Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ 50_Themes ❯ Theme #31: Desolation ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Cook me and I hope you'll drown! Whee! What many a fish might like to sing ne?
Title: Mists and Shadows
Authors: Nephitari Champion and Shadow/Phantomness
Pairing: Championshipping (Lance x Red)
Fandom: Pokémon
Theme: #31, Desolation

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Satoshi Tajiri, Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks. This is the sequel to Theme #29, “Wait a Minute”
Warnings: Fanon, het, angst, PWP
Moments before her alarm rang; Red woke suddenly, reaching for someone that wasn't there. She began to cry when she realized that no one was there.
She wished she knew who it was. She kept dreaming of someone important, but she didn't know who. His face was always shadowed.
The girl sighed and began to get ready for the new day. “I wish I could find you, whoever you are. Why do I feel like half of my self is missing?”
She put on a clean t-shirt and jeans and picked up her pack. She took a bagel from the breadbox and drank a cup of milk. Then, Red walked to work.
After arriving at her workplace and signing in, she took her seat and began to type up the business letters. Being a secretary wasn't the most glamorous job, but it paid the bills well enough.
She looked up as someone walked in. “Welcome to Vista Travel.” She put a smile on her face. “How can I help you?” She knew her smile was false.
The long-haired man looked at her curiously. “Red…”
She blinked. “Do I know you?”
He frowned. “Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else.”
"No, I am Red. But how do you know me?" He seemed familiar. Was he the one? Her heart immediately chimed in that he was not.
“I was friends with your father.” Lugia said quietly. * She doesn't remember me either? I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not. *
“Okay,” She had lost interest in him already. It was not important. “Who are you?” She wondered out loud thinking of that faceless, nameless person.
How she longed for him, he who she didn't know, but loved with everything she was and more…
Lugia excused himself, frowning slightly. So Serebii's memory manipulation had not worked perfectly. Red was too strong.
He had to tell Serebii. Lance had not been reborn, as was expected. Nonetheless, his former Mate was remembering him. This did not bode well. Would she waste her life searching for someone who did not exist?
“I just... want to find him.” Red sighed. * Please… *
She wanted him back, whoever he was.
That night, Serebii and Lugia began to reinforce the blocks they had built. But even as they worked, something was weakening them.
“She should not remember.” Lugia said softly. He scanned, irritated.
In Red's dream she was cuddling with him. The one she loved…
The Dragon scowled. In that case, he would do to Red what had been done to Lance in the last life. He would replace all her happy memories with despair and hate.
Then she would hate, and his Child would be safe.
But despite everything, Red just couldn't hate him...
Her memories were sad. She saw him screaming at her. She saw him dying. She saw him rejecting her and walking away with another.
She saw herself being happy with other faces, familiar faces.
She shook her head. No all these were false! She wouldn't believe it! She would wait for him forever...
She saw him rape her, even try to kill her, his expression twisted in anger and disgust. No!
She would never hate him! She saw that her face was always filled with bliss when he was with her. Everything else wasn't real! It couldn't be!
“This isn't working.” Serebii said, frustrated.
“Why is she so strong?” Lugia scowled. Lance broke easily enough, but Red was too damned resilient. It did not make for a good combination.
Then again, they should never have fallen in love in the first place. That was the biggest mistake that had ever been made. It would have been much better if she had another boyfriend, any other boyfriend, even if they were a normal human.
Mortals were easier to control, after all.
In her dreamscape, Red found him. “Hey…”
He did not look at her.
She stayed quiet. He never spoke, though the silence spoke volumes. It was part of his personality, and she accepted it.
* I hate you. * The thought echoed in her mind. * I hate you. *
The ruby-eyed girl didn't listen. “Love you always…” She murmured.
* Don't love me. I'm not worth it. All I have ever done is hurt you. * The stranger replied, his voice bitter.
“I promise to stay... Always…”
* You don't need me. No one needs me. *
She blinked then giggled. “Of course I need you. I'll wait for you. I'll look everywhere. I will always wait for you.”
Lance didn't speak. She would never find him.
“I know that I probably won't every find you, but I'll still look…” She smiled. “I'll never stop searching…”
* Don't waste you time. It's hopeless. *
Red just smiled and took his arm. “I don't care. For you, it's worth it.”
She loved him more then anything. It was only here, in her dreams, she felt complete.
“Love you more then anything…”
He shook her off. * Leave me alone *
“No,” It was easy to forgive him. She shook her head. “I really do love you more then anything…”
* I don't love you. *
She didn't, wouldn't listen. They were all lies!
The feelings she had when she was with him told her the truth. Why would she stay with someone who hurt her?
He loved her, even if he wouldn't admit it. No one knew her better than herself, after all, and Red knew she loved him.
As she watched, his form began to shimmer, becoming indistinct, wispy, like smoke. She began to cry.
Her dreams always ended this way. It was like everyone was telling her to give up. Despite all of this, Red never told him anything but the truth.
Whoever he was, her heart already belonged to him. She couldn't leave him behind, and she couldn't move on.
There was no one else for her!
Satisfied, the two legendary Pokemon left when they were sure she couldn't remember Lance.
A few days later, Lugia visited again.
Red was the same. “How can I help you?” She wore another fake smile that Lugia saw through. * Oh dear… *
The Psychic-Type frowned inwardly. “Red, you look unhappy.”
She sighed. “You're right. I suppose it feels like something is missing. You know what I mean, right?”
Lugia blinked. “Like a part of your heart is missing?”
Red nodded, dabbing at her eyes. Fortunately, she did not break down and cry. She could not, not at work!
* This is not good. * Lugia awkwardly gave her a hug.
The worker hastily pulled away. “Thank you.” Then, she got back to work. “It's just... I feel like I'm looking for something, maybe someone and I have no idea what they look like. But I can't stop looking, something won't let me…”
“Why do you not choose to be happy?” He asked curiously. “There are many men who would happily be the one for you.”
“I don't know.” She swallowed. “I think that we will never meet, but…” Red blushed. “Everyone tells me that I'm wasting my time, chasing a dream. But to me, it's time well spent…” She paused. “Oh, I'm sorry. Were you here for something?”
He shook his head. “I was just concerned about you.”
She flushed.
Lugia left before things got more uncomfortable. Were things truly better this way? Nonetheless, why was she looking for him?
Lance was dead and gone. Nevertheless, her heart was not letting go of him.
Why did she persist in looking for someone she had admitted she would never find? It did not make any sense.
Eventually, Red left work for lunch.
Serebii watched. Eventually, as the lifelines wore on, Red would despair, and then things would end.
“I don't care if I have to live a thousand lives.... I will never stop looking for him.” She stayed optimistic.
Serebii shook her head silently. * We'll see about that. *
“I don't care what anyone says. I won't give up! I can't give up…” She felt that if she did give up, then a part of her would die.
The grass-type watched the time stream as the lives spun on. Certainly, Red did despair, but for some perverse reason, she did not stop looking.
The legendary was getting frustrated.
She remembered the promise she'd made in that dream so long ago. She looked into people's faces, not knowing what she was looking for, but somehow knowing recognize it if she found it.
One night, several lifetimes later, Lance came to visit.
He stroked the sleeping girl's hair. As lives wore on, the pain had eventually dulled somewhat, enough that he had allowed the wheel of reincarnation to spin onwards and be reborn.
His heart was still shut, but the bindings were weakening.
“I know I'll never find you... but I won't stop looking, I promise…”
He cuddled her. * Poor little girl… *
She curled up slightly. Red had made a promise and she never broke them.
“Why don't you hate me?” He asked. “I keep hurting you.”
“Love you... Always…”
“What if I don't love you any more?”
She snuggled more deeply into his embrace. “Love you…”
Did she still? He began to unbutton her pajama top.
Lance stroked her pert breasts. She was still beautiful.
The girl purred into his touch.
He moved down her body, removing her panties. A finger pushed into her slit. Red relaxed as Lance fondled her. How he had missed his Mate.
But it had been his choice to leave, so he had to deal with the consequences.
She began to stir, sleepily. The girl sighed softly as she came. She slowly opened her eyes.
Lance wrapped himself in his cloak and watched her.
She looked into his face and saw what she had been looking for, for so long. Here was the other half of her soul. Caught in the moment, she didn't move other then to sit up.
That voice! She knew him, she knew she did... “L- Lance...-chan...”
He held out his arms.
Excited, she hugged him tightly.
He sighed. “I couldn't leave you, no matter how much I wanted to.”
She only cried in relief. He was here!
“I'm sorry, Red-chan. I can't stop loving you. I should have let you go, but I am far too selfish to do that.”
“Never leave me…” She kissed him. How she had dreamed of this moment! Finally, it had come true.
“Do you forgive me?” The Ice Guardian had to know. What if she didn't? Then, he would have to shatter her again.
“Yes,” She said confidently.
He looked into her eyes. “Why?”
“I love you.” Red smiled. “Forever and ever…”
For a long time, they just cuddled.
Red was very happy. She had found what she thought she never would. He had come back for her.
“You won't leave again, will you?”
Lance slowly kissed her. “I will try not to.”
“Dwelling on the bad things doesn't help. Please try not to?” She smiled at him. “I love you no matter what…”
He tightened his grip on her. “I couldn't help you.”
“It doesn't matter now.” She reassured him.
“You put me in a Poke Ball.”
“I couldn't let anything happen to you.” Red confessed. “I'm sorry...” She watched her Mate carefully.
Lance was shaking slightly, even now. She hugged him. What was wrong?
“I can't stop seeing those memories…”
Red's eyes widened. Was his heart still closed, even after all this time? No wonder he wasn't responding to her. In that case, she knew what to do.
She jumped him, pinning him against the bed and kissed him.
Golden eyes blinked in confusion
Red smiled and snuggled into his side. She would be as affectionate as possible. The best thing would be to make happy memories and help him unlock his heart. And she knew just how to do that…
She smiled playfully. “No fair! You're way overdressed, Lance-chan…”
The Dragon Master actually blushed as she began to undress him.
She grinned and kissed him again.
Red playfully ran her hands down his chest as she slowly unzipped his bodysuit.
Why was she being so... affectionate?
She tasted her own juices as she licked his fingertips. He still cared about her. Now she had to return the favor, and unlock his heart.
How could she have been so caught up in herself not to notice? Lance didn't angst without a reason!
The younger Guardian smiled at him. “I am not going to let you stay this way Lance-chan. Your heart has been locked away.”
“That's why I can't feel happy, no matter how I try?”
Red nodded. “I'm sorry it took so long for me to notice.” Poor Lance. Her poor Mate... She should have realized what was wrong! She cuddled some more.
Lance kissed her. “Mine?”
“Yes, yours…” She slid her tongue into his mouth as they deepened the kiss. She would unlock his heart!
A low purr sounded as Red played with his nipples.
Today was just for him. She smiled as she finally divested him of all his clothes. She stroked her hands down his body slowly.
He gave a quiet crooning sound.
She could still see the faint glow of his locked heart. She began to play with him.
A slow gasp escaped him as her fingertips touched his cock.
The girl began to play with it, her touch feather-light. Lance watched as she licked the tip. That felt good.
Grinning, she bent down and licked it from base to tip, enjoying the salty taste.
Precum was oozing out of his slit, though confusion ran through him. It felt good. Yet, why was she doing this? Did it mean anything?
She lapped it up and then took the head into her mouth.
“I feel…” Was all he managed to say, before he began to burst, a gush of fluid filling her throat.
She swallowed it all, licking her lips. “Let me take care of you…”
He nodded.
Red checked his heart meter. It was almost there!
What to do next? After a minute, she bent down again and slowly licked first one testicle, than the next.
Lance gasped as he watched her. She purred quietly as she slowly pushed her tongue into his puckered opening. Golden eyes widened.
Red pulled back slightly, with a grin. He gave an involuntary moan. Satisfied, she went back to work. Her Mate… She would take care of him, very good care.
He gave a quiet moan as he came again. Smiling, she moved to clean the mess.
The Thunder Guardian had just finished when Lance parted her legs and slid her onto his erection. Red gasped. She looked into his eyes. This time, instead of a terrifying blankness, love shone out at her.
He smiled at her as he began to move. She reciprocated, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, not wanting to let go.
Lance tightened his grip on her, pushing deeper into her body. She truly loved him, so she would let him do anything she wanted. Even as they moved together, she kept an eye on his heart gauge, hoping that he would be set free.
It opened just as he broke her, shattering the last of the darkness that Cipher had filled him with so long ago.
She gave a quiet gasp. * Yes… *
“I love you, Red-chan…” He murmured.
“I love you too Lance-chan... Always...”
Yes, it had taken her lifetimes to remember. True, he had run until the pain was manageable. But in the end, they had come back to each other.
This was why they would be together, forever.
Of course, no relationship was perfect. Moreover, it was dangerous if either of the partners strayed. The fact notwithstanding, they were still destined to be.
And eventually, they would meet again, love again, live again.
End Fic
Started 3/7/08
Completed 3/9/08
Edited 6/15/09
Further edits done on 10/9/09
For plot purposes, Red is NOT Ashton. They can split. Ash is more prone to cheating, but Red can be surprisingly blind to what's right in front of her. And er, I later revised this so I have Red, Ashura, and Slut Ash. I only like the first two characters *cough*
Lance does, however, have what may seem to be unreasonable standards of monogamy. Ah well, Red puts up with it!