Pretear Fan Fiction ❯ One and Only ❯ Chapter 17

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 18
Author's note: Hey, guys! We're on chapter 18, but before I go onto the story, let's have a chat with Mary, the American Wind Knight in the fanfiction. How's it going, Mary?
Mary: Hey! It's going great.
Me: Really? How are you and Brian doing?
Mary: *blushing a little* Well…
Me: I'll take it as that's good.
Mary: You should know. You're the author of this story after all.
Me: That's right…
Mary: *pauses a little* They're right; you do need a life.
Me: Shut up. Onto the story!
“So, you have a boyfriend, huh, Bethany?” Himeno asked. Bethany tore her eyes from the bookshelf she was browsing to look at her. She smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I do.”
“How long have you two been together?” she asked.
“Going on a year now,” Bethany announced proudly.
“Really? Wow, really good!” Himeno said, her own smile spreading. She looked at her slyly and said, “Am I going to be able to meet this guy of yours?”
“Actually, yes,” she said, turning her attention back to the bookshelf. “He's coming over for dinner tomorrow night. That way everyone will meet him.”
Himeno stopped, her smile fading as something hit her. “Wait… how are we going to explain why there are 18 people living in the same house?”
“He already knows,” she said simply. He's pretty cool with it. So if any Demon Larvae attack, it's okay. He's like Mawata, I guess: not really a part of the mission, but knows all about it.”
Himeno smiled in relief. “Good, `cause I didn't know any good lies that would explain all this.”
Sesame leaned against the doorframe to Brian's room. Hayate, who sat on his bed, looked at Brian from across the room with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Brian, what's going on?” Sesame asked, his purple eyes staring unemotionally at the older man behind his glasses. “It's been three weeks, and the most we've done so far is fight maybe four Demon Larvae. Do you know anything that might help us with the location of the Prince of Disaster?”
Brian sighed and shook his head. “I'm afraid we don't. We're guessing that he may be trying to get his bearings, adjusting to the fact that he's going to be fighting 14 people now. But I know for a fact that he's definitely powerful enough to fight us. All he needs to do is get his timing right.
“I'm also not so certain that he's fighting alone here. There's something about the kind of power these Demon Larvae are radiating that… I don't know. There's gotta be someone else behind this as well. Even though he was a powerful Pretear, there's more power here. He has to have an accomplice.”
“Accomplice?” Hayate repeated. “Who do you propose is fighting with him?”
Brian shrugged and sighed. “How am I supposed to know? I'm newer to this than the girls are.”
“That's something I'm not too clear on,” Sesame said, putting his hands in his pockets. “I thought that the girls have been through this before, being knights, and everything.”
Brian looked at Sesame and leaned back in his chair. “Actually… you've got a point. But you remember how Shin, Mannen, and Hajime are little kids because they were reborn after they died sealing the Princess of Disaster up, right? It's kind of the same scenario here. The girls died defeating their last enemy. They were reborn and recently discovered that they were knights.”
“That clears up why we're here a little,” Hayate grumbled from across the room. The other two guys shook their heads and sighed. After a moment of silence, Sesame looked at Brian.
“Hey, I got some news about a job,” he said, catching the other's attention. “According to the school radio station, they need an advice segment. The last guy graduated, so they're hiring now. I'm going to look into it. Also, the producer said that since I have a history with radio, I've got a good shot at it.”
“Good!” Brian said, clearly pleased. “I'm going to have to listen in every now and then. When I'm at work, I'll probably see if I can listen to it.”
“Speaking of which, how are things going with Kei and the job?” Sesame asked. Brian smiled.
“He's starting his job in two days,” Brian said.
“Two days?” Hayate asked. “Takes that long?”
“Yeah,” Brian answered. “He has to be processed in, get his hours set up, his pay, and the projects he's going to work on. It takes a while, but it'll be worth it.”
“Good. I'm glad we can pitch in with the bills.”
“You're being more of a help than you know.” A thankful smile spread across Brian's face.
“Tomorrow night, Goh's going to make spaghetti for dinner,” Bethany said to Andrew, who was driving them to a movie. He glanced over at her and smiled.
“Sounds great,” he said.
“Yeah, and you're finally going to be able to meet the people I've called family for about a year now.”
“Let me see if I've got the names down… Goh, Ashlee, Hayate, Mary, Himeno, Brian, Kei, Elora, Mannen, Kim, Hajime, Hannah, Shin, Shannon, and Sesame?”
“You forgot Takako and Mawata,” she pointed out. “But yeah, that's everyone.”
Andrew smiled ahead of him as he looked at the road with his hands on the wheel. “Can't wait.”