from school playing in the streets and adults looking on. Inside, Ash was at the table, doing his homework.

"I can't believe it! It's only been a day and she's already loading us down with homework!" he complained. Misty smiled.

"Hey Ash. How's eleventh grade?" She was very close to him, looking at his notebook with messy notes in it.

"Ok, I guess." He looked at the notebook, hoping to find an answer to his homework questions, but failed. "How's college? Any fun?"

"It is! I just love it!" Then she went into a full explanation of her day and how college was the best thing to happen in her education life. As you can see, Misty already loved college. She thought it was ten times better than high school ever was. The people there were sophisticated and fun.

Delia yelled from the kitchen, "Do you want to stay for dinner? I should have extra food."

"Ok!" She didn't have work today. Her job was as a cashier for the restaurant in town. "What's for dinner?"


"Sounds great!" She then sat down on the couch, and Ash, who had given up on his homework, joined her. They sat very close together.

"So, when are you free?" Ash asked.

"Today's the only day this week, and I have Monday and Friday the next week." Ash sighed. Why Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays? He could take them off, but only two people could be off on one day, Mondays and Fridays always seemed to go first, and the people with good excuses would always get the days off. Ash would probably be at the bottom of the list, because work wouldn't care about his love life. [see the bottom]

"Darn… the next week?"

"Don't have the schedule yet."

Ash sighed. At this rate, he'd never go on another date again! "Mom, are you saving me a plate of dinner?"

"Of course! You should be saving your money."

"But why if you guys are paying for college?" Ash asked.

"Because one day, you might need it!" She sighed. "Oh well, I better go find the salt. Now where did I put it?" She then went around in circles and passed it every time.

Ash sighed. Sometimes his mother was such a ditz. "On the counter, next to the pepper!"

"Oh! Thanks!" She then realized something. "Now what did I need it for?"

*anime falls*

Ash just whacked his head. Then Matthew started crying.

"Ash, could you watch dinner for a sec?" He got up and went to the kitchen while his mom checked up on Matthew. There were potatoes on the stovetop and the steaks were in the oven. What was there to watch? He sighed. Mom was unusually scatter-brained today. Ok, so she was a ditz, but she usually wasn't this bad. Ash drifted off. She came back later.

"You're burning the potatoes!" Then he heard the smoke alarm go off. "Are you on planet Earth today?" She put the cover on the pan and took it away from the heat.

"No, not really. I was thinking about how I haven't been able to go out on a date with Misty in a while."

"Oh, don't worry about that. If it was meant to be, it the quantity of dates won't matter, it'll be the quality of them that will matter. Do you think your father and I had time for dates when we were your age? We were too busy with Team Rocket to have regular ones. The dates you will have will be even more special, that's all." Then she went back to dinner. "Your father won't be pleased about the potatoes…"

"Tell him it's my fault. I'll take the blame."

"Stop talking like he's going to lock us in the dungeon if we don't do anything right. He won't hurt us. I meant that he wouldn't be happy. All he'll do is shake his head, that's all."

Then the front door opened. "I'm home!" Giovanni said. He had gotten home early tonight and looked exhausted and pleased. "What's burning?"


"I see. Oh well…" He sighed and sat down. "By the way, the meeting tonight's cancelled."

Ash cheered. He didn't want to go to the meeting today. "Why? Did they bust up a base or something?"

Giovanni then explained what had happened. They'd broken into the Celedon mansion, and they were so happy that the Timetraveler heads gave everyone the rest of the day off.

They all ate dinner, and then Ash and Misty went outside. The sun was starting to set. It was an amazing sight, and all that could be heard was the sounds of nature.

Ash started talking. "We haven't been going out so often anymore, especially with my job… I'm afraid that we're gonna drift apart… Just know that no matter what I'll--"

He would have said more if his cell phone hadn't rung at that moment. Ash sighed. He was trying to tell Misty something! But he had no choice but to pick it up.

"Ash, we need you ASAP," his boss, Ms. Lee, said.

"Ok." He then got off the phone. "Well, I'll have to talk to you later. See you." He gave Misty a hug and left.

Misty was disappointed. Ever since he had joined the Timetravelers they hadn't had much time to be together. She felt that they were growing apart… She didn't think Ash was growing up fast enough for her tastes…

-To be continued…-
The other disclaimer: This evil teenager doesn't own Pokémon. Yep, I'm evil… hehehe. Or maybe I'm just a wannabe evil person. Who knows? Oh yes, I sent you here. Believe it or not… the Timetravelers do care about his love life. It's all because of their future kids. Yep, that's it. And besides, it's odd, how much time could be altered if… never mind.
But Ash doesn't know this, so shhh!