Project A-Ko Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Vampire Hunter (Darkstalkers) Fan Fiction ❯ Nabiki 1/2 (A Very Scary Thought) ❯ Road Warriors... ( Chapter 47 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Nabiki 1/2

(A Very Scary Thought)

Written by Jim Robert Bader

Proofread by Shiva Barnwell

Based Upon the Altered Destinies Storyline

Inspired by the works of such fans as

Wade Tritshler

Richard Lawson

James Jones

And Many Others

Standard Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi Rumiko and is not my original creation. All characters belong to her. This is only a fanfictional work, and is not intended to compromise the rights of the original owners, distributors and publishers of the Ranma series. I have no money to spare and would very much appreciate if no one tries to sue me.

"Per-chan," Ukyo said softly to her companion, "Would you mind answering a very personal question?"

Perfume turned to look at Ukyo with a questioning expression, but she merely smiled and said, "May ask me anything you like, Airen. Perfume no mind sharing what personal with Ucchan."

Ukyo leaned forward to rest her head upon her knees as she studied the young woman beside her with frank regard then said, "Do you mind telling me anything about your own family? I mean the one that you were born into, not adopted. You say they disowned you because of your special…problem?"

Perfume looked down at the grass that they were sitting upon under the shade of a tree, her expression very sad as she replied, "Mother no want to…disown Perfume…but she forced to do by Elder of her family. Perfume weak as girl, very clumsy, no be great warrior, only great embarrassment. It long time now, no see mother except now and then at festivals. Perfume have younger sister now…no see but one time. Perfume…very sad when think about."

"What's your sister's name?" Ukyo asked, feeling very sorry that she had brought the whole thing up as the pain in her companion's voice made it clear how sensitive was this subject.

"Mu-Ske," Perfume replied, "She eight…maybe go on nine years, show great promise as warrior, no be embarrassment to family. Perfume hope she be happy, make mother happy."

"I'm surprised," Ukyo remarked, "I thought China had a one-child per couple policy."

Perfume sniffed at that, "That law what Communists try impose, but Amazons control information we give to government, no have to be too accurate. We small village, need to maintain numbers. No every family have strong girl child, and it hard when young men leave for larger cities. Joketsuzoku no grow in size for last few generations, is big worry for Elders."

"I'm surprised the Communists haven't come down on you for that," Ukyo remarked, then saw Perfume smile knowingly as though sharing a private secret.

"Government fear Amazons with good reason," she said, "Long as we keep low profile they no mind much, look other way on small details. Think we only exceptions to rule? Why you think population of China continue to grow if everybody only have one child per couple? Shampoo have two younger sisters back in village only two years younger…you no know this?"

"No," Ukyo's eyebrows rose to form a sharp angle, "I had no idea, she never told us."

"Ranran and Linlin twins," Perfume remarked, "Big surprise to parents, no want be obvious about good marriage. Shampoo mother great warrior, have much respect. Father also good fighter, but him more like Kasumi, take good care of house."

"So the men do the housework where you come from?" Ukyo chuckled at the mental image of Ranma doing housework wearing an apron like Kasumi.

"Parents share responsibilities," Perfume replied, "Have more time that way to train as fighters. Shampoo parents fight all time, make up even better. Many Amazons admire good marriage. Shampoo want marriage like that for self…and so does Perfume."

The last part she said very softly in a wistful tone of voice as she glanced sidelong at Ukyo, who just stared back with a troubled expression.

"Per-chan," Ukyo said carefully, "You seem pretty confident that I'm the one for you, but you know that there are some things I can't do for you in a marriage."

"Perfume no mind," Perfume smiled, "Ukyo-chan good warrior, kind heart, stand up for Perfume, I no have complaint."

"But still," Ukyo replied, "I can't give you children. I mean…don't you want to have children some day?"

Perfume stiffened, and then she looked away, her expression tight with emotion. She did not reply at first, which prompted Ukyo to ask, "Maybe Ranma…"

"No," the word was spoken at the level of a whisper yet held a note of infinite regret as the young Amazon murmured, "No even with Ranma."

"I thought you liked Ranchan," Ukyo said with a note of concern, "Is he…?"

"No," Perfume said more audibly, "It no him. Perfume like Ranma very much…he good match for Ukyo-Airen, great fighter, make good Concubine, give Ucchan strong children."

"But not you?" Ukyo asked in confusion, "Is it because he's a guy?"

"No," Perfume sniffed in a tone more of amusement than offense, "Perfume like boy Ranma very much because he is good man. Perfume think him very handsome, almost as handsome as Shampoo Airen, and maybe he make good pleasure in bed, ne?"

Ukyo lifted an eyebrow for very different reasons than before, "You mean you wouldn't mind having a crack at him yourself?"

Perfume favored her with a sidelong expression that was pure mischief, "Perfume no mind if Airen no mind. I never cheat on you, no even with him or Nabiki-kun, unless you say it all right. Is part of deal Shampoo Airen make with Great Grandmother, all share in family group. Perfume never mind showing what she know to Ranma if Ukyo-chan say it all right with Airen."

"Well then," Ukyo smiled, "Maybe this could work out, if Ranma comes to like you."

"Perfume like him very well," Perfume replied, "But not want him more than Airen. Airen should be first with Ranma, Perfume understand that. I no make fuss you get first crack."

"I only wish it was that simple," Ukyo chuckled with a rueful expression, "Getting to first base with Ranchan isn't as easy as it might be with other boys. He's too damned noble and honorable to think of fooling around before marriage, and since I've made that stupid agreement with Nabiki it looks like neither one of us is going to get anywhere until we can reconcile our mutual engagements."

"One marry legal so fulfill obligations," Perfume said simply, "Other be Mistress, still have Ranma for husband, and when he husband to Airen he become husband to Perfume and Shampoo-cousin. He give Airen strong babies to make Great Grandmother much happy."

"But he could just as easily make you a proud mother, Sugar," Ukyo pointed out, then saw the sad expression return to her companion's face as Perfume looked away with denial clear in her expression. Feeling slightly confused and frustrated, Ukyo asked, "Why not?"

"Perfume…no have children…ever," Perfume all but whispered.

"What?" Ukyo was confused, then suddenly she thought she understood, "You mean…? Oh, Per-chan…"

"It…not like that," Perfume replied, her voice shuddering before she took a breath and continued, "Airen know why Perfume thought weak by other Amazons?"

Ukyo nodded, "Because you can't stand pain. Something you were born with, so?"

"Perfume…" she took another breath then said, "I no can stand pain…little hurts make Perfume feel like nerves on fire. Scratch like jagged tear, bruise feel like burning. Great Grandmother teach me to control some pain, to ignore some hurt, but no can tune out all the way. Too much pain make Perfume feel like she dying…maybe too much and I would die. What is most painful thing any woman do, Ukyo-chan?"

It took a moment before Ukyo realized what the Amazon was getting at, and then she gasped, "Have a baby?"

Perfume winced as she nodded, her lips perched as her eyes grew moist, "Perfume follow Great Grandmother many years, see Elder deliver babies. Amazon women feel great pain to make new life… even best warriors scream and cry out. Perfume think they being tortured by Gods to make babies, but always Mother is so relieved when it all over. They have small baby who depend on them, worth everything they suffer, so Amazon mothers say when asked about later. They forget great pain, think only of reward. Perfume think it blessing of Gods they no think of baby and torment they suffer."

"But you're afraid it would be different for you, huh?" Ukyo said softly.

"Yes," Perfume whispered, "Perfume know it different. Pain no small thing, most probably kill me. Great Grandmother think so too, so she tell Perfume no worry about making babies. Responsibility for children fall on Shampoo-cousin. Is one way it good thing Perfume no like other warriors in obligation to family, one benefit of being Tribal Enforcer."

"Kami," Ukyo breathed, "I had no idea…"

"I know this," Perfume smiled in spite of the pain in her expression, "Ukyo-Airen no need worry Perfume be less than perfect wife. Perfume do everything for her Airen…but that one thing I no can do. Airen no need worry that Perfume miss only thing man can do, not woman. Perfume no need a man to be happy, and I happy with Airen."

Ukyo felt incredibly humbled by that admission and whispered, "I don't see why. I mean…why me? How can you be so sure I'm right for you?"

Perfume's smile was as beautiful as everything else about her as she looked Ukyo in the eyes and said, "Wo ai ni, Airen. You is right for me. You very strong, very kind woman, no hate Perfume for being weak girl, no even for being cursed. Perfume feel very happy when I around you, feel like someone care, someone there who think about Perfume in a good way. Perfume watch Airen, even when Airen not know this. See much about Airen that make Perfume very happy."

"But you've only known me for about a month," Ukyo pointed out, "I've got my share of faults too, you know, and there's got to be some things about me you wouldn't like if you knew them."

Perfume shook her head and said, "What I know I love…what I no know I will learn to love. That is Amazon way, and way is good. Perfume loves her Airen, even parts that no be perfect."

Ukyo just leaned back against the trunk of the tree they were under and said, "What am I going to do with you?" with a grin that showed only a fraction how touched she was by the loyalty of that statement.

"Well," Perfume smiled, taking Ukyo's rhetorical question at face value, "If Airen want know…"

She leaned closer and whispered in the Okonomiaki chef's ear, which caused Ukyo's eyes to go wide as her face turned crimson with embarrassment at the implications. She could not help smiling in spite of being flustered.

"Ah…maybe later," she quickly averred, her mind racing as it involuntarily tried to construct a mental image of what her companion was suggesting.

"Hey guys," called Ranma as he hurried up to join them, "You all done with class today, Ucchan?"

"Just waiting for you, Ranchan," Ukyo replied, trying furiously to keep from showing how red her face was as she also tried to fill her mind with images that would help keep her blood from racing.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to," Ranma smiled, "I know you need to get back to your restaurant, and I'm sure Perfume-chan wouldn't mind keeping you company on the way."

"Oh Ranma," Ukyo sighed, "You know it's never any bother waiting around for you, my iinazuke, and Perfume doesn't mind either, right per-chan?"

"Hmm?" Perfume put on a bland expression of innocence, but it was clear that being alone with Ukyo on a walk back towards the restaurant they both shared as their residence was as near to her ideal for a wonderful afternoon as could be realized out in public. Just the same she smiled and said, "Perfume no mind wait for Ranma if it make Airen happy."

"Well," Ranma smiled lopsidedly, understanding the situation perfectly and feeling just a bit like an intruder in this setting, "If you wouldn't mind whipping up one of your special okonomiyaki…"

"Of course I wouldn't mind, Ranchan," Ukyo said brightly, offering a hand to Perfume as she started to get up, "Tell you what, I'll treat you both to a double portion of my Kuonji specials, just so neither one of you feels like you're being short changed. I'll even see if Cologne wouldn't mind fetching you each a bowl of ramen with miso stew."

"Sound very good," Perfume brightened, "Need lots of energy if I wait tables for busy crowd of students. Perfume no like it when boys try be fresh with me. Think Amazon like be touched by customers like she on menu?"

"Don't worry about it, Sugar," Ukyo promised as she slung her bakers peel across her back, "They get out of line you have my permission to swat them, and if you don't do it, I'll flatten them for trying."

"Hey!" another voice cried out, "Ranma! Ukyo! Wait up!"

"Akane?" Ranma turned around to see the group approaching them, which included Kodachi, Keiko and Ryoga, at which Ranma said, "Hey, Ryoga-kun! When did you get back from your trip?"

"Laugh all you want, Ranma," Ryoga glowered, "It's not like I wanted to be missing for the past week, I just got kind of side tracked…"

"You mean lost as usual, Ryo-chan?" Ukyo smiled at her old friend from middle school, "Where have you been to this time?"

"Where haven't I been?" Ryoga rolled his eyes, "Last place I remember was on a boat heading out to someplace called McMurdo, and don't ask me why I felt like going to sea because it wasn't my idea in the first place."

"Somebody tried to Shanghai you?" Keiko sniffed as she glanced at the lost boy's back pack, "And where did you get all these stickers? Where the heck is Alberta?"

"Honestly, Ryoga-kun," Kodachi chided, "I don't see how you expect us to believe you could ever wind up in Antarctica by mistake. This is almost as bad as that story you told the last time about meeting that doctor friend of yours who you claim flies around in a phone booth."

"You think I'd make something like that up?" Ryoga said disbelievingly, "You didn't have to fight with Cybermen and Daleks! At least I got some special training in Venusian Martial Arts from the doctor himself…"

"Man, what are we going to do with you?" Ranma shook his head in dismay, "I'm starting to think Nab-chan had the right idea about putting a tracker on that bandana of yours. I don't mind having you around for a sparring partner, but you don't show up often enough to get in enough regular practice."

"That's enough, Ranma," Akane growled, taking Ryoga's hand (much to the astonishment of the lost boy, who got a very dreamy expression), "He's been through a lot and he doesn't need you to be picking on him like you usually do! Honestly, you can be such an insensitive jerk sometimes…"

"How true," Kodachi said with a light flutter in her voice that denoted her amusement, "It's true the boy has his faults, but at least Ryoga is of solid character and can be relied upon, unlike some boys his age who will go nameless."

"Where are you guys headed at the moment?" Keiko asked, deliberately turning the subject away from Ranma.

"My restaurant, of course," Ukyo smiled, "You're welcome to come along, and I'll even sell you my famous Okonomiaki at a substantial discount."

"Hey, you never charge Ranma!" Akane protested.

"He's my iinazuke," Ukyo said proudly, "You think I should charge my own Ranma-honey for spending time with me? With the rest of you it's different...I have to make enough of a profit to stay in business."

"Fair enough," Kodachi replied, "But it will be my treat, and I won't quibble about the price. You all may eat to your hearts content as a sign of my generosity, especially you, Ryoga, in token respect of your returning to Akane."

"Ah…" Ryoga and Akane exchanged looks, then each blushed furiously and looked away as if trying not to notice the other.

"Man, you two are something else," Ranma said as he turned away, "Let's get a move on so we don't make Ucchan late and cost her business."

"You bet, Ranchan," Ukyo beamed as she took him by one arm while letting Perfume glom hold of the other.

"What a cute threesome," Keiko mused, giving Kodachi a meaningful look, "After lunch think we might stop by your place go for a swim in your family's pool, 'Dachi-chan?"

"Perhaps," Kodachi eyed her back with a gleam of amusement, "I assume you did not forget your swimsuit like last time?"

"Who says I forgot it?" Keiko grinned, giving the other woman a meaningful expression.

The others politely ignored these two, though Ranma did fetch a passing glance at the redheaded Arigami Keiko as she fawned over the self-proclaimed Black Rose of Saint Hebereke. It was by now an open secret that these two did more than just gossip whenever they were alone, it was even something of a private scandal, not that he minded very much (he told himself fervently) though a good number of male students thought it a terrible waste for two such lovely young girls to be turning their attentions exclusively towards each other.

"Ah, there you all are!" cried another voice as everyone turned to see Kodachi's brother, Kuno Tatawaki, approaching from the main building in his usual Kendo attire, "Imagine finding you together, and on such a fine day as this, to which the heavens themselves must surely have bestowed…"

"Please brother," Kodachi winced, "You'll spoil my appetite, and I was so looking forward to trying out a new recipe at Kuonji's place, if you might care to trust me anywhere near your kitchen."

"I suppose I can let it slide just once," Ukyo eyed the other woman suspiciously, "Provided you can get Cologne's permission also. She hasn't forgiven you for the last time you tried putting something in our food…especially Ryoga's."

She added the last part in soft undertone, which earned a puzzled look on Ryoga's face and a cross look from Akane.

"Oh really," Kodachi said with an airy pretensiveness, "You exaggerate so, Kuonji-san. A little powdered extract is good for the digestive tract. You surely cannot believe that I would use anything that was not entirely wholesome for the dear friend of my darling Akane-chan?"

"No," Perfume answered, "But sneaky rose girl might try use special aphrodisiac to give pig-headed boy some ideas, and maybe a little backbone."

"Aphrodisiac?" Ranma repeated.

"Who are you calling pig-headed?" Ryoga asked reflexively, then added the curious word, "Backbone?"

Akane blushed furiously and tried not to look in his direction. Ranma caught the look and was about to tease her for her obvious infatuation for the lost boy when Ukyo stopped him with a casual, "I guess you didn't really mean any harm by it, so I'm prepared to let it slide. Next time ask Cologne for advice, she's the expert in such matters."

"Hmph," Kodachi seemed slightly miffed at the suggestion that she might not know what she was about in the area of chemistry, her specialty in terms of non-Martial arts. Nonetheless she got a speculative gleam in her eye as she said, "The old woman is the keeper of Amazon herbal lore, is she not? Yes, perhaps I could learn a thing or two from her tutelage. I have certainly surpassed the knowledge of my so-called teachers at Saint Hebereke."

"Love isn't found in a powder, 'Dachi-chan," Keiko gently reminded.

"Maybe so," Kodachi eyed her in a conspiratorial manner, "But it can be given a good stiff prodding in the right direction…"

"Notable sentiments, I am sure," a new voice said, "But hardly original, Miss Kuno."

"Nani?" Ukyo whirled around to see the two new arrivals, then her eyes narrowed, "What is HE doing here?"

"I have just as much right to be here as you, Kuonji Ukyo," Mousse glowered, "You've got a problem with that? Take it up with the old woman--OW!"

"Mind your manners, Sonny boy," Cologne sniffed as she once more came to rest upon her staff, ignoring Mousse as he nursed another goose egg on top of his noggin. "We came because I sensed that there would be trouble brewing for you, Daughter-in-law. I thought that the blind fool here might make himself useful for once. A dark omen beckons…"

"Dark omen?" Ranma frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"Hear her out, Ranma-kun," Keiko hastily said, "Elder Cologne would hardly be here if she wasn't entirely serious, and we should all know by now to trust her judgement."

"That's easy for you to say," Akane growled, "I still haven't forgotten how she tried to manipulate my sister into coming back with her to China."

"This is hardly the time or place to rehash a history lesson, sister to my daughter-in-law," Cologne replied, "My warning to you should be heeded at once. I have sensed…hold!" She cocked her tiny head to one side and looked puzzled, then said, "Do you hear a sound approaching?"

"Huh?" Mousse looked up, as did the others before he pronounced, "I hear it too…what…?"

"Sounds like motor engines," Ranma frowned, turning to look towards the parking lot area, "Lots of motor engines…"

"What the hell?" Ukyo followed his gaze then shielded her eyes from solar glare as she said, "I think I see something…"

"Nani?" Akane gasped as the first signs of movement made themselves known, and mere instants later pandemonium broke out on the high school campus.

At first it appeared to be no more than a pair of punkers on specially made motor cycles, followed by a converted dune buggy, but then others like it followed in a caravan that seemed to go on and on for what seemed like two complete blocks worth of cars, motorcycles, vans, jeeps and off-road three-wheeled vehicles, all manned by hard-looking street toughs sporting a few metric tons of chains and leather. They fanned out as they reached the parking lot and began screaming and whooping out fierce cries while gunning their engines and terrorizing passing students.

At a passing guess one might have determined as many as twenty cars and jeeps were accompanied by twice that many two wheeled vehicles, each sporting a wicked array of spikes and weapons while some of the toughs brandished automatic weapons, which same they began to fire into the air, adding further terror and confusion to the already panicked Furinkan student body. It was like an army of street toughs had converged on the hapless high school, moving out to block every avenue of exit while others herded the students in back towards the main building. The bandits looked mean and tough, obviously out to make an impression on anyone who might foolishly try to stand against them, and yet there was a kind of rude military order to their overall deployment.

"This must be the danger that I sensed," Cologne remarked all-too-casually, "Everyone be ready. These hoodlums are here to cause serious trouble."

"Is that a fact?" Ryoga asked as he cracked his knuckles, "Well they'll find trouble if they try to start something…"

"Cool it, numbskull," Ranma hissed, "There's hundreds of innocent people around here. How many of these goons do you make, Kuno-Sempei?"

"I count at least eighty-three of the roughians, Saotome-kun," Kuno murmured in a level tone, "Only a few have automatic rifles in their hands, but we cannot assume that the others do not carry their own brand of dangerous hardware."

"Sounds about right," Ranma nodded, "Everybody stay cool but be ready."

"I take it this sort of thing doesn't usually happen at Furinkan?" Kodachi asked softly.

"Not hardly, 'Dachi-chan," Akane just as softly replied.

"I wonder what they want?" Ukyo asked, seeing that many of the students were now huddled around them while the gang members who had automatic weapons in hand were keeping the majority covered.

"Perfume think it no be good," Perfume replied as she stood with her hands held out slightly down and to her side, "Airen be ready?"

"I think we'd better let them make the first move, guys," Keiko urged with a note of caution, "We do something stupid here and a lot of innocent people might be hurt."

"Wise council," Cologne remarked, "But I think this matter cannot end in any other way than by violence."

"I'm ready," Mousse flexed his arms, "If these guys start something they're going to be sorry."

"Hey, look over there," Akane pointed, and sure enough the rest of them saw what she was indicating. A large convertible car--obviously of foreign manufacture--was now approaching an empty stretch of ground in the middle of the yard at a leisurely pace, a car that had been redone up into some kind of monstrosity straight out of a post-Apocalyptic movie.

It was driven by one of the Mohawk-sporting leather-clad toughs, and there were three others in the car behind him, but what drew the most attention was the huge figure of a man standing up on the passenger side calmly surveying the Furinkan student body, a man who wore both a cape and a mask that totally obscured his shape from view save that it suggested great size and breadth of shoulder. Some of the toughs formed up like rows of Samurai to greet the arrival of a general or daimyo, and some raised colorful banners and flags in the air as though they were indeed imitating the forms of feudal Japan in a rude, crude fashion.

The man clearly was their designated leader, and he radiated an aura of considerable menace. Ranma felt the hackles along his neck and spine stiffen, while Ukyo and the other premier Martial Artists present had their own ways of sensing the raw power that surrounded this masked stranger as he drew nearer. The car came to a halt a short distance of some twenty meters away but the man's face turned unerringly towards them as though picking their group out from the crowd. No word was spoken in the next few moments, but the man's very regard itself seemed an open challenge that taunted them before the first disdainful words had been uttered.

At last the man broke the silence with a gesture by one arm that looked as thick and gnarled as an ancient oak. He extended a gloved hand towards one of his companions and accepted a portable microphone, then brought it up to his face and began to speak in a voice that hissed softly like a serpent and was magnified to far more sinister levels.

"I have come for the one known as Tendo Nabiki," he announced as if pronouncing a doom upon the name of the absent woman, "Failing that, I would request the presence of her cousin, Kaneda. Does anyone here know where these two might be located at the moment?"

Everyone exchanged puzzled looks but no one ventured forward. The man nodded to his minions and two of those holding automatic weapons fired in front of the huddled crowd, striking the dirt and kicking up grass divots. Many students started to cry out and panic, though as yet no one had taken injury, but the act shook the Furinkan alumni up and made them even more afraid of these men than they had been at the onset.

"I will repeat the question again," the masked man said with a dangerous air of impatience, "Tell me where the Tendo woman and her cousin may be found and I will not be forced to take ruder actions."

"Who the hell wants to know?" Ranma suddenly cried out as he took a step forward, ignoring the way guns were suddenly leveled in his direction.

"Ranma!" Akane gasped.

"Ranchan!" Ukyo's voice was even more frightened.

"Beware Saotome," Kuno hissed in a wary tone as he, too, looked ready to take action.

The masked man studied Ranma's defiant stance as though contemplating an insect, then spoke into his mike and replied, "My name is of no importance, but you may call me the Road Ronin, Master of the Road Warriors and current reigning Shogun of the Dark. Who are you who dares to address me in such a disrespectful manner?"

"The name's Saotome Ranma," Ranma said as he cracked his knuckles, "Nabiki's my iinazuke, so tell me what you want with her and maybe I'll take a memo."

"Insolent whelp," the huge man said disparagingly, "You need a lesson to respect your betters. Begin the instruction."

The two gunmen covering Ranma pointed their weapons at Ranma's knees and took careful aim before they fired. At nearly point-blank range they should have had an easy target, but Ranma was suddenly not where they aimed while both of the men were on the ground, sprawled and unconscious.

"You call that a lesson?" Ranma said, "I'm not impressed, baka."

"I see," the giant man seemed to regard Ranma with a fraction more respect, then he said, "Perhaps you'd rather I make an example of some of your friends instead. Begin the second lesson."

"What?" Ranma turned to see the gunmen were now training their weapons on the rest of the Furinkan students.

"We need a distraction," Cologne hissed to her side, "Now Mousse!"

The long haired Chinese boy gestured with both hands and suddenly chains sprang from his billowing sleeves to wrap themselves around two of the gun men as a quick twist yanked them both off balance. Kuno was next to react as he vaulted over the heads of several students and launched an immediate attack with his bokken, which he once more drew from somewhere behind his collar. Not to be outdone, Ukyo jumped into the fray with her baker's peel flying like an oversized spatula, lashing out at the nearest targets while Perfume moved to cover her flanks and was suddenly sporting her trademark double axes. Within moments all hell broke loose as students ran for cover, clearing the battlefield for the combatants as they rushed the mounted bikers in an all-out melee as spontaneous as it was savage…

Meanwhile, not very far away indeed, Tendo Nabiki was running flat out along the roofs of house after house as she effortlessly vaulted great distances in her haste to reach Furinkan. It was not very long indeed before she heard the first ominous sounds of gunfire, which spurred her to greater action.

"Kuso!" she breathed as she redoubled her already considerable effort, throwing more of her ki force into her leaps in an effort to arrive before the battle was too much underway. Saki's warning had been a bit too tardy for her liking and she promised herself that she would have words on that subject later. At the moment her thoughts were on Akane and Ranma, who were the most logical targets of any retaliatory strike. She silently cursed herself for never having taken into proper account that gang activity might lead to such reprisals, but now all she wished for was to find her loved ones safe. The continuing sounds of guns and engine fire made her imagine the worst as her heart leaped into her mouth, her mind filling with tragic images she had never wished to have touch those who meant so much in her life. If anything should happen she would never forgive herself for bringing on such dire retaliation…

She came within sight of the walls of Furinkan and now more plainly heard the sounds of battle under full sway. There was less gunfire than before, but the motor engines were far too loud and savage for her liking, and the cries she heard sounded like screams of pain, rage and mortal terror. Had she come too late to save the ones she truly cared for? How many innocent people were going to get caught up in the crossfire?

She vaulted over the walls with a single leap and came upon a scene of carnage and destruction right out of her worst nightmare. Bodies were strewn everywhere and the battle was raging on closer to the main school building. She could see wild-maned desperados chasing students on their bikes, cars and buggies with every manner of weapon on display, from pikes and swords to flailing chains and wicked sidearms.

And one figure who stood up inside a large American-made car surveying the carnage all around him as though above it all, a masked and cloaked individual who clearly bore the stamp of the bandit leader. Without needing an introduction she at once recognized the Road Ronin as though Saki had painted for her a vivid description complete with eight-by-ten glossies.

She was about to move towards him when she heard a voice call out, "Sempei…"

Nabiki froze before turning to look down at the figure stretched out on the ground beside her, and with a hesitant voice she asked, "Ryonami?"

It was indeed her aid-de-camp laying on her side with a dark splotch covering her school uniform, about the area of her right shoulder. Her lovely face was pained yet her eyes seemed clear and bright as she looked up apologetically and said, "I'm sorry…I should have been more careful…"

Nabiki was on one knee at once and examined her with hesitant fingers, her voice suddenly tight with emotion as she gasped, "Ryo-chan…what happened to you…?"

"They started shooting at us, Sempei," Ryonami gasped, "For no reason! Your iinazuke and friends fought back…I think they're still going at it…they need you…"

"Don't try to talk," Nabiki's mind refused to work with her usual clarity as she stared at the blood, only dimly aware that the wound had gone completely through without hitting a bone or vital organ, "I'll get you to a doctor…"

"NO!" Ryonami spoke the word with unusual force for a girl who normally was so timid and differential, "There's no time! I'll be all right...but your friends need you. Think about your Posse..."

Nabiki almost cursed herself for behaving like an idiot in the middle of an obvious crisis. Ryonami's words snapped her out of her momentary daze and she suddenly barked at one of the other students laying on the ground who did not appear to be injured, "Gosunkugi! Get over here and help me out!"

The frail looking boy stared at her with owlish eyes, but he only hesitated for a moment before getting up and crawling spider-like over towards Ryonami. Nabiki gave him sharp, clear orders and told him to press a wad of torn up silk over the wound to staunch the bleeding. Gosunkugi acknowledged that he had some knowledge of first aid and agreed to help as Nabiki got to her feet and left him with a stern warning not to budge from the spot until proper medical aid could be rendered.

She knew that the boy would obey her implicitly. He feared Nabiki's wrath, and besides which he seemed to genuinely like Ryonami. Nabiki had to trust his innate survival instincts as she took her leave of them both, her eyes suddenly narrowed with a rage unlike any she had ever known as she stared towards the man in the cloak. Without being quite aware of the fact her aura began glowing…

Meanwhile her loved ones were in the thick of the matter, fighting back with every resource that they had, only slightly hobbled by the presence of many less well protected fellow students yet showing no sign at all of doubt or hesitation as they fought against the odds with a fury that far surpassed the mad rage of the motorized gang members.

Ryoga drove his weighted umbrella forward and struck the hood of an oncoming vehicle, driving a deep indentation into the engine block itself as the vehicle was driven hard down upon its shocks with such force that the driver and passengers were thrown suddenly forward, to land inexpertly on the ground some ten meters distance. He turned in time to see Akane vault over an oncoming motorcyclist and drove her foot against his helmet as though a giant hammer had struck the biker. Ryoga saw another biker wrap a chain around Akane's wrist as she started to touch down beyond her felled assailant, yanking her backwards before she could recover her balance, which set the lost boy off as he reached for a bandana and threw it to shatter the chain, crying out, "Akane!"

She managed to recover, her arm only slightly wrenched from her shoulder, but she was still ready to fight and angrier than ever. The same could not be said for the hapless biker who had attacked her because he became the instant recipient of the lost boy's savage wrath. When Ryoga was done dishing out divine retribution both biker and machine were in barely recognizable shape. Ryoga then turned to help Akane pop her arm back into its socket.

Keiko meanwhile was demonstrating her Stone Foot technique on one of the jeeps that attempted to run her over, stepping to one side before striking the vehicle with a side-kick that picked it up off two wheels and caused the driver to swerve and strike a wall at a very sharp angle. Kodachi, meanwhile, was lashing out with her ribbon and pins to make two more motorcyclists rue their encounter with the Black Rose of Saint Hebereke. Her brother fought savagely on against any foe that came within reach, but he had taken a few shots in retaliation and seemed worse for the wear. If not for his sister's ribbon fending off some of these attacks he might have fared more poorly, but as it was they managed to hold their own with no losses.

Ranma and his companions were fighting virtually back-to-back and doing more damage on the whole now that the gang members with guns had been whittled down to a mere handful. One goon with a semi-automatic rifle thought he had a good shot at Ranma's profile but suddenly found Perfume had vaulted into his path with both axes whirling like a dervish of flashing metal. He unloaded a full clip but she easily caught and deflected each shot, then waited for him to attempt a reload before hurtling one of her axes in his direction.

The man had only an instant to cry out in dismay before the whirling blade chopped right through him without hardly stopping. The axe banked around and returned to the hand of its mistress as she took aim with the other and dispatched a second gun-wielding assailant, removing a very vital piece of his anatomy in the process and demonstrating just why it was a bad idea to threaten an Amazon Enforcer.

One of the last men still wielding firearms thought he saw an opening and took aim with a shot-gun, intending to strike a classic villain pose by shooting the Amazon in her unprotected back, but his shot was caught by the sudden appearance of the baker's peel, which harmlessly deflected the shot-blast away as Ukyo loomed large before his eyes and said, "No way, Jackass…she's mine!"

A single blow from her combat spatula was enough to flip the man head over heels and leave him sprawled a considerable distance away, in no condition to continue fighting. Perfume took note of this and smiled to herself before going into Steel Storm mode to meet the challenge of another pair of attackers.

"I'll save you, Perfume!" Mousse cried out as he threw a hail storm of bladed weapons at three nearby assailants, quite oblivious to the fact that the girl he rescued did not much resemble the Amazon in question (she was, however, immediately quite grateful, and when she applied a kiss to her rescuer. Mousse passed out from total ecstasy, leaving the girl he saved to look down with a speculative expression).

Cologne, meanwhile, alone of those assembled fought conservatively, sparing a portion of her attention to keep an eye on the activities of the others while reserving the majority of her attention for the source of the true danger she perceived, the Road Ronin himself. The man was definitely manifesting a very disturbing presence (and disturbingly familiar, as though she recognized his style without need for actually seeing him in combat).

It was with a certain degree of mixed anticipation and dread that she perceived another presence making itself known at that precise instant. More to the point, the masked man in the cloak sensed her as well as he turned sharply to one side in time to catch the hurtling form that was blazing towards him like a heat-seeking missile. The battle aura Nabiki was manifesting made her glow in Cologne's eyes like a red-hot flame, but the Ronin was able to intercept and deflect her charge so that she rebounded some fifteen meters away, coming to an abrupt halt in a fighting crouch as she briefly paused to concentrate on renewing her attack.

With a single snarl she cried, "RONIN!!!" and came charging right at him.

The man threw up both arms and revealed that his body was a solid mass of muscle nearly seven feet in height. He caught her dragon kick against both bracered arms and once again deflected her attack. Nabiki landed on the hood of his vehicle and at once squared her stance to launch an all-out Amaguriken attack, yet somehow once again the burly man managed to repel her onslaught before launching his own counter-attack that picked Nabiki up and threw her back another twenty-five meters.

Nabiki rolled with the repeated punches she received and managed to land on her feet, crouching down while testing to see if her lip was bloody with the back of one fist. She glared at the now-revealed Ronin, who had a studded leather bracer criss-crossing his chest but was otherwise bare-limbed. Of course she was also quick to note that the man was armed with a pair of handguns slung about his hips in Cowboy fashion. There was also the hint of a sword hilt sticking up from beneath his collar, and a wicked belt-knife hung from his thick leather belt while his chest bracers sported a set of shuriken that did not look ornamental.

"So," the man said in a voice so soft and sibilant that it seemed more like he hissed the word than actually spoke it, "You must be the notorious Tendo Nabiki. I am impressed that you survived my Hammer attack. Very few manage this, so you must be as good as your reputation would have it."

"Thanks for the compliment," Nabiki replied, "Now mind telling me why you started this little fracas?"

"You will forgive my lack of proper manners," the man bowed graciously with one arm extended, "As you seem already to know my name, and I of course know yours, let us dispense with the formalities and merely resolve this with a formal challenge between equals."

"You think you're my equal?" Nabiki said scornfully, which was a feint as she already sensed that this fellow was bursting with raw power.

"Hardly," the man snorted, "I am your superior, and when I have demonstrated this I will claim your territory for my own and add it to my growing list of possessions."

The man reached down and drew his sidearms in one fluid motion, but Nabiki had anticipated the attack and was already in motion taking evasive action as the man leaped from his car with both guns trained in her direction. No question about sportsmanship or fair play in this fight, the man was clearly and unquestionably at a superior advantage, so the only logical thing to do was employ the Saotome Special Defense technique and run like hell before the man could draw a bead on anything vital. Since a forward attack would likely prove suicidal she ran at a diagonal direction, zigzagging as she headed towards the only point of refuge left open to her: the school building.

"So," the Ronin said, "You show your true colors, girl. Well, so much the better…the hunt will make the victory that much sweeter…"

He was about to give chase when a new sound caught his attention. From the far end of the athletic field there came an angry charge of Furinkan students all wearing sports gear and moving right at the remaining gang members. The Road Warrior gang, having taken a few lumps and casualties in the space of only a couple of minutes of furious fighting, was unprepared to repel this new assault as students wielding Kendo or hockey gear tore into them with a vengeance, followed by the volleyball and women's lacrosse team, not to mention the baseball and basketball players, the Sumo and Judo teams, the soccer and track teams, the gymnastics team and every other conceivable sport that was taught at the high school.

"Never thought I'd be glad to see those guys," Akane murmured as she leaned against Ryoga's shoulder to regain her breath and take stock of their situation. Her arm felt numb but was still attached while Ryoga looked worse for wear, having fought valiantly at her side to guard her backside and keep her out of danger.

Ranma and the rest of his teammates had gained a much-needed breather as the fight was suddenly carried out by a good chunk of the more athletically inclined members of the student body. Within moments the fight turned into a rout and the Road Warrior gang was hobbling and piling into whatever vehicles they still had that were in operating condition. The Ronin saw all this and cursed softly under his breath, then had his number one lieutenant signal the recall whistle as he turned about and decided to allow Tendo Nabiki to live another day. He had a gang--not to mention his reputation--to salvage, and it was plain from the onset that these Furinkan students just did not understand the rules that held that gang members were the ones that beat up students.

He returned to his vehicle, taking note that a full third of his men would have to be left behind on this engagement, a minor set back but one from which he intended to profit. He now knew which of these students were the dangerous ones to his plans and would take appropriate action next time. He contended himself with the knowledge that Tendo Nabiki was the one who would come away from this encounter looking to all eyes like a manifest coward.

Nabiki, meanwhile, had already emerged from hiding as the true danger of the Ronin no longer posed a problem. Instead she came to the aid of her friends while venting her frustration on the few remaining gang members not fortunate enough to get out of her path in time. She rejoined Ranma and company as the last of the hoodlums piled into a damaged jeep and attempted to limp away while police sirens could be heard in the distant background.

As a final gesture of her own contempt, Ukyo made a slicing motion with her spatula and cut cleanly through a nearby telephone pole in just such a way as to be certain it fell atop the retreating jeep and took it out completely. The gang members were catapulted forward as the pole crushed the jeep engine and hurtled them into a rude tumble upon the asphalt, where they lay groaning for several minutes until the police finally arrived and to take them in with the rest of the defeated gangsters (those still breathing, of course).

The Furinkan students let out a victory cry and hugged each other in their shared relief and triumph. Victory was short lived, however, as many students had been injured and needed to be taken to the hospital. Nabiki herself checked up on Ryonami and was surprised to find that Gosunkugi had done a fairly competent job of stanching her bleeding. She was inordinately pale but still quite conscious and in no immediate danger, though Nabiki felt awful seeing her friend laying there so helpless. It turned out that her injury was among the most severe, and it was fortunate to discover that no more than a few students had been casualties of the three minute engagement. None had died, for which fact everyone fervently thanked the Kami (unless you counted the gang members, of whom nine were seriously injured and another seven were even less fortunate--Amazon fighting being somewhat more brutal and determinate).

Of the battlefield itself there was wreckage and destruction everywhere one looked. The police had been full of questions about what exactly had occurred, but by mutual assent the students and Nabiki's Posse developed acute memory problems and were unable to provide much more than the sketchiest of details. There was, of course, some question about the weapons that had been involved, but Ukyo's Bakers peel was not officially listed as a weapon, while Cologne had ordered Mousse and Perfume to follow her as the three Amazons prudently made themselves scarce for the duration. Kuno and the rest of the Furinkan students had a perfectly legitimate excuse for having employed their weapons, while Ranma and the rest of the unarmed fighting crowd had an easier case for claiming self-defense against heavily armed opponents.

Nabiki stayed by Ryonami until she made Gosunkugi swear to accompany the girl in the ambulance, further promising to give her a full report once he got to the hospital. Nabiki stayed to answer a few questions of her own, but once the police detective turned away to question someone else she felt a tap to her shoulder and heard Cologne remark, "Child…I think you should not remain here any longer. The danger I have sensed has not entirely passed."

"What do you mean?" Nabiki turned to look at the Elder, "We sent the bad guys packing. They won't try anything again for at least a few more days…"

"I fear that you are gravely wrong in your assumption," Cologne said soberly, "My intuition tells me that the danger is still very real and very immediate. Perhaps these warriors will not strike here again twice in the same night, but there is something about that one that makes me feel certain he does have a contingency plan for this kind of occasion. Perhaps he means to strike from ambush, possibly while you and the others are on their way home or…perhaps they will strike at your home itself while it is unprotected."

"Unprotected?" Nabiki blinked, then sudden fear gripped her heart, "Shampoo--and Kasumi!"

Cologne nodded gravely, "Go at once. The other likely place that they may strike is my Daughter-in-law's restaurant, but I doubt that they will strike there while it is closed for the duration. I will not rest until this fear that grips my own withered heart is past. Your friends will cover for you if the police have any more questions."

"Right," Nabiki said, then turned and fled as fast as she was able, already knowing in a way beyond certainty that she was several steps behind the enemy, and without a miracle to guide her the danger to her family was certain to be fatal…


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