Prince Of Tennis Fan Fiction ❯ Obsessive Compulsive ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis in any way, shape, or form.
Chapter two!
This chapter is dedicated to: runningondreams and karirin for getting the time right.
Note: Yuuta makes an appearance in this chapter. Therefore, there will be two Fujis, but the Fuji brother I refer to as Fuji is Fuji Syuusuke, and Yuuta's just Yuuta.
“Well?” Fuji chuckled, not taking his eyes off of Keiko's face. “Do you like it?”
“I'm far prettier than that!” Keiko protested, pointing at Fuji. “My hair's sleeker and shinier, my stomach is much flatter, my eyes are far more lustrous and bigger, and they're a deeper shade of brown!” She used her hands to gesture to parts of her body as she spoke. “My chest is bigger, and I don't have such low cheekbones! What did you do to me? You're a horrible artist!”
Fuji flashed Keiko a brilliant smile. “Have you seen yourself in the mirror? I paint only what I see; not disfigured, warped fantasy.” He rinsed his brush and continued his painting of a lake. “But, Tezuka, it was nice seeing you again in person.”
Keiko glared at Fuji. “You know my Kunimitsu?”
Fuji chuckled and continued painting. “It's been a while though, hasn't it?” Tezuka nodded, knowing Fuji would somehow sense his nod. “I think Oishi's going to worry to death if you don't give him a call and tell him how you're doing. From Eiji's recount of the story, he thinks you've forgotten all about your days on the tennis team with us.”
“I'll talk to him soon,” Tezuka answered, shaking off Keiko's hand and turning towards the street.
Fuji's head turned towards the entrance to the art corner. “It sounds like Yuuta's coming.” And sure enough, his younger brother was tearing down the street in panic towards Fuji's display.
“Bro!” He arrived breathlessly and took a deep breath. “I was with Mizuki-san just now, and saw men in black suits asking around if they had seen you. They even had a picture!” Yuuta inhaled once more and placed a hand on his chest. “I don't think anyone told them, but it looked like they were headed here next.”
Fuji stood up in alarm, eyes wide open. “Is that so?” He dropped his brush and began screwing the lids onto his jars of paint. “Yuuta, help me pack up. Did Mizuki bring his van?”
Yuuta nodded, rushing to help his older brother. “I made him, just in case.”
Fuji dropped his canvases into a crate and swore when he fumbled with his brushes. “How did they find me? I left no trail!” Carelessly tossing the assorted brushes into a pencil box, he snapped the lid shut and placed it into the crate as well. “How did they know I'd be here?” He snarled, slamming the lid onto the container of sponges before dropping it into the crate viciously.
“Mizuki-san's waiting for us at the end of the street with his van.” Yuuta lifted the easel up and hung it over his shoulder before picking up one of the two crates.
Fuji nodded and looked at Tezuka. Hoisting the remaining crate up, he smiled. “Sorry to make our meeting so short, but these things you just can't escape from. I'll get your number from Inui later. We can talk then.” There were sudden yells from the end of the street where Yuuta was yelling for his brother to hurry. “Bye, Tezuka, Tezuka's-friend.” Running towards the van, Tezuka watched as Fuji jumped into the back of the van with his crate and waved a quick goodbye to Tezuka as the trunk door slammed shut.
Keiko blinked. “Kunimitsu... What just happened?” Tezuka shook his head as three large men in suits and sunglasses marched into the art corner.
“Keiko... Don't say anything about him. Don't tell them about him, his brother, or Mizuki. Don't even tell them that I know him,” Tezuka told her firmly as the men made their way down the street.
“Hey, have you two seen this man?” One held up a picture of Fuji and pointed at him. “He's a highly important person that we need to find.”
“No, we haven't,” Tezuka shook his head. “Try in the cuisine street.”
“We should!” The men nodded to each other and turned around. “Thanks, young man.”
Tezuka let out a breath he didn't know he had been holding when they finally turned the corner and were out of sight.
“Is that man a criminal?” Keiko adamantly asked, putting her hands on her waist. Her voice was much higher and shriller with annoyance. “If he is, I'm telling them. After all, criminals should be put in jai-”
“Keiko.” Tezuka cut her off. “Do not tell them anything, do I make myself clear?”
“But, Kunimitsu...” She whined, tugging on his sleeve. He shrugged her off, irritated with her persistence.
“I'm going home. I suggest you say nothing to them if you see them again.” Tezuka turned on his heel and walked towards the exit. `Fuji... Just what did you get yourself into?'
The phone rang, a sound that broke the silence of his nightly bath. He reached for his cell phone, kept nearby for emergencies. The caller ID was from an unfamiliar number, but Tezuka flipped it open and placed it to his ear. “Hello?”
The voice was slightly tinny from the phone, but it was still as rich and silky as ever. “Tezuka.”
“Fuji,” The two words exchanged seemed to carry on their silent conversation. For a moment, neither spoke.
Fuji was the first to break the silence. “I can tell that you're wondering what happened earlier.” He chuckled, a low and throaty sound to Tezuka's ears. “Well... I'll tell you if you answer my questions.” He waited for no answer and continued. “First, who were you with?”
“I see. Second, do you love her?”
Fuji chuckled again. Tezuka shifted and looked at the clock. His bath was nearly over. There were only five minutes and sixteen seconds left of relaxation and soaking in vanilla spice scented bath water.
“Then why are you with her?”
“Because it'd be a major change in my life.” There was that chuckle again; Tezuka was feeling slightly annoyed. “Get on with it, Fuji.”
“Fine. Fourth... Are you taking a bath?” Fuji laughed this time, when Tezuka hung up the phone and cut off his voice before it reached the last syllable of his question. “Oh Tezuka, will you ever change?” He looked down at the phone in his hands. The screen read: “Call Ended”, and Fuji laughed again.
Tezuka looked at the phone in annoyance. What kind of question was: “Are you taking a bath?”? He then groaned when he realized what Fuji had done.
Don't kill me, please?
Yeah, it's really, really short...
Anyway, next chapter is dedicated to whoever can tell me what Fuji did that made Tezuka annoyed in the very last line!
Please review!