Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Warmth ❯ Bad Luk In Bad Luk Hills ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Warmth1: Bad Luk in Bad Luk Hills,
by: LilCupidjr.

Brock edged closer to the low fire as a chilly breeze struck the cold night air.know, I think we should just get back to Pallet Town and bunk up at your mother's house before these snows come. Besides, it's almost Christmas in a couple of days." Brock said.know, but I think it'll take a while to get there. I mean, I don't even know where we are-"place isn't even on the map." Brock interuppted Ash.know." Ash sighed and sat down near Brock. he said, placing a hand on Brock shoulder for some full attention, "Don't say any of this to Misty, okay?" She's just going to ask where we are as soon as she wakes up. Might as well be honest with her." Brock said.know, but... I'd like to... stall the fight for a while." Ash said, moving to another turned-over log. he answered quickly, "I just don't like fighting with her." He poked the ashes and burnt sticks with a small tree branch.mean, I know that it may seem like we just love to fight, but the truth is..." he dropped the stick into the fire, "I hate fighting with her." Ash concluded by hiding his face in his hands.I already knew that!" Brock laughed. Ash looked up.all a matter of flirting." Brock hummed and quickly added, "You know, I think I'll just hit the sack for tonight. Night Ash." and he walked away..thanks for the talk..." Ash said to no one in particular as Brock entered his own tent.the low temperature and the fact that they were stuck on some mountain called "Bad Luk Hills" in the cold as winter seemed to edge its way towards them, Ash was a bit happy, looking to the fact that his tent was ripped into shreds by a raging ursaring the night before... and Misty happily offered hers. He was a little unsure at the time, she just seemed too cheery and happy to be normal, but now, he had no problem with it. Brock, on the other hand, had a big problem with it, but pushed it aside leaning on the fact that they were either old enough to make their own decisions or too young to even know about them yet.night fire." Ash said quietly as he poured a bucket of water onto the fire. "Time for bed."looked out the corner of his tent door as he spied on Ash enter Misty's tent. It just seemed so ironic that Misty would have the only tent big enough for two people... well.' he thought, 'I can trust them! I'm sure of it, what can they possibly do out of trust?'with that, Brock lay down in his sleeping bag and fell asleep. Ash gently unzipped the door to Misty's tent, the soft sound of Pikachu's quiet snoring filtered the air around him.night, Pikachu. Good night, Togepy. Good night, Misty." he said as he laid down next to Misty's sleeping bag and closing his eyes.jerked awake and slowly walked between Ash and Misty's sleeping bags. it mumbled as it lay down.

Misty, wake up." Ash said as he shook her shoulder with one hand and clutching the sleeping bag to his chest with the other.gosh! Why is it so cold?!" Misty gasped suddenly yanking the covers up over her head.single morning you wake up for the past nine weeks it's been cold. Other than that, good morning to you, too." Ash greeted.too cold!" Misty repeated.know, so get dressed." Ash said.looked up at him. "You try to get dressed. I'm not moving."sighed. "What are you going to do? Walk around in your underwear all day?"makes you think I'm going to go walking around at all?"dunno... Guess you're just not tough enough to handle the cold weather." Ash said from under the covers of his sleeping bag.are you doing?" getting dressed." he said. Well, since you're under there, I guess I don't have to get dressed under mine." froze.I am tough enough for winter or fall or whatever cold season this is." she finished.December. Two days till Christmas..." Ash sat up out of his sleeping bag. Luckily, Misty was only slipping on the suspenders, even though her hair was still down.gasped. "Ash! I never told you to look yet!" she shouted.shrugged. "You never told me not to."it better not happen again." she growled, reaching for the hair tie.

hey guys. Have a nice night?" Brock greeted.I guess. It was just-" Misty said as she slipped out of the tent.cold." Ash finished for her, walking out behind Pikachu.is getting a lot colder..." Brock said, sitting down on a log and began to strike a match towards a pile of sticks.breakfast today?" Misty asked as she looked around.not really. We've been running really low on food and supplies. All I really have a lot of is canned fruit." Brock lit the fire.guess that's good enough." Ash said and sat down on a seperate log from Brock, who handed him a can of sliced pineapples and a plastic spork (one of those plastic utensils that's a cross between a spoon and a fork...).know..." Misty began as she sat down next to Ash. "I was wondering... Where are we, anyway?" Ash paused. Oh great... "We are... somewhere... yeah, we're somewhere." Like in somewhere in the middle of nowhere, right?" Brock said.grabbed a can of assorted fruits and sat down next to Brock.haven't seen Togepi all morning, is it still sleeping?" Brock asked. Misty answered.what's that smoke over ther coming from?" Misty asked, pointed up a short distance ahead of her.turned around to see what Misty was talking about. That looks like chimney smoke!" Brock said excitedly.means someone else is out here in the middle of these woods. Great!" Ash stood. Should we go take a look?" Misty asked.let's go." Ash nodded.

A tiny snowflake fell from the sky and landed on Togepi's shell, making it squeal insanely.wrong?" Misty asked. That was when another snowflake landed on her arm.guys, I think it's snowing." she said, looking up at the light grey sky.few more snowflakes floated down. Brock said. Ash admired the tiny snowflakes that slowly drifted down to the earth.beautiful." Misty said quietly. A few more snowflakes landed on her arm making her shiver. "But it's so cold." hugged Togepi tighter. "Here, why don't you just sit in my backpack for a while. It's probably warmer in there." she said as she slipped the shaking togepi into her backpack.was practically hugging herself now. This weather is not for girls in sleeveless shirts.Mist, are you really that cold?" Ash asked.nodded. "Well, duh." her voice quivered, making Pikachu laugh. Ash slid off his jacket, feeling the sudden jolt of frost in the air. "Here. You can use my jacket."stared at him for a while, then at Brock, who looked away suddenly and whistled. Pikachu watched in amusement. She took the jacket from his hands and slipped it on over her shoulders. Yes, it was a lot more warmer. she said, quietly.nodded and looked ahead of him towards the hacked pillar of smoke. Misty did the same, but when she looked back at Ash, strangely enough, Ash had to look away to avoid her gaze. he looking ahead of us?' Misty thought.he was... just not now.kept staring at him from the corner of her eye, hoping that he'd look at her again and she'd be able to catch him in the act. He didn't.kept staring at Misty from the corner of his eye watching her secretly spy on him. Is she waiting for me to look at her again? Is that what she's doing? Or is she just looking? Man, this is really bothering...'here." Brock announced, stepping up to the door. was a small cottage covered in millions of strands of ivy that heaped over the sides and crawled up many trees around the cottage to rain down clumsily over the doorway. A few dead red and white roses grew here and there, popping up and scattered all over the stained brick walls. A large bronz bell covered in dust and cobwebs hung over the wooden door and a large, straw woven welcome mat lay at their feet covered in dirt and pebbles.looks like no one's ever been here in ages." Misty said.anyone home?!" Brock asked as he knocked on the door.breaking barking sounded immediantly from the inside.quiet, Kiko, we have visitors." a woman from inside said.few locks clicked and the door opened an inch. Who's there?" the young lady asked.there, um, we're kind of lost here in these woods and we where wondering if you could tell us exactly which wood we're in." Ash said.woman listened to Ash, but kept her eyes on Misty.know, why don't you three come on in and I'll tell you." she said, opening the door a little wider.a full veiw of her, Brock stared at this woman. She looked awfully familiar...your name?" he asked.name? My name is Kiroma." he asked. Geez, you kids look hungry. Come on in, I'll make you guys some breakfast." Kiroma offered.thanks!" Ash lightened up a bit.walked on into the cottage. The room, considerably the living room, had a very homey touch to it. The only light in the room was from a blazing fire. A small tan couch covered in a few quilts where surrounded by a few unlit candles. On a small nightstand covered in a red hankercheif, sat a holy Bible. Next to the fireplace lay a big arcanine glaring at the newcomers in curiousity and defense.is Kiko, my pet arcanine. She's very sweet." Kiroma pointed out as she twirled a strand of red hair.and who is this?" she asked sweetly to the pikachu that crossed her path.Pikachu." Ash said. "My life-long little buddy."
Misty, and Brock all sat in the quiet kitchen while Kiroma stood cooking and Pikachu and Togepi sat on the living room floor playing with Kiko.

"Let me get you three's names so I don't have to call you 'he' or 'she' or 'you'." Kiroma flipped a few pancakes.Ash, and Brock." Misty said. I'm guessing that the tall one is Brock, right?"me." Brock said. she said cheerfully. "Here you go." dropped a few pancakes on each seperate plates and set a bottle of syrup in the center of the table. Suddenly, a large, cold breeze threw open the shutters and door. Kiko barked like mad.no... Looks like another snowstorm's gonna hit us." Kiroma said worriedly as she ran to a window.poked at her pancake with a fork a bit and watched Kiroma tape the shutters down with large, silver ductape.snowstorm? How many have hit already?" Misty asked.four this week." Kiroma answered. But it's only the beginning of Winter! Are we really that high up?" Ash asked.well, I don't think so. Actually, I beleive that there was a reason why the settlers called this place "Black Luk Hills"..." Kiroma said softly.trio looked at eachother in worry. What if she was right?know, I think you guys should stay here if a storm does hit." Kiroma offered. "I'd hate to send you guys out in some storm to get lost."lost already." Misty mumbled.strong breeze hit and the door flew open again, triggering another barking frenzy for Kiko. Tons of snow flew into the doorway as Kiroma shoved the door shut.it's already started." she said to herself.spreading a thick layer of tape around the door, Kiroma sat on the couch and sighed. She slapped her knees and Kiko laid it's head on her lap. She began to hum a slow tune to herself in a foreign language.I've heard that song before." Ash spoke up.too." Misty said.stared at the too of them. "I've never heard it before." haven't?" Ash asked.shook his head. "Nuh-uh"was with us, remember?" Misty reminded Ash.yeah! Sorry Brock." Ash apologized. "I remember that girl... what's her name? That girl on Orange Islands?"inhaled deeply. "Melody." she said through clenched teeth.that's right. That's that girl who kissed me."eyebrows flew up in sudden interest. Misty laid her forhead in the plam of her hand. then, you got all upset and she teased you about you being my girlfriend."come no one ever told me about this?! Tracey was with you two?"nodded with her eyes closed, feeling that oh so familiar feeling that she got back on Orange Islands that seemed to revive itself: Hate, Embarrassment, and Jealousy.Kiroma. You got a phone?" Brock called over to the living room.electricity. Not in the woods." she called back.do you need a phone, Brock?" Misty asked.looked up at her. "To get some real, truthful details from Tracey."got real and truthful details!" Ash said.come on. You two got 'liar' written all over your faces. Tracy practically has a halo hanging over that dumb headband of his."was when the main fireplace's fire blew out.oh." Kiroma mumbled.did the fireplace blow out?" Ash asked.air was completely and amazingly pitch black. she replied.slight crackle was heard and a tiny flame seemed to float in midair. The flame approached the trio slowly and was discovered to be a candle. Kiroma said. "Take this. Now, who's the oldest of the three here?" am." Brock raised a hand. I need you to help me look for firewood outside. We're out and there's no telling what could happen in the dark like this. The only firewood I have left will probably last only a little while, I think, and if this happens again, we should be prepared."can help." Ash said.you should stay here, Ash. What if Misty needs help with something while we're gone?" Kiroma suddenly winked at him. DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS DO THAT?!?!?" Ash stressed, throwing his hands in the air.jumped.what?" she asked.does eveyone always give me 'that look'? It's like they expect me to figure it out! Then, they go and tell me something like "You'll figure it out someday" or something. I don't get it! I've never figured "it" out and I probably never will! All it does is drive me CRAZY!"sweatdropped. Misty did also and sighed.never learn..." she said.the sad part is, is that he said it himself..." Brock said.

Kiroma fastened the tie around her coat and looked out the door in wonder. Brock finished tightening his boots and pulled the cap tightly over his head.stay inside, whatever happens!" Kiroma shouted over the wintery winds that whipped against the open door. Ash and Misty nodded in agreement.they were gone. Just like that. Disappeared. Swallowed up by the winter's snow. Ash rubbed his hands together. "What do we do now?"looked away from the door and at Ash. "I don't know."we can stand here and be bored, or we can... sit there and... be bored..." Ash said slowly. Misty whispered and pointed above them. "Maybe there's something else to do than be bored."gulped. "I think I'm gonna go sit over there and be bored." he pointed to the couch. It wasn't long until he was sitting on it.sighed in exhaust.what else is there to do?" she asked.don't know. Why're you asking me?"tiny breeze squeezed past the tape and hit the back of her neck. She shuddered and pulled Ash's jacket tighter around her shoulders. Ash's jacket... how long has she been wearing that thing?"um, here's your jacket back." she said, handing the jacket as she sat down on another chair.if you need it again? It's still cold out." he said, refusing to take it. she asked, pulling the blue material back towards her.well no one wants you ta freeze!" he said. Misty sat back in the chair and laid the jacket across her lap.
hours later...~have been sitting here in silence doing nothing for probably four hours. And even though the fire's burning, I swear that it's below zero in here! My butt's getting numb already, darn it!' Misty thought as she began to put on Ash's jacket again.are they? Shouldn't they be back already?" Ash asked as he walked over to a window.he gasped. "Aaah!"wrong?" Misty jumped, suprised at the bit of livelyness in the air. Ash swallowed the words like flypaper, "Come here."blinked a few times as she stood up and walked over to the window expecting something horrible. Something terrible.wrong? I don't see anything?" she asked, looking out the window.the problem Misty..." Ash growled. "It's impossible to see anything!"my... gosh..." she mumbled and looked towards Ash. "We're snowed in aren't we?" nodded slowly. "We're stuck here..."