Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ My broken life ❯ what to do?, takl, srriving, and sympathy ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN; Oops hehe. Sorry peeps but I think i might kill everybody. Any way on with it right.Himeno's POV Without thinking I ran towards the house that was in cinders. I bit my lip to stop myself from crying. I was able to see that there was nothing left of my once beautiful home. I rushed through what would have been the entrance hall. I saw the skeletons of my family sprawled on the ground. There were four of them and a flower pot was next to the longest skeleton. My stomach heaved at the sight. I tried to hold it in but I was unable to as I wretched on the floor. "Himeno, Himeno, HIMENO." I heard my cousin yelling my name as he saw me doubled over retching. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.' Mother, Father, Mayune, Mawata. My plants. Everything is gone. ' I couldn't help it as I cried and then it finally sunk in. I stumbled and then fell down in pain and anguish. My bag dropped to the ground. My cousin rushed over and caught me before I fell. I lay there numb in his arms. My body then began to shake, as I silently sobbed in my cousins arms. He whispered words of comfort in my ear and stroked my hair. I was unaware as he stood up. I eventually feel asleep in his arms.Sasame's POVI began to run after Himeno as she wrenched out of my grasp. I stopped as I saw her walk through the would be entrance hall. My heart went out to her as I saw her looking at the skeletons of her dead family along with a flower pot. My gaze flickered over to Himeno. My heart stopped as I saw her doubled over retching. I called to her in panic, but she did not stop."Himeno, Himeno, HIMENO!" My voice got louder by the end I noticed. I looked at her as she straightened her posture. Her small hand then rose up to wipe her mouth. She stood still for a moment and then began to back up. I took a step towards her incase she fell. She then dropped her bag and began to plummet towards the ground. I rushed and caught her as she feel. I held her to my chest. She lay limp in my arms. My heart went out to her as I began to whisper words of comfort to her. I stood up, grabbed her hand bag, and made my way back to my car. I walked silently musing over the shock of my cousin's loss. 'Himeno. I wish I could help you more. I'm sorry I couldn't console you further. You don't deserve this. No one does. Most of all you. ' I stopped I stood in front of my black Toyota four runner. I looked at my cousin in my arms. Her pink hair was sticking up in diffrent directions, her face was sad and her eyes were leaking a river of tears, she lay limp in my arms. I gently cradled her closer to me as I opened the front side door. I unwillingly placed my cousin in the front seat. I placed her hand bag on the back seat. I walked around the car, to the front seat, opened the door, and sat down. I glanced over at my cousin. She laid there like a fallen angel. My heart constricted at the sight. I sighed and then started the engine. I glanced once more at her and then pulled out of my parking space.The streets were crowded with traffic. I sighed in defeat. 'This is going to take a while.' I grabbed my cellular phone and I looked through the list until I saw the name I was looking for. I dialed the number and waited for the individual to pick up."Hello," I said once the person answered. "Sasame. What's wrong? You sound upset," he said on the other end."I'm going to be late on the way home. Would you mind finding a vacant room relatively close to my room and near yours. I need it my cousin's experienced a tragic event. Her house was burnt down. She lost everything including her family. I love her like a sister. We have plenty of rooms anyway." Once I finished speaking there was silence on the other end. "Yes, Sasame. I'll find a vacant room. You have enough of them anyway. By the time you get here it will all be prepared," he said. His voice held a steel resolve and it was cold and unemotional."Thank you, my friend," I said before I hung up.After that by the time I reached home it was 7 p.m.. The gate opened as I pulled up. 'I'm guessing he knew I was coming.' The drive up was slow and I felt anticipation to be out of the car creep up my spin. Once I eventually stopped in front of the mansion. I was greeted by my friend coming over to the car. I smiled as he looked in the car and then went to get Himeno's hand bag.I stepped out of the car, went to the other side, picked up Himeno, and walked inside. My friend behind me. I stopped and turned around. My friend looked at Himeno in a look that if anyone else were to look at him would be blank. But since I could read his emotions it was a look that I never expected my friend to have. Sympathy.An: So what do ya think? like it hate it tell me please.