Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Star Ocean : The Chaos Theory ❯ Chapter 2 - Ranma's Past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer : Ranma and Star Ocean 3 : Till the End of Time do not belong to me. All ideas revolving both Anime and/or Game do not belong to me either.
Star Ocean : The Chaos Theory
Chapter 2 : Ranma's Past
Ranma opened his eyes and found himself staring into the eyes of a hideous ghoul.
Ranma sat straight up and rubbed the large bump on his head. With tear-filled eyes, he turned to a slightly agitated Cologne, who in return gave him a hateful glare.
“That's the least you get for calling me a ghoul, Son-in-law.” She said spitefully as she hopped away on her cane. Ignoring the pain, he followed her into the Tendo living area, where everyone seemed to be present, plus 7 other faces he haven't seen before. However, if the glares Shampoo, Ukyo, and Akane seem to give him weren't some kind of clue, then the wickedly smiling Nabiki and rapidly sweating Genma had to be. Using every ounce of tact he had within his body, he willed himself to bow towards the unexpected guests, as they bowed in return. Maria said, (I'm not going to bother with introductions, I might confuse you in such by mixing the characters by accident)
“I am sorry to barge into your home Tendo-san, but we urgently needed to speak to Ranma Saotome.” Shampoo, Ukyo, and Akane all stood up, their auras rising increasingly,
“What you want with Airen!?” Shampoo questioned fiercely.
“Ranma-honey! This better not be another fiancée!” Ukyo said angrily.
“Another fiancée!? Ranma you pervert!” Akane shouted out ferociously. All three girls advanced towards the panicky Ranma, their weapons at hand, before Maria stopped them.
“I am not a fiancée as you say ladies, but, is polygamy still legal in this day and age?” Cliff answered,
“This is an underdeveloped planet, Maria. Husbands and wives still must've had more than one lover during this time.” Mirage replied to his statement,
“There is more than one planet that have those sorts of traditions, Cliff. Such as the Juraian Planet of the Quasai Sector, in system 5498.” Peppita, obviously unpatient, cried out cutely,
“So who's the guy that's gonna help us fight the Creator? Is it that guy with the bandana on his head? Or that skinny guy with the big glasses? Is it that really cute guy with the pigtail?” Ranma blushed a bit as Nabiki said sarcastically,
“What an open minded little girl.” Peppita shouted out,
“I am not a little girl! I'll have you know I'm already 14!” Akane scoffed as she replied,
“Really? You look 8 to me.”
“Enough!” Everyone turned to Soun, irritation written all over his face. He turned towards Akane and demanded,
“Akane, behave yourself before our guests, you are being rude.” Akane angrily retorted,
“But Dad!” She paused when her father started to sob miserably,
“Oh, my baby Akane yelled at me, boo hoo!” Kasumi calmed her father with a consoling hand on his shoulder. Everyone sweatdropped as Cliff snorted and replied,
“What a wimp.” Soun's attitude immediately changed as he turned around to face Cliff, his demon-head turned on full power. In a ferocious tone, he roared out,
“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOUNG MAN!?” (1) Cliff immediately went to his knees and started to beg for his forgiveness. When Soun's head deflated back to normal, Cliff rose to his feet, confused as to why he had given in so easily. Maria coughed loudly, succeeding in getting everyone's attention.
“Like I was saying, we are looking for Ranma Saotome, and from the reactions from the three ladies from before aren't some hint, you must him.” She pointed at Ranma, who in return gave her a clueless gaze. He dumbly pointed at himself and asked,
“Me?” Akane bonked him on the head with her mallet and irritatingly replied,
“Don't be stupid, Ranma,” She turned towards Maria and said,
“Hi I'm Akane Tendo, and this moron here is Ranma Saotome.” Maria obligingly bowed as she said,
“Oh I am deeply sorry. We forgot to introduce ourselves. My name is Maria Traydor, the blonde man to my left is Cliff Fitter, the woman next to him is Mirage Koas, the 14 year old child behind me is Peppita Rossetti, the redheaded woman on my right is Nel Zelpher, the girl next to her is Sophia Esteed, and finally, the blue haired gentleman next to Sophia is Fayt Leingod.” They all waved hello's before Ryoga stood up as he questioned the group,
“Are you trying to kill Ranma for something he did? Because if you are, then I can help you!” Mousse stood up next to Ryoga and nodded his head rapidly. They both winced in pain as both Ukyo and Shampoo bonked them on the head with a spatula and a bonbori. Ignoring the little fiasco, Nabiki inquired curiously,
“What do you want with Ranma?” Maria closed her eyes as Fayt answered,
“You see, Ranma here, isn't exactly human.”
Everyone tilted their heads towards the retreating Panda, smoke trailing after his tracks. On the floor was a sign that read `I just realized I have to take care of some' FLIP `things on the other side of town, BYE!
Everyone facefaulted as Ranma's eyebrow twitched furiously. With his aura released from his reserves, he yelled out to the heavens,
A bruised and bloodied Genma with rope and chains tied around him, sat in the middle of the Tendo living room. He gulped loudly as Ranma strode closer, a sharp knife tight within his grasp. He angrily spoke,
“Talk, fat man.” Genma gulped once again as he replied,
“Well, you see, this is what exactly happened……”
“RELEASE HER VILLIAN!” An incredibly muscled Genma yelled out towards a shadowy man in a black cape holding a beautiful woman in a chokehold. The shadowy man cackled wickedly as he retorted,
“Your incredible martial arts prowess and 400 I.Q. won't save you this time!!” Genma growled ferociously as he replied,
“You bastard! Let the young, virgin, extremely beautiful, kind, yet sweet at the same time, never aging, never complains when I do something stupid, perfect lover, and great cook maiden go!!” The evil villain laughed evilly as he cried out,
“NEVER!” Genma felt his anger grow as his Saiyan blood boiled within his body. He withdrew both hands over to one side as he gathered ki particles in between his palms. He smirked at the panicking villain as he threw the young, extremely beautiful, (gah you get the picture) maiden go and scrambled away in an attempt to save himself.
“You won't escape! KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAA!!!!” A beam of blue ki roared it's way to the villain. Fortunately, the villain was extremely slow as the beam of energy hit him squarely in the back. The villain squealed loudly as his body disintegrated into ashes.
Genma smiled triumphantly as the maiden came running up to him, showering him with kisses with her big, pouty lips. He said to her serenely,
“Now my dear, you are safe from his hands.” The maiden gave him a sultry smile, when all of a sudden, her face contorted with pain. She fell to the ground, convulsing strangely as she grew younger and younger to that of an infant. The evil villain's spirit revealed itself in the clouds as he wickedly said,
“HA! I put a curse on her to turn her back into a baby! SUFFER GENMA SAOTOME, SUFFER!!” His image disappeared as Genma knelt down to the female infant. Crying out to the heavens, he yelled out,
(End Flashback?)
Genma whined as Ranma continuously pounded his head with his fist. He looked up at Ranma with angry eyes as he questioned,
“How dare you hit your father, boy! Oh the disgrace of raising an ungrateful child, why did you stop my story!?” Ranma trembled as he shouted out ferociously,
“How the hell is anyone suppose to believe that stupid story! Do you think we're stupid pops?” Genma shrugged as he replied,
“What? It's believable.” Ranma sarcastically questioned,
“Oh? So how about the part when I was suppose to be a maiden gone baby?” Genma `urked' loudly as he sweatdropped.
“Oh, did I forget to mention he also turned her into a male? Silly me.” Ranma sweatdropped as Nabiki inquired,
“How about the part when the maiden was suppose to be never-aging? And Kamehameha? Couldn't you come up with a more believable story?” Genma was about to explain when all of a sudden, Ranma held his knife near Genma's now exposed boxers. He coldly replied,
“Tell us the real story or you ain't gonna have balls to prove yourself a man.” Genma frantically shook his head as he immediately began his true story,
(Real Flashback)
A drunk, swaying Genma walked across the park. In his hand was a half-filled Sake bottle. He hiccupped loudly as he yelled to no one in particular,
“Damn that man for taking my son! Who cares if I traded him for two slices of pizza and a small diet coke, he's still my son! I have a right to steal him back! Stupid Secret Pizza School of Martial Arts. What the hell am I gonna tell Nodoka!?”
A bright light filled his vision as a swirling vortex of wind appeared in front of him, the winds itself causing destruction to the park. When everything calmed down, Genma cautiously crawled from under the park bench, and walked towards the big gaping hole visible in the center of the park.
In it, Genma saw a tiny boy barely the age of 2, soundly asleep within the confounds of a futuristic baby carriage. Genma, realizing what this had meant, eagerly took advantage of this moment and snatched the baby from his carriage. It cried loudly as Genma took the tiny baby to who knows where, eager to train it the Saotome School of Martial Arts.
(End Flashback)
“Well, there you go.” Genma said, speaking with true honesty in his voice. However, Ranma and the gang didn't fall for any of it as they gave him skeptical looks and angry glares.
“Swirling Vortex of wind?” Nabiki inquired dully.
“Secret Pizza School of Martial Arts?” Akane questioned curiously.
“2 Slices of pizza and a small diet coke!? You bastard!” Ranma yelled out. Cologne sighed loudly as she replied,
“Well, at least it's more believable than the first story.” Maria interrupted,
“No, I believe he is telling the truth.” Everyone looked at her, including Genma, and yelled out,
“NANI?” Cliff looked at them sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head,
“Well, you see, we're from space.”
I would write more, but I'm cut back on time. Kinda copied a bit of Law-Kun's Chapter 6 flashback bit, with a bit of revising. Next chapter, I'm going to introduce Happosai to the gang of Space Adventurers. Let's see what havoc he causes with everyone. Until then!
Tell me what you think, Please R & R, Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks for Your Support, Daniel Shinigami.