Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ The Timetravelers: Who is Ash's Father? ❯ Adia's Manner Lessons ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer for the Lazy: Don't own Pokémon. Period.

READER BEWARE! There's lots of violence in here… well, if you consider whips violent. ^_^ But who wouldn't?
And maybe some child abuse. I'm not too sure.
So this chapter might not be for the protected. Hehe. Well, it all depends. I'm just warning you ahead of time, becasue if you complain later, I'll go "I warned you! I told you that there'd be some stuff in here that might not be too good..." So if you don't want to read, you can skip over. You'll be slightly confused at the next part, but I bet that not everyone wants to read this.
And please don't kill me! Please? I couldn't help it! It was such a good idea, and I just had to do it!

And remember, I like Ash… but *whiny voice* I couldn't help it!

Thank you samurai-ashes (again. I'm always thanking her)! I never knew you could get scarred from a whip. But then again, I was a protected child (sorta). How was I supposed to know?

The Timetravelers: WIAF
Part Five: Adia's Manner Lessons

A week later (April 27, 1999)
Celedon Mansion, 10 a.m.

Ash loathed his new life. He couldn't go outside the mansion at all. Adia was always on his case about his manners. What was with her and manners anyway?

Ash had none of his Pokémon to keep him company, he had to wear a suit every day, he had no way of contacting his friends, and the only people he could have a halfway decent conversation with was (believe it or not) Jessie, James, and Meowth. His mom wasn't around much for some strange reason and he hadn't seen Giovanni at all since the day he first came to the mansion. But that was good. Ash didn't want to talk to him.

After his extremely boring Team Rocket lesson today, Adia had cornered him in the hallway, holding a whip.

"It's time to teach you some manners! I'm tired of seeing your bad manners stink up this mansion!" She teleported them somewhere.

They were in a dining room with only one table. There were plates of food on that table, mainly breakfast food. Ash's stomach growled; he had slept in late and therefore couldn't have breakfast. Adia smiled.

"Eat, and do it right! Do it wrong and…" she cracked the whip in the air. Ash gulped, and he suddenly wasn't hungry anymore. He tried running away, but Adia put him in front of the food. "I said EAT! And take off that coat! NOW!" Ash did what she demanded, afraid to piss her off more than she already was. That might be double whippings.

Ash had gotten it right for about five minutes until he accidentally put his elbow on the table. It was an old habit of his. Then, he felt the whip hit his back. It was unlike any pain he had experienced before. It seemed worse that Pikachu's thundershocks… he found himself screaming a scream that he never knew he could do.

"Do it right or you'll get more!!" Adia yelled while stretching out. Ash tried his best, but he kept failing somewhere, and that meant he'd get whipped some more. He got whipped ten times before he was done, and his back burned so much that it wasn't funny. It had to be bleeding, or his name wasn't Ash Ketchum. Adia smiled.

"Ok, you can go. We've made some progress. And if you tell anyone, you're dead, you hear me? DEAD!" she yelled behind him.

"First Team Rocket lessons, now this! Will this ever end?" Ash asked. He then bumped into Jessie and James alone in a hallway. They seemed to be talking in private without their friend Meowth, and they seemed closer than they usually got...

"Hey, do you guys have any painkillers?" Ash asked hopefully because he didn't know where to get any in the mansion. Jessie glared and then she tossed him some.

"When you're done, you better give it back, you tw-- I mean, please give it back," Jessie said. She had stopped mid-sentence because James had stomped on her foot as a reminder that Ash had more authority over them now and insulting him might piss off the boss. That was the last thing they wanted to happen, especially if they wanted to pay off that humungous debt they still had.

"Thanks." He went to his room and took them after he changed clothes. He was still bleeding, but he couldn't do anything about it. The medicine was pretty good. He made a mental note to steal some more of this from Jessie. The medicine made him fall asleep…

Ash was in Pallet Town again. All of his friends were there in Professor Oak's humongous backyard. There was a big party going on.

"Pikapi! Pikachu!" Pikachu yelled. Ash met him halfway and gave him a big hug. It was great to see his Pikachu again. And then Misty ran up. They hugged too… Everyone else was there too, even Mk was there to say hello. Then, they all sat down and ate his favorite foods. Ash had never felt so happy in a long time… he was home at last…

Then he woke up. Reality sunk in: he was back in the Celedon Mansion, where he was just plain miserable. Giovanni had snuck in while he was napping.

"Hello boy."

"Hi," Ash said. Giovanni gave him a pat on the back, which wasn't what Ash needed right now. He was still sore from the whippings he had received from Adia earlier. He yelled in pain.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Ash was surprised he even cared that he was in pain.

"I'm fine, really," Ash said quickly. If Adia found out, he'd be in so much trouble. She had a temper worse that Misty's, and pissing Adia off was asking for more whippings. But Giovanni seemed to understand what had happened. That, and he looked at his back, which had stopped bleeding, but you could tell it had at one time.

"I see Adia's teaching you manners. I need to go talk to her, excuse me." He left the room. Then Adia teleported in about five seconds later. She was still holding a whip.

"I've decided to teach you more manners!" She then teleported them to the silent dance hall. Angela was waiting with a CD player. The look on her face was one of pure horror.

"You two! Dance!" Adia ordered while she turned on the CD player. Slowly the two of them started dancing, afraid of what was going to happen if they didn't. Ash couldn't dance that well, so he got whipped a whole bunch of times. It was a pain like no other; he swore he was bleeding again. It hurt so much he wanted to cry. At least he wasn't the only one getting whipped this time. Angela was screwing up too.

A whole bunch of people ran in suddenly, startling Ash. Giovanni was in the lead and doing most of the talking.

"Adia! Stop this now!" he ordered. She didn't listen.

"I don't care what you say! Ash has to pay for his extremely bad manners!" Adia yelled.

"Well, find another way! I don't want you whipping my son! Now stop this now or I will be forced to use all the people behind me. You don't want that to happen, do you?"

"I don't care as long as Ash pays!" Giovanni was still pissed. He then made everyone attack. Too bad Adia's the best in psychic combat in the mansion. She kicked all their sorry little butts, including giving Ash a taste of her powers. Then, she teleported away while laughing her head off. She didn't want to be near her uncle for a while. Ash was unconscious because the pain was too much to bear.

* * *

Later, Ash woke up in his room. His back was bandaged and it felt a little bit better.

"He'll be fine. He has to be pretty tough to withstand all of that for so long. Just make sure he doesn't get whipped anytime soon. If he does, you might have to send him to the hospital." The doctor who was taking care of him left the room. Giovanni was in the room, along with Delia.

"Are you ok?" they asked.

"Yah, just sore." Giovanni gave him his shirt and some more painkillers. "Don't take these now though; you just took some." Delia went to get some tea. It always made her feel better, and it sometimes worked on Ash.

"So, how do you like the mansion?" Giovanni asked. Ash couldn't answer. He was too afraid of what would happen to him. "Don't lie, tell me."

And he had much to tell. "I hate this place! I want to go home!" he yelled. He found himself standing up. "I hate Team Rocket and I don't want to join! The lessons are boring, Adia keeps beating me up, I have no friends at all, I miss my Pokémon, I still have something to do back in Pallet Town, the mansion is boring, I miss Pallet Town, and I can't go anywhere! And you try to be sympathetic? If you really cared, you'd let me go home!" Ash was done.

Delia then walked in with the tea. Everyone took some and started drinking it. It was a really nice mint flavor. Giovanni was giving Ash a death glare that made him cringe. Delia was confused, but then just stared off into space.

"I can't let you go," Giovanni said.

"Why not? You're the one who runs the mansion! Just say that you're letting me go somewhere, and I'll make sure not to come back!"

"Please, don't get into this," Delia said. "Let's be a happy little family for once."

Ash was pissed off now. "I had a life, and you…" he was glaring at his father. "You replaced it with this!!"

"I said I can't let you leave! You're never going to see your friends or Pokémon again! Face the facts and move on with life!" he said.

"Shut up! I'm leaving no matter what anyone says!" Ash then ran out in an attempt to run away. He ran as fast as he could down the hallways until he got to the front gate. He didn't get caught either. All he had to do was jump it and he was free! Everything would be over, and he'd go home and be happy! But there was a psychic guard there in front of the gates. When he tried to jump it, he pushed him down. That's when Giovanni caught up with him. He grabbed Ash by the throat. He was beyond pissed, and his voice had a tone beyond its usual angry tone. It seemed that he had never been this pissed in his life.

"I help you out, and THIS is how you repay me!? Well, we'll see how you like a week in the cells!" He dropped Ash and dragged him to the cells in the basement. Giovanni threw Ash in one, and then locked the door.

"I'll be back next week. You better be good and try not to run away again, or it'll be a month!" He stomped away.

Ash sat there on the cold cement floor for a while. Then he spoke to himself. "Me and my big mouth… well, this is gonna be one long week…" Ash then lied down on the cold, hard cot that was now his bed for the week…

-To be continued…-

The other disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon and have nothing witty to say today… other than someone had to do it!!
Oh wait. Do now. Would a nutcase like me who has characters getting whipped own a kids show like Pokémon?! Huh?!

You know… is locking a kid in a cell as punishment child abuse? I mean… well, I can't exactly use Harry Potter as an example because it's fictional, and you can do anything in that. I'm stumped. It seems like one of those things…

Man, Celedons are EVIL! Or I am, either or. I was the one to create them.

Oh, and if you think this story is underrated, please tell me!! I don't want to get kicked off!!