Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Golden Locket ❯ Back To Japan ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Golden Locket





<'Thoughts in Chinese'>

{Panda signs}

Chapter Two

Xiao Qian looked out over the ships railing as the island of Japan came into view. She sighed.

<'Finally I'm here I'm back in Japan. The place where my mother left my father and my two sisters to take over as Elder. I hope I'll be able to find you soon…'>

She looked down at her bust and pulled out a golden heart shaped locket with the letter 'A' engraved in the center. Her fingers played over the smooth gold case lovingly. A smile played upon Xiao Qian's face as she remembered the day she received the locket…


A five-year-old Xiao Qian giggled as she played in the shallow river water. Not more than 5 feet away her mother Conditioner sat underneath a huge tree watching her youngest child play.

<Xiao Qian! Come here for a second.>

Xiao Qian stopped her play to look over her shoulder.

<Yes, mother!>

She giggled gleefully as she ran up to her mother and jumped into her opened arms. Conditioner hugged Xiao Qian to her as she ran her fingers through her long dark hair.

<Xiao Qian, there is something I think I should give you.>

Xiao Qian looked up from within her mother's embrace with questionable large brown eyes.

<What is it mother?>

<Before you were born I was given something for you from your father.>

Xiao Qian squealed with joy, her father was her most favorite subject seeing how her mother never talked about him much. It always caused her so much pain to remember the man she loves back in Japan along with her two older daughters. But the few times he was brought up it was always a happy time when she'd tell Xiao Qian of her father's travels around Japan to improve his skills as a Martial Artist. It was these stories that inspired her to become a fighter too, this brought pride to her mother knowing that she'd take her place as leader of their small tribe.

<Your father gave me this to give to you when you were old enough.> Conditioner pulled out a shiny object from deep within the folds of her kimono. The gold sparkled playing off the sunlight as it fell into Xiao Qian's chubby hands.

<What is it mother?> She asked picking holding it up and watching it spin around in mid air.

<This my child, I a golden locket given to you by your Father, Soun Tendo. You see the heart shaped pendent? It has an 'A' in the center. The 'A' stands for your Japanese name…Akane. Open it.>

With her tiny yet chubby hands Xiao Qian opened the small locket to find a two pictures, one on each side of the locket. The picture on the left held her mother and father's wedding picture and on the right a picture of two girls she had never seen before. One was older than the other and had light brown hair with large brown eyes. The younger looking one had darker brown hair with the same brown eyes.

<Those two girls are your older sisters… Qian Xiao Xia "K" Tendo and Qian Xiao Mi "N" Tendo.>

<Are they my sisters from the village, mama?>

Conditioner smiled down sadly at Xiao Qian, <No my child, they live with your father in Japan.>

<Japan? Will I ever see Japan, mama?>

<Yes, my child, I promise you that…>


"Excuse me miss, we've docked in Japan." A man voice brought Xiao Qian back to the real world…

She turned to him and smiled. "Thank you. Can you tell me what town we are close to?"

"Sure pretty miss, we're actually on the border line of Nerima and Juuban."

Xiao Qian bowed to him. "Thank you."

She turned to leave when she crashed into to someone and surely would have fallen down if the person hadn't caught her in his or her arms. Opening her eyes she was swallowed into a world of blue-gray…

Ranma rushed after his father who for some reason was in a big rush to leave the boat all of a sudden.

"Hey, wait up, Pop!" He yelled turning a sharp corned when he crashed into someone. Whoever the person was he hit them hard and they were falling fast. Thinking quickly and using his fast reflexes Ranma reached out and pulled the person up on their own two feet. With a sigh of relief he looked down into the most beautiful brown eyes.

'Those eyes look familiar somehow…oh shirt! It's her!'

Ranma quickly pulled away and was prepared to run when she smiled at him, freezing him in place.

"Thank you, I wasn't paying attention and I surely would have fallen had you not caught me."

"Umm, yeah, sure anytime Miss." He couldn't help but smile back.

Together they walked off the boat in comfortable silence. On land Ranma's father was waiting for him and when he saw whom his son was walking beside he paled.

"Boy, do you know-what the hell are you thinking boy?!"

"Cut it out Pops!" He turned back to the Amazon. "So where are you headed?"

"I'm not sure…I can here looking for someone but I have another goal in mind…I want to find my family."

Ranma looked shocked.

"Your family?" Genma found his voice. "But aren't you from China?"

Xiao Qian blushed. "Yes but my father and sisters live here in Japan and I want to find them. I've been longing to see them for years and now I have my chance."

Ranma grinned. "Well that sounds wonderful! Good luck!"

"Thank you, and might I ask where you're going?"

"TO Nerima, we have business there." Genma said.

"Alright, we'll I'll start looking in Juuban then. Maybe one day our paths will cross again. Bye." She bowed once more and turned to leave.

Ranma and Genma watched her disappear down the road and sighed, "That was a close on, ne?"

"Yeah…" Ranma said with a faraway look in his eyes.

'She's here to find her family? I thought for sure she would have recognized me and tired to kill me but I guess she's never seen my male half. Too bad she's trying ta kill me, she's really cute'

"Come on Ranma let's go!"

'Oh shoot, I didn't get his name! Oh well it's for the best I'm sure. He was so strong and his eyes…Kami what beautiful eyes. It's too bad he never wandered into our village…'

Author Notes:

Hanyoulover2004: Ok I have to say a few things, I messed up on Akane's Japanese name a bit it should just be Xiao cause Qian is the Tendo's surname. I'll be using Xiao from now on. It goes for Kasumi and Nabiki too.

On another note I made Akane speak proper Japanese because her mother lived in Japan with Soun for some years and she had to learn the language so when Akane was born she passed it on to her. I didn't really want her to speak in broken Japanese…

Shurimon : Oh she will eventually…just wait and see.

Elysium and Lonely Soul: Lol, yes I feel the same way! Ranma and Akane belong tighter…Thanks for the review!

A Knight : Thank you!

pokey: Thanks ^_^

psycho king: It wouldn't be Ranma ½ w/o Cologne messing things up for poor Ranma-kun would it? And this is no different! Just wait and see I have SO much in store for our fav couple!!!

Joe Fenton : ^_^; I didn't really think about all that when I was writing the last chapter. I didn't even know the Amazon village really existed… ^_^; Thanks for the info and the review thou.

compman44: Read and you shall find out my good friend…

To everyone else, THANK YOU