Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Photogrey ❯ Part 1: ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Date: 110408, 220408, 280408
Disclaimer: All Ranma/ST characters and concepts belonged to their respective creators and owners.
Synopsis: Where in the world is the Nerima Wrecking Crew?
Warning: Kasumi has been BORGIFIED!!!
Part 1:
Saotome. Famous last name.
"BECAUSE OF YOU ..." the male voice continued to wallow in anger and deep depression.
Because of you. Famous last reason.
Not to mention ... last words.
Wait a second here ... Last words? How could this be the last words when we're at the beginning of the story?
No ... make that first phrase ... since this is the neither the beginning sentence nor the closing sentence of the story.
"I'VE SEEN HELL!" a voice roared, screaming its frustrations to the heavens ...
And that's the way the story goes ... or some might say meant to go ...
Now normally, this would not be unusual for a certain lost boy except that said person was well and truly lost somewhere in the heavens.
Whatever the case maybe ... let's not assume that simply because an individual was lost in space, said person would not be heard and ignored. This was true in the sense that the lost boy had not just gained the attention of one person but the attention of an entire race of creatures that inhabited the realm.
'Did you hear that?' asked one voice.
'I did.' came the reply.
'What is Ranma Saotome?' asked another.
There was a murmur or discussion among the creatures as they tried to locate said person with their sensors and limited psychic abilities.
"SHI ... "
Quick as lightning, the creatures went to work, determined to locate and destroy the intruder before ...
'Sensors are picking up a massive power buildup. It's strong enough to wipe out a star system!'
"SHI ..."
'Where???!!!' the alien commander screamed mentally.
'It's coming from one of our vessels ... the largest battleship!' the alien navigator answered with shock.
"HO ..."
'What???!!!' Alarm bells began to ring in the alien commander's head.
"KO ..."
'Leave the area immediately! This is a top priority! Emergency evacuation! Our most powerful vessel has just gone rogue! All ships are to target and destroy it!' the alien commander ordered through the bio-transmitter.
"DAN ..."
A massive blast of power exited the bioship lighting up the space around them for miles around. All ships in the vicinity were vaporised by the sheer strength of the blast. Those further away fared little better their shields and destroyed and the hull of their ships melted.
The somewhat frightened but angry alien commander was about to give the order to fire when the most powerful ship among them just disappeared from their sensors ... vanishing from sight altogether ... and as to why that happened ... I'm sure we all know but these strange aliens did not.
So they could hardly be faulted for the loss of their quarry ... not that their Commander was in a particularly forgiving mood at the loss of more than ten capital ships in the massive explosion that just so recently occured. Nor could the Commander be faulted for his next action.
'Mobilise the fleet! Nobody does that to us and gets away with it!' came the angry command.
The aliens in the fleet quickly did as they were told, engaging their ships' powerful drives, thus disappearing from the space around them rapidly.
Nobody did that to them and got away with it.
Not even the Borg.
Said person was going to be one very sorry individual when the entire race got their claws onto 'it'.
Nobody crossed Species 8472 and lived to tell the tale.
Meanwhile ...
In another place, two large-sized capital ships were moving at tremendous speed, hoping beyond all hope to throw off their pursuers coming for them. Right now they were transversing a strange tunnel-like space that seemed to extend into infinity.
"Your efforts to escape us are futile. Return to the Collective. All will be assimilated," a soulless mechanical voice spoke.
"We haven't lost them and we will be reaching the end of the transwarp conduit in five seconds, Ranma-kun," a female voice spoke worriedly.
"I will die first before I let any of them assimilate you back into the Collective, Kasumi," the second voice that sounded male replied through the subspace transceiver that connected the two speakers.
"Ranma-kun ..." the first voice replied with sadness and then both ships dropped out into normal space.
The first ship was roughly shaped like a finely-cut diamond with eight metal beams criss-crossing the spherical-shaped center, forming a matrix-like structure with two spheres and two cubes lining up the four angles of the ship. Like all Borg ships, it was geometrically balanced on all sides - forward, aft, starboard and port.
A deeper study of the ship, however, would immediately reveal that this was no ordinary Borg ship. Its ship class was unique, belonging to that of an elite Borg ship, namely, a Borg Queen's Diamond. Or simply put ... a Borg Queen's personal command ship.
Though most races may not have realised it or cared to find out since they tended to adopt a shoot-first and ask-questions-later attitide when it came to matters pertaining to the Borg.
The second ship ... in contrast to the first was shaped like a large metallic sphere. Ridges curved out from the sphere at different junctures across its body and large blocks of metal that sank in and poke out of the other parts, marred otherwise what could have been a beautiful or perfectly formed sphere.
Nonetheless, despite the uneven surface of its body and apparent difference in shape and size from the first ship, it was strikingly symmetrical in appearance, not to mention, balanced on all sides - forward, aft, starboard and port ... like the first ship.
These features, more than anything else ... clearly marked the ship as a Borg ship. A Borg Tactical Sphere to be exact. One specially designed to co-ordinate the movements of the many Borg ships in the fleet that it usually led into battle.
The next ten ships that dropped out of the strange tunnel-like aperture that had appeared in this part of the galaxy were easier to identify ... From the simple reason that they made up the frontline forces of the mighty Borg Collective, thus becoming more common place and well-known than any of the other ship classes.
They were the regular, some might say sinister Borg Cubes that preyed on and terrorized whole populations in the galaxy en masse into assimilation. The word subjugation did not even begin to register as the poor victims were stripped even of their identities and desires, becoming one with the Borg Collective.
'This is it,' Ranma thought, even without turning to confront the mighty force of Borg Cubes being sent to pursue him and Kasumi, fugitives of the mighty Borg Collective.
The advanced ship sensors found on all Borg vessels rendered the need to turn around to see what was coming like in a human body, a moot point.
His face took on a grim countenance.
"Kasumi, when I give the signal, leave the area as fast as you can! Flee the site. Do not turn back. No matter what! I will hold them off for as long as I can!" the Jusenkyo cursed martial artist spoke in a commanding tone of voice.
"Ranma-kun ... What about you?" the eldest Tendo sister asked with concern.
"Go! NOW!" the Jusenkyo cursed martial artist ordered with more harshness then he wanted to as his ship's sensors picked up the Borg fleet powering up their weapons.
"We leave together! If you live, I live! If you die, I die! If you hurt, I hurt!" the eldest Tendo sister insisted stubbornly.
"You will adapt. It is in your nature. My nature. Our nature. Go! NOW!" the Jusenkyo cursed martial artist just about shrieked as one of the Borg Cubes opened fire with an intense, sizzling beam of energy that narrowly missed him and Kasumi.
Just as Ranma was about to retaliate, a rift opened up above them dropping a large strange-looking ship in front of the two sides of Borg ships. It had three sharp and short wings pointing out of the vessel in three different directions at equal angles and a pointed trident-like head. The sudden appearance of the alien vessel caused both sides to halt their attacks momentarily.
"WHERE THE HELL AM I NOW???!!!" a voice shouted through the space around them on all subspace frequencies.
'It can't be ...' were the thoughts that ran through the Jusenkyo-cursed martial artist's head.
There was only one way to be sure.
"P-Chan???!!!" the Jusenkyo-cursed martial replied through his subspace transceiver.
For a moment, there was silence and then ... a familiar ...
"Ranma???!!! Is that you???!!!" the voice from the alien ship asked.
"Yes P-Chan!!!" Ranma shouted in relief.
"Don't call me P-Chan! Ranma Saotome! Because of you, I've seen HELL! Wait ... That's not right ... Ranma Saotome! Because of you I've seen FLUIDIC SPACE!!!" the lost boy shouted.
Meanwhile ...
Onboard another group of vessels ...
A much different reaction was noted ...
"Species 8472! Do we proceed?" a Borg drone asked soullessly with a little dread.
"Yes we shall. There is still after all, only one of them," came the reply from the Collective consciousness.
That assumption was good until more ships of the same kind as the first alien ship appeared above them. ^_^
'Oh-oh ...' went the thoughts of the Borg crew at the sight of the huge force of bioships that had just appeared above them.
The fleet of bioships upon catching sight of their ancient enemy, forgot their original target and went after the Borg ships exclusively, ignoring everyone else except for two bioships that went after Ranma and Kasumi.
Knowing the danger of taking on Species 8472 from his current Borg database, the Jusenkyo cursed martial artist held nothing back.
The two bioships struck first forcing Ranma and Kasumi to take evasive actions. Ranma narrowly avoided the concentrated blast of bio-energy that streamed out of the front of the bioship facing him and returned fire with a dual strike from his mounted weapons. Two intense cutting beams of energy lanced out through deep space from the spherical shaped Borg ship to hit ... no ... only to miss the bioship in front of him.
That was not a problem since the first bioship wasn't his target. The twin beams of energy struck the second bioship, that was trading fire with Kasumi, damaging it severely despite its advanced bio-shields. Kasumi was quick to capitalize on the damage done to its port thrusters taken by the second bioship facing her, by opening fire with all her weapons in the firing arc onto it. Unable to avoid the attack, the bioship was effectively sliced into pieces by the Borg ship's weapons before it went up in a massive fireball, its deathcries echoing on all subspace transmitters.
Without any further hesitation, Ryoga quickly entered the fray, opening fire on the first bioship much to its shock and anger as it was not expecting one of its fellows to attack it. Still it managed to avoid the powerful blast of energy heading for it and returned fire in the same instant with its bio-energy emitters, damaging Ryoga slightly and forcing him to retreat momentarily.
Just as it was about to hit the lost boy again, it received a full spread of energy blasts from Ranma's 'lesser' weapons, damaging it severely, from the starboard. Realising that it could not win this battle, the bioship engaged its fluidic drive and made the jump to fluidic space as quickly as it could.
Three concentrated beams of bio-energy struck Ranma. Fortunately, he was able to deflect all three blasts back at them thanks to his rapid adjustment to the Borg adaptive shielding system much to their surprise. ^_^
Another Borg Cube exploded as nine bioships linked their firepower together to form a planetary-scale bio-energy beam. Ryoga opened fire on them with his bio-energy emitters forcing them to break up their bio-energy link, consequently disrupting their planet-destroying weapon.
'One down. Twenty-seven more to go ...' Ranma thought as he watched another Borg Cube vaporised by a group of the bioships.
Just then, a small Borg Cube which Ranma identified as a Borg Scout Cube left one of the massive Borg Cube behemoths just as it exploded in a massive fireball. Ranma intinctively prepared his 'lesser' Borg weapons to open fire on it when he heard the words, "Wait! It's me, Nabiki!" through the subspace channel that he and Kasumi shared.
"Nabiki???!!!" Both Ranma and Kasumi cried out in a mixture of surprise and happiness at the same time.
"Where have you been???!!!" All three asked at the same time.
"Well ... whatever the case, I think we better leave before the survivors turn their attention to us," the middle Tendo sister suggested, indicating the remaining vessels on the screen.
"I concur. Maximum warp, everyone," the eldest Tendo sister spoke.
Without any further hesitation, the three Borg ships and the lone bioship went to maximum warp speed and left the Borg and Species 8472 to sort out their differences in a battle with no quarter given or ask.
They had not gone far in terms of warp travel when they heard a voice loud and commanding ... through their subspace receivers.
"In the name of the Romulan Star Empire, surrender or be destroyed!"
Within seconds, dozens of Romulan ships appeared all around them ready to open fire!
Story Guide:
Current Progress:
Ranma Saotome - Borg Tactical Sphere (capital class ship)
Kasumi Tendo - Borg Queen's Diamond ship (capital class ship)
Nabiki Tendo - Borg Scout Cube (light combat class ship)
Ryoga Hibiki - Species 8472 Heavy Bioship (capital class ship)
What in the world has happened to Kasumi, Nabiki, Ranma and Ryoga? And why? More on what has happened to the rest of the Nerima Wrecking Crew will be revealed in the coming chapters.