Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ A Second Chance To Love ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Introducing: -----------------------------------
__________________________________R anma ½ Fanfic Production:


Part Four:

Nerima, Tokyo
Year 1993, Spring

"Ranma no baka!" Akane wearing the standard spring Furinkan school
uniform swung her black school bag at a pig-tailed youth in red
chinese shirt. The target of the furious girl avoided the attempts
to hit him with casual ease and the seemingly insulting dodges
drove her temper up by another notch.

The legendary quarrel between the two reluctantly engaged couple
had attracted the surronding crowd's attention, but the past
destruction caused by them and their group of friends and enemies
had taught them to avoid being caught in their way. The whispering
and frequent glances at her and Ranma however, are enough to
embarrass the Tendo girl to form a flaming-red blush.

"Gomen nasai! I'm just trying to hurt him a little, don't mind us,"
Akane called out to the unwanted audience and swiftly turned the
blame on Ranma. "This is all you fault, why can't you just stand
still to recieve what you deserved.

"The day I stop and let you hit me, is the day you become a good cook,"
He made a funny face at her and stuck his tongue out at her, "Which is
probably never!"

A twitch of Akane's eye failed to warn Ranma about the
big mistake he made as he continued with his taunts, "Everybody know
how you can never beat me in a martial arts fight. Not even when I tie
my hands behind me and bind my eyes. You're as slow as a brick, plain
sexless and kawaiikune otemba. Why would other male classmates try to
date you is beyond me!"

The group of curious viewers begun to back away as an eerie blue aura
emerged from Akane. The words angered and humilated the teenage girl
(and her cooking) and that was the last straw.

The final bit of control snapped as her temper flared. Lifting her huge
mallet from nowhere, she shrieked out her battle cry, "Shi ne!" Caught
unaware, Ranma was flattened on the pavement of Nerima street. The crowd
dispersed after the drama ended and Akane kept her mallet to continue on
her way home.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-----^-^-----^_*-----^^;-----~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

"Tadaima!" Akane announced as she changed out of her uniform into her gi.
The baka had agitated her to start her routine in the dojo much earlier
than expected. With a loud "Kyaa", the pile of brick were demolished in
a moment.

A series of "tsk, tsk" interrupted her in the middle of a very violent
kata. Akane looked up to find Nabiki in a wry amusement. "Did Ranma-kun
managed to piss you off as usual?" Akane gave an unladylike grunt and
murmured about how he had insulted her in public.

Nabiki's sly smile widened as she leaned against the doorway to assess
her little sister's reaction. "Do you want to know what I saw just now?"
Akane's suspicion was roused and she lifted one of her eyebrow in question.
"Nani?" Her older sister lazily rubbed her well-manicured fingernails on
her blouse and grinned, "Guess."

Plain annoyance and impatience flashed across Akane's face as she nearly
yelled, "No! Just spit it out!"

Nabiki waved her hands at Akane's defensively and tried to dismiss off her
anger, "Okay, okay. Your iinazuke had went off with Ukyou after the fight."
She braced for her imouto's outburst and was not disappointed.

"So what? He preferred to see his cute fiancees than a tomboy like me.
He can go with whoever he liked, that was none of my business!"

Nabiki chuckled at this predictable retort and shook her head. "You know,
for someone who is in love, you have the weirdest way of showing it,"

Akane's ears turned red and hurriedly denied the observation. "Who says
I've feelings for Ranma-baka?"

"Did I ever mentioned his name?" Nabiki asked innocently. A slight wince
from Akane as she proceeded to pacify her sister. Bribes of dinner
treats, and offering to lend her a few dressing items managed to seal
her mouth.

After the trade (or blackmail), Nabiki's expression softened a little
as she gave a little piece of advice, "Akane-chan, try to tell him
about how you feel soon. Male species prefer to know such things in
black and white. At least show him some care and concern. That way you
can ensure those women never had too many chances to steal him. And
this advice is free-of-charge."

"Arigato oneechan," Akane's lips lifted into a tiny smile. With a thumbs-up,
Nabiki left the dojo. Akane sat on the floor in silence as she considered
Nabiki's words seriously.