Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Princess of the Moon ❯ Chapter 03 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Princess of the Moon
Chapter 03
By C. Rose


The rain is coming down pretty hard by the time the early evening has
fallen over the Nerima district. The large panda walks tiredly down the
deserted streets lugging a rather large back pack. The panda is walking on
it's hind legs, head down, and shivering from the cold rain. It large
stomach growls as it passes a small yati, it's owner is manning the grill,
staring wide eyed at the large and dangerous animal that stops and glares at
him. Then sweat drops as it's mouth opens and starts to drool, he gulps and
backs away slowly as the panda steals several bowls of spiced ramen. The
panda pats it's stomach, growls and turns to walk away, but lets off a
massive fart a few steps later. The yati owner stares at the empty bowls of
ramen in shock and falls over as the smell hits him.

"Damned thing knew how to use chop sticks."

About ten blocks away and thirty minutes later, the panda stops in front of
a large wooden gate and pushes his way through. The loud creek of old and
wet timber echoes over the entire compound and alerts the occupants that
they have a visitor. Kasumi smiles and gets up to see who is at their door,
but stops in mid step as a giant panda stalks it's way into the front room
and looks over the startled family. It whips out a wooden sign with writing
on it.

*Can I have a glass of hot water, not boiling?*

"Daddy, since when do panda's know how to write?" Asked Nabiki.

Soun, shakes his head in shock as he considers running for his armor and
family sword. He was expecting his old friend Genma Saotome, not an escaped
panda from the circus. "I have no idea, I suppose we should call the pound
or the zoo or some thing."

*Don't call anyone, the hot water will be fine and it will explain all you
need to know.* The panda signs.

"Here you go Mr. Panda-chan." Kasumi says as she hands the panda a large
bowl of hot water.

*Thank you, Kasumi.*

"Daddy, it knows my name already!"

The panda pours the hot water over his head and growls in pain as the
boiling water does it's work. The panda shrinks down and an older man in a
white gi and a scarf on it's head takes it's place. "Thanks for not
panicking Soun old buddy." Genma says.

Soun, Kasumi, and Nabiki all faint from shock.

"They took that better than I thought, well while they are indisposed I'll
just help myself to dinner." Genma sits down and smiles at the one girl
still conscious. "Do you mind if I have some of this? I haven't eaten in

Akane shakes her head and faints.

"Good old Soun, always had such a good spread of food on the table. Ah how
I've missed those days." Genma said for anyone pretending to be unconscious
before eating every bit of food on the table in about two minutes flat. He
lets off a titanic belch and pats his stomach as it digests the snack.

"Oh I dreamed Genma stopped by..." Soun mumbled as he sat up and rubbed his

"I did!" Genma says, looking the table over for more food.

"Genma?! B-b-b-b-but w-what happened t-to you? Where you really just a
panda?" Soun yells, the girls begin to wake up slowly.

"That was me alright, picked up a nasty curse in China while training the
boy, I wish I had never taken him there."

"Where is Ranma, we can have the wedding tomorrow if he wants to wait that
long!" Soun said as he looked around for Genma's son.

"I'm afraid the boy is lost my friend." Genma says sadly.

"WHAT?!!" Soun yells and wakes up the girls.

"Ranma is missing, I know he is somewhere here in Japan, but I have no idea
where to even start looking."

"Genma, we have to find him at all costs!"

"I know, but he's been missing for several months now."

"Daddy what are you talking about?" Nabiki asks as she sits up, leans
against the table, and notices that all the food is gone and that there are
several pieces of rice sticking to the stomach of the man in the white gi.
She looks at the empty bowls, enough to feed all of them easily, and glares
at this Genma. He starts to sweat.

"Yes daddy, please tell us what is going on." Kasumi says, glancing at
Genma and then the table and smiles.

Akane just glares, she hadn't had a chance to dig in yet. "..."

"I figure now is as good a time as any to tell you about the agreement me
and Genma here made before any of you were born. You see we made a deal that
we would unite our families and since I had all daughters, Genma here has
been teaching his son martial arts for over ten years now to prepare him for
a marriage to one of you."

Kasumi blinks a few times and sighs as she goes into the kitchen.

Nabiki perks up. "Is he cute?!"

Akane snarls. "I Hate Boys!!" and stalks out of the room, up stairs to her
room and slams the door so hard it shakes the floor boards, some dust falls
from the ceiling to cover Genma.

"Oh dear." Kasumi says as she comes back out and sets out small bowls of
food for everybody. Genma inhales his so fast that it is empty by the time
she takes her hand away and hands a bowl to her father.

"So your saying that we have to get married no matter what, is that it?"
Nabiki tries again.

"Only if Ranma was to pick you." Genma states, eyeing her food.

"Ranma is to unite our schools of martial arts Nabiki, I was hoping that
one of you three girls would marry him and continue the schools."

"But father we've never met him and from what your friend here has said,
Ranma is missing."

"We'll find him one way or another, the schools future depends on it!" Soun
declared as he stood up and posed nobly. Genma grins and jumps to his feet
too, the two grown men link arms and spin around in a circle. "We will
implement operation 'Find the Groom!" They two old men chorused and ran out
the front door.

"Oh My, father hasn't had that much energy in years!" Kasumi said, handing
Nabiki a proper bowl of food.

"Kasumi, I'm surprised, you didn't offer this to Genma?"

"He did eat everything else sister."

"I don't like him one bit."

"He seems to be a bit rough around the edges doesn't he?" Kasumi said and
dug into her own food.

"I HATE BOYS!!" Akane screamed from her room, stomped down the stairs in
her gi and headed to the dojo.

"That reminds me, has Doc. Tofu gotten over his little problem yet?" Nabiki
asked with a smirk.

Kasumi sighed and shook her head. "I can't believe one little kiss did that
to him, I mean it was totally innocent. Wasn't it?"

"Well you did stick your tongue in his mouth Kasumi and he was raised in an
old fashioned environment and all. He wasn't prepared for a modern type girl
like you to take the first steps, unless you did something else you didn't
tell me about?"

Kasumi blushed and started to quickly grab the dishes, there were so many
to clean tonight.




She was distracted by her father and Genma-panda running through the back
yard with the push cart, talking excitedly about the best ways to subdue a
run away groom. Nabiki rolled her eyes and tried to think of a way to earn
some money off this, she decided not to press Kasumi for details just yet.
She got up and headed into the dojo where Akane was obliterating large
cinder blocks with her fists, or tossing them in the air and shattering them
with her hands and feet.


"I can't believe that ass wants us to marry some boy out of the blue, we've
never met him."

"I don't think it will be that bad Akane, it is a great meal ticket to free
money and free food for the rest of your life. What's to complain about?"

"You've got to be kidding?!"

"Why should I, he may be major league cute or something and dumb jocks are
so easy to play with."

"Boys are idiots and perverts!!" Akane yells and crushes a block with her

"Suit yourself Akane, but I'm not about to burn my bridges before I have
all the information."

"The world doesn't revolve around boys Nabiki!"

Nabiki shrugged, this could be perfect, especially with her little problem.
"Whatever Akane."

In the distance they can all hear Soun yelling Ranma's name at the top of
his lungs as they search for Ranma. Nabiki rolls her eyes again, she should
have known better than to think her father would have good idea for once.
She would put this Ranma's name out on the network in the morning and what
kind of fish she hooked. This could be fun she thought, throw out a line and
reel in a husband to use and control for the rest of her life. She smiled
cruelly, her eyes glinting with evil ideas already.


It was 4am when Ranma rolled out of bed and complained that she missed
sleeping on her stomach, one of the few things it seemed girl's couldn't do
because of their breasts. Laying on them actually hurt, which confused her
since she had endured the Bakusai Tenketsu when Shampoo trained for it.
Though it wasn't as effective as she would have liked, Cologne had said it
took time for the near total invulnerability to take effect and that meant
practicing it for hours on end. Something she hadn't had time to do since
arriving in Juban a few days ago, she was hoping to stumble across a quarry.
She had found that those were the best places to practice and earn a little
money too.

Of course she had been helping to fight off the creatures being sent by
that blonde moron Jed-something or another. Blondie fit him better, the
arrogant jerk, she had proven to be his match before she became one of the
Scouts. Luckily it seemed they didn't need her help all the time, the fight
with that princess thing over at the amusement park had proven that they
were not totally useless. Only that they needed help in other areas, like
how to actually fight or walk or even breath for that matter. They were
depending on their magical powers completely, how did they think to win if
they came up against something that could neutralize that power? Of the
three girls, she figured Rei, was the most trainable and the easiest to
reach, the next was the blue haired girl since she seemed to possess a keen
mind and thought of defense before the rest of the team even attacked.

Lastly was Usagi, Sailor Moon, the cry baby and scared little girl. Ranma
was worried about her the most. The other two were very mature for being so
young, but Usagi was totally off the wall for a fourteen year old girl. At
sixteen Ranma had endured more in her life than most do in a life time and
her life was bound to get worse and worse as time went on due to the magic
of Jusenkyo. In the past few months she had been forced to do a lot of soul
searching and it had brought out a number of things she hadn't liked.
Cologne had helped her to grow into a somewhat normal girl, but her male
attitude was something that was etched right into her soul and she couldn't
become a true girl if she even wanted to. The old bat disagreed, but the
price to do so was so repulsive that Ranma couldn't even think about it.
Then there had been that little biology lesson during that first month,
Ranma shuddered. Definitely to much to pay.

She trudged over to her closet and put on her workout clothes, spandex
shorts, a sports bra, and a tight t-shirt. How something so female could
make her feel so comfortable was amazing, she had borrowed a similar out fit
from one of her friends at the Amazon Village and spent several hours of
hard practice marveling at the sturdy construction of the strange material.
Ito, a talking cat of all things, was sprawled out on the floor by the
window and almost reminded Ranma of her father after a drunken binge at the
local bar. She decided not to wake up the newest oddity in her life and made
her way out of the room. Ranma yawned as she stepped out into the back area
of the shrine and headed into the woods around the place. The temple was at
the top of a large hill in the center of the district, this in turn bordered
a large park used by all the local fitness obsessed. Ranma had found it the
day before when Rei took them home through the park instead of up the
stairs, the girl's had been to tired to climb all those steps so instead
chose to make her way up the slow incline to the park instead at three times
the distance to reach the shrine.

Ranma reached the main trail of the park, it was a little over eight miles
long around the entire thing according to Rei. She fell into her special way
of breathing and was soon sprinting along at an incredible pace, passing
dozens of runners along the way. Several men saw her, started to drool, and
tried to keep up with her, but they quickly lost interest when she kept up
the brutal pace she had set. Even more face faulted when she lapped them a
half hour later and moving at the same brutal pace, she grinned as some of
them groaned. On her third lap of the park she focused and sent her Ki into
her legs and was soon moving faster than an Olympic sprinter and ran the
eight miles in an impossible twenty minutes flat! After cooling down for
several minutes she searched around and soon found a secluded spot between
the shrine and the park and started to go through her newest kata, still
pushing her body to it's fullest.

The small black cat that was watching from the bushes was frozen in awe as
she saw the impossible done like it meant nothing. Thirty foot jumps, while
untransformed, and a hang time of several second while kicking and punching
at speeds beyond anything she had ever seen. Luna would have sworn that she
was possessed by a youma or something if she hadn't witnessed this girl
punch Jedite so hard that he collapsed to his knees. The pain in his face
had been to real to be faked and he had tried a couple of more times to get
revenge, but this Ranma was proving to be stronger than him. Then there was
her senses, they were picking up nothing but Silver Millennium energy from
the girl, tons of it. Luna continued to watch as Ranma went through a dozen
or more very complicated kata in midair before landing on one foot with more
grace than an Olympic gymnast.

Focusing inward, Ranma called forth her aura and focused her Ki. It burst
forth easily, much easier than it ever had. Her aura was now a pure white
with yellow and blue flecks of energy flowing around like small lightning
bolts. What startled her was the sheer amount of power she was feeling and
realized that her magic had mixed into her Ki energies and amplified them.
"Oh great, like I wasn't strong enough before, now it's at least five times
stronger than what it was a few days ago. I hadn't even had time to master
my old strength and now I have to put up with more?" Ranma muttered to

For the next half hour Ranma ran through her control exercises,
creating balls of energy and holding them in place with her mind alone,
moving them around slowly in certain patterns, and forcing them to reshape
themselves into different shapes like squares and triangles. She failed of
course, but got a lot closer than she had the last time she tied that super
hard training. The old woman's demonstration had looked so damned simple,
but to actually do it was a strain she hadn't considered before. She had
nearly pushed herself into unconsciousness before she had collapsed from
stress of manipulating pure energy with her mind alone, it was a challenge
so she was still trying to get it even after all these months. Ranma stopped
and knelt down, sweat dripping off her like water, she gasped for air as her
body slowly returned to normal and she reigned in her Ki and suppressed it
for safety sake.

It was pushing 7am when Ranma decided to head inside and take a bath, she
used her towel to wipe the sweat of her face and waved to Rei as she was
sweeping the front walk way. The girl glared at her and snapped the top of
her broom off, then stared at it in shock. Ranma just smirked as she entered
the bathroom and got ready for the day, her workout had been pretty intense
this morning and her muscles were actually sore. She was just relaxing in
the furo when Ito sauntered in and glared at her.

"What?" Ranma muttered.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You just looked so restful sprawled out on the floor like that."

"I'm supposed to be your adviser, how can I do that if you ditch me?"

Ranma shrugged. "Okay cat, advise me."

"We need to get you trained in your new powers so that you can help out the
other Scouts."

"Do you know who they are?"

"No, but there is supposed to be another farie cat around here somewhere
who can get me caught up."

"Then your in luck Ito, for I found you." Said a female voice.

Ranma and Ito turn to look at a black cat walk into the furo and sit down.
It was a normal sized house cat, black with a crescent moon on it's
forehead. "Who are you?" Ito asked.


"The only Luna I know died centuries ago." Ito snapped.

"I was put into suspended animation for this job, Queen Serenity made sure
I would survive to do it."

"Suspended animation? Isn't that dangerous for us to do, I seem to remember
something about the process having some kind of effect on our minds."

Luna sighs. "My memory is total Swiss cheese, I only remember bits and

Ranma stares at yet another talking cat and knows that it isn't telling the
whole truth, how, she had no idea. Her new senses were telling her things
that were hard to process, she had been trying to deal with the increased
range of her senses ever since the change had taken place. One of them was
this ability to 'see' magical auras, and Luna's was very different than
Ito's aura. "Luna, both of you are farie cats right?"

"Yes we are."

"Then why is you aura so much different than Ito's aura?"

"What do you mean by different Ranma?" Ito said, looking at Luna and
narrowing her eyes.

"Ito your aura is a yellowish red and seems to be normal for what I
understand of them, but Luna's is almost gray and streaked with dozens of
different color."

"Can you still transform Luna?" Ito asked.

"Transform?" Ranma and Luna asked.

"You don't remember how to transform Luna, that is surprising, but your
aura seems to have been altered to keep you from doing it."

"I don't know what your talking about."

Ito shrugged her shoulders and shifted, her body shifted and grew in a
matter of seconds into a good looking red head girl. She had a simple white
dress on, Ranma had no idea where it came from, and smirked down at Luna.
The silver crescent moon on their heads glowed and some thing seemed to pass
between them as they glowed. Ranma sat there in the furo and watched in
fascination as Luna suddenly glowed, a piece of her aura flared and
shattered, and Luna shifted into her human form.

Where Ito was good looking, Luna was stunning, she was barely over five
foot and had thick black curls of hair that ran down her back. She had a
form fitting yellow dress with petty coats and a fantastic body. Ranma
wondered why it was suddenly so warm in the bathroom, but shook it off. Luna
stumbled around a little and leaned against the wall for support. Ranma
noticed suddenly that both girl's were growing more good looking by the
second, to ignore it she finished soaking and grabbed her towel to dry off.

Rei chose that exact time to step into the bathroom to let Ranma know that
breakfast was ready, so she got a good look at Ranma's fantastic nude body
as she was drying off and two other girls watching with interest. She
blinked and growled as she stalked over to Ranma, grabbed her by the arm and
THINGS IN MY BATHROOM!!" Rei screamed.

Luna and Ito blinked in confusion.

"Huh?" Ranma got out.


"What are you talking about?" Ranma asked as she stood up and unconsciously
broke Rei's grip on her arm. "These are friends Rei, they were just here

"You pervert!" Rei slapped her.

"What's going on?" Rei's grandfather yelled from the bathroom door, luckily
it was closed.

"Rei's throwing a hissy fit Gramps." Ranma called, sticking her tongue out
at Rei.

She pales and backs up a few steps. "I am not!"

"You two stop playing around, you need to get to school okay?"

"Sure Gramps!" Ranma called out. She stepped closer to Rei and looked her
in the eyes and grinned. "I think I finally figured out what you were
thinking Rei, I wasn't sure at first, but now I am."

"W-what?" Rei squeaked.

Luna and Ito just watched in fascination as Ranma leaned in close and
rubbed herself up against Rei and smiled, purring a little. Rei blushed and
backed up against the wall, trying to stay away from Ranma. "I know the
truth now Rei, you can't hide it from me anymore."

"I-I don't know what your t-talking about!"

Ranma dropped her towel to the floor and Rei blushed even harder if it was
possible. "I know your interested in me Rei." She whispered, leaning in for
a kiss, sparkles in her eyes. "But I'm not really interested right now,
maybe in a few months I'll change my mind cute stuff." Ranma says suddenly
and steps back and shrugs, grinning in a knowing way.

Ito and Luna face fault.

"WHAT?!!" Rei yells out and punched Ranma with all her might to send her
flying back into the furo with a giant splash. Then stomped out of the room,
slamming the door behind her. Bubbles come to the surface where Ranma's face
was plastered to the bottom of the furo, her legs hanging off the side in a
decidedly inappropriate manor.


Breakfast was a quiet affair for Ranma a she breezed through her cereal and
eggs. Rei glared at her and spent all her time keeping the table between her
and Ranma. Ranma smiled at her and went out of her way to make suggestive
motions as she ate and had Rei blushing a solid red by the time she
finished. She started with hers cereal and lapped the milk out of the bowl
like a cat and smiled at Rie, licking her lips and letting a little drip off
her chin. From there she moved on to more and more suggestive things until
Rei grabbed her stuff and fled the temple as soon as she could. She was
still blushing as she ran down the stairs and wondering why visions of a
naked Ranma were still in her mind, the feel of her breasts as she rubbed up
against her, and the smell of her hair...Rei had to stop at the bottom of
the stairs and bang her head against the wall for awhile to clear it.

"Mommy, why is she doing that?"

Rei twitched while still resting her head against the slightly cracked

"Don't look at the crazy girl, honey." Said a mother as they edged around
Rei. "You don't want to end up like her, do you?"

"Hey!" Rei yelled.

They ran for it.

Ranma snickered from the steps as she waved at the seething Rei and jumped
to a nearby roof and took off. Rei screamed and ran after her, but Ranma
soon lost her and enjoyed the morning run. Running in a skirt was a pain,
but she always wore a pair of shorts under the skirts to keep the boys from
peaking. She dropped out of the sky and landed beside one of the boys who
were always scooping out the girl's as they entered the grounds, he screamed
and turned to run, but ran right into a wall knocking himself cold. This was
only her fourth day at Jubaan High and she was surprised to see that she had
already acquired a reputation for not tolerating the boys trying to make the
move on her. She had even had to go so far as to beat one unconscious when
he lifted up her dress unexpectedly, the fact that he did it on a dare meant

Then there was the fact that a lot of the girl's were beginning to look up
to her as some kind of role model was a little disturbing, but Usagi, whom
Ranma had made friends with, said to let them have their fun and it could
only help them. For a total ditz it had actually made sense, and her other
friend Ami (the blue haired girl from the castle) had said Usagi had these
rare moments of wisdom. Ranma just figured the girl was being sneaky.

Speaking of the blonde, Ranma watched from the classroom window as the
warning bell rang and was in the perfect position to see Usagi sped through
the front gates just as they were closing. A trail of dust followed behind
her as she hit the front door and made her way up stairs. Ranma followed
Usagi's way through the school with her ears as she ran into a couple of
janitors since the sound of falling water buckets and the sounds of the
janitors cussing in Chinese was easily heard, Ranma saw Ami blush. Then
Usagi fell on the freshly waxed floor, and plowed through the door to the
class room and slid into the desks at the front of the room in an explosion
of chaos. It was one of Usagi's better entrances, this time she managed to
take four other girls with her when she stopped. There was enough flesh and
panties showing in the pile that half the guys in class had to grab their
noses to stop the blood flow, the other half passed out. Well there was that
one guy in the back of the class, but a Japanese student with a lisp was
terrible thing to see.

"Usagi!" Mrs. Haruna yelled as she entered the classroom.

"Sorry Mrs. Haruna?" Usagi mumbled from the bottom of the pile of stunned


Usagi just groaned and dug herself out of the pile of desks and limbs and
trudged her way back to her seat. She smiled weakly at Ranma, who was trying
not to laugh at her friend. She got up and helped the girls Usagi hit as
they extracted themselves out of the pile. Ranma ended up helping one of
them to the nurses office as well. Usagi ended up tagging along with them
apologizing a mile a minute, though by the time they reached the office
Usagi had a new and they were all laughing. If Usagi was anything, she was a
total klutz, and her tripping over the janitors a second time on the way
down was just to much. They all got another ear full of Chinese cussing
again, though this time it was in exasperation.

When they arrived at the nurses office, Ranma was a bit surprised when the
nurse actually knew Usagi on sight. She gave them all suckers for some
reason, wrapped the injured girl's foot and pushed them all out of the room
for those that actually needed it. The rest of the day was pretty quiet,
then lunch hit and the mood of the school changed, the excited squealing of
a large pack of girls turned the lunch room into a spectacle. While getting
ready to head down to see what was going on, Umino the class geek and
resident spy cornered her before she could leave the class room. Ranma
briefly considered pounding him, but decided to see what he wanted, it
usually was something of interest. "Ranma."

"What's up Umino?"

"There is a girl at a high school looking for information on you."

"Oh? Which school would that be?"

"Furinkan High in the Nerima district."

"Why are you telling me this, you usually keep to yourself."

"She was asking weird questions about a male Ranma Saotome, is he your
brother or something? Ranma isn't all that of a common name you now, ever
heard of him?"

Ranma paled. "A male Ranma? G-got me on that one, I'm an only child as far
as I know."

Umino leaned in close and hmmm'ed in a geeky way, giving her a weird look.
"Are you sure your an only child, she's offering a reward for information on
this male Ranma."

"Why would she be doing that?"

"The information is important in some way, it's the way these things are

"Well I have no idea what's going on." Ranma said, starting to sweat.

"I'll let her know. Thanks." Umino said and vanished as quickly as he had

Ranma sighed and dashed out of the room, her curiosity getting the better
of her, the thing in the lunch room and Umino taking up much of her mind.
She shrugged, it wasn't like she hadn't expected someone to start looking
for her eventually. Though she had thought it would be her mother, not some
stranger in a school she had never heard of before. She decided to look into
it later, right now she had squealing girls to deal with. As she approached
the lunch room she saw that a number of boys clustered around the doors and
watching. She tapped on the shoulder.

"What's going on?"

"You don't know?"

"I'm out of the loop still."

"Right, there holding a contest to give out two tickets to this cruise that
is leaving port in a week or so. All the girls are in there trying to win
the tickets."

"A cruise...that means the ocean, a great place to train in some of my more
exotic techniques like the Shark Fist and some others, if not that then
there would always be a pool..." Ranma rambled out.

The boys all sweat dropped and backed away as Ranma ran into the room and
hopped in line. Ten minutes later Ranma grinned and held up two tickets to
the cruise excitedly, forty other girl's were glaring daggers of death at
her. Usagi and Molly were disappointed, but congratulated Ranma on her win
and trudged away looking depressed. Ranma was lost in her dreams of fighting
under water battles against monsters and water demons, when she felt some
eyes on her and looked around. She spotted Ito and Luna sitting on the
window sill to the lunch room, glaring at her in some irritating way. The
rest of the girls in the room saw Ranma look at something and smirk, they
turned and sighed.

"Their so kawaii!!" Forty girl's yelled and rushed over to look at the

"I've never seen a red cat that cute before!"

"Look at those crescent birth marks, they must be related!"

"There so cute!"

Ranma took the opportunity to leave the lunch room just as the bell rang,
she was back in class a few minutes later looking at her prize. She froze
and blushed as she realized what had happened, the words LOVE CRUISE FOR TWO
were easily read across both tickets, leave it to a bunch of girls to get
her hopes up over something stupid. Oh well, she could give the tickets away
or use one and bring along a friend...wait she didn't have all that many
friends and they were all a little strange. She's have to think about...oh
yeah, that girl that was looking for information on a male Ranma Saotome.
She would have to look into that and see what was going on.


After school Ranma met Ito and Luna in the park to see what they had
wanted. The instant Ranma spotted them she started to giggle and was clawed
into silence by Luna. The both of them looked like they had just gotten
mugged by a pack of crazed girls with a bow fetish obsession. There are bows
along their tails, on their feet, around their necks, stomachs, even between
their ears. Both cats were pissed and putting out visible battle auras as
they paced back and forth like caged tigers, muttering under their breath
about girls and bows and revenge.

"Not one WORD Ranma!" Ito snarled.

"Those girl's were crazed out of their minds!" Luna whined.

Ranma kept her giggles down to a minimum as she took the bows off the two
cats. She did have to resist an urge to run thought, but found that it was
in fact quite easy to do. Weird. Still she was careful, she didn't either
cat attacking her for saying something stupid. "What did you two want

"We just wanted you to know that we are at your service from now on, you
are the Princess."

"Not that crap again!" Ranma snapped.

"But you are the Princess, the crescent moon on your head is all the proof
I need." Luna said.

"Wake up Luna, I couldn't be a princess if I wanted to be, which I don't by
the way, so just back off."

"No, we need to find your transformation broach so you can become a scout."

"What's that?" Ranma asked.

"It's a device that allows you to use your magic to fight with, give you a
Scout uniform, and a disguise field so no one can recognized you when you

"Hey, isn't that..." Ito stated.

"Luna, you guys don't talk to each other to much do you?" Ranma said.

Ito nodded and smirked, looking over at Luna. "Lady Pluto already gave
Ranma her powers, she's already a Scout."

"WHAT?!!!" Luna screamed and fell over. "Pluto hasn't been seen in
centuries Ito, she is dead or something worse."

"Pluto is still around, she just has to follow different rules than us. You
should remember that."

"Ranma show me, I want to see you transform into your Scout form. What
planet do you represent anyway?"

Ranma sighed and held up her arms to show off her golden arm bracers, and
Luna wondered why she hadn't noticed them before. "Pluto originally gave me
a pen of some kind, it was kind of dumb looking though. Then when I touched
it the thing turned to light and turned into these bracers, there is some
kind of spell on them that makes others ignore them in some way. Pluto said
I represented the Sun, Sailor Flash or something like that."

"Sailor Sol, Ranma, Sailor Sol." Ito muttered.

"Um...right, like I'm going to call myself something gay like that. I'll
come up with something better later."

"You can't just change your Sailor name Ranma, Its...its..."

"Gay sounding is what it is, at least the suit is a minor improvement over
the other's suits. Though not by much."

"I want to see it!" Luna yelled.


"Please?" Ito asked, slightly curious herself.

Ranma sighed and headed deeper into the trees nearby to get some privacy,
when she was deep enough that she couldn't see anyone, she held up the
bracers and shouted. "SOL CRYSTAL POWER, MAKE UP!!" There was a bright flash
of light, the cats later swore they head a loud moan of pleasure, and Sailor
Sol stood there in her all her glory looking great and slightly flushed. She
had a green breast bow and white back bow that had a pair of ribbons
trailing to the floor, the wave of power wafting off Sol was almost enough
to blow the cats off there feet.

"Incredible!!" Luna yelled.

"That's awesome Sailor Sol!" Ito yelled out.

"Don't call me that!" Ranma snapped out and formed a bladed staff made of
KI and Magic and leveled it at the cats. "I will be taking another name, got

"Whatever you want Princess." The cats chorused and sweat dropped.

"Exactly, now what did you two want to talk about before we got

"Two things, we want you to train with your new powers and to meet with the
other Scouts. Ito here tells me your already a powerful martial artist and
from what I've seen I believe her. We would also like to discus the
possibility of you training the Scouts to be better fighters, their so green
it's pathetic."

"I saw them fight that robotic princess the other day Luna, your right,
their pathetic, but good enough to be dangerous to others. I'll look into

"Well you meet with them?"

"I haven't met them formally Luna, but I already know who Moon, Mars, and
Mercury are."

"What? How can that be, they've been so careful to keep it a secret."

Ranma smirked. "I witnessed Ami transform, the rest was easy to figure out,
after all they are always hanging out together."

Luna moaned.

"Don't worry about it, I don't think anyone else noticed what I did."

"Well, I'm still going to have a little talk with those girls and get them
to be more careful." Luna muttered.

Ranma shrugged. "Whatever." She did think it was a good time to get some
practice though, but in the middle of the park was a bad idea. She had a
funny feeling, and Pluto telling her so, that she could level entire blocks
if she wanted to. That kind of power was very dangerous, oh yes, she was
going to need to do some training. "Hey Luna, you are right that I need
training with this power. Where do the others go to train and fire off
random blasts of destruction?"

Luna sweat dropped.


Hey everyone I need ideas on Ranma's new Scout name, send me some ideas.
Please ^^