Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / I My Me!(Ai Mai Mi!) Strawberry Eggs Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Another day of Private School ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1 version 1.2 status: Unknown

Nodoka woke, sweat drops covered her face as she breathed hard. The nightmare was so real and threatening that she knew it was a warning. Her son's path wasn't right. Teaching a dojo would destroy him, but the dream was already slipping away. All she knew was one simple fact. Her son had to change his aspiration. If he wanted to help people get physical, then he had to do it at a school of some kind, like a middle school or high school.

'It's the only way my boy can be safe.'


The next day, she went over her game plan. She knew the two things that her son could not refuse. A request from her and a challenge. In her hand was part two of her plan. Martial Arts Tutoring. It was an ancient skill of Saotome women that she found locked in a giant iron safe. In side was a technique used to trick Saotome men into loving homework, studying, and schooling.

'Even if it kills me, I'll help you get the grades you need to pass high school with straight 'A's!'


Nodoka quietly entered Ranma's room and set up the incense pot. She knew she'd have to be quick since Ranma's body had already been exposed to various types before, so it was possible that he might notice it before it could start working.

'My mother told me this incense is guaranteed to increase the mental abilities of any male, no matter how dumb they are. I only hope it works on Ranma and that lazy husband of mine,' she thought as she added a double mix into the burner. 'The more it has, the faster it works... I hope.'


A week later, Ranma's mind swirled. He reached over and tried to grab the counter. Something was wrong. As he tried to figure out what, he suddenly saw it. The answer was clear. His mind. That was what was wrong. Or at least, not the same.

'If I had to guess, I'd say the individual neural transmitters have each doubled in size... What the hell?'

He still felt odd, but the fuzz quickly disappeared and was replaced with a clarity he'd never felt before. In his mind, he could see everything he'd ever learned. Worst of all, he could control which part of his past to see, so it was all coming at him in a giant jumble.

Slowly, as time went by, the images began to play themselves more individually. Within a half an hour, he'd seen his entire life, played on fast forward three times. Now, if someone had told him a month ago this would happen and then asked him what part he'd pay attention to, no one would have known what he'd have said. It wasn't the traveling, or the fighting. It wasn't even the training or the fiancées.

The part's he really focused on was the times he spent in a classroom or the times he spent studying for whatever reason. It all made sense too. He could remember math problems, science questions, and history even though he'd never really cared about it before.

His life was being changed and he felt the need to thank whatever god was watching him from above.


Genma had been waking up much easier then he'd ever been able to in the last several years. In fact, he felt it safe to say he felt better then he'd ever felt. His mind had opened up to some strange stuff lately and he wondered why it took him so long. An odd memory came to him.

When he was about three, his mother was pregnant and soon delivered a second child. Oddly enough, the child disappeared. When he asked about his brother later, his parents told him his brother died at birth, but he never believed it then. Something back then had told him it was a lie. Unfortunately, he was too young to care for long.

Genma decided it was way past time to find out the truth about his brother. He marched down to the public records and began his first research project in over thirty years.


Several months later, Ranma's teachers got together to discuss their newest rising star and someone that they normally plotted against.

"You know why we're here. Ranma Saotome, a student whom until a few months ago showed no interest in school or even any ability to do well has become the top student. At this rate, he'll graduate at the head of his class!"

"Yes, we know this, but how can this be? He was so... stupid before."

"Wait a minute. I agree he's been a troublemaker and some days, he's not all with it in class, but I don't think stupid is the right word for it. I'd say unmotivated."

"But to change like this, so quickly, is unheard of. There's only one way he could be doing it. He's cheating!"

"If that were so, I'd be ok, but I'm certain he's not. Something is different. I've seen him finish his homework seconds after getting it. Once I asked to see it and all the answers were correct. It was amazing and since no one else was even close to being done, he couldn't have copied his answers."

"It just can't be... He's actually... Smart?!"

"I'm afraid so. I've made it a habit of searching his area before he arrives and I watch him closely during class. Cheating isn't what he's doing."

The rest of the night was spent crying as the teachers slowly and one by one realized they'd attempted to sabotage the best student they've ever had just because he got into fights.


Over a year passed by. Genma's search was still on. He had to know what the truth was. The records however, were less then helpful. Genma cursed as every paper trail lead to another dead end. The worst part was, all of his senses told him that some one was keeping something from him.

There was a paper trail he hadn't followed yet since it lead to officially sealed documents and he wanted to solve this problem legally. Soon it became clear that legal wasn't going to solve his problem.

Using his forbidden technique, the Umi-sen-ken, Genma sought out the records he knew had to have his answers. If they didn't, then he would give up.

Cloaked, it didn't take long to find the filing cabinet. He pulled on it with all his might and it came open with a pop. Flipping through them, he finally found it. When he read the file, he gasped.

'I knew it, but it was him? All this time?'


A day later, Genma and Soun were sitting on the porch playing their morning game of Shogi, when Soun tried his hand at cheating.

"Tendo! You bastard! I can't stand it anymore!"

"Who are you calling a bastard, Saotome?! You cheat all the time too!"

"... Yes... I do... I do cheat... I can't believe I've been happy with myself for so long too." Off to the side, Nodoka smiled. "Soun, I'm afraid I've got to come clean. When we made that promise to join the families, two things were wrong. First thing, we were both drunk off our asses from drinking too much sake. Second, I looked up the family records and it turns out, you were adopted. Your real last name is Saotome. That means we're related and our children can not marry since their cousins."

"But Americans do it all the time!" Soun was grasping at straws since he had no proof Americans really did that, but he figured if he didn't know, neither would Genma.

"Tendo, grow up. I know our culture isn't always that accepting of Americans, but they are not all that bad." Genma stood up and cleared his voice. "This arranged marriage is officially canceled. I think it would be best if Ranma and I left first thing in the morning. However, Soun, I'd like to remain friends. Heck, I'd like to be brothers if your not still mad at me."

"Mad at you?" Soun starred at the board for a second. "Saotome... Genma, I'm not mad. Perhaps a bit disappointed, but I'm not mad. Your welcome to continue to stay here if you want."

"That's alright, I'm feeling like spending more time with my wife, oddly enough. I mean I do love her a lot, yet I've barely spent any time with her. I'll tell Ranma that the offer is available if that's ok with you."

"Certainly Genma, I mean, it wouldn't do for him to have to change schools now that he's doing so well."

The two men grasped each other and embraced in a fierce hug. Nodoka continued to smile as a tear rolled down her face.

'My husband is turning out to be a good man after all... Too bad I had to use my techniques on him before he learned how...'


Three years and several months passed. Genma and Nodoka stood in the crowd and watched their child, Ranma Saotome made the speech *. When he was done, there wasn't a dry eye or unused tissue to be found.

Just as Ranma was about to walk away from the podium, Nodoka ran up and started to snap pictures of Ranma. All he could do was stand there and blush.


"Ranma Saotome, me havin somethin very special for you." Ranma turned to see the Principal approaching him. "I still no like that pigtail of yours, but you done well in your years of school. So, in honor of your turn around, please take this as a tokin."

Ranma half expected an exploding coconut, but instead got a plaque with his name on it.


"Me wantin you to know ya make the big Kahuna very happy." He stepped back and began to clap. Soon everyone joined in.


His mother told him that if he wanted to help students then he should think about putting his talents to good use and try teaching. At first, he clung to the old idea of his father. He still loved the martial arts more then anything, but it was becoming clearer every day that a dojo was not the way to earn a living.

Before long, he was completing a physical education degree as well as an English and Science. He was qualified to teach any where in the world now. The real question was, where to teach? He thought about his own high school, but decided against it. Now matter how many years went by, the students never seemed to change even though they were completely different people.

It didn't take long before he found the school he wanted to teach at. It was a perfect school with a good reputation for molding students. And best of all , several positions had recently opened up. It wasn't a high school, but he didn't care. A middle school just meant he could have a better effect on the students.

At least, that's what his college girlfriend told him. She'd gone to the middle school called Seitow Sannomiya Private School. Everytime she mentioned it, her eyes got a sparkle in them. That was more then enough to sell him on the idea of teaching there.

He quickly found a place to live that was located very close to the school. Thankfully, his mother gave him a very large sum of money before he left, so paying the rent up front wasn't a problem. Soon though, he learn that his real problem was about to start.


He spotted security at the front gate and approached them casually.

"Halt!" The one on the left shouted.

"Hey, I come in peace officer," Ranma jokingly said. He then tried to reach out to shake their hand. " I'm here to apply for one of the teaching jobs."

"Sorry, but no men are allowed."


"That's the rule. Sorry, I didn't make it. I just enforce it."

"Then how am I supposed to get this job if you won't let me on the campus?" The guards didn't answer and just laughed. "Fine, be that way, but your not stopping me."

As he stood in front of him, he took up a stance and began to fade away from sight.

"Ah!!!! It's a ghost!" The two guards started to run and picked the wrong directions to head as they smashed into each other.

"Looks like I won't need the Umi-Sen-ken to get in... Still I should keep using so I can scout the place out without getting caught."

Ranma moved quietly in and began to search the halls. He was pleased to see it was just a typical middle school.

'I'll enjoy working, I just know it.' After a few minutes, he finally found his goal. The principals office. Gently, he knocked on the door and reappeared.

"Come in." He opened the door and for a second he thought how nice his new boss sounded. "What? Are you a parent?"

"No ma'am. I'm here to apply for a teaching position."

"Stupid male, you should have done your homework before applying here." Ranma wondered if that statement was some kind of school teacher joke. "We do not hire men at this school."

"You don't hire men?"

"That is what I said. I swear, if we didn't need men to breed, then I'd wish them all dead."

"Why would you say such a thing? I mean, men are just as capable as women."

"Here at this school, we have a motto. It's simply this. 'Ai Isshin!'. * Love is all * Men are incapable of showing love, therefore, they are not worthy to teach children."

'Not capable of showing love?' His mind reeled. This can't be true, but what about Akane. I've tried to tell her so many times, but failed each time. "No, I can't accept that. Men are able to love."

"Whatever. I've told you what I told the other man that tried. Now, leave or I'll call the guards."

"I'm leaving, but your guards..."

"What about them?"

"They're taking a little nap. Seems they ran into each other..."

"Stupid males..."


'So they think men can't show love... Well, do always feel a bit more emotional when I'm a girl, but still... I've felt love a lot of times. I know I can even show it real well. The girlfriend I had during college would agree... I hope... I have to get that job!... I wonder who that other guy was...' Ranma was so wrapped up in his thoughts, he almost ran into someone. "Sorry about that."

"That's alright." The woman replied. Ranma noticed she was wearing a short green skirt and a yellow jacket. The strangest part of her wardrobe was the heart choker she wore. It seemed a bit too tight on her neck. "I'm sure I was probably not being as careful I could be. Hey, did you just come from the middle school?"

"Yeah, I was tryin to get a job there, but the stupid hag they got in charge there won't hire men." For a second, Ranma was certain, he saw the woman's eyes grow sad at the statement. "Don't worry about me though. I've got a plan to make her change her mind. I'll get hired no matter what I have to do..."

"That's the spirit..." She grimaced. 'Not another one. Go away buddy or you'll blow my cover.'

"Hey, I'm Ranma Saotome." He bowed slightly and extended his hand.

"Oh, I'm Amawa Hibiki."

'Hibiki... Oh crap... As long as she's not shouting die Ranma, I'll be ok...' Ranma thought. "Hey, you wouldn't happen to be related to a Ryoga Hibiki would you?"

"Yes, I am. He's my brother. I don't get to see him much since he's got the family curse..."

"That no sense of direction thing? Yeah, the pork butts always gettin lost."

"Pork butt? Why'd you call him that?"

"Huh... Oh... no reason. I'm sorry. It's just he always pickin fights with me."

"Ah... Well, I'll be off now. I have to get to my interview. It's been nice talking with you." Amawa quickly headed towards the middle school and Ranma turned and went into the apartment.

"Strange, I never knew Ryoga had a sister. She's a bit odd though. Something just ain't right..."

"Ranma, how'd it go?" A short older woman asked as Ranma came in.

"Ba-chan? No good. You were right. They won't take men. But I'm just getting started! I'll get hired there within the week! No, make that the end of tomorrow!"

"You've got spunk kid. Need any help?"

"Nah, I've got my secret weapon still." Ranma said with a grin. 'I wouldn't do this if there was another way...'

"If it fails, my offer still stands. Your the first person here to pay several years in advance. That and I just love helping anyone that wants to piss of that old hag at the middle school!"

In case you've lost track of where everyone is currently at, check this list out.

Shampoo -
Ryoga -
Dr. Tofu -
Ranma -
Akane -
Cologne -
Soun Tendo -
Nodoka Saotome -
Herb -
Mint -
Lime -
Ukyo - Unknown

(* I'm not sure if they do the valedictorian speech in Japan high schools, so I'm basing it off American High schools instead. If anyone out there knows if it is different, please let me know and I'll change it at once. Thanks again for reading.)
