Princess Mononoke Fan Fiction ❯ Princess Mononoke Rebirth ❯ Second Life ( Chapter 40 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Second Life
The next morning, everything changed. The sakura was in bloom, not in blood red, but fair pink. The water ran calmly through the river in crystal blue, and the jade grass flow in harmony with the breeze. Then, through the bushes a minor wolf god with a small girl sat on his back, walked pass the bushes with the reflections of the sun spread its shadows on their patchy pelt. Kaya looked healthy and well, her hair was as black as ebony and as long as tree roots. They were walking up to the houses, and saw Motoko outside in a small bushel area. Her clothes were different though, she wore a navy blue dress that drew to her knees, she wore black tights and new fur boots, and she also wore sleeves attached to her dress with diamond decorations down the side. She then looked up and saw the pair walking up to her.
“How are you?” Kaya innocently asked her.
“I'm fine thank you, and you two? How is living life like San?”
“I like it. It's cool.” Motoko smiled back at her reply.
“If you want to see the others you are more than welcome too.”
“It's only been two days and you guys are already back to normal?”
“I guess so.” Motoko chuckled and grabbed her sheathed sword. Kaya got off the wolf's back and lead him and herself back to the house. Motoko was lacking behind a little, but then she felt an arm brush pas her and embrace her waist. It then pulled her in, as she looked up she saw Sasuke looking at her with a bandage round his forehead, along his usual grey kimono on as well.
“Must you always do that?” Motoko asked with a little annoyance.
“Only because I love you.” He then lowered his head and kissed her lips softly.
“When did you become a softie?”
“Well I can be either that or be rougher with you.”
“Maybe rougher at night, but not now, Ashitaka and San are waiting.”
“You're right.” Sasuke then stood Motoko upright and held her hands behind her as they followed Kaya and San's wolf brother.
“New clothes San?” The wolf questioned her when he saw San carving a new knife, she wore yet another dark violet dress, but this time she had a shoulder strap made out of white pelt on her left shoulder, and an arm band wrapped round her right elbow, her boots were the same though, she kind of liked the style.
“Well I have to, my other dress got ruined, and I didn't want to stay in that stinky dress I wore before, anyway, I made this dress MYSELF.”
“What about the boy?”
“What about Ashitaka?”
“Is he kind to you?”
“Of course he is! He loves me! And I love him!” The wolf was sort of stunned when he heard those words.
“My sister in love with a human, well I never thought I see the day; you've become balanced now.”
“I've learnt that not all humans are evil. Ashitaka is my best example of it. But we haven't really expressed our love yet. I don't know how, humans are so confusing when it comes to love.”
“You kiss them if you love a person.” Kaya decided to intervene.
“Kiss? What's a kiss?” San asked curiously.
It's when you press your lips with another person's lips to show love, sometimes it goes even further.”
“Can you show me?” San grew excited a little. Kaya blushed when she was asked that question.
“You can't do it with me! You can only do it with the one you love the most.”
“So…I can only do it with Ashitaka then?”
“I'm sure Ashitaka would be most pleased to do it with you; he's infatuated.” San smiled at her, and then she smiled down to herself. “Come now! Otherwise we'll be late for the ceremony.”
“What ceremony?” The wolf asked.
“The celebration of the spirit's passing.”
“Oh…I remember now, well, I don't want to be an intruder to human activity, you go and get in touch with your humane side.”
“No! I want you to come as well. Humans and Beasts shouldn't be fighting; they should be living in harmony!”
“Has that boy been talking again?”
“Hmm…well…he's a smart human, I'll give him that.”
“Thank you.” The wolf then bowed his head to San as she did the same. “Come on then.” She walked over pass the houses with the Wolf, Kaya, Sasuke and Motoko leading behind.
The sun was nearly setting, and the sky was merging into a purple haze. They reached the hilltop, where they saw Ashitaka standing over a carved stone, he turned around with a smile, and a bandage across diagonally down his right cheek.
“You're here.”
San then held a torch of firelight from some timber, and then, beneath there was a nest of hay. She dropped the torch onto the hay and let it take alight. She then stood back and watched the nest burn. Ashitaka then looked sad as he watched the flames dance in the heat. Sasuke noticed him and tapped him on the shoulder.
“What you, San and everyone did two days ago was heroic. Your father would be proud of you”
“You should be proud as well Sasuke, you helped us all the way.”
“It was you who gave me second life, it's an honor.” San watched Ashitaka's eye maneuver around gently; she wanted him so badly now, she wants to know what a `kiss' feels like.
“Thank you all.” Motoko praised to the fire and then walked away.
“Goodbye.” Sasuke finally spoke and walked to Motoko.
“We'll see you again.” The wolf and Kaya uttered when they followed Sasuke and Motoko back. It was only Ashitaka and San now.
“What happens now?” Ashitaka questioned to the wind. Then the breeze blew closer to Ashitaka and whispered to him.
“What happens now harmony; keep the man and beast in balance, and no more hate will turn the world impure. Good luck, and take care Ashitaka.” Ashitaka sighed a little and then looked up.
“Thank you.” San was still hypnotized by his beautiful eyes; she just couldn't stop staring at them. Ashitaka then turned to her, but she still stared into the deep. He smiled, knowing what she thinks of him now, she grew infatuated with him.
“Are you ok?” Ashitaka asked.
“Yes I am.” Ashitaka then began to walk over to her; her heart began to pump faster, sweat dampened her skin a little, and rosy blossoms bloomed in her cheeks gently as well. Ashitaka still smiled with every step towards her, he then stopped when they were \only a couple o inches away from their lips.
“Show me a kiss.” San quite firmly commanded.
“You want me to kiss you?” Ashitaka blossomed as well.
“It's what humans do when they're in love don't they?”
“Yes.” He chuckled to himself. He then touched San's cheek and rubbed below her left eye. “You have to close your eyes.” So she did, and then, Ashitaka brought himself closer to San's lips, and touched them with his own. The kiss was intense; San felt the warmth from his mouth take over her immense internal heat, she never felt this blissful since ever. Ashitaka then caressed her waist when he brought them closer to him. San didn't mind though; she loved Ashitaka after all. When their kiss broke off, she gently whispered to him.
“I love you Ashitaka.” He smiled when she uttered, and pecked her again.
“I love you San.” Their kisses became more passionate with every breath. But then, when the purple sky turned indigo, shooting stars began to scorch the sky, with their trails of multi-colored powder paint the heavens in bliss. The two lovers looked at the beautiful scenery and stared into the fair abyss. Motoko and Sasuke came back and looked at the landscape.
“It's so beautiful.” Motoko gasped, and was then embraced by Sasuke.
“Is this a sign?” Sasuke questioned.
“Yes.” Ashitaka answered.
“What does it mean?” San ventured as she grasped hold of both of his hands.
“Rebirth.” Ashitaka replied on that as well, and brought San's body closer to his. Then, the four warrior couldn't help but watch, the wonderful mime of shooting stars scorch the sky with vivid colors, as they all knew, that this was the rebirth, of something new.