Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Shinobi of Legends ❯ That Infamous Day… ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shinobi of Legends
By CrossoverFanatic
Chapter 3 - That Infamous Day…
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters who are originally from Ranma 1/2 or Naruto… even if I could own them, I'd much rather prefer to just create my own characters that can rival them in every shape and form.
In any case, original characters in this chapter consist of Uzumaki Noriko, and she does belong to me. Maybe I should copyright this character, too bad I have no idea how to copyright something (I'm just that dumb and clueless).
Summary: Finally Ranma begins training with many great masters… and then that infamous day arrives.
“characters talking”
`characters thinking'
Sitting on a sofa, now emotionally and mentally exhausted, was one Uzumaki Noriko. She couldn't believe what she had just heard from her husband. “So you're telling me that those three…” pointing to the three legendary ninja standing behind her husband “… want to teach our son? Our 3-year old son?!”
Nervously nodding seeing how his wife was shaking in anger and clenching her fist, “Koishii, believe me I had nothing to do with this decision.” He pointed at Jiraiya and stuttered out, “I think the old geezer is losing his mind!!! He must have been hit in the head once too many times by an angry mob of women he's peeked on!!!”
In hindsight that might not have been the best thing to say since in the next moment he found himself in a strong sleeper-hold which was slowly cutting off his oxygen. “What was that, Arashi?!?!” Jiraiya had apparently heard enough from his insolent ex-student.
Ignoring the two idiots once more, Tsunade just sat down next to her kouhai (student/protégé) and gently held her hand while ressuredly rubbing her shoulder. “Noriko-chan, I know that this might be too much to take in all at once,” she began to say, “but this is for the best, Ranma-chan has a gift and if you really love him you'll let us help him with that gift.”
Noriko could only look despairingly at her former teacher whom she idolized for so long. “Oh Tsunade-sama, how can you say that?” she sighed out miserably and buried her face in her hands. “How can you possibly ask me to do this? Letting Arashi teach Ranma was a hard enough decision for me to make, but now you're asking me to let three of the strongest ninjas I know teach my son how to become a real killer.”
Tsunade could only look at the young lady next to her in pity. She tightly hugged the distraught woman and let her cry on her shoulders. She secretly knew why Noriko was taking this so hard, at least with Arashi she knew that Ranma would not grow up to be a killer since she forced him to swear that he would teach him to be a `Pacifist Ninja.' But with the legendary trio teaching the boy, the chances of him becoming your everyday-ninja who murders on a daily basis increased greatly.
Tsunade knew how hard it was to watch a loved one become a ninja, it either made them into a murderer or a corpse. It pained her to think of how many young lives were cut short because of this profession. If it was anyone else she would have never agreed to teach them even if it was her own offspring. However she saw the unlimited potential in Ranma, to have that child grow up without ever living up to that potential would be a crime. A crime she just couldn't allow to take place no matter how much her own heart protested. This was the sole reason she supported their decision, otherwise she would have stood by Noriko's side and protect Ranma from ever knowing the harsh truths of this cold dark world.
Meanwhile, the boy in question stood by Orochimaru watching as his father got beat up by Jiraiya and as his mother was crying on Tsunade's shoulders. Ranma looked up to the snake-sannin with a puzzled look, “What's wrong with mama? Why's she crying?” he asked worried.
Orochimaru only looked down at the child with a kind expression, “Your mother is just faced with yet another very difficult choice and unfortunately Tsunade was the one chosen to convince her.”
After a few more soothing words, Tsunade helped Noriko up and they walked over to Orochimaru and Ranma. Kneeling down, Noriko picked up Ranma and held him preciously as if he was a porcelain doll. “Oh baby, listen closely okay?” Seeing him nod, she was reminded of this same type of situation taking place just last month, and shuddered.
Feeling his mother shake, Ranma quickly hugged her to make her feel better. Feeling the arms of her child, Noriko gathered her courage and quietly told him that she'll let him learn jutsus from Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru as well as from his father.
Ranma was ecstatic that his mama was going to let him learn from the best, but felt really sad and guilty because he knew that this was making her feel sad, so he just hugged her tighter. “Mama, if you don't want me to then I won't become a ninja. I don't want you to cry anymore,” Hearing this, Noriko just looked at her precious baby-boy through tear-filled eyes.
“Oh no baby, mama's not sad… she's very happy…” She stuttered out just before she quickly put him down and ran up to her room. After a few seconds everyone could hear the poor woman cry her heart out.
“I'll go talk to her,” Tsunade whispered, as she went up to try and console her former student once more. Arashi and Jiraiya, who had stopped fighting after Noriko left, could only look upstairs in sadness. “Oh Jiraiya-sensei, why did things have to turn out this way?” Arashi mumbled pathetically, Jiraiya could only place his hand over his student's shoulders in pity because he himself had no answer for that question.
Orochimaru just sighed, unable to take any more of this emotionally draining day. He looked at the boy beside him, and sadly sighed once more at what he saw.
Ranma was just starring at the stairs quietly crying, mama… please don't cry” he whimpered helplessly.

3 months later, Noriko had much time to calm down especially since Tsunade had promised her that they (The Sannin) would respect her wishes and teach Ranma to be a `Pacifist Ninja.' Of course when Jiraiya and Orochimaru heard this, they tried to convince both the kunoichi otherwise but were forced to abide under Tsunade's fist and her threat of castrating them her own unique way. Hmm… well what do you know, guess there are things worse than death.
While Noriko may not have liked the idea of her baby becoming a ninja, she took some comfort in knowing that at least he wouldn't end up as a cold-blooded killer. Thus she accompanied Ranma during his training at his own request (actually he just cried and gave her the puppy-dog eyes), whenever she had free time from teaching.
So now here she was sitting near the riverbank, holding her excited son in her lap while watching her husband go through a very complex kata. The strange thing was that he was moving very fast, so fast that even her sharp eyes was having trouble picking up some of the movements that he made. Noriko had no idea why her husband was moving so quickly, how could their son possibly emulate this if he couldn't even see it. Finally coming to a stop after a few minutes, Arashi took a moment to catch his breath back before calling for Ranma.
Helping her baby to his feet, Noriko watched as he ran over to his father. “Now Ranma, were you watching what I was just doing?” Arashi asked his son, who just nodded. “Alright then, I want you to do the exact same thing. Okay?” the boy nodded again before beginning to stretch since his father told him it was better to relax his muscles before doing exercises.
Arashi then told his son to wait for his command, and walked back over to his wife and sat by her side, “Noriko-chan, watch him very closely and don't blink even for a second.” Seeing that she was looking at him with a curious expression, he silently chuckled. `This is gonna be interesting,' he mischievously thought to himself, before telling his son to begin.
In the next few minutes Arashi was trying very hard not laugh outloud as his wife's jaw was slowly reaching the ground by the second. “Incredible…” he heard her whisper, but he couldn't really blame her for her reaction since he and the others pretty much did the same thing when they saw him do this for the first time.
Soon into Ranma's training, all his teachers learned one important factor that made teaching the boy much easier… Ranma was able to instantly recognize, copy, and learn someone's fighting style perfectly. Meaning that he'll be able to master a fighting style in just a few weeks, days even, that'll otherwise take years to even properly learn never mind mastering.
It wasn't just normal copying either like the Sharingan, the boy was able to take any kind of taijutsu technique and hone it to perfection. So if he ever saw a beginner use a clumsy technique he'd be able to instantly correct any mistakes they made and use that same move in it's perfect form, as if he was the who created it. Not to mention, he was also able to pinpoint the weaknesses of any particular Taijutsu style, so that he could counter anything that was used against him.
“Did you notice love?” Arashi asked his stunned wife as his son finished up the kata. “How could I not, he just perfectly copied your movements, granted he did it much slower by its still amazing,” Noriko was still in disbelief, but turned when she heard her husband chuckle.
“What's so funny, Arashi?” She asked impatiently, tightening her lips, she hated not know what was going on, and she hated even more at being laughed for not knowing what was going on. Seeing that his wife was getting irritated, he quickly tried to calm her down. “It's not just that, I purposely made several mistakes in that kata, minor mistakes that only someone paying very close attention for them would notice, he pointed out.
He explained further, seeing how that just confused Noriko even more since he could see question marks dancing around her head. “Our son just did performed those movements perfectly with none of those mistakes whatsoever, despite this being his first time ever seeing this particular kata.”
Noriko finally seemed to understand then froze in shock, `Wait…' and looked at her husband in amazement. “How the hell…” she mumbled out, “How could he have done it perfectly if you purposely made mistakes that were barely even noticeable, not to mention when you were moving that fast.” She just couldn't believe it……
“I have no idea, but I for one am definitely not complaining,” Arashi proudly said as he watched their son walk towards them.
Catching a glimpse of her husband's watch, Noriko slightly panicked. Ah shoot, I didn't realize it was so late, I have to go home and make dinner, she got up and patted her dress down, then hugged and kissed her husband and son goodbye.
As Noriko was leaving, she kept pondering on what she witnessed with her own two eyes and found that she just couldn't deny the truth anymore. Her son was meant to be a ninja, why else would he have been given these wondrous talents. `Hmmm…I wonder if his memorization only applies to just hand-to-hand combat……' Noriko curiously thought as she left the forest.
As both father and son watched her leave, they turned towards each other and smirked. “Well, looks like your kaa-chan's not here to protect you anymore chibi,” Arashi mocked. The only response he got to that was his son jumping towards him and attempting to knee him in the face, which he quickly just parried to the right and performed a spin kick which hit the boy in his back and sent him skidding along the ground making a small canal in the dirt.
Arashi watched as his son quickly recover and jump to his feet, and saw him use the hand seals to the very first jutsu he ever learned. `Oh yeah, he's definitely going to become the greatest…' he proudly thought as he saw the fire dragon descend on him……

…… then he quickly jumped to the side, just narrowly avoiding the attack. However Ranma predicted this and quickly ran towards Jiraiya and hurled himself forward into the air, but not before throwing some kunai and shuriken at the white-haired man's feet forcing him to jump up into the air as well.
Meeting him head on, Ranma quickly engaged Jiraiya in hand-to-hand combat. Ranma found out early on in his training that he fought better in the air then he did on land, strange as that may sound. Anyway, the young ninja quickly used a spin-kick aimed at the old man's head, but that was easily caught and Jiraiya swung him around before roughly hurling him towards the ground.
While it may seem like he was being cruel, the frog-hermit knew better than to underestimate the young child especially since he took advantage of any opportunity or weakness he saw. Just as he suspected, the moment the boy hit the ground his body `poofed' into smoke, and Jiraiya once again had to defend himself as Ranma came shooting towards him from behind.
Just as he countered an uppercut, Jiraiya saw the boy `poof' into a log while falling down. `Hmmmnot bad, Kage Bunshin and thenKawarimi…' he was pretty impressed with the boy's timing. Still in mid-air (they must have jumped really high before) he saw the real Ranma down below performing familiar hand-seals for one of his own personally-created Jutsus……

…… “Doton: Yomi Numa (Earth Skill: Swamp of the Underworld)!!!” Ranma yelled out as he slammed his hand onto the ground creating a large swamp in front of him.
The Snake-Sannin had to think quickly if he wanted to escape drowning in swamp water. So he just used his extended tongue to wrap around a branch and used that to swing towards the ground.
`Oh man, that is so cool!!!' Ranma excitedly thought, `Too bad mamaforbade Orochimaru-sama from teaching me that jutsu since it creeped her out.' As he was preoccupied with his thoughts, he failed to notice the kunai flying towards him.
“Gah!” Ranma yelled out in pain, as the kunai flew past him leaving a shallow cut on his right cheek. “Now, now, Ranma you know better than to let your mind wander during a fight,” Orochimaru lectured.
“Suman, suman, but I'm not going to let it happen again!!!” The young boy loudly declared as he used Suiton: Daibakufu no Jutsu (Water Skill: Water Explosion Technique) with the river as a medium of water. Surprised by the speed and strength of the jutsu, Orochimaru soon found himself deep underwater. Quickly swimming back towards the surface, he looked around for Ranma only to see him in the corner of his eye finishing up a hand seal.
Suiton: Suirou no Jutsu (Water Skill: Water Prison Technique)!!!” the sannin heard before he found himself trapped in a water-sphere. Very impressed by the boy's intelligence and strategy, Orochimaru wondered what Ranma would do now. Since he had to use one hand to maintain the jutsu he was pretty much helpless too. That was his initial thought before he saw another Ranma standing in front of him, realizing that the one maintaining the prison was a Kage Bunshin, he just waited to see what the real Ranma would have up his sleeve……

…… and looked on in shock as several snakes came out of it, all of them rushing towards her, all of them baring their fangs. Silently cursing Orochimaru, Tsunade gathered her strength and forcibly punch through the thick water to hit the prison walls causing it to explode. Even before she landed on her feet, she simultaneously destroyed the Kage Bunshin with a kick and grabbed the snakes just before they touched her. Then she pulled on them hard, sending the poor boy at the other end flying towards her, but just before she could do anything she saw another clone strongly jump off his back.
The force of the jump cut Ranma's flight short, sending him to land on the water on his hands and knees, then he quickly recovered to strike at Tsunade's stomach with a punch. She instantly used an elbow to block the small fist, causing the boy to yell out in pain before she just casually kicked him away. When she saw the boy disappear in a cloud of smoke, she realized that it was just another clone. So the real one was probably the one who just jumped……!!!
Looking up, she saw the real Ranma coming straight down at her, as she was about to jump away she found herself unable to do so. Looking at her feet, she saw two more clones underwater gripping her ankles, efficiently holding her down. However she just used her monstrous strength, easily overpowering them, and jumped backwards onto her hands. At the same time she quickly swung her legs upward and used the clones that were still stupidly latched onto her ankles as giant clubs.
As Ranma came shooting down, he found himself being hit across the chest by his own clones, which got destroyed on impact, before skipping along the water back onto the riverbank.
Shaking away the pretty birdies around his head, he saw Tsunade dash towards him fist first and he wisely jumped away just as she punched the ground in front of him, causing a large portion to break up and collapse. Taking a moment to panic and gulp at the thought of what would have happened if she had really been aiming for him, Ranma gathered chakra to his hand to use Shosen Jutsu (Mystical Palm Technique) and finished just as he landed back on the ground.
Then he rushed towards her unprotected back, before stopping to bend over backwards to avoid an oncoming spin-kick. Just as her leg passed over his face, he quickly touched it with his chakra-covered hand, making sure to only hurt the muscles and not cut them, forcing her to get on one knee and grab her leg in pain.
He thought he had the advantage now before she looked up with a smirk and said, “Gotcha, cutie” before `poofing' away. `Shoot… a Kage-Bunshin!' Then he turned around just in time to see her flick him in the forehead with her index finger causing him to fly back several feet away, and land painfully on his back. Rubbing his forehead in irritation, he felt a pair of lips on his cheek and opened his eyes to see Tsunade standing in front of him with a proud smile decorating her beautiful face.
When they heard clapping, they confusedly looked around to see Arashi, Jiraiya and Orochimaru standing on the trees nearby. “Nani? What are you bums doing here, today's my day to teach Ranma-chan,” Tsunade irritably shouted.
“Oh yeah, we can see how well you're teaching him Tsunade-hime,” Jiraiya mocked before making smooching sounds at her, causing Arashi to snicker and Orochimaru to smirk. It seemed that they all enjoyed teasing Tsunade at her own expense.
Tsunade just turned red in anger and embarrassment, and quickly ran for Jiraiya who decided to amscray. You could see trees falling down left and right, as Tsunade plowed through the forest in her pursuit to wring the pervert's neck.
As Jiraiya and Tsunade were running around, Arashi and Orochimaru walked over Ranma who was just looking at them in confusion. He was still thinking about what Jiraiya did and why Tsunade got all angry, `All adults except for mama are weird…' he finally decided after seconds of contemplation.
“Ano, papa, Orochimaru-sama, why are you guys here anyway? Tsunade-chama's not done teaching me today,” Ranma curiously asked.
Arashi just bent down and looked his son in the eye, “Well Ranma, we've decided that it was time to give you a special present for being such a good student,” he said while grinning. Ranma then saw Orochimaru set down a large scroll on the ground and open it. Before he could take a peek at it, Tsunade punched her way out of the forest dragging along a badly-beaten Jiraiya behind her, dropping the pervert onto the ground, she looked at Orochimaru with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you think you're doing?” Tsunade said with open hostility, “Don't you think it's still too early for him to learn that, besides why do you get to be the one to set up the contract? I wanted Ranma to make a pact with my summoning.
`Summoning?' Ranma had no idea what that was but thought it sounded cool.
“Actually Tsunade-sama…” Arashi politely intervened “… we've decided that Ranma would make a pact with all three of your summonings.”
Ranma only watched as Tsunade's eye grow wide and her mouth gape. “What the hell is wrong with you, Arashi?!?!?! THREE PACTS!!! Are you nuts?!?!?!” She shrieked in anger, “You know it's hard enough for even a jounin-level ninja to keep one summoning under control, how do you expect a 3-year old to control 3 of them!!!” (Oh I think I made an unintentional joke, cool)
Ranma only looked indignant at being treated like a baby by his 2nd most favorite person in the world… ignoring the fact that he technically was still a baby.
“Ora, ora, Tsunade-hime control yourself.” Jiraiya groaned out as he finally gained consciousness and wiped the blood off his nose before standing up, “You of all people should know that Ranma is special, especially since you spend almost as much time with him as his mother does.”
“I agree with the buffoon for once, Tsunade.” Orochimaru calmly stated, while Jiraiya just glared at him for the insult. “It's time you accept facts, and quit coddling the boy. We all have faith that he'll be able to accomplish this, well maybe Manda might be trouble but I don't think even he could refuse that cute face.” Orochimaru then made his way to Ranma with the open scroll, place it in front of him, and start to explain what he should do.
`Damn you, damn all of you… I know he's special but still…… I just don't want him to get hurt,' Tsunade worriedly thought as she saw Ranma bite his thumb and write his name in the scroll…

After 4 more months of exhausting training, Ranma finally learned how to summon each of the Sannins' summonings. Granted if he wanted to summon all three of the frogs, snakes, and slugs at once, he could only summon medium-sized ones about Jiraiya's height. If he tried to summon any of the bosses, then he'd usually be unable to enjoy it since he always fainted from being drained of all his chakra.
Gamabunta at seeing that a small child summoned him just huffed indignantly, refusing to believe that this baby actually created him. However, he soon relented after learning that he was the offspring of that man, someone he actually respected for his great strength, intelligence, and leadership abilities. Of course he still hated Jiraiya with a passion… that dumb pervert.
Katsuya just gently looked at the boy and consented to him being her latest master. She always was the kindest of the 3 summonings.
Manda, on the other hand, was trouble right from the get go. As Orochimaru predicted, the moment he was summoned he thought the unconscious young boy was dessert and tried to eat him but he soon regretted doing so when he found some fangs missing courtesy of Tsunade-Power!!!!!! Combine that with her righteous female anger, it was a miracle that the giant snake wasn't punched straight to the moon. Under the combined threats of both Tsunade and Noriko, Manda finally consented to the boy being his master, but he didn't have to like it though!!! He regretted yelling that too since he shrunk about 100 sizes under the combined glares of the teacher-student kunoichi duo and quickly vamoosed.

A few weeks later, Ranma still couldn't summon the bosses without fainting but he was getting a lot better. Around this time, he could stay awake for 6 seconds before blacking out, 6 whole seconds!! Yay!!
But that currently wasn't the problem, the problem was that the boy in question was missing from their weekly summoning session in which all 4 of them taught him at once. So they spend the rest of that day searching the forest for the boy, yelling out his name every now and then.
Arashi soon heard some noises deep in the forest and decided to check it out. What he saw shocked him to whole new levels, as he was currently watching his son practicing with a heavy training sword…… being taught by his mother of all people!!!
He tried to say something but found his mouth to be covered by a large hand, and he looked behind him to see Jiraiya just shaking his head and Tsunade and Orochimaru casually sitting in the trees just watching the sight before them. He then turned back to the mother-son duo and continued to watch in fascination as his wife taught their son the importance of the sword.
“Now Ranma-chan you have to remember that a katana is not just a weapon, but an extension of your own body.” Noriko lectured her son as he swung the heavy sword at a badly-abused tree for the 100th time. “Once you've master the sword, you'll feel as if the Katana is part of your body, even your very soul, thus you must treat it with care and respect. You can't just carelessly swing it around like some dumb ape… or like your father or Jiraiya-sama would.
Ranma just nodded as his mother continued her lecture and he swung the heavy sword. He never expected this, not even in a million years but he wasn't complaining, he got to spend more time with his mother and learn cool new tricks at the same time.
His mama rocked!!!!!!

Finally on his 4th birthday, he watched as his papa, mama, Jiraiya-sama, Orochimaru-sama, Tsunade-chama, even Hokage-jiichan, and several other ninjas all stood around him, looking at him quite intently… it was starting to freak him out.
He watched as his father step forward, bow to the Hokage and the Sannin, before turning his attention to him. “Ranma, the entire council has unanimously decided to make a very special exception for you, despite your young age …” his father started, while Ranma just looked even more confused, “so it is my great honor to bestow upon on you, Uzumaki Ranma, the title of Konoha Jounin…”
Ranma just gaped and look at his father with wide, shock eyes, before he could celebrate though Arashi continued to talk. “Under one condition…” He took off his vest and threw it to the side, “…you have to last 5 minutes in a serious fight against me.”
Arashi then threw a kunai at his son's feet which was seen as nothing but a blur and caused the hard ground to crack apart into huge pieces. Ranma, who fell on his butt, looked at the ground around him in shock then turned to his father with large scared eyes, `This is what he's like whenhe's serious?!?! He just blew up the ground with a dumb kunai!!!!!!' He's never seen his father fight seriously before… in fact he's never seen any of his teachers fight seriously, especially not against him.
But he gulped down his fears and gathered his courage in his little tummy. He then unsheathed his sword, and got into fighting posture. The last thing he could remember seeing was his father smiling proudly before everything became a blur……
“Ugh…” Ranma woke up with a moan. `Where am I?' he wearily thought and tried to get up before wincing in pain and dropping back onto the bed. He looked around to see that he was in a white room… a hospital? When did he get…
Before he could finished that train of thought a voice cut through his headache. “He's finally awake!!!” he heard the voice yell out. `Tsunade-chama…?' But once again his train of thought was cut off as he felt himself being hugged very tightly and two large breasts in his face. `Yup, it's Tsunade-chama alright.'
He then saw his mother looking at him with large teary eyes before she quickly took Tsunade's place and hugged her son for everything he was worth, which was apparently a lot. “Mama, what's wrong? Why are you crying, you too Tsunade-chama. Ow, owie what happened to me?” Ranma asked while clutching his head, “The last thing I remember was papa running towards me…”
He was then gently placed back onto the bed, while the two women sat on opposite sides of the bed. “Congratulations chibi, you did it…” he looked up to see his father, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and the Hokage walk into the room while carrying a whole bunch of gifts.
“Eh, did what?” Ranma asked very confused, `How did I even get here?' Then he saw his father walk towards him and wrap something around his forehead, so he curiously started touching it. It felt like metal on a soft cloth, there was something engraved in the middle though, it felt like… “Konoha's Mark?!?!?! A Hitai-ate?!?!” the wide-eye boy exclaimed. “I passed?!?!?! I'm a jounin now?!?!?!
He would have jumped up in glee, but his migraine was too painful for him so he was forced to lay back down. “Congratulations Ranma, I look forward to seeing your many accomplishments in the near-future,” Sarutobi told his newest jounin. Ranma had never met the old man that much before, since he was always buried under paperwork… guess being Hokage wasn't all that great if you couldn't even go out and play a little.
The old man then sighed miserably, and walked back towards the door. “Sorry that I can't stay long, but I have to get back to the office before my assistant hunts me down,” he sighed one more time before leaving.
“Awww… I feel sorry for him, his job must really suck.” Ranma said after a few seconds of silence.
“Oh yeah it really does, you'll never see me accepting that horrible job even in a million, billion years. Tsunade boasted… irony sure does suck doesn't it folks?
After the Hokage left, Jiraiya and Orochimaru congratulated him in their own ways, with Orochimaru giving him a rack of shiny new weapons and Jiraiya giving him an autographed copy of the very first volume of `Icha-Icha Paradise.' Then the pervert watched in horror as Noriko grabbed it out of the boy's small hands and threw it out the window, before he could protest he saw a very familiar fist come into view before everything went dark. The force of Tsunade's punch sent her old teammate straight out the window as well.
Wow, teacher and student sure do work well together, don't they?
Outside, a silvered-haired 10 year-old Chuunin was walking by the hospital when a book hit him in the side of the head. “Hmmm… `Icha-Icha Paradise?' Sounds interesting,” Hatake Kakashi said in the moment that would redefine his life, and turn him into one of the greatest perverts ever known!!! 3rd only to Jiraiya-sama and Sandaime Hokage-sama!!!!!! So entranced with the book that he never even noticed the large man crashing into the bushes……… fear the power of `Icha-Icha Paradise!!!!!'
Inside, experiencing a sweatdrop was a new thing to the young jounin in bed, so that's why he was picking at the one on his forehead with fascination before Noriko just flicked it away. “You shouldn't play with those things baby, they could cause your face to warp into something ugly,” warned his mother.
Arashi then coughed into his hand and apologized. “Gomen minna-san, but I have to go meet my team right now, I'll be home early so we can all celebrate together… that is if Jiraiya-sensei is still alive,” then the blond-haired man kissed his wife and son goodbye, before quickly disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Meanwhile the lucky little tyke had two beautiful women all to himself, even if one was his mother and the other was technically way too old for him. Plus he was no way close to hitting puberty yet, so he didn't know anything about women, all he knew was that he was glad he had company and that he was a jounin……
`Hey wait…' he thought in realization, before quickly turning to his mother. “Mama, what's a Jounin?” Ranma curiously asked, both Noriko and Tsunade just sweatdropped after hearing that……
Later that night, everyone Ranma knew was at his Jounin-initiation party, even Hokage-jiichan!!! Guess he made a special exception to show up. There were also some people he didn't know there, like his papa's team and Tsunade-chama's personal student. Actually he had met Kakashi once before, but the guy was really weird…… he was able to eat food through his mask!!!
Which was currently the reason why Ranma was standing next to him, constantly poking Kakashi in the cheek in his index finger. “Come on, take it off. You can't be that ugly under that mask,” Ranma reasonably argued, but the stubborn Chuunin was being well… stubborn!!! “Awww… don't be so mean, ummm… Half-Face!!!”
Seeing Kakashi turn to him with slight confusion in his eyes, he elaborated “I'm gonna call you Half-Face from now on since only half your face is visible all the time!!!” He then grinned at thinking up such a great name for the guy, but was sorely disappointed when all he did was just turn around back to that stupid book… hmmm… that book looked really familiar, oh well.
He had already opened all his neat presents awhile ago, and he had gotten his presents from Jiraiya and Orochimaru earlier during the day. Tsunade had given him a medical and weapon pouch so that he could fix himself up any time he wants while defending himself, he gave her a great big hug and a kiss on the lips which quickly turned her into red mush.
Hokage-jiichan had given him a few jutsu-scrolls and a… mission scroll!!! “Oh my god, thank you `jii-chan!!!” Ranma loudly exclaimed before hugging the old man's neck, Sarutobi only chuckled a little and hugged the boy back before setting him back down. Of course the mission was fairly low-ranked (B) for a jounin and it had been assigned for the following month, since the old man was sure that Noriko and Tsunade would want to spend a lot of time with the boy. After all he was in a coma for nearly 1 and 1/2 weeks after fighting his father……
His parents had given him brand new clothes, which would have been a terrible gift…… if the clothes hadn't been really cool looking!!! Oh, there was even a white-leather jacket in there (picture the one that Kyo wears from King of Fighters), wow his parents were pretty cool for old people. It was super-big though but he'd grow into it. Ah, sunglasses too!!! Wai-wai!!!
Everyone else in the party just gave him money since they didn't really know what he liked, however that cute student of Tsunade's had given him a cool looking wallet with a horsey on it. He thought it was pretty neat since his name meant “Wild Horse,” so he gave her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek which caused the 9-year old girl to turn really red before she ran away from him. Looking more than a little confused, he just came to the same conclusion he made about adults a year ago, `All girlsexcept for mamaand Tsunade-chama are weird…'
In fact, turning around, he could still see her hiding from him!!! What was her name again, Kizune? Tizune? Bizune? Oh well, he'll ask Tsunade-chama later but right now back to important matters!!! “Come on, take that stupid mask off!!!” Ranma whined to the boy next to him, which was just ignored.

The rest of the year went by as a blur especially since the war between Konohagakure no Sato (Hidden Leaf Village) and Iwagakure no Sato (Hidden Rock Village) was escalating so far that every available ninja in Konoha was called in to join. Including Ranma…
At this decision, Noriko became hysterical and Arashi was screaming at Hokage to please change his decision, while Tsunade, Jiraiya, and even Orochimaru to an extent were seething in anger. However they had to consent at the request of Ranma, he just looked…… so adult, which wasn't a good thing considering his age. They couldn't help but be proud as he stood there by the Hokage's side, wearing his Konoha Hitai-ate and Jounin's vest. But they quickly went back to their previous emotions when he left for war… war… WAR!!!
They just couldn't believe it, a 5-year old… their 5-year old was leaving off to fight in a goddamn war!!! Tsunade just couldn't take it anymore and soon left the village with Shizune a few days after Ranma had left. As she was leaving, one could see that she was crying intensely, silently muttering to herself. Jiraiya and Orochimaru just went about their own business but they were no longer as cheerful as before.
Noriko, on the other hand, had practically become lifeless. No longer was she the happy teacher/housewife she once was, the only thing she ever did nowadays was eat, sleep, cook, teach, and constantly cry.
Finally 3 years passed and the war had come to an end. Many ninja had come back changed, some for the better, some for the worse. Hatake Kakashi, now a jounin, was baring a Sharingan in his left eye and had a new lease on life, and Rin just had a new perspective about life in general. However there were some who haven't changed at all, such as Arashi who was just glad to be home after so long. He was quickly met by his wife who only kissed him deeply before clutching at him desperately.
But they couldn't see him, their only child, anywhere among the crowd of ninja that were coming back. They just stood there till late at night, Noriko was crying on her husband's chest while Arashi just stared into the dark night when he saw a small shadow slowly walked towards them. They rushed right over to see Ranma slowly wobble forward, smiling gently as he always did. “Ta-Tadaima,” he breathed out just before he collapsed in his mother's arms.

The following year, many historical events took place, Arashi had been named Yondaime Hokage for his bravery and actions during the war. Orochimaru had sadly been placed in the Bingo-Book as an S-Class missing-nin after that incident, and Jiraiya had soon left the village as well to go after him. But, perhaps the biggest news of all was that…… Noriko had given birth to her 2nd child!!!
The 8-year old Ranma just stared at his new little brother slightly curious before poking him in the stomach. He grinned at seeing him giggle, and was soon gently poking him repeatedly in the tummy, “Hahahahaha, `kaa-chan, if you press his belly-button he laughs!!” Ranma laughed out, with his mother giggling as well.
“Ranma, where were you these past few days?” Arashi asked his son out of the blue, smiling as he looked at the sight of his perfect family. “Oh that…” Ranma looked slightly annoyed, “…this Iwa-kid challenged me to a fight at the end of the school year because apparently I was taking his bread every lunch period even though it was fair game. So he told me to meet him behind the school in the playground, but the jerk never showed up!!! I waited 3 days for that dummy!!!” He then scoffed at being played like a fool. `Lousy bastard… Hibiki Ryoga, you shall pay for my humiliation!!!'
An 8-year old young boy currently in Amegakure no Sato (Hidden Rain Village) sneezed, Excuse me, could you tell me where Konoha Academy is? he asked a nearby street vendor. The man just looked at the fanged-boy with an odd expression, I hate to tell you this kid but you're in Ame, not Konoha, he told the apparently delusional boy.
Ryoga was stunned, he just couldn't believe it. Uzumaki Ranma, you cowardly cad!!! You changed the name of an entire village just to try and trick me, so you could run away from our fight!!!!!! The furious boy screamed out in fury, then furiously ran off to umm. wherever while furiously cursing the infuriating Ranma. Try saying that 10-times fast.
Gee, guess who I brought back………
After the war, both villages decided to patch up their weakened relationship with each other by having exchange-academy students attend one year's worth of school at the other's villages. It had gone off without a hitch, at first it had been rough and awkward being so near former enemies, but everyone had eventually got used to it… under extreme Jounin-supervision, hence why Ranma was there too.
So far everything had been perfect, life was actually going smoothly for Konoha in the longest time but this peace was not to last. Not after that infamous day……

“We have to hold on till Hokage-sama arrives!!!” A nameless shinobi yelled out.
“Dammit, we don't have time for `tou-san to come!!!” The 8-year old ninja shouted as he prepared to fire yet another jutsu at this abomination. “Raiton: Raikurai no Jutsu (Lightning Type: Lightning Bolt Technique)!!!” Smacking both hands together in front of him, he fired off a bolt of lightning hitting the Kyuubi right in the side of his head.
But the only thing it did was shake its head in irritation before angrily turning to him. “Oh shit…!!!” Ranma cried out before he and several others were hit by a strong blast of wind from its mouth. “Gah!!!” he yelled out in pain and spit up blood as he slammed right through a brick wall.
Slowly getting up and groaning, Ranma stumbled back out through the hole and look around to see dozens of villagers and ninja on the ground, all of them either severely injured or dead, among them he saw her, Rin. His father's student was just lying on her back with wide, scared eyes and pale beyond belief, she was clearly dead. Slightly shaking in fear, he heard a strong voice cry out, “RAIKIRI!!!” he turned his head to see a bloodied Kakashi quickly dash forward with his charged hand and jump up to the monster's head before ramming his fist right between it's eyes.
“RAAAHHHHH!!!!!!” The monster cried out in pain, before quickly shaking the 14-year old jounin off, sending him helplessly towards the ground. Ranma tried to help him, but found that his legs wouldn't move, `Oh god, please not now... move you damn legs…' he thought in horror as the monster turned to him piercing his very soul with those horrible eyes. “Damn you, you freakin' legs! MOVE!!!” he screamed out desperately as the beast turned to swipe one of his giant tails at him.
However that tail was abruptly sliced off causing the Kyuubi to roar in anguish. “Wha…?” Ranma whispered in shock and relief. “Are you alright, my precious baby?” He turned his head to see his mother, with her sword in hand, cradling him in her arms. He was now crying his eyes out, “Kaa-chan!!!” he yelled out as he sobbed in his mother's arms.
Shhh… hush now, big boys don't cry right?” Noriko said while tightly hugging and kissing her son. “Oh my god!!!” they heard someone yell out, both of them then looked up to see a truly frightening sight.
The Kyuubi was currently… regenerating it's cut-off tail back. “Impossible…” Ranma heard his other mother whisper in shock. Then it blasted off fire in a random direction of Konoha, and he heard her yell out in horror, “Oh god, the school, the children!!!!” She quickly scooped up her son in her arms, and ran towards the school.
Sighing in relief seeing as it was still intact and was emptied, she was about to leave when she heard some voices inside. “Somebody help us!, “Mommy!!” She quickly put her son down and ran inside, and after a minute came out holding two badly-shaken kids. She put them down and they quickly ran off for safety, but as soon as she was about to walk away, the school behind her instantly blew up.
“Kaa-chan!!!” Ranma screamed out in horror as he watched his mother get crushed by tons of rock. Forcing himself to move, he quickly got up and started tossing chunks of rocks away. “Oh god, `kaa-chan, answer me!!! `Kaa-chan!!!” he then heard a small whimper, “Ra-Ranma…” quickly he turned towards that direction and was digging like crazy.
“Just hold on, `kaa-chan. I'm almost there!” Ranma yelled out desperately, he soon reached his mother and dug her out. He looked at her in disbelief, her beautiful body was so damaged… one of her legs had a huge gash across it, her face and body were bloody and badly bruised, and her right arm was broken. “Oh god, don't worry mama I'll heal you!! Just hold on!!!” He tried to use medical jutsus on her wounds, but they were just too much.
“Oh…RaRa-Ranma… I-I…Lo-Love… You…” She whispered as her body grew weaker. Just clutching her body in horror he started crying hysterically, “Kaa-chan, I love you too!!! Please don't leave me!!! Don't go!!! `kaa-chan…'kaa-chan…'KAA-CHAN!!!!!!!!!'
Several minutes he was still holding her limp body, then he gently put her body down and turned to the Kyuubi. “This is all your fault, you damn monster!” he mumbled out in anger, “you bastard… I'm… I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!!!”
Just then he formed a blue-colored sphere of pure chakra in his hand, and quickly ran towards the Kyuubi. The last thing he saw before everything went dark was a giant red tail coming at him.
The last thing he felt was his body hitting the cold hard ground.
The last thing he heard was the people of Konoha screaming in terror.
Author's Comments (R&R)
I know I was being very vague in this chapter, leaving out important details and such. However fear not, for I plan to make a side-story telling all about Ranma's life down to the smallest detail!!! His training sessions, his time in the war, the 9-month period of Noriko's pregnancy, an event involving Orochimaru and Ranma, and so much more!!! But don't expect this to come out until months later, college is gonna start again for me soon and I'm gonna be busy.
For those of you who are curious, Noriko's strength is about 0.5 stronger than an adult Kakashi with his Sharingan out… yes, she is just that strong. I mean, she cut off a freakin tail of the Kyuubi in the blink of an eye!!! Don't expect Kakashi to be able to do something like that, at least not in my story.
Also, Ranma is not as strong as the Legendary Three, he just managed to catch them off guard during training because they didn't expect a three-year old to be able to use such powerful jutsus with such ease and control. When he became a jounin at four, he just barely latest those five-minutes against his father and even afterwards he was unconscious for 1 and 1/2 weeks. I'm not going to make Ranma so ridiculously strong that he trumps everyone in the series, I hate doing that unless I have to or unless it's DBZ…… which I'll be making a story about too.
In any case, that final jutsu Ranma was going to use against the Kyuubi was indeed Rasengan, congratulations to those of you who recognized it. Oh, and my recommendation is that you try to read in between the lines in the last scene you'll notice something very crucial, which will surface early in the next chapter.
To the confused, -chama is a combination of -chan and -sama, I read this in the Hana Yori Dango manga which my friend made me read and I ended up liking it a lot. I figured this would be the perfect title for Ranma to call his 2nd most favorite person in the world. If you read this story completely then you'll have seen a hint of the pairings that will arise throughout this story. Man, I had forgotten how good Tsunade looked in the manga……
Also, as I promised before I am going to bring Ranma characters into this story the most logical way possible. I really enjoyed writing Ryoga back since it was funny as hell, despite me not liking the pig-boy. Sorry but I think too many Ryoga-hate stories corrupted me but don't worry I won't blatantly bash him though, but I'm going to make plenty of jokes at his expense. For those of you who asked, Ranma will not be getting his past memories back, he'll get flashes of deja-vu during his confrontations with the Ranma crew but nothing else.
Ranma's growth:
Year 1: He learned how to walk then run shortly after.
Year 2: He learned to talk, and soon developed a vast vocabulary comparable to an adult's.
Year 3: He developed his chakra and started to train as a ninja. During this year he learned over 270 jutsus, acquired 3 summonings, and began training in the sword (it'll be much later that he masters it).
Year 4: He officially became a Jounin for Konoha.
Years 5-7: He went off to fight in the war against Iwa.
Year 8: He became a big brother and fought against the Kyuubi……