Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Shinobi of Legends ❯ A Prodigy is Born ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shinobi of Legends
By CrossoverFanatic
Chapter 2 - A Prodigy is Born
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters who are originally from Ranma 1/2 or Naruto… even if I could own them, I'd much rather prefer to just create my own characters that can rival them in every shape and form.
In any case, original characters in this chapter consist of Uzumaki Noriko, and she does belong to me. Maybe I should copyright this characters, too bad I have no idea how to copyright something (I'm just that dumb and clueless).
Summary: Watch as Ranma lives a new life as a Konoha-ninja, and how he begins his journey to become the best. But as usual, the more things change, the more they stay the same……
“characters talking”
`characters thinking'
Arashi found it odd that his wife wanted to give their son her last name but soon relented after hearing her explanation. If anyone found out that he of all people had a child, then that child would be the target of enemy ninjas and assassins, after all he had made a lot of enemies over the years. Given all this, they decided that it was best that people outside of Konoha remained clueless that he had a son.
Noriko was known throughout Konoha as the prized student of Tsunade, she learn nearly everything she knows from the legendary Slug-Sannin and couldn't have gone as far as she did without her. However she didn't just live in Tsunade's shadow, Noriko was considered by many to be an elite ninja who took the level of being a ninja to a whole new level. Being a genius in medical-jutsus, a master of her own-created taijutsu style, a mistress of the swords, and having over a hundred ninpou-skills was what made her into Konoha's greatest kunoichi, 2nd only to her teacher.
However, her identify was always hidden behind a mask. Given her natural leadership ability, and all her other talents, she had quickly been accepted into the ANBU and was made captain almost immediately. She continued to stay in the ANBU the majority of her career but retired when she found out that she just couldn't be a ninja anymore. She found that being a shinobi was just too tiring both physically and mentally. Soon she got into teaching, which she found to be very gratifying and rewarding, and decided that's what she wanted to do with her life.
Despite her prestigious past and legacy, there was no danger in letting people know that Ranma was her son. The sole reason being that outside of Konoha she always operated beneath her mask, thus nobody could recognize her.
Looking at his son, who was only at the age of 1, slowly wobble towards him from his mother's arms Arashi couldn't help but puff out his chest in pride, seeing that his son was that much closer to becoming a man. However, that quickly turned to worry when he saw his son fall flat on his face.
“Ranma-chan!” Noriko cried out in worry as she rushed towards him. After both parents thoroughly check him for any injuries, they were surprised to see that the baby wasn't even crying, in fact he was giggling and waving his hands around.
If they didn't know any better, they could have sworn that he fell on purpose just to get a rise out of them seeing as how he was currently laughing his little butt off and pointing at them.
“Anata, do you sometimes get the feeling that Ranma-chan isn't your average baby?” Noriko questioned her husband while closely watching the baby to make sure nothing else was going to happen.
“Hmmm…” Arashi pondered on that for a while before sitting on the ground, calling his son to him. “Maybe… after all he is our child. You can't expect someone with our genes to come out normal.” He then smiled seeing his son slowly wobble towards him once more.
Noriko's maternal senses were telling her otherwise but she conceded, happily smiling as her two favorite men bonded. However her cheerfulness instantly turned into fear when Ranma fell from his father's grip.
In the blink of an eye, Noriko had picked up Ranma and was trying to sooth the crying baby by rubbing his back and gently kissing his boo-boo. After a while the crying was replaced with a gentle `coo,' but as she sighed in relief she noticed something……
Said man looked up to see his wife stomped towards him carrying their son in her arms…… their son who currently had a large, red bump on his forehead.
Oh man, he hoped Noriko would be gentle but something told him otherwise when he saw a fist cloud his vision……

Mama she heard a small voice.
Noriko who was preparing lunch for her family looked at her 2-year old son in shock. Quickly wiping her hands, she gently picked up her son from his rocker, did you say something, sweetie?
Mama!!! The baby exuberantly exclaimed while waving his arms in the arms.
Oh my god, my baby said his first word!!! She gently hugged her son and kissed him many times, while praising him and telling him how she proud she was. She then heard the door open and close, and saw her husband was walking in and quickly made her way towards him to tell him the exciting news.
Those lousy ingrates, freakin' old geezers Sarutobi, you baka!!!! Arashi angrily yelled out, cursing the council for assigning him a genin team even though he specifically told them that he didn't want one. Now he was stuck with a team of 8 year old children, they weren't even close to hitting puberty yet!!!
The only reason that two of them even graduated this early was because they were suppose to be special. He personally knew the 1st member of his team, a girl named Rin, since his wife taught her a few medical tricks in her spare time and knew that she definitely had a bright future. He wasn't so thrilled about his 2nd member though, that Obito-kid. Sure he may be an `elite' Uchiha but he didn't know the Sharingan yet, and he seemed to lack confidence judging by his posture and the way he walked. Granted the kid could already use Goukakyuu (Powerful Fireball), which was impressive for his young age but against veteran ninjas even that jutsu could quickly prove obsolete.
Finally, the 3rd member of his team, the infamous Hatake Kakashi. Now here was someone who he didn't mind much since he could easily take care of himself but he wasn't sure how well he would interact with his teammates. He was probably used to being around adults and high-level ninjas, since he got promoted to Chuunin at the age of 6.
Geez, how troublesome
As he was cursing the old man hokage for being so gutless, Arashi didn't realize that his son was in the process of learning words. Although Ranma looked slightly confused at first, he quickly became happy again
Maka!!! Both parents turned to their child, his father excited that his son had said his first word while his mother was confused as to what `maka' was, but that turned into horrid realization when he said his next word. Baka!!! he yelled out while pointing at his mother.
Rapidly turning pale as he saw his wife turn towards him very slowly, he knew he was in trouble because she was currently doing that scary aura thing. Arashi then silently prayed that his wife was merciful……
…… oh man, this was just not his day.

“Ranma! Ranma!! Where are you?!” Arashi has been yelling for his 3-year son for quite sometime now. He took the boy on a little trip to the forest so he could watch his cool dad show off his crazy ninja-skills. Noriko was against this whole trip, worried that something bad might happen to her little baby but Arashi promised that he would keep his eye on him at all times and with much convincing finally got the overprotective mother's approval.
However the moment he turned around to get some training gear, he saw that his son had mysteriously disappeared…… Oh man, Noriko was going to kill him.
Arashi then heard a quiet giggle around him, and look around to see where it came from. He searched the bushes, behind trees, even underwater in a near by river but to no avail, then he heard it again his son's laughter. Finally pinpointing the sound, he looked up to see his 3-year son…… who was currently standing upside-down on a tree branch.
`How…?!?!' Arashi thought in amazement. It's hard even for full-fledged genins to learn how to climb trees right off the bat because of the precise chakra-control involved, yet here was his 3-year son currently doing it with the greatest of ease.
`I knew he wasn't a normal baby, especially since he knows how to speak so coherently at such a young age, not to mention how fast he picked up words when he first started talking'
He then thought back to a year ago when he accidentally taught his son his first `bad' word and shuddered. Well it's not like `baka' was a bad word, Noriko didn't have to hit him so hard!!!! Silently cursing Tsunade for passing her bad temper onto his wife, he turned back to his son.
`…but still, how does he even know how to do this? Neither Noriko or I ever used any ninja-techniques in front of the baby, how could he have…?' Arashi just couldn't understand it, but silently continued to watch as his son was run and jump from tree to tree as if he's been doing it for years. He was even more amazed at seeing his son pull off acrobatic maneuvers that even chuunins would have trouble pulling off without getting serious cramps.
“Ranma, that's enough! Come back down here!” he yelled out to his son after a few more minutes of watching. He then held out his arms as he watched the boy jump out of the trees, and safely caught him.
“Papa, Papa!!! Did you see, I was running up and down the trees!!!” Ranma excitedly told his father, “I don't know how I did it, but I was chasing after this squirrelly and then I just ran up a tree!” He then hopped out of his father's arms, and started jumping up and down unable to contain himself. “I was scared at first `cause I was really high up, but then I just started playing with more squirrelies hiding in the tree then you came to pick me up papa!”
Arashi then bent down on one knee, and held his son down in one place since he was getting slightly dizzy, “Ranma, are you telling me that you don't even know how you walked up the trees?” Seeing his son nod in agreement only stunned him more.
`It's just… too amazing for words,' Arashi thought to himself. `He's a natural a natural-born ninja is he… he has to be he's a prodigy?!?!'
He picked up his son, and carried him over to the gentle side of the river. “Now Ranma, watch papa very closely, okay?” Arashi told his son as he set him down on the ground.
Making sure that his son was watching him, he slowly walked onto the water and took a few steps. Then he turned around to see… that his son had disappeared again! “Papa, how are you doing that?” He heard a curious voice ask from right next to him.
He looked over to see Ranma currently standing on the water next to him, looking at his feet in curiosity and a confused look. “Ummm… Ranma, you're doing it too.” Arashi quietly pointed out, his son then look at his own two feet with shocked eyes. “Oh wow, I am, I am!!!” The ecstatic little boy screamed out before running all over the river, and jumping up and down laughing while water splashed all around him.
Curious as to what else he could do, Ranma quickly ran over to his father and jumped into his arms. “Papa, teach me more!!!” The exuberant child yelled out. Arashi was of course still out of it from seeing his son just accomplish a high-level genin skill that should have taken weeks of practice to accomplish.
Shaking himself out of his stupor, he walked back over to land and set his son down on the ground. “Ranma before I teach you any more tricks, I think it'll be best if we go back home to tell your mother this,” Ranma only pouted, but quickly got over it when he realized he can show his mama all his cool new tricks!

Noriko was very surprised to see that her husband and son had come home so fast, after all they had only just left an hour ago. But she didn't complain because she found her arms to be quickly occupied by her favorite little man, who was telling her about all the neat tricks that he did. Of course all she did was nod and just listen to her son as he excitedly talked.
What she didn't expect was that everything he told her was true……
“What?” came the shocked whisper from Noriko. After she had put Ranma down, he ran off to play in his room, then Noriko went over to her husband and questioned him on what really happened but was surprised to find that that her son was telling her the truth.
“It's true,” Arashi reassured her. “I couldn't believe it myself, he was running and jumping on the trees and water as if he was a jounin-level ninja.”
“How? It's just impossible for a 3-year old baby to even gather chakra nevertheless use it in such a way.” Noriko still couldn't believe that her baby-boy was able to mold and use his chakra to such levels.
“I don't know, I just don't know… but you do know what we have to do right?” Arashi looked over at this wife with a grim expression.
“Oh no…” Noriko whispered in horror, and quickly tried to put an end to such thoughts. “Oh no, you are not teaching my baby to become a ninja even before he's learned how to live!!!” She screamed out. “He's still a baby, dammit! He should experience happiness first before learning about misery and death!!!”
Arashi, seeing how his wife was now crying, went over to try and hug her only to be pushed away. “Don't touch me, you bastard.” Noriko growled out, “How could you even think about doing such a thing to him?!”
“Honey, you know it's the right thing to do, Ranma's been given a gift…” He was quickly interrupted though. “Don't you give me that crap about gifts and talent, and don't you dare tell me what's right!!! How the hell is it right to teach a baby to become a murderer!!!” She screamed out hysterically.
She then fell on her knees, buried her face in her hands and started to cry even harder. Arashi then bent down and hug his wife, he hugged her tighter feeling her own arms circle him. “Why… why did this have to happen? I just wanted him to grow up normal and happy, I didn't want him to become a ninja!” Noriko cried out.
“Mama…?” The two then looked up to see their son quietly standing upside-down on the ceiling. “Why are you crying?”
“Oh my god…” Noriko whispered in shock and amazement. `It's really true……' She thought to herself.
“Oh baby, come down here to `kaa-chan, don't worry you're not in trouble.” Noriko said ressuredly after seeing his reluctance. After he had jump down to the ground, she went over to him and scooped him up in her arms.
“Honey, your father and I want to talk to you about something, okay?” Seeing Ranma hesitantly nod, she continued. “Do you know what your father and I am, what our jobs are?”
“Ummm… I know you fight bad guys and wear really cool clothes,” Ranma replied after a few seconds, Noriko just giggled a little at her son's cuteness then quickly hugged her son tightly again. “Oh god, why my baby…?” she quietly whimpered. Arashi could only look at the woman he loved with a pained expression, hating himself for having to do this to her.
“Ranma, do you want to learn how to fight bad guys just like your mama and papa?” She finally asked after several minutes of hugging her child and crying on his shoulder. She then felt Ranma wipe away her tears with his small hands, and she looked up to see him give her the most beautiful smile she's ever seen.
“Mama, if that means I can protect you… then I want to learn how to fight, so I can protect you from dumb stupid-heads.” Ranma told his mother, whom he loved more than anyone else.
Gently smiling at hearing her precious baby say that, she picked her son up and got up to face her husband. “Arashi… I'll let you teach him, but you have swear no matter what happens you will teach Ranma to become a ninja who doesn't kill.” Seeing how he was opening his mouth to protest, she decided to quickly cut him off, “…it's either this or you don't teach him at all.”
“Noriko, I swear to you that I will teach Ranma to be a ninja who will never use his talents to kill, a `Pacifist Ninja…' yeah that sounds pretty cool” Arashi sighed out, but his expression slowly changed into one of determination. “However I will not hold back in my teachings, I will teach my son everything I know… Everything!!!”

The following month, Arashi took Ranma back to the forest where they began his intensive training nearby the riverbank.
“Ranma, I want you to watch very carefully.” Arashi told his son, who was currently sitting down in front of him, as he performed the hand seals slowly. Once he was done, he shot off a small fire dragon from his mouth which quickly made its way towards the water where it dissipated into steam.
Arashi looked over to this son, who had widened eyes and a gaping mouth. “Sugoi…” he heard Ranma whisper in fascination. Chuckling over his reaction, he made his way back to the boy, “That jutsu was called Karyuu Endan, and I want you to practice until you can create one that was about the size of mine…” Arashi then sat down on the ground to watch and warned his son, “…but be careful not to work yourself too much, because even creating a tiny dragon like that can use up a lot of chakra.”
Hours later, despite all his efforts Ranma could only create a small puff of fire out of his mouth every time. `I'm not gonna stop…' The small child stubbornly thought to himself. `I'm gonna learn this stupid move, and make mama and papa proud…'
Then for the next two weeks, Arashi continue to watch as his son work harder any 3-year old should, up to the point where all he did besides eating and sleeping was train. `It's just mind-boggling how mature he is, if I didn't believe it before then I'm forced to believe it now…… Ranma is definitely special.'
Finally after two weeks… “Katon: Karyuu Endan!!!” Ranma was able to create a relatively small dragon which quickly dispersed into the air due to a lack of energy and concentration. `I… finally… did it,' the small boy wearily thought before he blacked out.
Ranma then woke up in his own bed, and saw his mother looking down at him with worry. “Oh thank heavens, I was getting so worried,” Noriko quickly gathered her son up in her arms and hugged him for all his worth. Ranma turned his head to see Arashi leaning on the doorway, with a proud smile of his face not to mention the imprint of a hand.
“Well Ranma I just keep getting surprised at your rate of growth,” Arashi sighed out, while rubbing his aching cheek. “I didn't think you'd even be able to use the jutsu because of the amount of chakra needed to perform that jutsu.”
“Eh?!?! Then why did you show it to me?” Ranma angrily shouted as he jumped out of his mother's arms and onto his feet.
The only response he got from his father was a slight blush and a nervous chuckle. Then he heard his mother sigh out in exasperation, “It seems that your father got overanxious and forgot that beginners have to take it slowly… even if they are prodigies,” Noriko growled out. “I'm guessing if you did do the jutsu, that your father would show you off to all his other friends and gloat… most likely to Jiraiya-sama.”
Blinking several times, he turned back to his father who was blushing even harder now at being caught by his wife. Laughing a little, he started jumping up and down, “Don't worry papa, I'll show all your stupid friends how great I am… then I'll kick all your geezer butts!!!” Noriko giggled at her son's enthusiasm, while Arashi just looked slightly offended and mumbled that he wasn't a geezer.
As if realizing something, he immediately stopped jumping and excitedly turned to face his mother. “Mama, I just remembered I have to show you my new jutsu!!!” Before anyone could stop him, Ranma quickly use the proper seals and blew out a small fire dragon.
“Katon: Karyuu Endan!!!!!!” Ranma exclaimed, much to his parents' horror.
An hour later, and several water-jutsus used. The three ninja prodigies all stared at the burnt remains that were once their beautiful living room with a blank expression. After a few more seconds, Noriko regained her ability to move again and numbly walked into kitchen.
Seeing this, the young ninja-to-be looked up at his father with tearful eyes, “Is mama mad at me?” Ranma asked more than a little worried. Arashi just wiped the tears away with his sleeve and shook his head, “Don't worry Ranma… no matter what happens, your mother can never get mad at you.”
Which is true, Noriko loved her son very much and she knew that he was going to make mistakes here and there especially since he was only 3. However, that didn't mean she couldn't take out her frustrations on her husband……
Before Arashi knew it he found his face planted on the floor courtesy of one thrown frying pan thrown by one pissed off Kunoichi. Ranma then looked up in shock to see his mother carrying another frying pan, with the scariest face he's ever seen in his young life. Oh, not to mention she was currently doing that scary red aura thing, making it look like she just walked out of the flames of hell.
“Ranma-chan…… please go up to your room while I teach your father the importance of teaching properly.” Ranma then quickly ran towards his room… or rather tried to. He looked down to see what was holding him in place, and saw his father gripping his ankles looking very scared and frightened. Muttering an apology, he quickly tried to shake his father off when he realized that his grip was too strong, the young boy just punched his father in the face and quickly ran up the stairs!!!
Ignoring the yell of `traitor' from downstairs, Ranma reached his room in a couple of seconds. All the while hearing his fathering begging and pleading for mercy and apologizing several hundred times, then he shuddered a little. Clapping his hand two times in front of him, he muttered a prayer for his father, “Better you than me, papa.”
The young boy slept to the sounds of his mother beating the stuffing out of his father and breaking more than a few things in the process.

The next day Ranma came down to see his mother cooking breakfast and his father sitting at the table reading his newspaper. After saying morning to his mom and giving her the daily morning hug and kiss, he sat down at the table and faced his father, “Mornin' Papa…” He got slightly worried when he didn't get a greeting back.
The young boy then turned back to his mother, “Mama, did you kill him?” Ranma asked scared.
She only giggled in response and pulled down the newspaper, Arashi looked at her questioningly and did a double-take at seeing his son already sitting at the table. He then pulled out cotton wads out of his ears which were slightly soaked in blood, “Oh, I think the bleeding finally stopped.”
Ranma thought his father looked like he got beat up by over 100 guys, since he had two black eyes, a busted lip, and his face was bruised all over.
Noriko blushed in embarrassment at seeing how hurt her husband was and quickly turned back to breakfast. After all, it wasn't her fault that the man was a wuss who couldn't even take a few little hits from a frying pan…… she ignored the fact that she hit him over the head about 20 times though.
After hugging and kissing Noriko goodbye, letting Ranma do the same, Arashi took Ranma over to the forest where they could continue his training but at a slower pace. The bruised father noticed all the looks he was receiving as they were walking through the busy streets and just simple ignored it. Everyone in the village knew of Noriko's volatile temper that could rival Tsunade's at times, and promptly decided that the young ninja must have deserved it if she got that mad.
While Arashi was capable of ignoring the looks and whispers from any of the villagers, there came a voice which nobody could ignore, especially not him. “Well, well, well, it seems like my cute little student got beat up by his big bad scary wife.”
“!!!” Arashi froze the moment he heard that voice, the voice that haunted his very worst nightmares. “You must have screwed up pretty badly if you got pounded on that much,” mocked the voice.
Both Arashi and Ranma turned around to see the legendary frog-hermit Jiraiya casually lean against a lamp pole, while looking at his student's bruised face with a raised eyebrow and amused smirk. Nearby him stood his two companions, the legendary snake and slug sannin, Orochimaru and Tsunade, who were looking equally amused.
Arashi just flushed at being picked on by his former-sensei, “Jiraiya-sensei, I don't think you should be one to talk. Especially since you get beat up worse then this daily, you dumb senile old pervert!!!” he yelled out prematurely.
Of course before he could realize his mistake and apologize profusely, he quickly found himself trapped in a headlock by the frog-sannin. “What was that you little brat, don't think just because you were my cute little student I'm gonna go easy on you,” Jiraiya yelled out while grinding Arashi's face in his armpits.
“Oh god, it smells, it really stinks. Please let go Jiraiya-sensei, I'm suffocating here!!!” the poor man begged, but alas it was heard by deaf ears.
While teacher and student were having their `touching' reunion, Tsunade and Orochimaru took the opportunity to play with Ranma. Well more like Tsunade was playing with him, while Orochimaru just kept starring at him. “Awww, you're just as cute as ever Ranma-chan!!!” she squealed, while cuddling and suffocating the poor (?) boy in her ample chest.
As Tsunade was too busy hugging his little body, she didn't notice Ranma slowly turning blue and flailing his little arms in an attempt to get her attention. After a few more minutes, Orochimaru tapped her on her shoulder and pointed down to the now-limp boy, “I think you killed him, Tsunade.”
Panicking Tsunade quickly let go of the boy and held him at an arm's distance where he just looked like a broken doll. Getting really scared she started shaking him furiously hoping to revive him, “Oh my god, oh god! Wake up Ranma-chan, wake up!!!”
After a few more shakes he finally started to move again, which made her sigh in relief and hug him to her chest once again, this time more gently though. “Oh thank goodness, I don't know what I would have done if you were hurt, not to mention what Noriko-chan would have done to me.” She shuddered just the tiniest bit, her former student could be pretty scary at times.
When Ranma was done catching his breath, he slowly hug Tsunade back which delighted her greatly and made her to `kya' in girlish delight. After a few more seconds, the small boy pushed himself off of her and looked at both of them curiously. “What are you all doing here anyway?” He asked suspiciously, “You're not stalking me are you…?”
Tsunade and Orochimaru only shook their heads amused, still surprised at the young boy's vast vocabulary and strange maturity. She then picked the child up and held him in her arms, “Oh no, well maybe that old pervert over there was, but we…” pointing to Orochimaru and herself, “…were just looking for Jiraiya, and when we saw him following the two of you, we decided to tag along.”
Tsunade then walked over to the teacher-student duo, who were still fighting with each other, with Orochimaru following slightly behind. After taking a moment to kick the two idiots back to reality, Tsunade asked Arashi where they were going. When he responded to the forest to train, the legendary three decided to come along, all of them curious to see the small baby could possibly do.
`What the hell… why is he even bothering? He of all people should know that there's no way for a 3-year old to gather chakra and mold it properly, it's just impossible,' Jiraiya thought in exasperation.
Similar thoughts were circulating through Orochimaru and Tsunade's minds, but they all played along anyway if only to raise the boy's confidence. Of course they all seemed to forget that Ranma was not your normal child……
They were reminded of that when they reached the forest and saw Ranma run up a tree and start jumping all over the place, sticking to various places here and there. Noticing that his mentors were speechless, Arashi took the chance to tell them that the boy could also walk on water, and even use a high-level Fire technique.
Hearing this and watching the boy do his thing for a few more moments, the three sannin turned to each other and nodded. Walking away from hearing-distance, the three of them huddled together and spoke quietly but furiously, probably about something very important since it took something of a catastrophic-level for those three to agree on something and work together.
Finally after a few more minutes of curious blinking, Arashi watched as the three break out of the huddle, clap their hands, and yell out “Yosh!!!” (Can you imagine Orochimaru doing that?)
They walked back over to him, where Tsunade called for Ranma to come back down. After a few seconds, she caught the excited boy as he jumped straight into her arms and started chattering about how cool it was doing that. Taking a moment to cuddle him once again (geez, she really loves holding this kid doesn't she?) she just held him in her arms, gently nuzzling his cheek with her own.
Then the three sannin simultaneously turn their heads over towards Arashi, who got really freaked out by that, and Jiraiya said something that would change and define Ranma's ninja career forever.
“Arashi… We have decided that from this moment on. We, the Legendary Three Sannin, will be teaching Ranma in the arts of the ninja as well.”
To say that Arashi was surprised was like saying the sun was hot or the planet was big, because at that moment he just fainted from shock. But not before hearing his son yell out in excitement and saying how he couldn't wait to tell his mama……
……oh man, Noriko was going to kill him!
Author's Comments (R&R)
Finally I think this chapter is about as perfect as I can get it. For all of you who think that Ranma talking like coherently like an adult and learning chakra control at the age of 3 is BS, take this into account. Hatake Kakashi became a chuunin at age 6 and jounin at age 13. Uchiha Itachi graduated from the academy at age 7, mastered the Sharingan at age 8 and made captain of the ANBU at age 13. Uzumaki Naruto mastered a technique created by a Hokage himself in less than a week at age 12. Finally, Uchiha Sasuke in just a single month, suddenly got 10 times faster while at the same time learning how to do Chidori. a high-level jutsu created by a genius jounin. Oh yeah and Rock Lee, who was suppose to be taking time to recover, became nearly as good as he was before his injuries just hours after surgery……
Please after all that I think I'm entitled to some BS of my own, don't you think?
Also I'm glad I change Noriko into becoming the #1 student of Tsunade's since it comes together more better this way. I mean this would explain why those two are so close with each other, plus the fact that they are a lot alike. They're both beautiful, smart, great at medical-techniques, anger-prone, strong, quick to act, they have great bodies, overprotective of Ranma…… I could go on and on, but you all get the point.
What's scary about this is that I didn't even mean to make her like Tsunade, I just created Noriko like this to add some slapstick comedy to this story. But when I realized what I had done, I decided to change some things hopefully for the better.
I already have chapter 3 completely written out… and I mean completely as in done, finished!!! But I'm gonna wait to upload it so you guys can simmer and stew.