Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Pokémon Stories: How It All Begin -- With A Battle & A Rayquaza. ❯ "It’s Your Life, You Chose Who You Are." ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, nor do I own some of the characters in this fanfic. But, I do own other characters that you'll find in this fanfic.


"Pokémon Stories." --
"How It All Begin:"
"With A Battle & A Rayquaza."
Chap. 03. --
"It’s Your Life, You Chose Who You Are."


The next morning was about the same as any. I went downstairs for breakfast, getting dressed along the way, then ate just the same. One thing that was different was Mewtwo, &.....another was that my dad was taking a broom upstairs. Luckly for Mewtwo, I had stopped him before he get up a single step. "Not so fast?!"

"Now, sweetie?! Stand aside so I can get rid of that monster pokémon, O.K.?!"

"No, Dad! That pokémon is my guest?!"


"Oh! Sorry?!"

"That O.K.?! But Mewtwo isn't a monster, oh well?! I should probably bring him up some breakfast?!" I said as I then wripped up some food for Mewtwo, & then went upstairs to give it to him.

"Mewtwo?! Him?!"


When I got to my room, I saw that Mewtwo was awake. "Oh! You're up?! How are you feeling!?"

"(I'm awake, but not up?! As for how I'm feeling, not any better?! What do you care!?)"

"O.K.?! Well, Mewtwo, we both know that we haven't know each other long, but what you don't know, is that we have something in common?! We both have problems involving trusting the other, you've got problems trusting humans, & I've got problems trusting pokémon!" I said as I helped him sit up.


Mewtwo looked at me & neither one of us needed to say a word. "You hungry?!"

"(O.K.?!)" he replied as he accepted the food & ate it. We sented the next couple of hours talking. I couldn't believe it! We were becoming friends! He told me everything about himself, his life with Team Rocket, his origins, his adventures with the Superclones, everything. "(.....& now, I don't know what to do with my life?!)"

"Well, I guess, until your wounds heal, you just have to stay here with me & my family?!"


"(I guess so?!)"

"There's just one problem?!"

"(What's that!?)"


"My dad & my younger, Jackie, will want to study you?!"

"(What?! I'm not some object to do with as they please?!)"

I look at him & sighed. "I know, but they're both stubborn when it come stuff like that?! But they, & I myself, we'd never force you to do something you don't want to do; & besides, you might find out something 'bout yourself?! So, what do you say?" I stuck out my hand & offered it to him.


"(What are you doing?)"

"It's just a handshake, Mewtwo?! We humans use it to help us say hello, & to help us say goodbye, & to help us agree on things?!"

"(Nothing's happening?!)"


"Well, I need your hand, I mean, paw, first for something to happen." I told him as he looked at me.

"(Like this?!)" he replied as he grabbed my hand with his paw & then watch them as I shook it.

"Yep!" I said. Then his paw slipped out of the grip of my hand, formed a fist, rested on my knuckles, & then pushed it's 'back' onto the back of my hand. It was so strange! "I'm guessing that's how your kind shakes hands?!"


"(Oh, now I see. Well then, O.K., I'll stay!)"

"That's great, Mewtwo?!"


Later that night.....

"It's late?! So, now, let's get some sleep, O.K.?!" I said as I watched Mewtwo nod his head. "Good night, Mewtwo?!"

"(Good night, Amber?!)"