Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma gets a new Fiance ❯ Prolougue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: nope don't own Ranma or sailor moon. Bug sum1 with some money for once.
A/N: ok a short prolog. Read and Review. My first fic, constructive criticism required. And also if yah want to flame me come up with something good none of this OOC crap.
[Panda sign]
It was raining in Nermia. Something that wasn't all that uncommon around their. No Nermia was known for its 1 minute freezing cold light drizzles. Although the local meteorologists tried to understand they were constantly baffled by this.
The reason it rained was because of Nermia's resident cursed civilians. Oh yes curses are real. Nermia has a man who turns into a duck, a man into a woman, a man into a panda, and Amazon into a cat, and the occasional pig man.
These few individuals attracted water. Water followed them. If the fell out of a window their would undoubtedly be a pool at the bottom. But for the residents of Nermia this was a normal occurrence.
Down the deserted streets all you could see was a drenched redheaded girl and a giant five hundred pound panda. There was rain pouring down on these two. The girl looked sad and if you looked closely the panda may have been frowning.
Ranma walked into the motel and walked up to the front desk. There was a blond lady looked about age thirty five at the desk. She had a plated sign on the front that said Carla.
Ranma approached her and asked “Do you think I could get a couple glasses of hot water please.”
Carla looked up to see a red haired girl and a panda holding up a sign that said. [Hello, I am a trained panda]
Carla walked to the back and filled up two glasses of hot water. She shut off the tap and walked back to the front desk. She handed the water to the girl and she poured some on the panda and some on herself. The secretary was shocked that the panda was replaced with a fat man wearing glasses and a head band and the beautiful pig-tailed redhead was a tall handsome young black haired male with a pig tail.
Genma Saotome who was just a panda a minute ago walked up to the secretary. “Uhh hello could we get a room for the night we'll be headed out in the morning.”
“Sure thing, check out is at eleven.”
Ranma and his father Genma walked to their room. They unlocked the door and went to sit down on some old furniture. “Boy how could you get us kicked out of the Tendo home. Genma demanded an answer out of his son. His voice showed more than a hint of annoyance.
“I wasn't going to put up with that crap anymore, do you know what that tomboy did to me the other day.”
The magic of flashbacks
Ranma and Akane were at school. They just got out for lunch. Ranma was sitting with Akane when Akane handed him his lunch. “Don't tell me you made this for me again.” Ranma looked a little green at the thought of Akane's cooking.
“Yah is that a problem I made that especially for you.”
“Akane did you taste test this before you gave it to me.”
“No why?”
It's amazing this girl's density some times.
“Akane you have to taste your cooking before you give it to someone or else it might not be made right.”
“GRR Ranma are you saying I can't cook.”
“Akane just try this you wont like it.”
“Why should I try it, I made it for you?”
“RANMA HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY COOKING!” Akane pulled out her trusty Mallet-sama and swung at Ranma. It hit him in the gut and he flew over the school. Akane wasn't finished yet and ran after him. When she got around the corner she saw him eating some of Ukyo's Okonomiyaki.
“Ranma if you love Ukyo's cooking so much why you don't just marry her. She would make a better wife after all.”
“Maybe I well, what are you going to do about you uncute tomboy.”
“WHERE AM I NO…” “Oh hey Akane what's going on?” “Where is Ranma I need to beat him I finally mastered a new technique.”
Ranma you're going to pay for not eating my cooking, and I know just how to get back at you.
“Ryoga that's what I like about you, you're a true man you don't hide from your mom and don't change genders.”
“Oh give it a rest Akane I'm on terms with my mom and besides Ryoga couldn't find his mom if he wanted to.”
“Shut up Ranma no baka!” Akane jumped up and wrapped her arms around Ryoga's neck. She started to kiss him. Ukyo's face lit up with delight and Ranma looked shocked. Akane broke the kiss and started to yell again. “Ranma I won't marry you I think ill marry your rival Ryoga instead, he is a true man.”
Nabiki witnessed the whole thing after Akane said that she pulled out her mallet and swung it at Ranma. Ranma flew over L.E.O with the help of Akane airlines. Nabiki pulled out her trusty phone; she called her house and told Soun what had happened. He started crying that the schools would never be joined.
When Akane got home with Ryoga she saw that Ranma and Genma were no longer present. “Where is the baka and his father?”
Soun spoke up, “We fulfilled your wishes you and Ryoga are to be married as soon as we locate his parents. Ranma and Genma left they didn't say where.”
End Flashback
“Besides pop you've tasted Akane's cooking I would have died if I ate it.”
“That was no excuse to take it out on your fiancé.”
“So pop where are we going to go now?”
“Don't worry son I got other arrangements.” Ranma sweat dropped when he heard this. Genma put his hand behind his head. Don't worry we have other fiancés lined up. Genma pulled out an address book. On the front was the title Book of Fiancé's. Ranma face planted, he kept a big book on all my fiancés wow.
“You remember when you were eleven we stayed at the Aino's house in London. Well I kind of engaged you to there daughter Minako.
End Prologue.
So how was it I just wanted to say read and review. Also well writing, this word didn't recognize Nabiki and in its recommends it said napkin. I found it funny.