Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The One Left Behind ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: Down own Ranma. etc

ashez2ashes@yahoo.co m

Note: I might continue this, only one person seems to like it though. *shrug*

The one you left behind
Part Two

Why does he have to walk so damn fast? It's hard enough keeping him in my line of site. That string I had attached to his arm when I had handed him the ramen worked pretty well. Good thing the ball of string was so long. Now I'll be able to follow him!

I just wish he'd just stop walking so damn fast!

The branch I'm standing on creaked from the pressure so I quickly hopped onto a new one. Jumping from tree to tree was an interesting way to get around. I hope I don't trip and break my neck.

Ukyou stopped for a moment and peered over his shoulder. I froze and held my breath. Oh man... does he see me?

He looked around for several minutes, each passing second the burning in my lungs increased. When I felt I couldn't take it anymore, he turned around and continued walking.

Damn, I must be too close. I let go of more slack from the string and held back a bit. It wouldn't do for him to spot me now. All those hours of following him would be for nothing.

I hopped a few more meters, landing on a particular creaky branch. I ripped off one of my bandannas, threw it outward, and caught a branch from a nearby adjoining tree that was just out off reach. I swung over just as the branch gave away and flew harmlessly down to the mossy ground. That was a close one. I thought I was in trou--

The slack on the string caught up with me and jerked me off the branch to land in a particularly nasty spiky bush. A resounding thud could be heard from the other end of the string as my momentum caught up with Ukyou.

This was not good.

"Damn twigs." Ukyou groaned and stood up.

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing. I might never make it to Nerima on my own. Following Ukyou was the best bet I had to getting there before I turn old and gray. I've got to stay as still as a mouse . . . or a tree. I think those stay still a lot.

"Why is this string attached to my arm?" Leaves and twigs cracked under his feet as he approached. Closer . . . and closer . . .he was almost right next to me now . . .closer . .and closer . . . Hey what's tugging on my arm?

I was yanked out of the bushes violently. After landing face first in the mud I got beaten in the head with a spatula for good measure.

"Ow your pretty strong for such a girly man," I blurted out in a concussion induced haze. The guy looked angry for a moment, then calm, and then angry again like he couldn't decide whether to take it as a compliment or an insult.

"What were you doing?" He held his spatula in his hands menacingly.

"Following you." I sat up. Little thorns stuck in my cloths and bare arms. I started to pull them off as Ukyou continued.


"So you would lead me to Nerima."

"Nerima? Is that where Ranma is?"

I stopped pulling out thorns and looked up in shock.

"I was following you all this time and you didn't know?!"

He snickered and strapped his spatula back onto his back.

"Serves you right." Ukyou spun on his heel and turned around. I stood up from the ground.

"Hey wait up." I ran up to him, matching pace with his stride.

"Ewww! Stop following me you smell like fish." He made a point to step clear of me.

"Damn it! It's not like it's my fault or anything! That fish stand came out of nowhere!" I paused for a moment as something occurred to me. "How sanitary was it to keep fish out in the open like that anyway?"

Ukyou blinked. "I dunno it's one of those open air markets and--hey don't change the subject! You are _Not_ coming with me!"

"Come on you owe me!"

"How long am I going to owe you anyway?"

"How much is your life worth to you?"

He glared at me for a moment and then his shoulders slumped, defeated. Yes! Got him. This is great leverage against him. I have to remember to use it.

"Just stay out of my way. And whenever we find Saotome all bets are off."

Fine by me. I was going to do that anyway.

"It's a deal." I held my hand out and Ukyou shook it.

"Ow!" Ukyou pulled his hand back and winced.

"Err, sorry don't know my own strength . . . heh heh."


Well, after that Ukyou and I became buddies . . . well not really I didn't like him too much. He was way too sensitive about that sister of his that threw her life away when she was five. Five! You can't make life decisions when you're five. It takes years of letting contempt and hatred pile up before you can make a stupid decision like that.

Ok so I didn't hate the guy. He was just really annoying sometimes. He was ALWAYS talking about his sister. They must have been really close. I guess if I had a sister that had been treated the same way by Ranma I'd feel the same way. Then again . . .Ranma was my brother, and my mission in life is to ruin his happiness so . . . Damn. I just confused myself again.

Anyways, several days passed by rather quickly. Maybe it was because I had someone to talk to. It was nice to have someone to talk to about how much I hate Ranma. I never mentioned exactly why I hated Ranma and he didn't push the subject. I'm glad he didn't. I don't know what I would have said. I'm ashamed really . . . to have the same blood running through my veins.

On the fourth day after our meeting, Ukyou and I finally came out of the forest we had been traveling in. It might have taken us so long because of the map I drew . . . but I warned Ukyou. It wasn't my fault. I TOLD him the map probabley wasn't very good, but did he listen? Nooo...

The clearing we stepped onto was bright and sunny like one of those nice days that you see on tourist postcards. A large mountain resort lay in front of us, filled with restaurants, golf courses, a hotel, and . . . wonderful wonderful bathhouses. When was the last time I had a bath anyways?

I brushed a stray hair out of my eyes and grinned. "Heh. The oasis in the desert. I'm going straight to the bathhouse. I gotta little extra money on me, maybe I can get something to eat too. You coming?"

Ukyou back's stiffened and his eyes widened fractionally. "Uh, no that's ok. Go on without me. I don't need a bath." He laughed nervously.

"Yes you do." I wrinkled my nose and looked at him through the corner of my eye. "You stink."
"You jerk!"

"Well you DO." We both did. We had been wandering in the wilderness for a week.

"Whatever. I'm hungry. I'll go after I get something to eat." He shifted his pack and walked off toward the restaurant. Apparently the fish I had cooked hadn't been good enough for him. Man, was he prissy. I'm not even sure they'd serve him before he got a bath.

I shrugged and walked off in the other direction. His funeral. If he was going to act weird, that was his problem. Maybe something was wrong with him? Hm. . . maybe he wasn't what he seemed! Like . . . he was an escaped criminal! Yeah! He had assinated a goverment official and Ranma and Genma saw him, and now he's hunting them down to kill them! And he probabley smuggled diamonds! . . . Nah, that would make Ranma and Genma the good guys.

. . . Or what if he was all Hannibal Lector and he roamed those woods looking for naive banndaned wanderers!

I'm not sure why I did what I did next. I probably watched too many movies. They rotted my brain. I caught up with Ukyou, keeping him in my line of sight. I kept to the bushes and shadows a dozen or so feet behind him. I followed him for a few minutes until he walked into a restaurant. The two double doors he had disappeared behind swung a couple times after his departure.

What had I been thinking? I let myself get carried away again. Come on. Cannibal? Diamond smuggler? Assasian? Jeez. I almost stood up again when Ukyou walked back out of the restaurant.

And TOWARD the bathhouses. . . the girls side of the bathhouses.


That . . . that . . . PERVERT! He was sneaking into the girls' side! WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! He... was going to go eat those girls! It would be a massacre! I have to stop him!

I watched his form discreetly disappear into the girls' side of the springs with my mouth gaping open. I had to follow him. Not because _I_ was a pervert or anything but I had to do something! If I didn't help the girls in there I'd fall into a endless pit of despair and be tortured with excruciating pain for all time. At least, that's what mom always told me.

I snuck up behind him and hid in a locker.

Wait . . . what the?! He's undressing?! He really is a pervert! Wait . . . a pervert who's really a girl? Ukyou's a girl?! I've been traveling with a girl all this time?! I've...no...I'm getting in fights with a girl! I was . . .

And then my mind finally caught on to a very important fact. I was looking at a NAKED girl.

And so I did the only thing I could do--

I passed out.


I woke groggily later covered in my own blood. Now I REALLY needed a bath. At least it's a situation I was used to. Sighing, I went to open the locker door . . . and stopped at the sound of girls' voices.

"He really said that? Men can be such pigs."

"Yeah I was totally shocked."

Peering through the crack in the locker I could see a large group of women gathered in the changing room. I tried to focus on their faces. Luckily they all were mostly covered. Good thing they have towels. Err . . . or maybe that's a bad thing . . . NO! Good thing. Definitely good thing.

"Hey are you coming?"

"Yeah I just have to get something from my locker."

AHHHHHHHH! SHIT! I grabbed the locked door at the last second and held it in place.

"Argh! It's stuck! Hey can you help me with this?"

The biggest manliest woman I have ever seen stepped into view. She had to be seven foot tall and packed with muscles. The lady could probably crunch steel bars with her teeth. I did NOT want to see what she was going to do to me.

I had to do . . . something! Thinking quickly I grabbed the girls' things and put them on. The door swung open just as I had finished applying the lipstick. Yes, I know it was fast, but damn it you can do some pretty impressive things in a crisis. I fell to the ground in a heap.

All of the girls gasped and looked at me in shock. The girl who's locker I had been hiding in walked up and glared at me. "What are you doing wearing my cloths?"

I looked around desperately trying to figure out something to say. I blinked and tried a last desperate measure.

I started to cry.

"Oh I was so scared!" I said in a high pitched voice. "These bad men like uh came and uh attacked me and stuff! They took my cloths and I uh hid in a locker! Yeah, I barely got away. I'm so sorry I didn't have anything else to wear!" Fake tears streamed down my face.

I'm going straight to hell I just know it. I could practically feel the evil pits of death opening up to me. After all, unmanliness was even worse than being mean to a girl. I might as well throw myself off a bridge and get it over with. Wait, forgot about the revenge thing. So... grab Genma and Ranma then throw ALL of us off a bridge. Yeah, that would work.

"You poor girl!" The girl that accused me walked up and put a hand around my shoulder. They're...buying it! Yes! Ha ha! No hell for me today! I can go to hell tomorrow!

. . . Wait, that's not right.

"Those horrible men!" Another girl with curly hair sniffled. "They could still be out there!"

I'm home free! All I have to do is slip out! Ok . . .

"What's going on?" An all too familiar brunette with long chocolate colored hair poked her head into the room. Her eyes widened in surprise at seeing me, and then turned into a fanged-boy-melting glare. Aw man, it didn't matter if I got out of here or not, either way she was going to kill me. But . . . hey! She was cross-dressing too!

"Some men attacked this poor girl and shoved her into a locker!" A girl with pigtails told Ukyou. Ukyou raised an eyebrow and smiled like the cat that just ate the canary and really didn't give a damn who knew she ate the bird. "Oh, is that so? What's your name?"

"N-name? It's uh . . . it's uh . . ."

"You have one don't you?" That grin became more evil.

"It's Ryoukodukikin!"

The room blinked collectively.


Damn it brain! At least come up with something REASONABLELY believable!

"You must be a foreigner!" The girl with curly hair giggled. "That's such a silly name!"

I rubbed my neck nervously. Must get out of here...must...there has to be a way! The girls started bombarding me with questions . . . stuff about my homeland . . . Huh? I'm not from Lithuania!....where is that anyways? Err nevermind. Gotta find an excuse... gotta...

"Excuse me?" Ukyou grabbed my hand. "I think this poor girl has been through enough." The girls all nodded in agreement. Yes, that was such a perfect idea. Let the crazy girl drag me off into the dark of night where she can murder me without any witnesses. Yes, that was such a great idea.

Ukyou dragged me out of the bathhouse and stopped behind the building facing the woods. She finally let go of my arm and glared at me with the fanged-boy-melting glare again.

"What the hell were you doing?!" She was yelling at my quietly. How impressive of her. "You pervert!"

Hey! He--er she couldn't talk to me like that! "What are you talking about OTHER pervert!"

"What so perverted about a girl in a girl's bath?" She smirked. "Never would have pegged you for a crossdresser."

"It was a last desperate measure! It's not like I did it voluntarily or ALL THE TIME."


"How long before you were going to tell me and stop pretending you were a guy?"

"I never said I was a guy did I?"

Eh . . . well um . . .erm . . .

"No but you implied it. A lot. Come on! You ACT like a guy!"

Eh? What? Is she sniffling? . . . aww stupid Ryouga! Look what you did now! Oh no . . . she's started to cry! Whatta I do?!

"It's not my fault!" She brushed away a few tears angrily. "Him and that bastard father of his ruined me for marriage!" Ruined? Eh...how did they do that? She still looks cute to me...

"They stole my families yatai!" Yep that sounded like him. "I couldn't take the insults from all the other girls! Everyday! I couldn't take it!" Yep, girls are evil. "And . . . they left me behind!"

Huh. Yep. She's justified.

"So, I decided to give up my womanhood and live and train as a man so I could one day defeat him and regain my honor! I trained against the raging sea--" How do you do that with a spatula? "--and finally left my family in search of revenge!"

"That's a waste."


Ahhhh! I talked before thinking again!

"I uh just mean that . . . it's a real waste and you shouldn't have listened to what some silly girls said. What do they know? They were like, five. And uh...you were only five and a pretty girl like you shouldn't just throw your life away because of some jerk named Ranma . . . Not that you didn't make a good guy! Cause you did! You were good at it, but you probably would be a better girl and uh . . . um . . . We Um . . . BETTER LEAVE! So um . . . eh heh heh heh it's late so yeah . . . time to leave!" I started off toward the forest.

"You think I'm pretty?"

Oh no. Great job big mouth. At least she doesn't have a giant pig. Next time I see one of those things, I'm just gonna let it eat me. Things woulda been easier.

"Um . . .s-sure." Was it getting hotter in here? Erm . . . Ukyou walked over to me and...smiled. Smiled? I thought she was mad? Did I say something right for once?


Oh my god I did! Ha! Staved the reaper off for another week! Go me.

I smiled back.

"Well I guess we better be leaving."

"Your still in a dress."


"Didn't you notice? Getting a little too comfortable aren't ya?"



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