Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ China Girl ❯ The Sacred Cow ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
China Girl

A Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction by Saotome Ranchan

http://www.allaboutra nma.com/fanfics/China_Girl/

[ Chinese ]

* italics *

Author's notes, acknowledgements, and disclaimers to
follow. Who wants to read that first when there's a story

What's happened previously:

After falling into Nyannichuan, a dirty, cursed, and
dangerously depressed Ranma is brought to the
Joketsukozu village, Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, where he is given
into the care of Pao Da, an Amazon elder highly
experienced in aiding Jusenkyo victims. Her goal: to help
Ranma accept his female side as just another aspect of

< br> Book One: Learning to Accept
Chapter Two: The Sacred Cow


Ranma's mud-soaked gi was still being laundered, so Pao
Da lent the cursed youth a red silk shirt with frog-style
closures and a pair of black pants. After years of wearing
rough cotton weaves, Ranma found the silk to be light and far
less cumbersome than her martial arts uniform. The pants,
which tied with drawstrings around the waist and ankles, were
surprisingly comfortable.

she thought. She quickly went through a few
kicks and stances and, satisfied the clothing wouldn't hamper
her mobility, ventured out of her room. The elder awaited her
in the hall.

"Not bad," Pao Da commented, echoing Ranma's thoughts.
"Dressed like that, child, you could easily pass for

Ranma soon saw what the blue-haired Amazon meant. As
the two made their way through town, the teen observed
many villagers dressed almost identically to her, varying only
in shirt color and sleeve length. The townspeople always
stopped whatever they were doing to bow reverently to
Pao Da, continuing their activities only after the pair had
passed them by.

After the 13th or so such show of respect, Ranma's curiosity
got the best of her. "Why does everyone bow to you?" she
asked her companion.

Pao Da blinked. "Because I am one of this village's elders,

"You don't look elderly to me."

The Amazon laughed. "I'll take that as a compliment,"Êshe
said. "Each Joketsukozu village is ruled by a Council of
Elders. I am one of the five elders who serve on the Genjudi
Council. As such, I am entitled to wear Council robes." She
indicated the voluminous length of silver silk draped about
her. "It makes us much easier to identify."

Ranma thought but
kept to herself. "So ... where're you takin' me?"

"I have arranged for you to join the young women of the
village in their classes today," the elder informed her.

Ranma almost swallowed her tongue. Her shoulders
slumped as she envisioned herself spending hours learning
to prepare dim sum, embroidering Confucian proverbs onto
wall scrolls, and practicing that mincing walk she'd heard well-
bred Chinese ladies used. Shuddering, she trudged after
Pao Da, who led her to an immense green at the center of
the village. Approximately 20 girls sat in a row on the grass,
whispering quietly amongst themselves. Pao Da indicated to
Ranma that she should join the girls. Sighing, Ranma did as
she was told, although she sat a ways apart from the rest.

she thought morosely, glancing at the
group to her left.
Shaking her head, Ranma caught a glimpse of her own
scarlet locks.


Once Ranma was seated, Pao Da approached a stocky
woman who stood at the edge of the park, limbering up her
muscles. Seeing the blue-haired Amazon approach, the
woman bowed deeply,

[Honored Elder.]

[Greetings, Sei Lin. I have brought Ranma.]

Sei Lin looked back at the waiting girls and had no trouble
identifying the solitary redhead. [He ... she seems rather

[Wouldn't you be, if *you* were stuck as a male in a class of
young men?]

Sei Lin grunted. [You're right, of course.] She scrutinized the
Japanese teen, giving her the once-over. [You say Ranma
has had martial arts training?]

Pao Da nodded. [Yes, the Saotomes have been on a
training trip for the last 10 years.]

[Really.] Sei Lin gave the elder a crooked smile. [So I am to
treat him ... her ...]


[Her ... as I would the other students?]

Pao Da nodded.

The stocky Amazon cracked her knuckles. [With pleasure,


Ranma did her best to ignore the Amazon girls' whispering
and furtive glances in her direction, pretending to be very
interested in her feet instead. She had been, for a few
moments -- her girl's feet were much smaller than her regular
feet, dainty even, and didn't have nearly as many callouses.
But feet could only hold her attention for so long, so Ranma
decided to meditate to relieve her agitation. Thus she didn't notice when the other
girls jumped up and stood quietly at attention. She *did*
notice when a pair of thickly muscled legs halted a few inches
away from her face.

"You, Ranma. You stand now, yes?" The authoritative voice
jolted her out of her trance, and Ranma scrambled to her feet.
The husky Amazon standing in front of her eyed her gruffly.
"Girls start morning exercise now. You do, too."

With that, Sei Lin faced her students. She barked a series of
commands, and seven girls stepped out of the line. As one,
they performed an intricate T'ai Chi Chuan kata, stretching
their muscles and getting their blood pumping. Finishing the
routine, they bowed and rejoined their classmates. Sei Lin
called out the next seven, and these repeated the exercise.

Ranma was impressed with the grace in which the Chinese
girls moved.

When the second set of students completed the form, the
burly instructor summoned the remaining six girls, then
crooked a stubby finger at Ranma.

"You, Ranma. You do now, yes?" Her dark eyes glittered in

Ranma smirked at the Amazon and took her place alongside
the other six. Without hesitation, she launched herself into the
form, flowing easily from one stance to the next, matching the
girls movement for movement. All seven finished together.
Bowing, Ranma returned to her spot on the grass, but not
before giving Sei Lin a smug smile.

The Amazon instructor nodded her head curtly in approval.
The outsider was good. She had performed the exercise
flawlessly, even though she had never seen it before in her
life. Sei Lin smiled to herself.


Pao Da stood on the porch of the Council Hall, watching Sei
Lin's class practice broadsword techniques. From time to
time throughout the day, the elder had come out to enjoy a
cup of tea and keep an eye on the warriors-in-training's
progress. She was surprised that Ranma had been able to
keep up with the Amazon girls, no matter what style of
combat Sei Lin drilled them in. The youth either already knew
what was being taught or simply observed a technique once
and memorized it instantly. In fact, Ranma's skill level
surpassed that of all the girls in the class, Pao Da admitted to
herself grudgingly. Perhaps surpassed even that of Sei Lin.

elder thought, then smacked herself mentally. She
sighed regretfully.


On the training field, Ranma parried a blow with her
broadsword, easily disarming her opponent with a twist of
her wrist. Flipping backwards, she caught the flying weapon
and brandished it jauntily in the air before handing it back to
the open-mouthed girl in front of her.

"Xie xie," the girl mumbled, envy evident in her voice.

Sei Lin's eyes were wide with disbelief. Fa Seling was the
class' most promising swordswoman, yet the outsider had
defeated her in less than five seconds! Just as she had
bested No Xema in spear and Su Kopu in tiger fork. Poor Li
Suterin had to be taken to the healers after Ranma had
misjudged distances and thrown the hapless girl into a tree.
The redhead had even beaten Fu Lozu, and *no one* had
*ever* eaten more at lunch than that plump Fu girl. Sei Lin
suppressed a laugh upon remembering Fu Lozu's stunned
face; somehow, Ranma had not only inhaled her own rice
and pork but Fu Lozu's as well. In fact, Fu Lozu's expression
had looked a lot like Fa Seling's right now.

Jolted back to the present, Sei Lin signaled to two other
students. Suddenly, Ranma found herself surrounded by a
trio of sword-wielding Chinese girls. Catching Sei Lin's eye,
the cursed teen grinned. . Ten seconds later, Ranma
waved four broadswords in a mocking salute to the Amazon

[A most impressive display, wouldn't you say?]

Sei Lin sprang several feet into the air, not having heard Pao
Da approach. Recovering hastily, she bowed to the amused
elder. [Ranma exceeds all of my students in skill, Elder] she
reported. [I must admit, I did not expect this from ... well,
from someone like *that*.]

Pao Da chuckled. [It is a blow to our Amazon pride, isn't it?
One almost wishes we could test her skills against our
proven warriors.]

The instructor blanched. [You aren't considering ...]

[No, no, although it would be interesting to see how Ranma
would fare against the likes of Ka Mei or Xian Pu].

[I don't believe either of them are looking for a husband right
now, Elder] Sei Lin commented.

Smiling, Pao Da watched Ranma return the captured
broadswords to her opponents before signaling them to
come at her again. This time, the redhead merely dodged
the young Amazons' attacks, encouraging them to strike and
leaving openings for them to take. Sei Lin also observed the
quartet, grimacing whenever her students missed the targets
Ranma presented to them and holding her breath whenever
it seemed Ranma danced a bit too close to the razor-sharp
blades. In the end, the result was the same, although this
time the Japanese teen bowed respectfully to the women
instead of waving the swords at them.

The two Amazons acknowledged Ranma's gesture, Pao Da
with a bow of her own, Sei Lin with a brusque nod. As the
redhead returned the broadswords to their rightful owners,
the combat instructor turned back to the village elder, an
eyebrow quirked questioningly.

[Respected Elder, do you feel any need for Ranma to
continue with her ... lessons?]

Pao Da grinned. [I suppose not. It has been a most ...
enlightening day, wouldn't you say?]

Sei Lin hmphed. [I just hope the girls learned that being an
Amazon doesn't necessarily mean being the best].

[As I hope Ranma has learned that being a girl doesn't
necessarily mean one cannot be a warrior] the blue-haired
woman replied.

From within the Council Hall, a pair of large, aged eyes
watched in silence.


"So, what're we gonna do now?" a now-male Ranma asked
as he walked with Pao Da down a Genjudi street. He'd been
surprised when that bulldog of an instructor had suddenly
dismissed him from class -- he'd just started getting warmed
up! Pao Da explained that Sei Lin had to review certain rites
the girls had to undergo before becoming full-fledged
warriors ... rites he as an outsider was not permitted to see
and remain amongst the living. Ranma wasn't convinced, but
he wasn't about to challenge Pao Da's explanation. Instead,
he had politely bowed to the combat instructor and followed
the elder out of the park.

"You will see once we arrive," Pao Da replied cryptically.
"Tell me, child, what did you think of your classes this

Ranma snorted. "Sure beats Home Ec," he said. Upon
seeing the Amazon's perplexed expression, he elaborated.
"Back home, girls my age learn about cooking, sewing,
managing a household. You know, girl stuff." Oblivious to
Pao Da's scowl, he continued. "I ain't ever heard of girls
spendin' the whole day learnin' how ta fight. I didn't know
there were places that did that."

The elder smiled. "Those girls are our village's eldest
students," she told the pigtailed youth. "Once they undergo
their right of passage, they will take their place amongst the
warriors of Nyuuchiezu Genjudi."

"Do they keep trainin' after they graduate?"

"In a different manner, child. They will not have organized
instruction as they do now with Sei Lin, but they do continue
training. And our village often holds tournaments that allow us
to test our skills against each other."

"So when do *I* get a chance to test my skills against one of
your official warriors?" Ranma asked. "I mean, I had a nice
workout and all but it was nothin' compared to what Pop and
I do every morning."

Pao Da blinked and studied the young martial artist, but there
was nothing in his expression to suggest bragging or
exaggeration. she thought in
amazement. "Tell me, child ... some of what you did with Sei
Lin's class you could not have possibly seen before, yet
you executed each move perfectly. How can this be?"

Ranma grinned. "It's all part of Musabetsu Kaketo, the school
of martial arts Pop and I practice. Anything goes, so we're
used to adapting different styles and making them our own. I
usually only have to see a move once or twice before I
master it. That way, I can handle anything that comes my

"It sounds as though martial arts is the focal point of your life,"
Pao Da noted, watching Ranma carefully.

The boy shrugged. "I've been studying the Art ever since I
could stand," he told the Amazon. "I'm the heir to the
Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts, and Pop
and I are hopin' to unite our school with a dojo in Tokyo run
by Pop's old trainin' partner." Ranma paused for a moment.
"I guess you can say that martial arts is my life. It's a good
thing I love it, huh?"

Pao Da's mind whirled.
The elder
shook her head fiercely.

The Amazon noted that Ranma was looking at her oddly,
and she quickly composed herself. "It's always a blessing
when one loves one's life work," she quickly remarked. "Not
many are thus blessed." Turning a corner, she slowed her
pace down. "We are here."

There was no need to alert Ranma, though. He had already
caught sight of the dozens of men stretching and doing basic
kata. Unlike the girls' class, the ages of the men ranged from
slightly younger than him to just older than Genma. There
didn't seem to be any kind of structure, or even an instructor.
It looked more like a bunch of guys getting together to work
out ... which suited the pigtailed youth just fine.

"All right! Now we're talkin'!" he exclaimed, cracking his
knuckles in anticipation.

The unknown voice caught the men's attention, and they
turned in curiosity to see who had spoken. The sight of Pao
Da standing just feet away had everyone scrambling to their
feet and bowing to the elder. A slight smile flickered across
Pao Da's face as she returned the bow and gestured to the
men to carry on.

"Man, are you popular or what?" Ranma commented, a
sardonic grin on his face.

Pao Da laughed. "It's not often a village elder comes to
watch the men train," she explained. "Now that they know I
am here, they'll be pushing themselves even harder, in an
effort to impress me." She led Ranma to a shady spot
beneath a tree and gracefully sat down beside him. "I would
like for you to watch, child, and see how our men compare."

Ranma opened his mouth to protest, but Pao Da held up
her hand. "Don't worry, child. You may join them in a
moment, but first observe, and learn."

Not wanting to be rude, Ranma did as he was told, although
he was itching to join in and get some real practice in. After a
few minutes, his eagerness turned to puzzlement.

Keeping her eyes on the men before her, Pao Da was
nonetheless able to discern Ranma's consternation. The teen
was clearly stunned that the male Amazons' skill level was so
rudimentary. She knew he'd expected them to be more
advanced than what he was currently observing. As for
herself, Pao Da was impressed that the men had advanced
this far.

"How ... how long have these guys been trainin'?" the
Japanese boy finally asked.

"Many have trained all their lives," Pao Da told him. "Others,
a handful of years. They train whenever duty permits them."

"And you rely on those guys to keep your village safe?"
Ranma asked in amazement.

Pao Da's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Of course not,
child. The warriors do that."

Ranma looked confused. "Then ... who are these guys?"

"Those are some of the males of our village."

"Oh, I get it! The rest of the guys are out on guard duty and
stuff." Ranma smiled, pleased with his deduction.

Pao Da just stared at him. "Child, you *are* aware that this is
an *Amazon* village, are you not?"

Ranma nodded. "Well, yeah, the guide told us that when we
got here."

"What do you know about the Amazons, child?"

Ranma scratched the back of his head. "Uh, not much, really.
You're all Chinese. Some of you have really funky hair
colors. Ummm .... you keep your town clean ... you dress
well ... and your girls know how to fight." Satisfied with his
reply, he smiled at the elder. "How'd I do?"

Pao Da looked as though Ranma had suddenly sprouted
three extra heads. "Child," she finally managed to say,
"haven't you wondered why there were no males in the park,
or by the school, or on the streets?"

Ranma frowned. "Well, yeah, but I figured they were all out
on patrol or somethin'."

The Amazon sighed. "No, child. Amazon men do not serve
as guards or warriors. Only the women do that."

Ranma's jaw hit the ground. "You mean ... you're telling me
that all your warriors are GIRLS?!!"

Pao Da nodded. "The Amazons are matriarchal, child."
Noticing his blank look, she explained. "We are a female-
dominant society. Our elders are all female. Our warriors are
all female. Our healers, instructors, and guards are all female."

Ranma's eyes were as large as saucers. "But ... but ... what
do the guys do, then?" he spluttered.

"They manage the households, work in the shops, serve as
craftsmen, father our children."

Ranma face-faulted.

Oblivious, Pao Da continued. "Occasionally, a few show
exceptional strength and coordination. These we send to
Jaoyong, about a day's walk to the west, where they study
to become proficient in the art of Hidden Weapons." The
elder shook her head sadly. "We lose more men that way."


Pao Da looked at Ranma's shocked face. "Oh, no, no, no,
child. While training in Hidden Weapons is ... vigorous, none
have ever died learning it," she reassured him. "No, what
usually happens is that instead of returning to Genjudi, these
males choose to forsake their Amazon heritage and leave us
behind for more modern pursuits." Pao Da pursed her lips
in thought. "I do believe we have two or three youths at
Jaoyong now, and if I'm not mistaken, they should return
within a week's time."

Ranma reclined against the tree, trying to absorb everything
he'd just heard. Suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"D'ya think maybe I could go to Jaoyong and learn some of
this Hidden Weapons stuff?" he asked.

Pao Da regarded him speculatively. "It would require you to stay in Genjudi
indefinitely," she said. "The Hidden Weapons training has
never taken less than four years."

Ranma scoffed. "Feh. All they'd have to do is show me the
moves a few times and I'd have it down."

Recalling the teen's performance that morning, Pao Da didn't
doubt it. "I will investigate this, child, but I make no

Ranma grinned at her. "No problem! So, is it okay if I show
these guys how a *real* man's supposed to fight?"

On a nearby rooftop, someone cackled in amusement.

(to be continued)


A cknowledgements:

Thanks to Gary Kleppe for his insightful feedback, and to
everyone who took the time to read my tale! Arigato ...

Author's Notes:

The Joketsukozu vs. Nyuuchiezu conundrum having finally
been solved for me (thanks again go to Gary Kleppe),
readers will find that the Amazon village's name is now
Nyuuchiezu Genjudi, which roughly translates to "Amazon
Stronghold." Yes, I admit it -- I have an Azusa-like tendency
to name things! And it's such a kawaii village, too...

Shan Pu vs. Xian Pu. Some people say "Shan" is canon;
others say "Xian" is. After having a friend from Beijing
translate the kanji characters (thanks Ke Len!) and after
pouring over a Kanji dictionary for a good hour or so, I came
to this conclusion: it's my story, so I'm using what I want...
Anything Goes Martial Arts Fanfic Writing!! Besides, "Xian"
(first, immortal) seems so much nicer than "Shan"(mountain,


Ranma 1/2 is a creation of Takahashi Rumiko. All rights
belong to Takahashi-san, Shogakukan, Kitty, Viz, and
countless other entities with the power to sue me for
borrowing them for a little while. Please don't -- I'm a
starving, penniless otaku!

All original characters belong to me... if you'd like them to visit
your fanfics, just ask! Their travel rucksacks are always packed
and ready to go.


Chapter Three coming soon!

C&C welcome at saotomeranchan@allaboutranma.com. No
flames, please ... I'm as sensitive as Tendo Soun!