Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Timetravelers: Who is Ash's Father? ❯ Going Home ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer for the lazy: I do not own Pokémon or anything associated with it. All I own are things that are buyable, and maybe my made up characters.

Author's notes: Ok, I'm going to abbreviate the title from now on. Hope you don't mind. I would have done it with the last one, but that would leave it with a B, and that's just wacky.

Time to explain some stuff!

1) Ash owes Misty a date?!
-It's in the last story. He asked her out and they decided that when he came back, they'd go out.

2) Who in the world are the Timetravelers anyway?
-Simple terms: psychics who travel though time and kick Team Rocket's butt.
-Of course, now psychics can travel though time! hehe.

3) And who is this Nayana and this Mk girl, and who in the world is her father?
-Nayana/Mk are the same person, if you didn't know.
-Yes, she has met Ash and co. in the last story
-Speaking of which, her father IS Ash.
-And she's a Timetraveler too.

4)What's this Guardian Angel thing?
-The Guardian Angel project is where Nayana goes and makes sure her father's ok and stuff.

And Misty now has parents, if she didn't before. Does she? You know, she doesn't seem to.

The Timetravelers: WIAF
Part One: Going Home

April 2nd, 2023
Timetraveler HQ, 5:20 p.m.

Nayana was excited. The Guardian Angel project was going to begin today! She wasn't the only one psyched. The other groups had their own projects. Lance had protection missions, but he didn't like those. Group one was busting up the mafia(s); Group two was doing Indigo Duty (keeping the peace during the Indigo Plateau competitions); and Group three was doing Celedon Mansion raids all month. Arielle was going with Group three since Nayana and Lance were doing other things.

Dad had been quiet when she left today. Nayana knew there were horrible things in his past, and she'd have to learn them all the hard way.

Charley got up from his chair and cleared his throat. "I see you all are here. April is devoted to three people and independent missions all month long. Some say that April is the hardest month, and I agree. Make sure to keep a level head and try your hardest. Get your missions from Ms. Sweenie please."

Nayana went to the secretary's desk. It had a couple of folders on it. Nayana grabbed the one that said "Guardian Angel Project: Subject 007" on it. The first part Nayana had already; Charley had given it to her in February. This part was a photocopy. The second part had the missions on it. Today's mission was to go to April 20th, 1999 and make sure Ash was ok until the 3rd of June. That was his birthday. [1]

"Ok! Get going!" Charley yelled. Everyone went to where they were supposed to be going. Nayana first went to Pallet Town, then she time traveled to 1999…

* * *

April 19, 1999
A ferry, 6 p.m.

Ash and company was on a ferry from Hoenn to the Seafoam Islands in Kanto. Misty had tracked them down again, so Ash didn't forget the date. They were going to Pallet town. Ash and Misty were excited: they could finally go on that date they arranged earlier that year. How could they forget that? That week was the strangest one that they had ever had on the road.

Ash's mom knew everyone was coming over because Ash had thought ahead and called. That, and they wanted breakfast tomorrow morning.

Anyway, the ferry was sailing through the beautiful blue ocean. Pokémon could be seen jumping out of the water and trying to outrace the big ferry, but to no avail. Ash and Misty were out on the dock chatting.

"I miss home," Ash said.

"So do I… a little. Anyway, when are we going out?" Misty asked. She wanted to get this relationship going as soon as possible. She had been waiting for years to go out with him…

"Whenever." That wasn't what Misty wanted to hear.

"Whenever?! I want to know when the date is! I'm sick and tired of hearing 'whenever'!" she yelled. "Every time I e-mailed you about it, it was always 'whenever'!" She didn't look too happy at all.

"Ok, when we have a spare night we'll go out! Geesh!" Ash replied.

"What was with Misty and having to see the day when she was going out with him on a calendar? Maybe it's a girl thing," Ash thought. Misty smiled; she liked that answer.

"So, are you still upset about what happened today?" Misty asked. What happened? I'll tell you.

[Enter flashback transition!]

They had woken up to see a very showoff father and son group on the ferry. They were a traveling group, going around and showing off their awesome Pokémon. Everyone was so impressed with them. That's when they started talking about everyone's fathers…

"My dad used to be a lowlife, but he's straightened up since I originally left home. I'm surprised he's still alive after taking care of all my brothers and sisters and that woman he's with [2]," Brock said.

"My dad's great! He's really nice and he can cook really good steaks. I love to eat them all the time when he's on the grill cooking," Misty said.

"Our dad's the best! He runs the gym at home and he's beaten a whole bunch of trainers," Max said.

"And he's really nice!" May added. But one person could not add anything, that is, if he was even in the room. Ash had left already. "Where's Ash? I want to hear about his father!"

"Me too!" Max said. "He never talks about him at all."

"And he's never at home when we visit…" Misty said. "I assume that Ash's father just isn't around when we are, but is he ever home at all?"

"Even when I was there at Mrs. Ketchum's house he wasn't around, and she never mentions him at all. I wonder if he's ever seen Ash in his life," Brock said.

"Maybe that's why he ran out on us…" Misty said. She ran out on the dock, and now they're here.

[End the flashback]

"Of course I am! Everyone's showing off how great his or her fathers are and the closest thing I have to a father is Brock. It's kinda pathetic when the closest person you've ever had to a father is a man who's been traveling with you for about four years," Ash said. He had tears in his eyes…

"I'm sorry. I never knew. I just assumed that he wasn't around when we all were. Who is he anyway?" Ash was silent.

"I don't know," he said eventually. "My mom never talks about him much. Whenever I ask, all I get is a 'you don't need to know that right now' or my mom would change the subject completely. She's mentioned that he was a trainer on several occasions, but that could be almost anybody. She's also said that he'd be proud… but that could be anyone too. And I think they contact each other because she sometimes says 'just wait until your father hears about this! [3]'"

"But I don't understand why you can't know! You're almost fourteen years old, and I bet you could take anything she has to tell you! You need to go home and ask, but don't forget to mention that you're mature enough to know!"

"Ok…" he paused for a while, thinking. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Uh, sure." Misty would honesty keep it too; she didn't want to ruin her chances of having a wonderful relationship with Ash. Telling secrets wasn't the best thing for a relationship.

"I think I saw him once…"

[Cue another flashback! This time, I'll keep it all in Ash's point of view.]

Well, I was about 9. My mom had to go to court for some strange reason. I think they said something about some 'newfound innocence' something or another [4]… The police made me stay with these people for a while. I guess they were ok, but I wanted my mother back!

Anyway, she had been in court for a while, about a month, I think. It was my bedtime one night. I had to go to my "room", but on the way, the doorbell rang. Some really evil looking guy was at the door. He had dark hair, wore a suit and didn't look too nice. I hid behind a plant; the guy scared me.

"I've come to see my son." He didn't sound too nice either.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you in unless you have permission from the court," the lady taking care of me said.

"You will let me in!"

"I'm sorry, I told you I can't!" I still looked at the man. Was it possible that man was my father? Maybe he was looking for someone else, there were other kids in the house that weren't that lady's, but I kept my hopes up. Then, he looked at me. I hid back behind the plant, scared that he might eat me or something. He smiled.

"Fine. I saw what I wanted to see anyway." He left. The lady slammed the door behind him…

I never talk to my mom about that. I think she'd blow a fuse or something, especially if she says that I'm not ready to know about him… I never saw him again. He's never been around…

[End the flashback]

"That probably wasn't him. I'm sure he would have said something to you that night," Misty commented.

"Guess you're right. But I can still wish, can't I?" Ash asked hopefully.

Then, the ferry P.A. system came on. "Dinner will be served in 10 minutes." Ash dragged Misty to the mess hall to have some dinner. He was starving, yet again, and they were serving burgers tonight. They ate dinner and then went to bed. Everyone was excited that they would go to Pallet Town tomorrow, but should they be celebrating?

-To be continued…-

The other disclaimer: I still don't own Pokémon or anything to do with it. If I did, well, I don't know what to say today. I'm stumped.

[1] I made it up. Go me! ^_^ …I'm so silly.

[2] More Internet research. It's a Pokémon Special [think it was in that other series that they had…]

[3] Ok, my sister heard that line. Did anyone else? If I did, I forgot.

[4] More on this later, I promise. It's really interesting. But if you're smart… never mind.

So do you know where I'm going with this?