Ragnarok Fan Fiction ❯ Ragnarok Online - Libertas ab Alucinor ❯ Chapter 3 – The Tear of Life ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own ragnarok online or gravity.
Will Azis pass?
Please read and rate so that I can improve my story
Ragnarok Online - Libertas ab Alucinor (freedom from dreams)
Chapter 3 - The Tear of Life
Many mysteries lie in Geffenia, especially those that are on the tower. There are doors that lead to many worlds at different times. It is said that one among these doors leads to the future. While another lead to the past.
She stood in an alley. Various buildings towered around her. From afar, she could see a familiar castle. `The castle of Prontrera?' she thought. She walked out the alley and found herself on the busy streets of the capital. A hurrying merchant bumped into her “Hey watch it” it yelled then went along. `Where will I find this Tear of Life?' she thought of a possible answer. `The church!' she made her way to the church of Prontrera. She finally arrived at her destination only to see the Prontreran church in shambles. Her eyes widened and whispered in disbelief “What the~” she then noticed something behind her and swung her head. The city that she treaded upon awhile ago was now in shambles. The sunny sky was now covered in darkness as drops of rain began to fall. She stood there in great confusion.
“I was in Prontrera awhile ago… How~ How could this be?” she asked to herself.
She then heard a couple of footsteps from her left. She faced that direction only to see two knights walking towards her... only that… this is no ordinary knight.
“Well well” a knight with a long red hair said. “What do we have here?”
“I believe we found ourselves dinner” the other with a short brown hair replied, licking his lips.
Azis raised her staff and readied herself in a combat stance.
“Oooh” the brown one remarked “Feisty”
“This should be fun” the red-haired one said.
The brown-haired knight drew his sword while the other prepared his spear.
“You go first Rembrant” the red-haired said to the brown-haired “But try to reduce the damage. It would be a pity if we have our meal a bit… battered.”
The one called Rembrant gave a menacing smile and walked towards Azis in a raised sword.
`For a novice to fight these two?' she thought `I must be crazy!!'
Rembrant lunged towards her and raised his sword for a hard-hitting strike.
“BASH!!” he shouted as he struck his sword to the ground. Azis instantly tumbled backwards to dodge the attack only to find herself facing the aftereffect of the slash. The ground was ripped as the force of the bash headed towards her. She jumped high to her side to evade the attack that destroyed the remaining rubble of the Protrera Church. She looked at her enemy only to see him heading towards her. She immediately ducked, dodging his slash that cut a fragment of her hair. She then used her staff to thrust the knight's chin, sending him flying. She then leaped towards him and slammed her staff to his gut. The impact she did to the knight even broke the ground where he lied. She then noticed a swift movement towards her where she simply evaded by jumping a great distance backwards. It was the red-haired knight.
“How did that feel Rembrant?” he asked.
The fallen night sat upright and smiled
“Such a feisty little girl Arden” he chuckled. “I would enjoy torturing her in bed” he smiled menacingly towards Azis.
Rembrant stood up and picked his sword. He then readied himself to attack with Arden. The two made their stance and dashed towards her when a flying vial of liquid splashed between them, creating a blinding light that confused everyone. When the flash was gone, the two knights searched around them for Azis.
“Shit” Rembrant remarked.
“You're lucky I found you”
The woman who saved her stood at a nearby shelf and scuffled something from it. They were safe now and were far from the knights. She wore an alchemist gown and had a short purple hair.
“I'm Nina by the way” she said, still fumbling the bottles on the shelves.
“I'm Azis” she replied, still sitting on the wooden chair.
“What are you doing here anyway?” she asked Azis as she glanced her head towards her.
“I was sent here to find a Tear of Life. Have you heard of it?”
“Tear of Life?' the alchemist asked. “I never heard of such a thing. Who sent you by the way?”
“A wizard from the Magician's guild”
The alchemist dropped a bottle, spilling all the liquids on the ground. She then faced her and stared in uncertainty.
“Magician's guild?”
“Yes.” Azis replied. “The Magician's guild in Geffen”
The alchemist then burst into laughter, leaving a confused Azis.
“MAGICIAN'S GUILD!! HA!! It's impossible!! HAHAHA”
“Huh?” Azis asked.
“The Magician's guild has been obliterated years ago, along with the entire city of Geffen.
Azis stared in horror.
“IMPOSSIBLE!” she shouted, cutting the alchemist's laughter.
“I was there a minute ago!” she said.
“How can you be there when you're here?” the alchemist asked quizzically.
Azis was dumbfounded. She don't know what to say.
“Actually.” She started in a quivering voice. “I was at the Geffen Tower. I was taking an exam. I need……..”
“You need……..?” the alchemist continued.
“That's it!!” Azis shouted giddily. “That's it!! All I need is to find the Tear of Life and maybe, I'll find my way back home!” she looked at the alchemist in such happiness and continued “I came to this world in a door. Maybe, if I am able to find this Tear of Life, a door would open again and lead me home!!”
The alchemist was aghast. Never did she encounter a child that contains such great spirit and determination.
“Well, maybe an adventure's not bad once in awhile” she smiled.
`Tell me again why we're wearing these large, old, and stupid hoods?' Azis asked her alchemist friend. `And why are we whispering?'
It was night and they were now on the shambled streets of Prontrera, finding their way out of the city. They paced cautiously, trying to reduce the chances of encountering those two knights earlier.
`So that you'll be fully concealed and to reduce being detected' Nina whispered back. `Besides, it would help you escape easily on a battle.'
`How bout you?' Azis asked under her hood.
`I can take care of myself.' Nina said. `Besides, I have lots of explosives here that would aid us incase we need to scram.'
`So I see' Azis whispered back, seeing the bag of potions strapped on Nina's back.
They continued their perilous travel until…
Nina raised her axe and parried a spear that shot towards her. The spear landed on the distance and was picked up by a familiar figure.
“Well well” Arden said “Guess we have a dinner each” looking at Rembrant.
“This will be a delightful two on two match” Rembrant sneered at Nina and Azis.
“Move back Azis” Nina said, readying her weapon and bag of potions.
“But I can fight!!” Azis complained.
“Do as I say!!” Nina persisted. “Even with the two of us, we can't match the power of these two knights. I'll stall them, you run away now!!”
Azis moved back. Nina snatched something from her back and threw a bottle at Azis which she easily caught.
“If ever they try to come after you, use that” Nina said. “That is my most powerful explosive.” Nina added and faced at her opponents. “Just throw it on a distance and it will explode. Be careful though as it may hurt you as well.”
And with that, the alchemist dashed towards them.
Azis was far when she heard a loud explosion. They stopped her movement and tried to go back to her friend.
“You put a good enough battle there missy” Arden said as he looked at his dead partner. Crutching his heavily damaged arm, he moved toward her. His left eye was covered in blood. He came upon a bag of potions. He knelt and drank one.
“My strength is returning.” He said. He made a fist on his restored arm and looked at the wounded alchemist in intense malice. He went boldly towards the alchemist who was gasping for life.
“Ahhh” he mocked in triumph. “A well deserved prize for a well fought battle” with that, he knelt and tore the alchemist's dress, or what remained of it, and exposed her naked body, soaked in sweat and blood.
“No…” she managed to reply in her exhausted state.
But the knight shrugged of her response and began to remove his gloves and other clothing. He leaned his body towards her face and licked her wound.
“Stop” she whimpered.
The knight began to move his fingers to her breasts and began to massage them. Tears were now flowing on the fallen alchemist. She has lost and what now awaits her before death is a slow, agonizing moment of torment. The knight was now sucking her sweat and blood stained breasts.
“Ahhh” he exalted in glee. “Very rewarding indeed.” as he continued his feast on the alchemist.
Azis was near now to the spot of battle to see shadows moving before her. it portrayed a figure that was stroking itself back and forth to another one who was lying lifelessly. Her eyes widened in horror `NINA!!' she moved hastily now and was able to hear noises. Noises of moans and distraught.
“S-t-o-p” she moaned as her body rocked back and forth with every thrust of the knight within her. She looked at the face of her devil, enjoying her suffering as he thrusted within her harder. She was lost. She cannot fight any longer. The knight desecrated her body tremendously. He made her beg for death for his own hearing pleasure.
“S-t-o-p…. p-lea-se” Nina continued her despair.
He thrusted harder, stronger, faster, as Nina held back in forth with much force.
“P-le-a-s-e” Nina urged. “S-Sto-STOP!”
Tears continued down her cheeks. Everything was indeed lost and it won't be long now before her death.
“P-leas-e - ju-just - ki-kill - me!!”
Arden gave her a sadistic glee. He enjoyed fucking her, making fun of her last moments, turning her very existence into a mockery of her life.
`Azis' she thought of her new friend. `I'm…… Sorr~” he line was cut short when a swift shadow moved above her.
Her kick connected to the knight's face, sending him crashing to the wall that was left of a building. When the knight rose to face his attacker, all he saw was a bottle of familiar liquid headed straight to his face.
The ground shuddered with the explosion. Azis dared not to look for the remains of the knight. Instead, she turned her attention to her friend. She scrambled to her aid. The alchemist was soaked in sweat, blood, and cum. Her body has some wounds that were opened further when he raped her. The alchemist managed to raise an arm in which Azis took immediately. She hugged her hand and was moved to tears. The alchemist looked at her friend under her cum-covered face.
“A-Az-is” she managed the words exhaustingly. She was breathing deeply now.
Azis held her hand tighter. “I'm here my friend. Please….” She was about to say to conserve her strength but she knew what was coming… and it could not be prevented.
Nina managed to give her a smile.
“I - a-m - sor-ry - Az-is” she whispered as she cried.
“Why are you saying that?” Azis held her friend's hand tightly. “Don't leave me!!”
“I-I'm - s-o-rry - f-or - no-t - b-ei-ng - ab-le - t-o -ass-ist - you -i-n -you-r - mis-sion” she breathed.
Azis held tighter and mourned for her friend.
“Go-ood - b-ye - A-zis…………..”
Azis' eyes widened as her companion finally left her.
For a moment, she mourned for a companion, a friend who saved her.
Azis was still crying when she heard a voice calling on her.
“Azis” it said again.
She opened her eyes only to see that she was enveloped in the darkness again. Before her float a shining orb.
“You have found me Azis”
She wiped her tears and asked “Who are you?”
“I am the Tear of Life.” The orb answered. “You have faced reality and has managed to survive it.”
“Reality?” Azis asked.
Then, images appeared from behind the orb. It was a replay of what happened after Nina instructed Azis to leave. She fought well against the two despite their advantage over her.
“Azis” the orb said.
Azis' gaze shifted towards the orb.
“What you experienced was just a test. But, scenes that happened are happening in reality.”
“What?” Azis asked quizzically.
The images then shifted to the King of Midgard and to what he was doing. Azis saw people being beheaded, raped. People who starved to death and have resorted to thievery, slavery and prostitution. She thought that this wasn't life before.
“Yes” the orb said, as if it read what she was thinking.
“Life was better before. No violence ruled among people. The only enemies then were the monsters. We fought against them together.” The orb said as flashes of the war displayed before her. “But now” the orb continued. The images were now changed to the effects that were happening around Midgard. She saw the horrors of the current reality. “Now,” the orb continued. “It is us who fight each other. Men against men.”
“H-How did this happen?” Azis asked the orb. Then the image changed and showed her the answer.
“It is his bidding Azis” the orb answered.
“But why?” Azis asked back.
“We, at the magician's guild don't know either.” said a familiar voice from behind her. It was the examiner, Lady Yule. “We have worked with the Assassin's guild to seek for the answer but they have also failed.”
Azis looked at her “But why? Isn't it that the assassins are the greatest informants of the kingdom?
“True” the orb said in which shifted her gaze upon. “But the King has his own group of assassins that keeps his secrets. Assassins that have found haven within the king's ordinance.”
“The time will come when we will be able to ponder on the answers.” Said Lady Yule.
“But for now” the orb continued. “You must become strong”
“Strong?” Azis asked quizzically.
“Strong so that you can save people like Nina” Lady Yule added.
Azis thought of her friend and gasped her staff tighter.
She faced Lady Yule boldly.
“I WILL SAVE THEM!!” she held her staff higher to mark her pledge. “FOR THE SAKE OF NINA!! I WILL SAVE THEM!!”
The darkness around the room vanished along with the orb who said “Congratulations Azis”
Azis glanced back at the vanishing orb. A hand rested on her shoulder. She turned around to face Lady Yule.
“You have passed Azis Lyle” she smiled towards Azis and added “From now on, you will be my apprentice and will train to fulfill your purpose.”
Azis nodded and they went outside the door.
As the door closed behind her, Azis looked back at the empty room. She was turning her head to face her mistress when she caught sight of a familiar face, smiling and waving her farewell back her.
The end of chapter three folks!! Read and rate this chapter so that I could improve further chapters on this fic.
Next time we'll find out on the whereabouts of Signet, and some truths on being the forbidden.