Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Song of Silence ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Odd how my computer works… sometimes I don't understand it at all…
Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo and Shogakukan Comics. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me under international copyright laws and taking it is plagiarism. Thank you. *Phantomness bows*
Notes: <> for telepathy, ** for thoughts, italics if a pokemon talks
Chapter 2
Running into him while in Mount Moon was quite lucky. Red was obviously outnumbered by the squadron of Rockets, and though he was brave, he was still a new trainer. It was suicide, and they were advancing closer.
The Rhydon's horn whirred in an ominously familiar move. Horn Drill…
It was time to act.
His voice cut through the cave, sharp notes, no words, but enough to make the Rockets stop. The pokemon stalled, confused, turned and saw his trainer clutching his head in agony, as the sharp notes stabbed and tore and liquid ice burned away rational thought.
Red hurriedly clamped his hands over his ears and pointed Pikachu forwards. Nodding, the rat loosened the debris surrounding one of the large stalagmites in the ceiling, and fired off an electric charge.
The massive stone structure crashed down in between Red's pokemon and the Rockets. Red breathed a sigh of relief.
The music had stopped.
It seemed familiar. Pikachu used Flash, and suddenly, he spotted the other, perhaps ten feet down one of the tunnels. It was the same boy all right; his black cape swirling in an invisible wind behind him, golden eyes a surprised expression.
Red ran towards him.
He started to run.
“Wait!” Red called. “I'm not going to hurt you!”
Why had he used those words? He wasn't sure, but people normally weren't so skittish, were they? Still, the other was fleeing fast and Red's legs weren't as long.
Pikachu seemed to sense his feelings, and another stalagmite crashed down in front of the other trainer. His little mouse really had good control of his electricity.
Escape route cut off, golden eyes widened in almost terror as Red approached.
“I'm not going to hurt you.” Red repeated, trying to be calm. “I'm not going to. I just wanted to say thank you.”
Golden eyes flickered up to meet his crimson orbs, before a sigh was heard. The other held his hands out, waiting for further explanation.
“Your singing really is wonderful.” Red stated.
There was a pause, before the trainer reached into his jacket pocket and took out a notepad and a silver pen.
Thank you.
“You're welcome.” That was odd. “You don't talk?”
His answer was a shake of the head.
How weird. The boy would sing and not talk? “What's your name?”
Fingers moved in a hasty scribble. Lance.
“I'm glad to meet you properly this time, Lance. I'm sorry if I intruded… back in Viridian Forest.”
Lance wrote quickly and handed Red the notepad. It was all right. He had been startled, but Red seemed all right…
Why had he wanted to flee then?
Perhaps it was instinct, but with most humans, he could pull off the intimidation act so well. Not a word, standing tall, his cape fluttering in the wind, the power of the dragons at his fingertips…
Why was Red different?
Lance reached out, searching… and encountered not a wall, but a warm, red presence that seemed to pull him in. Empathy. Red was an empath!
Well, would wonders never cease! No wonder he had been able to resist the power of his songs. Fascinating.
Blue light of Viridian gathered in his body, but he ignored it. Was Red injured? He checked. Ah yes, there were scrapes on his arms and palms from climbing over the rocky encampment without gloves.
Lance smiled as he carefully placed his hands on Red's arms and willed his power to emerge.
Red felt warmth crawling up his body, replacing the slight pain of his injuries. He stared at Lance in awe. “How did you do that? Are you a psychic?”
Psychic? Not… technically.
He wrote No, and ignored the half-truth that it was. Red just smiled and gave him an impulsive hug.
Lance had not been expecting that. He tensed slightly, but Red gave him an injured look and he relented.
Just what was going on?
Why was he reacting like this?
Red just grinned at him, and they began finding an alternate Route out of Mount Moon. After wandering around lost for an hour, he got irritated and released Gyarados. The water serpent was more than happy to tunnel them out.
Pikachu looked at Lance curiously. Why won't you talk to him? I know you can…
< I cannot. > He let his telepathy ring in the electric pokemon's mind and felt a sudden flash of fear.
Pikachu gaped. You're a psychic… you lied to him…
< I am not psychic. > Lance said sharply.
Then what do you call this?
< Natural talent. > The trainer said dryly. < I have nothing against your trainer. So why are you prying, little Pika? >
I know that! Pikachu huffed.
< Good. Our conversation is over. >
“You should sing more often. I bet you could be a star.” Red said absentmindedly. They were making preparations for dinner, though calling it preparations was a bit of a stretch. All they had to do was find wood and carry water, and let the instant ramen cook.
Lance reached for his notepad. No talent.
“No talent? Lance, you're brilliant!”
A wry smile twisted his features. I mean, Red, that no one would want my talent.
“I don't really understand, but I'll take your word for it.” Red checked on the ramen, grinned when he discovered that it was cooked, and poured soup and noodles out for both of them.
They watched the sunset as they ate quietly.
End Chapter
Completed 6/4/06
Yeah… Lance decided to stay with Red for some reason. Er… well, I guess he's intrigued since Red's an empath and seems like a nice trainer and he might want to recruit him to join the Elite Four later…