Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma 1/2 - A Different Life ❯ Part Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Different Life

Written by: Gyran

Author's Note 12/12/2002:

Alright people, thanx for your patience. I know it's not a new chapter, but
hopefully I can get to that soon. Here's the revised version of Chapter Three.
This will probably be the last revision of a while. Finals are coming up to
beat the crap outta me, so I'll be busy for who knows how long. That being the
case, I'm not too sure when a new chapter will get done, so I'm not gonna give a
time limit, because I'll end up breaking it and pissing someone off. If you
have any questions or comments, drop me a line at rplanas@pacbell.net. Thanx

Here's the disclaimer you are all used to seeing: Ranma 1/2 and its characters
are property of Rumiko Takahashi. I am not making any profit off of this story
so please don't sue me. I'm but a poor student. Any characters that I make up
belong to me, if you wish to use any of them, which I highly doubt anyone would,
but if you do, please ask permission first and give credit to their creator,
namely me.


Part Three Section One: Here's...Ranma?

It was a cold, rainy morning in Nerima. The streets were slick with
rainfall and the sky was a depressing grey. There were people on the street
rushing around trying to avoid the rain. In the middle of their bustle, they
noticed someone coming down the street. Two someones actually, coming their
way. One appeared to be rather small while the other extremely large. They
walked side by side at an even pace, as if they did not want to go any farther.
As the figures got closer, the people discovered that it was a short, redheaded,
pigtailed girl dressed in Chinese clothing, and a panda walking on its hind
legs. Both had packs on their backs and depressed looks on their faces.

The crowd of people stared as the two walked by them. Never had they seen
such an unusual sight. The two just walked on by without a word and not looking
at anyone. Their focus was on the road ahead, a road they seemed reluctant to

After passing the crowd the girl turned to the panda and spoke.

"You know, pop, this is really getting kinda embarrassing. Everywhere we
go, everyone is stopping to stare at us."

The panda whipped out a sign that read, /I know. But there's no help for
it, boy./ The sign twirled and then said, /The rain was unavoidable./

The redhead sighed. "I guess so pop. But do we really have to go through
with this? What's mom gonna say? What about..." The girl's voice trailed off
as she flinched, as if in pain.

She did not have to finish the sentence. The panda knew what the girl was
thinking of. She had been thinking about it for over ten years now. The panda
sighed and patted the girl on the shoulder, nearly knocking her down.

"Hey! Watch it old man! Don't try to be all sensitive! It's your fault
we're in this mess in the first place!"

The panda growled and swung at the girl who deftly dodged.

"You're not gonna get me that easy, pop!" The girl began to launch
attacks at the panda who evaded most of them and blocked the rest. And so the
two continued their journey down the street towards the Tendou Training Hall,
fighting all the way.


Soun Tendou put down the postcard with a picture of a panda on it. He was
crying and smiling at the same time.

"At last!" He burst out with joyous laughter. "At last they're coming
home! I must tell the others!" He jumped up from where he was sitting and
rushed to gather everyone up.

"Nodoka! Kasumi! Nabiki! Akane!"

He ran towards the kitchen. "Nodoka!"

"Yes Soun?"

He quickly told her the news and asked her to wait in the living room
while he went looking for his daughters. He ran upstairs to find them.

He found his two eldest daughters in their rooms. Kasumi was studying her
medical books and Nabiki looking over her "special" books. When he checked
Akane's room, he found she wasn't there. He headed for the dojo where he saw
his youngest daughter dressed in her gi and focusing on some stone blocks. With
a loud yell, Akane swung her arm up then down, splitting the blocks with her
hand. She stood up straight with a sigh of contentment.


Akane looked up to see her father watching her. "Hi dad! What's up?"

"We're having a meeting in the living room, Akane. Please come and join
us. It's very important."

"Alright dad. Give me a few minutes to clean up and change. I'll be
there in a bit." And she rushed off to the bathroom.


Soun Tendou looked at his daughters and Nodoka. Nodoka had a big smile on
her face and tears in her eyes. The eyes of his daughters were filled with
curiosity as to what the gathering was about so he began to tell them.

"Everyone, I just received a postcard this morning. It seems some very
important people will be joining us this afternoon." He said nothing else, his
eyes filling with tears.

The three daughters looked at each other. Kasumi and Nabiki had smiles on
their faces. Akane was puzzled, still not understanding what was going on. She
waited for her father to elaborate, but no explanation came.

"So who are they, dad?" she asked, slightly irritated.

Soun smiled at his daughter as the tears in his eyes began to flow down
his cheeks. "Genma Saotome and his son, Ranma."

Akane's eyes widened in shock. "He...he's back!? Ranma's coming home!?"
Immediately her eyes also filled with tears and she began to smile with
happiness. <He's back! He's come back! Just like he always said he would!>
Akane got to her feet and hugged her father tightly. "I've got to get ready.
He'll be here soon right?"

Soun continued to smile. "Yes, Akane. So you'd best be going."

With that, the youngest Tendou rushed upstairs to get ready to see her
fiancé again.

The four remaining in the living room smiled at each other. Nodoka looked
to Kasumi and asked, "Would you mind helping me in the kitchen, Kasumi?"

Kasumi's eyes brightened. "I would love to, Auntie." So the two of them
went into the kitchen to prepare a meal welcoming the travelers home.


The redheaded girl and the panda stood before the gates of the Tendou
Training Hall. It had been many years since they had walked out these gates,
but now they had returned. Too bad they didn't look happy about it.

"Do we *really* have to do this, pop?"

The panda growled and nodded. The redhead sighed and pulled the gates
open. She walked in, followed immediately by the panda. As she looked around,
her mind was flooded with memories of long ago. Memories of the house, the
dojo, and the people that lived there; a certain girl in particular.

The rain had ceased a little while ago and the sun was shining bright.
The sky was filled with puffy white clouds against a deep blue sky. It was a
rather beautiful day.

The redhead sighed again and proceeded to walk to the house, the panda
still behind her. They approached the door and slid it open. Immediately they
heard activity inside. Soon five people were rushing to the door to greet their


Akane heard the door open first. Her head snapped towards it as she rose
to her feet. She had been nervous all day. She called to the others and told
them that it was time. The rest quickly rushed to her side and they all made
their way to the door eagerly.

When they got there, all of them received the shock of their life. After
all, it isn't everyday that a redheaded, pigtailed girl, dressed in Chinese
clothing, walks into your home with a giant panda.


Ranma-chan saw them all hurrying towards her and her father. She saw Mr.
Tendou, Kasumi, Nabiki, and her mother. But her eyes sought out only one face.

Her hair was still the same as it was ten years ago, short and lovely.
She had grown as beautiful as she had imagined in the ten years they were apart.
She was dressed in a red dress with a white blouse and looked absolutely,
positively cute. Ranma-chan couldn't help it. She leaped forward and gave her
fiancée a fierce hug.

"Akane! I can't believe it's you!"

Then the redhead felt a stab through her heart as she heard the first
words out of Akane's mouth after ten long years. "Who are you? Where's Ranma?"

Ranma-chan let go of Akane, dropped her arms to her side and stepped back
with her head down. Whispering something under her breath she suddenly turned
and ran from the house.


Akane was in shock as she saw, instead of Ranma and his father, a
pigtailed girl and a giant panda. She noticed the pigtailed girl look at
everyone in turn. When her stare reached her, Akane noticed that the girl's
eyes widened. Without warning, the pigtailed girl latched on to her in a strong
hug saying, "Akane! I can't believe it's you!"

Akane did not know what to do. She was still in shock. She had been
expecting to see Ranma. That being the case, the first words out of her mouth
were, "who are you? Where's Ranma?"

She felt the pigtailed girl stiffen up and let her go. Then the girl
stepped back. Akane heard her whisper something.

"I *am* Ranma," she said quietly, and then she ran from the house. Akane
did not know what to do. She stared after the girl and looked at her family.
They all had shocked looks on their faces. Knowing that the panda would not be
able to give her answers, Akane ran after the girl, her thoughts in a jumble.

<I can't have heard her right. Ranma was a boy! I know he was! But
where is he? That girl has to know something. I have to talk to her.> Akane's
face scrunched with thought about the strange girl. <The look in her eyes
before she ran off...it was like I'd hit her.>

She found the pig-tailed girl in the middle of the dojo, sitting down with
her knees to her chest, arms on her knees, and head bowed over them. Suddenly,
a memory flashed into Akane's mind. Ranma, on the sofa, the first night he was
at the dojo. He was sitting in the exact same position and crying. <But...it
can't be. Ranma was a 'boy',> Akane thought again. <I *know* he was!>

And yet, she found herself believing that this girl, somehow, was her
Ranma. So she approached slowly and put her hand on the girl's shoulder.


Ranma-chan's head snapped up. She hadn't been crying, but her eyes had a
haunted look in them. She looked up into the face of her fiancée. Akane's face
looked puzzled and worried, but, Ranma-chan noted, still cute.


"Is it you, Ranma?" Akane had both her hands on Ranma-chan's shoulders.

"I...y-y-yes. It's me Akane."

The familiar stutter and the way her name was said convinced Akane. Only
Ranma could ever say her name in such a way that made her smile. That and the
eyes. The eyes were the same penetrating blue that pierced her soul whenever
she had imagined them over the years. Akane wrapped her arms around Ranma-chan
and gave her a hug, one that Ranma-chan desperately needed and returned. They
held each other for a while before Akane separated them, a question on her lips.
"But...how is it you?"

Ranma-chan gave a bitter chuckle and said, "It's a long story, Akane. But
we'd better get everyone together so that me and pop can explain." She looked
at Akane again. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, Ranma." They hugged once more and made their way
back to the house.


(Okay, just to make this clear, I'm going to refer to male Ranma as
simply Ranma. Female Ranma I am going to refer to as Ranma-chan. Hopefully
this will help to avoid confusion.)

By the time Akane and Ranma-chan returned to the house they found that
everyone had gone into the dining room and there was a teakettle on the table.
The Tendous and Nodoka looked at the two and noticed they were holding hands.
Nodoka stood, gave Ranma-chan a hug and said, "Your father asked us to prepare
some hot water, Ranma."

Ranma-chan, looking startled, pulled away and said, "mom, y...you know
already? How?"

"Your father here, wrote the message on a wooden sign. I can recognize
his bad handwriting anywhere."

Ranma-chan snorted a laugh and gave her mother a fierce hug with her free
arm. "It's good to see you again, Mom."

"I'm glad you are home now, my son," replied Nodoka, tears in her eyes as
she returned the hug.

Ranma-chan turned back to Akane. "Excuse me a sec, Akane," she said as
she let go of Akane's hand and picked up the teakettle. She poured some water
out onto herself then onto the panda. The others in the room gasped as a boy
replaced the girl and a man replaced the panda.

Ranma spoke up first. "Uh, hi everyone. We're home."

"Foolish boy! What kind of a thing to say is that!?"

"Shut up, old man! What else are we supposed to say!?"

"Genma! What have you done!?" Genma flinched as he faced his wife. She
was angry and had a homicidal look in her eye. He got even more worried as she
reached for the long, wrapped object that was always with her.

"Now, now Nodoka. It wasn't really my fault."

"Of course it was, you old fool! *You* were the one who insisted on
going, even though you didn't speak a word of Chinese!" Ranma glared at his
father. "You said it would be *good* for us. A legendary training ground you
said! Ha!"

Soun looked at his old friend quickly. "Saotome, you didn't actually..."

Genma looked at Soun and nodded.

Soun sat back shocked. "The legendary Cursed Springs of Jusenkyou. It's
true horror has been shrouded in mystery."

"What do you mean *true horror*! You mean you knew that place was
dangerous, pop!? You *idiot*!"

"Ranma, you sound like a *girl*!" Genma picked up his son and threw him
into the koi pond. "Weren't you prepared to give up your life for the sake of
the art!?"

Ranma-chan emerged from the pond, splashed her father, and planted her
fist into the panda's face. "My life *yes*! But not my manhood!" The two of
them began to wrestle with each other until Nodoka's voice rang out.

"Stop that at once!"

The two of them immediately responded to her voice and ceased fighting.
They returned to the table and changed back with the teakettle. Then they began
to tell everyone the story of what happened to them.


Several Months Ago:

"Here sirs we come to Legendary Training Ground of Cursed Springs,

Ranma and his father were barely listening to the guide, who was dressed
in an olive green uniform and cap. They were too busy staring around at the
large area before them. Dozens of springs were in site, the water bubbling up
in the individual pools. Bamboo poles were planted in each of the springs,
rising high into the air.

"You know, pop," Ranma said, taking in the sight. "This place ain't much
to look at, you know?"

"Nonsense, boy!" Genma snapped back at him. "There must be a reason why
this training ground is legendary. Training here will make you a better martial
artist. I'm sure of it!"

Ranma sighed. "Whatever, pop."

The guide was giving them a questioning look. "Oh sirs, you are very
strange ones, no? No one train here because there are over one hundred
springs." His voice dropped low and became mysterious sounding. "Each one with
it's own tragic legend."

The two Saotomes didn't pay attention. Genma leaped up to one of the tall
bamboo poles sticking out of one of the springs. "You coming, boy?"

"You bet I am!" came the reply as Ranma also leapt up to a pole.

"Oh sirs!" exclaimed the Guide. "Wait! I haven't finished telling you my
tragic story!"

Again the guide was ignored as Genma and Ranma began to leap from pole to
pole, trading strikes back and forth as they went.

"Sirs! Very bad you fall in spring!"

Genma fall in spring.

"Hey pop!" Ranma called down to the water with a smirk. "I think you're
right! This place is making me into a better martial artist!" He began to

When a giant panda leaped out of the spring, roaring, Ranma was no longer

"What the hell!?"

"As I was saying, sirs, very tragic if you fall in spring! That one
Spring of Drowned Panda! Very tragic legend of panda who drown in spring two
thousand year ago! Now, whoever fall in spring, take body of panda!"

"What!? Why didn't you say something!?"

"I was trying to tell...oh, watch out sir!"

Ranma turned to see his panda/father flying at him. With a vicious swipe,
Ranma was knocked from his bamboo pole and into a spring.

The Guide rushed to the edge of the pool and watched as a red-haired girl

"That one Spring of Drowned Girl. Very tragic legend of young girl who
drown in spring one thousand five hundred year ago. Now whoever fall in spring,
take body of young girl."

Ranma-chan patted her new figure in disbelief. Opening her gi, she viewed
the newest additions to her body and screamed.

"See, now you young girl."

Ranma-chan leaped out of the pool and had her hands wrapped around the
Guide's neck. "Tell me how to change back!"

"Oh sir!" the Guide choked out. "To undo curse, must pour hot water on

"That's it!? I use hot water and I'm not a girl anymore!?"

"Well, only until you get wet with cold water."

"ARGH!" she cried, even as her panda/father, now in more control of
himself, came up to the conversation. "Isn't there anything permanent, like a
Spring of Drowned Man!?"

The Guide was starting to turn blue, so Ranma-chan released her grip. The
Guide looked at her apologetically. "I'm sorry sirs. No more Spring of Drowned

"What happened to it!?" Ranma-chan demanded.

"Several year ago, someone came and take all water from Spring of Drowned
Man and then seal it. Don't know who they were, but the spring is gone, sirs."

Ranma-chan's head lowered in defeat. Genma-panda laid a paw on her

"Growf," he said.

She looked up at her father, an evil look in her eyes. "This is all your
fault, pop!" And she began attacking her father, who fled.


Back to the present:

Akane had been silent throughout the exchange. She had been staring at
Ranma ever since he had changed into a boy. <He...he's really grown these last
ten years!> She blushed at how stupid a thought that was. Of course he was
going to grow. <But how much has he changed? We corresponded whenever he was
in one place long enough, but does he still care? He said he missed me a lot.>
She gave a mental sigh. <I just hope he means it.>

She snapped out of her thoughts as she noticed her sisters looking at her
with amused expressions. "What are you looking at!?" she asked them, irritated.

"Why Akane," Nabiki smirked, "why on earth are you blushing?"

"Yes Akane," said Kasumi, who looked amused herself. "I suppose you're
liking what you see?" She giggled as Akane blushed even more.

"Hmph!" was all Akane had to say. Kasumi and Nabiki looked at each other
and grinned.

"Well," Nodoka was saying, a resigned expression on her face. "Now that
we have the explanations out of the way, why don't we have dinner?"

Ranma and Genma's eyes lit up at the mention of dinner. Nodoka and Kasumi
went to the kitchen to bring out the food. Soon everyone was seated around the
table. Soun was seated at one end and Genma on the other. On Soun's left were
Kasumi, Nabiki, and Nodoka. On his right sat Akane and Ranma. They all began
to eat. It was in the middle of the meal, that Genma and Ranma began sparring
over their food, each of them had hands and chopsticks blurring.

"Genma! Ranma! What are you doing!?" Nodoka was not amused. Everyone
else was staring as well.

"Sorry mom," answered Ranma. "I have to do this or he'll get all my


"Thanks a lot, boy. You didn't have to put it that way." Genma turned to
his wife. "It's a form of training dear. It helps to hone Ranma's reflexes.
For every attack I make, he has to block and counter with his own, and vice
versa. He's actually become quite good over the years."

"Even so Genma, you are home now. You can train his reflexes in other
ways than by trying to starve him!"

"Yes dear."

So dinner continued without further incident. Ranma looked a bit
uncomfortable at how quiet it was. He was used to his father taunting him as
they battled over each other's plates. He glanced next to him to look at Akane
and found that she was looking at him too. They both looked away hurriedly and
continued eating.

After dinner, Nodoka asked Genma to help her clean up. After hearing a
couple of splashes, growling, and a shriek from Nodoka, Kasumi went into the
kitchen to help, and out came a disgruntled panda.

"Problems pop?" asked Ranma with an evil grin.

/Quiet boy!/ said the sign that emerged. Genma-panda picked up the
teakettle still on the table and poured what was left over himself.

Ranma laughed and stood up. Akane stood with him and he looked at her.
She looked back and they just stared at each other for a while.

"Do you guys mind?" Nabiki was watching the two with an amused look, her
chin resting on the palm of her hand. "There're better places to be staring at
each other than the dining room you know."

Akane and Ranma both looked down at the same time and mumbled an apology
to Nabiki. She laughed in response.

"I...I guess I should put my s-stuff in the room," Ranma told Akane.

Akane's eyes widened and she began to blush furiously.

"I'm afraid that you can't do that Ranma." Ranma turned to the voice of
his mother who emerged from the kitchen.

"Huh? What do ya mean, mom?"

"I mean, Ranma, that you and Akane are no longer five years old. You will
not be sharing the same room anymore."

Ranma scratched the back of his head, his facing going red. "Oh. Then
where am I supposed to sleep?"

"Well, we'll have to set up one of the extra rooms tomorrow. For now
you'll have to sleep in the living room."

Ranma shot a covert glance at Akane who gave him a slight nod.

"Alright mom. I guess I'll go set myself up in the living room then. W-
w-would you help m-me, Akane?"

Akane gave him the cutest smile and nodded. He smiled back and the two of
them went to the living room.

The others exchanged looks as they cleared the rest of the table. When
they finished they all sat down again, smiling.

"Just like when they were children, eh Tendou?"

"It sure looks like it, Saotome."

"It looks like they're a bit more serious now though," Nodoka put in.

Nabiki chuckled. "You should have seen them staring at each other,
Auntie. It was almost embarrassing."

"I just hope they don't take it too far." Kasumi had come back from
finishing the dishes in the kitchen with a worried look on her face.

"I wouldn't worry, Kasumi." Nodoka had a thoughtful look about her.
"They know that they still like each other, very much it seems."

Then the sound of "RANMA! YOU *JERK*!" came from the other room followed
by a *BAM*.


Ranma and Akane were setting up some blankets on the sofa, neither of them
speaking. There were occasional glances, but nothing more. In minutes Ranma's
makeshift bed was set up and he and Akane sat down next to each other.

Ranma took Akane's hand and she looked up at him. He was staring at her


"Y...yes Ranma?"

"There's been something I've been wanting to s-s-say since I saw you

Akane's breath caught in her throat. "Y...y...yes?"

"Akane, you...you look really cute."

Akane's eyes widened. Her eyes sparkled and she leaned her head against
Ranma's shoulder. "Oh Ranma...thank you."

"It's amazing really," Ranma continued with growing confidence. "I
thought that with your martial arts training you might turn out to be some
uncute tomboy."


"Uh, Akane?" Ranma noticed a blue aura emanating from the person sitting
next to him. He looked over and saw Akane staring at him angrily, her aura
glowing brighter by the second.

"Akane, what's wrong?"

"RANMA! YOU JERK!" All of a sudden a giant mallet appeared in Akane's
hand and she brought it down on Ranma's head, *BAM*!

The others came running in from the dining room to find Akane standing
over Ranma who was twisted and bent on the floor, a hammer on his head. Akane
saw everyone staring at her and Ranma, so she did the only think she could think
of. She gave a "hmph!" and walked upstairs to her room.

Genma walked over to Ranma and pulled the hammer off his head. Ranma
groaned and sat up, miraculously still conscious. He saw everyone but Akane
staring over him.

"Wha...what happened?" Ranma put a hand to his head and winced.

"We were just about to ask you that, boy. What did you say to Akane?"
Genma looked concerned.

"All I said was that she was cute."

"Are you sure that was all Ranma?" his mother asked.

"Uh, let's see." Ranma scratched his head. "I also said that it was
amazing since, with her martial arts training and all, I thought she might be

Nodoka's eyes narrowed. "Might be *what* Ranma?"

"Err, well, I meant it in the best way. *Really*!"

"*What* did you *say*, Ranma?"

"Um...anuncutomboy," Ranma mumbled.


Ranma sighed. "An uncute tomboy."


"I wasn't calling her that! I just said that...uh...that she could have
been one?"

"Go upstairs and apologize to her right now, Ranma!"

"Alright, alright. Yeesh! It's not like I called her that. I said she
was cute didn't I?" Ranma trudged up the stairs to Akane's room. He saw the
little wooden duck with Akane's name on it and smiled. He remembered seeing
that duck during his first night at the Tendou home. He raised his arm up and
knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again. Still no answer.
Slowly he opened the door and peeked inside.

The room was arranged the way he remembered it. The only real difference
was that the objects in it were bigger. A bigger bed, a bigger desk and chair,
and a bigger dresser. Akane, however, was not in there. He sighed and
continued to look for a few minutes before leaving.

"Oh well. She must have gone out to steam a bit. I may as well bathe and
go to bed...err sofa...uh..."

As he pondered the correct term to use when sleeping on a sofa, Ranma
headed for the bathroom and went in. He undressed and opened the door that led
to the washing facilities, a towel over his shoulder. He walked in and saw
Akane coming out of the furo. She saw him as well.

Akane blushed and grabbed for her towel. Quickly she wrapped it around
herself and walked towards Ranma as he scrambled to wrap his own towel about
himself. He watched as Akane approached him slowly. She got right in front of
him and stared him right in the face.

"Ranma," she said quietly.

Ranma stared at her. Even after she was mussed up from bathing, he was
still captivated by her. "Y-y-yes, Akane?"

"YOU PERVERT!" And her arm came up and around and her hand slammed across
his face. She stormed out of the bathroom and went to her room. A minute later
Genma entered and found his son twitching on the floor. He sighed.

"Didn't knock, did you boy?"


That evening, when all had gone to bed, Ranma was still awake, laying down
on the sofa. He had a red mark on his cheek. He sighed as he rubbed it. After
the events of tonight, he wasn't sure if Akane was coming down or not. But she

She walked down the stairs slowly, a blanket and pillow in hand. Ranma
sat up and watched her as she came around the sofa. She still looked angry.
Ranma took a chance and spoke.


She glared at him.

"I'm sorry Akane. I didn't mean to say those things or walk in on you in
the bathroom."

Akane continued to glare at him as he turned away, depressed. Slowly her
expression softened. She could never stay angry at him. She cared about him
too much.

Ranma felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked to see Akane smiling at him.
He smiled back and enfolded her in a hug. "Thanks Akane. I don't want you mad
at me the first day I get back."

"Hmph. You'd better watch what you say and do then, Ranma," she said in a
mock serious tone.

Ranma chuckled. "I'll do my best, but you should know I have a tendency
to say things before thinking."

"Obviously." Akane giggled. "I'm sorry for hitting you, too. I know you
didn't mean what you said about being an uncute tomboy. You called me...c-c-
cute before that." She blushed. "No one's really called me that before."

"Really?" Ranma was startled. He thought someone would have said it
before now.

"Well, there are the boys at school, but it doesn't mean much coming from

Ranma smiled, and Akane smiled back, still blushing.

"So, uh...how are we gonna do this?" Ranma asked. "I mean, the sofa
doesn't seem as big for the two of us now as it did before."

Akane blushed even more furiously. "I...I think we can still fit. I know
I don't want to sleep on the floor, and I don't want to kick you out of your bed

Soon, Ranma was blushing too. "Uh, how are we gonna fit, Akane?"

Akane looked down and said, almost inaudibly, "we'll have to sleep next to
each other."

Ranma gulped. "Uh...al...alright."

Akane's head snapped up and there was an evil look in her eye. "But you'd
better not try anything funny, mister!"

Ranma chuckled and made room for Akane to lie down. They gathered their
blankets over themselves and soon fell asleep, staring into each other's eyes.

They did not notice the rest of their family quietly go back upstairs


Part Three Section Two: Furinkan High's Newest Student

Akane woke up and found herself nose to nose with Ranma. She blushed at
how close they had slept to each other. If she leaned in just a little bit
she'd be kissing him. But she didn't. She quietly got out of the sofa and
grabbed her pillow and blanket. Taking one more glance at her sleeping fiancé
she made her way back to her room, a happy smile on her face.


Ranma was awaken by light glaring into his eyes. Opening them he
discovered that the light came from the sun. It was morning. He looked around
and noticed that Akane was not there. Suddenly he was hoisted by the scruff of
his shirt and thrown into the koi pond.

"Time to wake up, Ranma my boy!" And Genma began their morning sparring


Akane was coming back from her morning run. As she approached the
Training Hall she heard a yell and sounds of fighting.

<What's going on?>

She quickly entered through the gate and saw Ranma-chan fighting with Mr.
Saotome over the koi pond. The two of them leaped into the air and were a
flurry of punches of kicks before landing on opposite sides.

Shaking her head Akane walked towards the house as she continued to watch.
After a few moments Ranma-chan was knocked into the koi pond.

Laughing, Genma shouted, "You're sloppy, Ranma!"

He was immediately drenched by a bucket of water, which slammed into his

"Now who's sloppy, old man!?" Ranma-chan smirked at her panda father.

The panda growled as Nodoka came outside. "It's time for breakfast you

"Yes mom!"

Ranma-chan walked into the house at the same time Akane was getting there.

"Morning Akane!"

"Morning Ranma!"

The two of them sat down at the table as the rest of the family came in
and sat down. Soon breakfast was finished. Akane glanced at Ranma-chan. "I
have to get ready for school now Ranma."

"Uh, okay. But can't I go with you to school?"

"Oh! Um, I dunno."

The two of them looked at the others. Genma was shocked. <My son 'wants'
to go to school?> Nodoka was smiling and Soun was in tears for no apparent

"Hey Nabiki, can you arrange it for Ranma to attend Furinkan?"

Nabiki looked amused. "Sure Akane. How much are you willing to pay for
it, Ranma?"

"Nabiki!" Akane had an angry look on her face.

Nabiki chuckled. "Alright. No charge this time. I'd best be leaving
now, then." With that, Nabiki grabbed her schoolbag, lunch, and walked out the
door. Kasumi stood up to leave, too.

"I have an exam at the university today," she explained. "See you this
afternoon!" She waved and was gone.

Akane got up and started going upstairs. "I'm gonna get ready now, Ranma.
Don't walk in on me again!"

Ranma-chan blushed as Akane ran upstairs to get ready. After a while she
shouted that she was done and Ranma-chan went to get ready as well. Soon they
were both set to go and headed out the door, Akane in her school uniform and
Ranma in his red, Chinese shirt and black pants. Almost immediately Ranma
leaped up onto a fence and started walking on it.

After a while, Akane spoke up. "Why are you doing that?" She looked a
bit irritated.

"Huh?" Ranma did not understand the question until he saw Akane looking
at his feet. "Oh, this? This just helps me train my balance. The first time I
started I fell off every few feet." Ranma chuckled. "But that was a long time
ago. Now I do it to make sure my balance stays in good condition."

They continued to walk towards the school. Akane kept glancing at Ranma,
wondering how to ask him for a favor. After he began noticing her occasional
glances, he leaped from the fence and began walking next to her.

"You okay, Akane?"

Akane looked at him and found him smiling at her encouragingly. She
smiled and began to speak. "Ranma? I need to ask you for a favor."

"Sure, Akane. What d'ya need?"

"I need you to stay out of my way when we get to school."

"Huh?" Ranma was confused. "You want me to leave you alone at school?"
His face fell.

"No!" Akane said hurriedly. "That's not it! I just need you to stay out
of the way when we get there."

Ranma was comforted by Akane's words, but still didn't know what she was
talking about. He decided to do as she asked. "Umm, sure Akane. I don't
really understand, but if you want me to stay out of the way then I will."

Akane smiled sweetly at him. "Thanks, Ranma."

They continued on to school. Ranma was about to comment about how nice a
day it was when he was hit by water. Cold water. Looking around Ranma-chan saw
an old lady splashing water onto the sidewalk. Some of it had somehow managed
to hit her. She sighed.

Akane was startled at the change at first, then she too sighed.

"Come on Ranma. You can't go to school like that. We'll drop by Doctor
Tofu's real quick."

"Doctor Tofu?"

Akane smiled. "You'll see."


Ranma-chan looked around the doctor's office when Akane had gone in to
find some hot water. The office looked nice and clean, like a doctor's office
should look. She noticed the waiting area had a couch and a coffee table piled
with magazines. She could see into one room that had a bed with curtains around
it. There was another door that Akane went into, and there was a door that
Ranma-chan assumed went to the bathroom. The other doors were closed.

Then Ranma-chan felt a hand land on her shoulder. Looking at it, she
discovered that there was no flesh on it. With a yell, Ranma-chan leaped
up into the air and grabbed onto an open door. Looking down he saw a man with
brown hair and glasses smiling up at her. He was holding a skeleton.

"Sorry about that," said the man. "I didn't mean to scare you. This is
my skeleton, Betty. I'm Doctor Tofu Ono."

Ranma-chan slid from the door and stood before the doctor, staring at him.
"You're a doctor? You seem awfully young to be a doctor."

Tofu smiled at Ranma-chan. "Yes, I am rather, aren't I? But I was
qualified to graduate. And if the university said I was doctor, who am I to

Ranma-chan chuckled. It was at that point that Akane came in with a mug of
hot water.

"Oh! Hello Doctor Tofu!"

"Good Morning Akane. What's that you have there?"

"Oh, this is just some hot water for Ranma. Here you go, Ranma." She
handed Ranma-chan the mug, which was quickly poured. Ranma shook his head a bit
and asked, "you got a towel handy, doc?"

Tofu's eyes had widened in astonishment, but only for a moment. He looked
at Akane. "An interesting friend you have here, Akane. You said his name was

"Err...yes doctor." Akane looked embarrassed.

Tofu went and got a towel and gave it to Ranma. "Well Ranma, I've heard
an awful lot about you. Every time Akane comes in here, with some injury or
another, she can't help talking about a letter she's received from you."

Ranma looked at Akane who blushed. "Is that so? Well, it's nice to know
my letters got here okay. Sorry we can't stay, doc, but we're going to be late
for school if we don't hurry. It's my first day."

"All right then, kids. Drop by anytime."

Ranma and Akane rushed from Doctor Tofu's. They had to run if they were
going to make it on time for class. As they were running, Ranma decided to
satisfy some curiosity about the doctor.

"So, the doc's a martial artist, huh?"

Akane looked over at him. "Yeah. How did you know?"

"The way he snuck up on me. I never even heard him coming."

"Yes, he's very good."

The school was coming into view and Akane suddenly acquired an angry look
and began to speed up.

"Akane?" Ranma asked worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ranma. Just remember to stay out of it!"


But Akane never answered back as she passed through the school gates and
was rushed by a horde of boys. Ranma jumped onto the wall that bordered the
school and watched as Akane beat the horde into a pulp in under a minute.

<Wow. She's really good.> His thoughts were interrupted as Nabiki
shouted at him from the third floor of the school.

"Hey Ranma! Hurry up or you're gonna be late! I've already set you up!"

Ranma shouted back, "yeah! But what about Akane!?"

"Don't worry, this happens *every* morning!"

Ranma nodded, waved and looked back to Akane who had finished her fight.

Akane wiped the sweat from her forehead and muttered something about
people not catching a clue. Suddenly her arm shot out to catch a rose that was
thrown at her. She groaned.

Ranma saw a boy emerge from behind a tree and begin to spout off in some
obscure dialect.

"An earthlier happy is the rose distilled, than that which withering on
the virgin thorn grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness."

The boy was holding a bokken and wearing some type of samurai garb. Ranma
continued to watch the buffoon spew out some more strange words.

"These, weaklings, such a boorish lot truly. They fought for the
privilege of thy company, Akane, if they could manage to defeat you, that is.
What fools these mortals be."

Akane had a pained expression on her face. "Kunou, do you mind if we skip
it today? I'm already running late."

"I'm afraid not, oh beauteous Akane." Kunou pointed his bokken at her.
"Wilt thou spar with me?"

At this point, Ranma was tired of standing aside so he leaped from the
wall to stand next to Akane. "Geeze Akane. What was all that about?"

Kunou's eyes narrowed and he pointed his bokken at Ranma. "You there!
Aren't you being awfully familiar with Akane?"

Ranma turned to Kunou and said, "Yeah. So what?" He felt Akane nudge

"I thought I told you to stay out of this!" she whispered to him.

He shrugged in return. "I just wanted to know what the deal was. He's
the one who's talking to me."

Kunou was getting angry at being ignored. "Who do you think you are,
foolish whelp!? Tell me how you know Akane!"

Ranma smirked and began to speak. "Well, I'm..." but he didn't get to

"Wait! Is it not customary to give one's own name first!? Fine then!
Mine I shall give!"

Ranma just stood there with his mouth open in astonishment.

"I am the undefeated captain of this school's kendo club. The rising new
star of the high school fencing world. The sound of my voice strikes fear into
the hearts of my enemies. My peers call me the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!"

Kunou raised his bokken into the air as a bolt of lightning flashed to
accentuate the words of the Blue Thunder.

"I am Tatewaki Kunou."

Nabiki was biting her lower lip with a slight frown on her face. Her
friends looked puzzled.

"Did he just call himself Blue Thunder?" asked one of her friends.

"Have you heard of that?" asked the next.

"No," responded Nabiki, still frowning. "It's news to me."

"Last I heard, he was calling himself the Shooting Star of Furinkan," said

Nabiki said nothing and continued to watch.

Ranma was at a loss for words. "Uh...well...I...uh...I'm staying at the
Tendou Martial Arts Training Hall."

Kunou's eyes flashed. "Staying under the same roof as Akane!?" Kunou
lunged forward with his bokken and Ranma back-flipped out of the way. As he
landed he gave Kunou his own introduction.

"I'm Ranma Saotome of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts.
Consider your challenge accepted." He took a defensive stance and waited for
Kunou to charge. It never came.

"Ranma Saotome?" Kunou was taken aback. "You are Akane Tendou's fiancé?"

"Err, yeah," Ranma replied, puzzled. Why was Kunou stopping?

"Akane Tendou has mentioned you, but all believed you did not exist."

"Well I do, so what are you gonna do about it, pal!?"

"I will cease my pursuit of Akane Tendou of course." Kunou bowed and
walked into school.

On the third floor, Nabiki and her friends stared in shock. On the ground
both Ranma and Akane's jaws dropped. They looked at each other.


"Yes Ranma?"

"What the hell just happened?"

"I have no idea."

Then the bell rang.


Ranma stood in front of the class as the professor introduced him. He
glanced at Akane who was sitting at her desk. She gave him a smile and a wave
that said "don't worry." So he tried not to fidget.

"Class," began the professor, "this is Ranma Saotome. He is a new student
recently returned from China. However, even though he is new, he and Akane
Tendou were late! Go get your buckets and stand in the hall you two!"

Akane sighed and went with Ranma to stand in the hall.


"This is all your fault, you know."

Akane and Ranma each had a bucket filled with water. They stood against
the wall outside of their classroom.

"What do you mean *my* fault? You were the one fighting."

"Yeah, but I usually manage to finish before class starts. If you hadn't
butted in with Kunou, we wouldn't be out here."

Ranma sighed. "Alright, I'm sorry. Next time I'll let you pound the guy,
how's that?"

Akane smiled. "Good."

"What was all that about this morning anyway?"

Akane grimaced. "It happened at the start of the semester. Kunou made
this stupid speech in front of the whole school. He said that if anyone wanted
to date me, they would have to defeat me in combat."

Ranma stared at her in disbelief. "And those morons believed him?"

"Well," explained Akane, "Kunou is the best male fighter in the school.
If someone wanted to date me and didn't challenge me first, Kunou would pound

"Yeesh. So why didn't he try to pound me this morning?"

Akane frowned, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I'm not sure. It
was really very strange. I mean, Kunou is honorable and all that, so maybe he
respects our engagement now that he knows you really do exist."

"Why wouldn't he believe I existed in the first place?"

With a snort Akane said, "Kunou isn't exactly in the top of his class."

"Ah. So maybe all the fights will stop in the morning now that I'm
around, huh?"

"That would be nice. But then who will I spar with now?" Akane giggled.

"Well, there's always me, Akane."

"Hmm, I supposed you'll do."

"So if I beat you does that mean I get a date?"

Akane glared at Ranma, who was grinning at her. "No."


Gym class came around. The boys' class was starting the gymnastics
section while the girls started baseball. Ranma was performing flips and twists
on a high bar as the rest of the class looked on. Ranma ended with a perfect
landing to the applause of the other boys. He then sat down next to two boys
who had introduced themselves in class. One was named Hiroshi, the other

"That was great, Ranma," Hiroshi said, obviously amazed at Ranma's

"Yeah, where'd you learn that stuff?" Daisuke asked, looking equally awed.

"I've been training for over ten years, guys. You'd think I'd pick some
stuff up wouldn't you?" Ranma gave the two a strange look. Ranma knew some
weird people at his old schools before, but these two were weirder than normal.
He noticed that they seemed a bit uncomfortable speaking with him. He also took
note that they didn't seem to talk to anyone else except each other.

Soon Hiroshi and Daisuke started watching the girls’ gym class playing
baseball. Ranma was a bit surprised that they didn't have the expected leering
looks that guys who were staring at girls usually had. Actually they had
wistful expressions on their faces combined with a bit of self pity. As he
studied the two some more, he noticed that they were staring at two girls in
particular, Yuka and Sayuri, who introduced themselves to Ranma as Akane's
friends earlier.

Ranma soon began to watch the girls' class as well when he saw Akane
playing in the outfield. He still couldn't get over how cute she had become.
Sure, she was a *bit* of a tomboy, but he wasn't going to mention that if he
could help it. He didn't want to get smashed again. Hiroshi and Daisuke, who
had stopped staring at the girls, noticed who Ranma was staring at and exchanged

"So, Ranma," Hiroshi began a bit hesitantly, "what's the deal with you and

"Huh?" Ranma was still staring.

"Yeah, you know, have you two even kissed or anything?" Daisuke asked

"What!?" Ranma turned to glare at the two who held up their hands

"We're just wondering, Ranma," Hiroshi continued. "The way you're staring
at her, you two must be pretty close."

Ranma shrugged uncomfortably. He wasn't used to anybody taking so much
interest in his personal life. "We just...uh..."

"Uh huh." Daisuke exchanged another look with Hiroshi. They didn't see
the harm in asking, but Ranma seemed to be taking it personally so Daisuke
decided to let it go. "Alright, Ranma."

Ranma blushed and began watching Akane again. She was now up to bat, but
he wasn't paying much attention. He was just watching her. So it wasn't really
surprising when he didn't notice the baseball she hit was coming right at him.
And it wasn't surprising that he didn't attempt to dodge or block it. What
*was* surprising was that he didn't react to the pain when the ball slammed into
his face. In fact, he just sat there and continued to stare as Akane rushed up
with a worried look.

"Hey Ranma," Hiroshi was saying to him. "Shouldn't you have been able to
dodge that or something? I mean, since you're a martial artist and all." He
and Daisuke leaned over him with worried looks on their faces.

"Ranma! Are you okay?" Akane asked him as she arrived. Hiroshi and
Daisuke backed out of the way as she stood in front of Ranma and pulled the ball
off his face. The ball left behind imprinted stitch marks. "I'm sorry. I
guess I hit it wrong." He did not answer her. "Hey! Why aren't you saying

She noticed that Ranma had a glassy look in his eyes. Akane waved her
hand in front of them but Ranma didn't react. When she tapped him on the
forehead he collapsed, unconscious.



Ranma awoke to find Dr. Tofu examining his face.

"Are you alright, Ranma?" The doctor had a questioning look on his face.

"Ugh. What happened doc?"

"Apparently you got hit in the face with a baseball. It knocked you
unconscious. Do you remember how it happened?"

Ranma thought back to Gym class. <Let's see. My class was doing the
gymnastics stuff, and Akane's class was doing baseball. It was Akane's turn at
bat, and then...uh...that's the last thing I remember.>

"Ranma? Are you okay?" asked a small voice coming from the door. Ranma
looked to find Akane there, a dejected look on her face and almost in tears.

"Akane? What's wrong? Don't worry. I'm fine."

Akane rushed into the room and knelt next to Ranma's bed. She took his
hand into hers and the tears came out.

"I...I'm so s-s-sorry, R-R-Ranma," she wept.

"Akane?" Ranma put his other hand over hers. "Hey, don't worry about it.
I'm okay, really. It only knocked me unconscious. It ain't like I died or

It was obviously the wrong thing to say because Akane began to wail.

"Now Akane," Tofu put his arm around her shoulder, "it's alright. Why
don't you take Ranma home now, okay?"

She sniffed. "Okay, Doctor Tofu." She got up and helped Ranma to stand.
"You sure you're okay to go home, Ranma?"

"I'll be fine, Akane. Let's go, okay?"


"I'll see you later you two." Doctor Tofu waved at them as they headed
for home.


"Ranma? What happened? Are those stitches on your face?"

Akane burst into tears once more as Ranma's mother inquired about his
injury. She ran upstairs to her room and slammed the door shut.

"What did I say?"

Ranma stared up the stairs where Akane had vanished. "I think she's still
feeling guilty that she knocked me unconscious with a baseball, mom."

"Oh dear. Are you alright, Ranma?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but I think I'd better talk to Akane."

Ranma walked upstairs to Akane's room. He knocked, but received no
answer. Putting his ear to the door he heard quiet sobbing. He slowly opened
the door and walked in.

Akane was face down on her bed, crying into her pillow. Ranma came and
sat beside her and put his hand on her back.

"Hey, Akane? It really is okay, you know. I'm not mad or nothin'."

Akane turned over and sat up.

"You're not? But Ranma, I knocked you unconscious for five hours."

"Five hours? What time is it?" Gym had been at 10 that morning.
Glancing at the clock, he saw it was almost 3:30 in the afternoon. Ranma was
amazed. He didn't think he was out for that long. "That must have been one
major hit to knock me out for that long."

Akane groaned and put her hands to her face. Ranma mentally kicked
himself and put his arms around her. She clung to him tightly as she sobbed
into his shoulder. After a little while, she let go. Keeping her head down,
she spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry Ranma. I...I'm such a klutz. I can never do anything right!

Akane felt fingers on her chin raise her head up. She found herself
looking into Ranma's blue eyes. "Akane. I care about you. No matter what you
do, remember that I will always care for you." Her eyes widened as Ranma kissed
her on the forehead. "Now will you stop blaming yourself about this whole
thing? I mean, it was partly my fault for getting distracted in the first

Akane was still in shock. "D-d-distracted? By w-what?"

His face reddened. "Err, it's not important. I let my guard down and
paid the price for it. Let's just forget it, okay?"

"Alright." He got up to leave, and as he reached the door, Akane spoke up
once more. "Ranma." Looking back, he saw her smile at him. "I care for you


Part Three Section Three: Tatewaki Kunou

The next morning Ranma and Akane were running late for school...again.
They ran as quickly as they could. When they reached the entrance to the
school...there was no one there. Akane's expected hoard of admirers weren't
there to try and beat her up.

"Umm, Akane?"

Akane didn't answer. She just looked around, puzzled.

"Akane, we're gonna be late."

Ranma's words finally registered and they rushed into the building. They
made it through the classroom door just as the bell rang.

As they sat down they were a little winded, but at least they had made it
on time. Not that it really mattered to Ranma. He was asleep within half an
hour of the first lecture. Even Akane was only half paying attention. She was
still trying to puzzle out the unusual beginning to the school day. She decided
she would have to find out later, and she began focusing on what the professor
was saying, nudging Ranma awake while she was at it.

Lunchtime came around and Ranma and Akane decided to sit with each other.
They found a shady tree and sat down to eat. They were silent for the most
part, only occasionally making comments about the day's lecture and the homework
due the next day. It was towards the end of lunch that Kunou approached them.

"Ranma Saotome. Pardon this intrusion but I would speak with you if time

Ranma stared up at the kendoist. "Uh, sure Kunou. I'll see you in class,
Akane." Akane nodded and Ranma got up to follow Kunou who bowed to Akane before
leaving. Akane stared after them, curious.

"You know, I can find out what they're saying if you'd like, Akane."

Akane turned her head and saw Nabiki emerge from around the tree.

"Nabiki! What were you doing back there!? You weren't listening in on me
and Ranma, were you!?"

"What? You mean your extremely boring conversation about homework?

Akane glared at her for a bit before asking, "what do you mean you can
find out what they're saying?"

"I do have bugs around the school, Akane. They have been placed in areas
that people believe to be most private. I have some very interesting recordings
on tape."

"How much, Nabiki?"

"Why Akane! What makes you think I want anything from you?"

Akane just stared at her sister. After a little while Nabiki grinned.
"Don't worry. This one's on me. I'm just as curious as you are. Kunou has
been acting out of character. Especially when he said he was giving up on you,
just like that."

Akane nodded. Kunou *was* acting weird. Maybe they could find out why.
"Okay Nabiki, let me know what you find later on today, okay? But don't let
Ranma know."

"Tch, tch. Hiding things from your betrothed, Akane? I'm shocked."
Nabiki laughed and began to walk away when Akane remembered something.

"Hey, Nabiki."

The middle sister turned around. "Yeah, Akane?"

"Do you know what happened this morning? Why wasn't I attacked?"

Nabiki's expression took on a strange look. "Well, it seems after you and
Ranma left early yesterday Kunou announced that he would not tolerate anyone
trying to "date" you anymore. So I guess your morning fights are over."

Akane said nothing as Nabiki walked away. She just couldn't think of
anything she *could* say.


That afternoon, Nabiki stormed into Akane's room without knocking. Akane
looked up from her desk, startled at the entrance.

"Nothing! Absolutely nothing!" Nabiki ranted as she flailed her arms in
the air and began cursing under her breath.

"What do you mean nothing?" Akane asked her, irritated at the unexpected

"I mean I didn't get *anything* on Ranma's and Kunou's talk. Nothing!"

Akane stood up, surprise evident on her face. "But how? You said you had
every possible place bugged!"

"I know that! So either Kunou is smarter than I gave him credit for, or
he is so stupid he talks in places that no one would if they wanted it kept
secret. He might have gotten lucky and found such a place when no one was
around, but the chances of that would be astronomical at lunch time!"

Akane frowned in thought. "I asked Ranma what he and Kunou were talking
about when I saw him in class." She sat back down at her desk, thinking.



"What did he *say*!?"

"Oh. He wouldn't tell me. He said I'd find out after a few days anyway,
but Kunou needed it to be kept secret."


"Calm down, Nabiki. Screaming about it isn't going to help."

Nabiki took a couple of breaths and slowly regained her composure.
"Right. You're right. I just need to calm down and think about this." She
moved over to Akane's bed and sat down. "Now, yesterday, Kunou gives up on you
when he's been pursuing you for over a year, correct?"


"Then today, he needs to meet with Ranma about something, yes?"


"Ranma said that what they were discussing was going to take place in a
few days, right?"


"Well, the only thing I can think of, with the evidence we have, is that
Kunou was never really chasing you."

"You've *got* to be kidding!"

"No, think about it. I've known him for years now. When he focuses on
something he doesn't just give it up in a split second. So the only reason he
would give up on you so easily would be because he wasn't really going after
you. But nothing we know gives me any clue what's going to happen in a few

Akane pondered this. She could not find anything wrong with Nabiki's
logic. After all, Nabiki had known Kunou for much longer. In fact, Akane
couldn't think of anyone who knew him better than Nabiki.

Her eyes widened as it dawned on her. She got a mischievous look on her
face as she looked at her sister. Nabiki was still pounding her brain trying to
find the answer that Akane already knew. The younger Tendou giggled.

Nabiki looked up and saw her sister laughing. "What's so funny?"

Akane grinned at her. "You are."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, what does it matter to you what Kunou is up to? I mean, it's
only Kunou, right?"

"NO! It's not *only* Kunou! It's...it's..." Nabiki's voice trailed off
as she ran out of things to say.

"It's *what*, Nabiki?"

"I...I don't know." Nabiki had a strange look on her face, the same look
she had on at lunch earlier that day. "But Kunou acting unlike himself worries

"But why should *you* be worried?" Akane asked, her eyes filled with

Nabiki sighed, not noticing her sister's tone or her expression. "I guess
I shouldn't be. But I am." She got up and walked to the door. "Could you see
if you can find out what Kunou and Ranma talked about, Akane? I'll even pay you
if you want." Akane nodded in response. "I'll see you later, then," Nabiki
said in farewell as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

Akane sat back on her bed, an amused look on her face. <I'm surprised I
didn't notice it before. Nabiki always had this strange look on her face every
time Kunou approached me for one thing or another. In fact, every time that he
'has' approached me, Nabiki was always nearby.> She snickered. <Hopefully it
will work out in the next few days. I wonder what Ranma and Kunou are
planning?> She had this sudden feeling of dread. <I hope they don't do
something stupid!>


"Come on Akane! You have to move faster than that!"

That evening, Ranma and Akane decided to spar in the dojo. Akane was
throwing punches and kicks that Ranma merely dodged around. She kept trying,
but she never even got close to hitting him. It was making her angry.

"Grrr! Stop dodging, Ranma! At least fight back!"

"I can't do that, Akane!"

"Why not!?"

"Because I don't want to hurt you!"

Akane stopped so suddenly that Ranma fell over trying to avoid an attack
that never came.

"Hey. What's wrong Akane?"

"Ranma," she began in a surprisingly calm voice. "How can I get better if
you don't even try to hit me? I'm a martial artist too, you know? If all
you're going to do is avoid my attacks, then what's the point of sparring?" She
turned and started walking out of the dojo.

"Akane! Wait!"

She ignored him and kept walking. He ran to catch her, stopping her by
putting his hand on her shoulder. "Akane."

She didn't even turn around. "What do you want, Ranma?"

Ranma hesitated. "I...I want to hit you?"

Akane turned to look at him. "You do?"

"Well, no."

She started to walk off again and Ranma had to stop her once more.

"But...if you want me too, I can try. I just don't want to hurt you,

"If I'm going to be a better martial artist, Ranma, I'm going to have to
be hurt some of the time, right?"

Ranma thought back to all the training his father put him through. He
couldn't remember a single one that didn't bring about some pain in one form or
another. He sighed. "Alright, Akane. I'll fight back. But I ain't going full
out against you. Okay?"

Akane gave him an unexpected hug. "Thank you, Ranma."

"Err...yeah, sure." <She's thanking me because I'm going to be hitting
her. Now how weird is that?>

"Now, let's try that again, shall we?" She walked back into the dojo and
Ranma followed her.


Akane limped into the house. Every single part of her hurt. But even so,
there was a happy smile on her slightly bruised face. Ranma trudged in behind
her looking worried.

"Oh my! Akane! What happened to you!?" Kasumi had come in from the
kitchen where she was helping Nodoka with dinner.

"Oh! Hi Kasumi!" Akane gave her sister a wave and a grin. "Me and Ranma
were just sparring. He hit me a lot!" She limped away to clean up.

Kasumi looked at Ranma. "Ranma! How could you do that to Akane!?"

"But-but-but-but...she asked me to!" Ranma was looking depressed.

"She asked you to hit her?"

"Well yeah. I didn't want to, but she was so depressed that I wouldn't,
so I did."

"And that's a good thing, Ranma," said Mr. Tendou, who just walked into
the room from the porch.


"Akane needs more training. I'm afraid I've been a bit lax in teaching
her. If you were to spar with her more often, her skill would improve."

"But Mr. Tendou, I...I don't like hitting her!"

"I understand, Ranma. But if Akane is to improve, she must get hit."

Ranma sighed. "I guess so." He started walking away so that he could
clean up. He was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he undressed and walked
into the bathroom without thinking.


He looked up quickly. "Wha?" There was Akane in the furo. Her back was
to him but she had turned her head when the door had opened. "Oh geeze! Sorry

"I thought I told you not to do that again! And cover yourself for crying
out loud!" She was blushing furiously.

"Huh? Oh!" Ranma wrapped his towel around himself. Then he took a
better look at Akane's back. It was covered with bruises. He winced, imagining
what the rest of her must look like.

"What are you looking at, pervert!?"

He looked back to her still blushing face and saw it start to get even
more angry.

"Akane. I don't know if I can keep hitting you like I did tonight."

Akane's face softened as she realized what Ranma had been staring at.
"Ranma. I'm glad you hit me. I'm glad you really sparred with me. It shows
that you were taking me seriously about being a martial artist."

"But Akane, look what I did to you!"

"I know Ranma, but the bruises will heal. I'll just have to learn to
block or dodge your attacks so I don't get these bruises, right?"

Ranma shrugged unhappily. "I don't know."

"Come here, Ranma."

"What!? But Akane, you're..."

"I'm staying in the furo so it's okay. Just don't let your eyes wander,

"Uh, right." He walked up to her and sat next to the furo. Akane turned
and put her hand on Ranma's cheek.

"Please, Ranma," she said quietly. "Don't stop sparring with me."

"But Akane..."

"Listen, didn't you say before, that, no matter what I did, you would
always care for me?"

Her eyes captured his. "Yes," he whispered.

"Well, it works both ways you know. I know that you think that hurting me
will drive me from you." Ranma shook his head, trying to deny it, but her hand
gently forced him to look at her. "No, don't do that. I know that's what
you're thinking. But it's not true Ranma. I care for you. Even if you hurt me
when we spar, I don't hold it against you because I know that it's the sacrifice
I make for my training."

Ranma closed his eyes in thought. When he reopened them, Akane was still
staring at him.

"So, no matter what you do, Ranma, I will always care for you."

Ranma nodded, unable to say anything.

"Good. Now get out of here so I can finish cleaning up, you pervert."
Akane giggled and shoved Ranma towards the door. He got up and made his way
over there. He was halfway out when she said, "And Ranma, next time you walk in
on me I'm gonna smack you!"


Later that evening, during dinner, Ranma handed a small envelope to

"What's this, Ranma?"

He shrugged. "I dunno, Nabiki. I just found it lying around."

Nabiki had a puzzled look on her face as she put the letter into her

"Aren't you gonna read it?" Akane asked.

Nabiki shook her head. "Not right now. I'll read it later."


Nabiki sat at her desk in her room. The letter lay in front of her, still
unopened. *Who would be sending me something? It's just too strange.* She
picked up the envelope and opened it. Pulling out the letter, she unfolded it
and began to read.

To: Nabiki Tendou

Meet me on the soccer field at sundown on Friday evening. Come

That was all it said. No other name, no clue as to who sent the letter.
She frowned in thought. <Is this some kind of trick? I wonder if I should even
consider going. I could bring Ranma and Akane with me. I'm sure they could
keep me safe...but the letter said come alone.> She was still musing over the
problem when she noticed the time. <It's late. I'd better get some sleep. I
guess I'll just have to wait a few days to find out what's going on.>

She turned off the lights and went to bed. Sleep was a long time coming.


Akane and Ranma sat next to each other on the rocks next to the koi pond.

"So what's in that letter you gave to Nabiki, Ranma?" Akane asked

"Huh? How would I know Akane?" he asked in return. "I just found it."

She glared at him. "Don't lie to me, Ranma. Nabiki isn't thinking
straight right now, so it was very easy to fool her. On any other day she would
have seen right away that you got the note from Kunou. Plus, she doesn't know
you as well as I do."

Ranma smiled ruefully. "Okay, you got me."

"So what's it say?"

He looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. Finding no one he
quietly said to Akane, "Kunou wants Nabiki to meet him at sundown on Friday, out
on the soccer field."

Her eyes narrowed. "What for? What is it exactly that you two discussed

Ranma smirked at her. "It seems Kunou boy has had a crush on Nabiki for
years. He just never had the nerve to say anything. When you started high
school, he started hitting on you to get to Nabiki. He figured that was the
only way to let his feelings for her show without her knowing."

"So why the sudden change? Why's he meeting with her on Friday?"

"Well, since I showed up, he figures it isn't honorable for him to appear
to be chasing you anymore."

"But, what about that stupid speech he made? About no one being able to
date me unless I was beaten."

Ranma winced. "Oh, he explained that, too. He didn't want anyone else to
have your...uh...attention, so he figured that since no one could beat you, the
fighting thing was the best way. So, you remained available to chase, and Kunou
could still spout off his feelings to Nabiki using you."

Akane had a dark look on her face. "But-but-but that's so...*stupid*!"

Ranma shrugged. "Hey, you said it yourself. Kunou ain't exactly

A deep sigh came from Akane. "I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid
on Friday."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure he'll be okay. He's an honorable guy
after all." Ranma put his arm across her shoulders. When he heard her gasp in
pain, he quickly removed his arm. "Ah geeze! Sorry, Akane."

Akane leaned her head on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it."

They watched the stars for a bit before going to bed.


For the rest of the week, Nabiki wasn't herself. She was practically a
walking bundle of nerves. Everywhere she went she examined everyone carefully
trying to see if they were watching her. Her paranoia became so bad that her
information business went a little down in profits.

Finally, Friday came around. Nabiki was anxious for the day to end. So
anxious, in fact, that she missed her teacher asking her a question. She ended
up standing in the hall with a bucket for a while. Soon school was over and she
headed home.

Even then she was fidgety. She kept looking at the clock waiting for the
time to pass and the sun to begin it's descent. Soon it was time. She headed
back for school and waited on the soccer field.

The sun was setting, casting a fiery red light across the sky. It was a
beautiful sight to behold as Nabiki waited. Soon she did not have to wait any

From the west, in the glaring light of the setting sun, approached a
figure. Nabiki raised her hand to her eyes to see who it was that approached,
but the light was too intense. As the figure came closer, it began to speak.

"For it so falls out that what we have we prize not the worth whiles we
enjoy it. But being lacked and lost, then we rack the value, then we find the
virtue the possession would not show us whiles it was ours."

Nabiki's eyes narrowed. She knew that voice. She had heard that voice
almost every single day for over ten years.

It was Kunou.

"Nabiki Tendou," he said in greeting. He was now close enough for her to
define his features.

"Kunou. What the *hell* is going on?"

She was startled as he smiled at her. "I have come to give you a message,
Nabiki Tendou. A message that will be received with great pleasure."

Her eyes narrowed. "Well, aren't you sounding pretty confident."

Kunou was right in front of her now. He nodded to her statement.
"Confident enough to give you this." He presented her with a bouquet of red
roses. He turned and began to walk away as she gaped after him.


Kunou stopped and half turned to hear what Nabiki was saying. "Yes?"

"Where's the message you said you were delivering?"

He smiled at her once more. "If you do not yet understand the message I
must speak it to you."

He turned around completely and faced her. "Nabiki Tendou...I love you."
And he turned and walked off into the sunset, leaving behind a flustered Nabiki.

When he was gone, Nabiki looked at the roses in her hands, a blush coming
to her face. They were fresh and beautiful and a deep red. Her eyes glistened
as a smile came to her face. She looked to where Kunou disappeared and smiled
even wider.

"I wonder how I didn't see that coming."


Okay. That's it for Part Three. Hope it wasn't too long for you. I
wanted to get all this out of the way without starting another chapter. Let me
know what you think. Email is rplanas@pacbell.net. Questions and comments
welcome. Flame are ignored. Thanks again.
