Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ The Shinobi of Legends ❯ The Aftermath ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Shinobi of Legends
By CrossoverFanatic
Chapter 4 - The Aftermath
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters who are originally from Ranma 1/2 or Naruto… even if I could own them, I'd much rather prefer to just create my own characters that can rival them in every shape and form.
In any case, original characters in this chapter consist of Uzumaki Noriko, and she does belong to me. Maybe I should copyright this character, too bad I have no idea how to copyright something (I'm just that dumb and clueless).
Summary: The Aftermath of the horrible tragedy and finally Naruto's here in the story too!!!
“characters talking”
`characters thinking'
Waking up Ranma looked around to see white, realizing that he was still alive and in a hospital, he then remembered what happened to the village. `Oh god that damn monster,' He thought while clutching his head at the horrible memories. `Kaa-chan…' he started to cry at the thought of what happened to his beloved mother.
*Knock, Knock*
When the knocker didn't receive a response, he just let himself in. “How are you feeling, Ranma?” Sandaime Hokage asked with concern. Seeing as the boy was still crying, Sarutobi just sat on his bed next to him and held his shoulders while the child cried into his chest.
“Kaa-chan, `kaa-chan was…!!!” Ranma screamed out incoherently as he tightly held the old man. In the next instant, Ranma found himself being led down the hallways of the hospital, he didn't even care where he was being taken, the person he cared about the most was gone……
However what he saw next greatly shocked him and gave him reason to live again. “Ka…`kaa-chan?!?!” He didn't understand it, he watched her die, he felt her final breath leave her body, yet here she was lying on the bed with a respiration machine hooked up to her. “How…?” Ranma whispered in wonderment.
“I'm not sure myself…” Sarutobi admitted, equally as stumped. “However our medical teams found her body near the school and was about to mark her down as deceased when they notice that she was still breathing faintly.”
He sighed in relief that his mother was safe and sound, maybe not 100-percent but at least she was still alive. Then he open his eyes in shocked realization and quickly faced the old man, “What about `tou-san?!?! Where is he right now?!?!” He was so crushed by his mother's apparent death last night that he completely forgot about his father. “Do you know where he is? I want to tell him that `kaa-chan's alright since he always gets worried about her if she's even hurt in the slightest,” he chuckled at the memory of his father going to 10 different stores to get medic supplies that one time just because his mother got a small paper-cut.
Sarutobi just bowed his head and was grimly silent, seeing this Ranma became apprehensive. “Tou-san… where is he?” he whispered, seeing that the old man still wasn't answering him, he just grabbed him by the shoulders and roughly shook him. “Where?!?! Where is he?!?!?!” He yelled out.

Later at the Memorial Stone for the fallen heroes of Konoha, Ranma just looked at his father's name in shock. “No…” Chuckling a little “…it's impossible, that man can't be dead, he just can't be!!! There's no way!!!” The young boy was now laughing hysterically unable to believe that his father was really gone. “There's just no way that he can be dead!!!!” he cried out loud as he hugged the stone in desperation.
In an attempt to comfort the boy, Sarutobi went over to hug him but he was pushed away. “No!! Don't touch me, just leave me alone!!!” Ranma screamed as he jumped away towards the horizon.
Sighing tiredly, Sarutobi just looked at the names on the Memorial Stone with great sorrow. Then he put his hands together and silently prayed for their safe passage into Heaven……
Breathing heavily, Ranma just stopped in the forest and leaned against a tree before slowly sitting down onto the dirt. `It can't be, how could `tou-san possibly have been?' he miserably thought to himself, as he started to cry once more.
After a few minutes he heard footsteps come towards him and looked up to see a badly injured Kakashi slowly walk towards him. “What do you want, Kakashi-sempai?” Ranma asked after a few seconds of silent starring. “Hmph, what happened to Half-Face?” Kakashi wondered, really not caring about his forgotten title.
The only response that he got was a dirt clod thrown at his face which he easily dodged, then just looked at the boy with a curious eye. “I'm not in the damn mood…” Ranma growled out obviously angry and irritated, “Can't you be more serious in this situation?!?! So many people died during that battle, including `tou…!!!” He found that he couldn't bare to finish that sentence, because if he did then that would mean his father was really gone, and he was never coming back.
Seeing that the boy was still in shock and denial, Kakashi just turned around to leave but not before telling him something very important. “Oh, by the way the council is trying to decide what to do with your little brother and Kyuubi……” Hearing this immediately made Ranma freeze up, he felt goosebumps on his skin, his body getting colder, his breathing getting shallower, and then he just looked up at the older boy in shock. “What did you say……?!?!” he whispered.
Kakashi had a tiny feeling that he should have just kept his mouth shut. “Urk…” That feeling grew to epic proportions when he felt Ranma's small hand lift him up by his throat, slowly depriving him of precious oxygen. “Tell me everything you know, Half-Face… and don't leave out any details either or else,” Ranma threatened as he gathered chakra to his eyes, making his eyes glow a very dark-red.

In the Hokage's Tower, there was a heated discussion between the council as to what they should do with the Kyuubi… or rather the Kyuubi's small vessel, Uzumaki Naruto, who was currently sleeping in a carriage nearby.
Mitokado Homura, Sarutobi's male teammate from his genin days, made his feelings known right off the bat. “The people are afraid Sarutobi, they think of the baby as the Kyuubi itself. They've even forgotten that this boy is the son of their savior.” Homura said in exasperation, “What choice do we have but to abandon him, even if he is still an infant.”
Utatane Koharu, Sarutobi's female teammate, quickly cut the Hokage off as he was about to speak. “We know, Sarutobi, we know. What of the mother's feelings about this situation?” She asked, obviously this has been on her mind for quite a while as well. “Seeing as the mother is currently incapacitated, we must make this decision without her consent. If we delay this any further than the people might act out on their fears, and endanger the baby's life.”
The Sandaime Hokage, who was once again forced to take over the position, could only deeply sigh in sadness. He just couldn't believe this was happening, he didn't want to think that the villagers of Konoha would be so heartless as to kill a defenseless little baby. At this rate, one man's brave sacrifice would slowly become two sacrifices.
Just before Sarutobi could say anything, the twin-doors to the chamber exploded open and through the debris slowly walked in Uzumaki Ranma dragging along the bodies of two stupid ANBU who got in his way. Kakashi was seen walking behind him, following his fellow Jounin who was currently ready to kill.
Ranma let go of the unconscious men, and without even glancing at the three figures at the table, just walked up and stared at his little brother who currently had several complex seals put on his stomach. `So it's true `tou-san sacrificed himself to use that Kinjutsu and sealed the Kyuubi in Naru-chan,' Ranma silently thought to himself, as he was putting together all the pieces to this puzzle.
While Ranma was preoccupied with the baby, Sarutobi just turned to face Kakashi, “Why didn't you stop him?” He quietly whispered to the young ninja, who just shrugged and looked as nonchalant as usual, “I tried to, but he just beat me up and forced me to come along.” Apparently Kakashi didn't really care if people knew that he got beaten up by an 8-year old, plus it really would explain that bruise around his uncovered eye.
Before Sandaime could say anything else, he was cut off by a seething Ranma. “Oi, `jii-chan. Just what were you planning on doing with my cute little brother?” Ranma muttered out through his gritted teeth, “Don't tell me that you were about to hurt him……”
Aware of the underlining threat in his words, Sarutobi quickly worked to defuse the situation. “Ranma, we were just talking about what to do with Naruto. However, hurting or abandoning the baby was never an option in this situation not matter what,” he could only hope that the truth would calm the boy down.
However the truth wasn't enough for him, since Ranma just balled his hand into a fist and narrowed his eyes. “Oh… maybe for you, but what about Homura-sama and Koharu-sama? What were your thoughts on my brother's fate? Please make sure that you answer in a way that'll make me happy…… you wouldn't want to see me get angry.” Ranma was still mourning his father's death and seeing these idiots insult the final gift that Arashi had left to Konoha was making his blood boil.
Seeing as everyone in the room had gone dead silent, Ranma grew even angrier and his vision was further clouded in red.
“You ungrateful bastards…!!!” Ranma finally growled out, rolling up his sleeves as he stomped over to the old geezers. “…I think it's about time someone taught you a lesson in being humble!!!” Just as he was about to close in on them, a gentle voice cut through his anger and forced him to stop.
“Ranma-chan… stop…” the voice was soft and hoarse, but he heard it as clear as day. Turning around Ranma was faced with his mother who was leaning on the doorway still too hurt to stand under her own power.
“Kaa-chan!! You should be resting now!!!” Ranma yelled out in panic before rushing to his mother's side and picking her up. It certainly was odd seeing a small 8-year old boy holding a grown woman in his arms, but nobody questioned it for fear of incurring Ranma's wrath.
“Oh, don't worry so much. Your `kaa-chan isn't so weak…” She managed to get out before coughing, she seemed like she had more to say but couldn't find the strength to do so. Seeing her lift her arms and hold them towards Naruto, Ranma got the message, she wanted to hold her baby.
“Jii-chan, could you please bring Naruto over here. My hands are sorta full,” Ranma politely asked. Sarutobi then gently picked the baby up, who was still asleep, and carefully placed him in Noriko's still trembling hands.
Seeing how his mother fell asleep while gently but firmly holding Naruto to her chest. He turned around to walk out, but not before saying something that he had to get off his chest……
“Jii-chan… no, Hokage-sama I apologize for my behavior just now, I had no right to…” However Sarutobi just quickly cut in, “Do not worry yourself about this Ranma, it's understandable that you'd be more than a little angry. Just take your mother and brother home now, they deserve rest as do you.” Ranma just nodded, he would have bowed but couldn't, “Arigato gozaimasu (Thank you very much)…” and then he walked out.
“Sarutobi, are you sure that this is a wise decision to make,” Homura quickly said as soon as Ranma left. “You know as well I do that despite his parentage, young Naruto will still be hated by everyone in Konoha. It'll only be a matter of time before either they or he snaps.”
Sarutobi just looked at the spot where Ranma stood and smiled kindly, “No need to worry about that Homura. I'm sure Naruto will get all the love he needs from his mother and brother, and of course eventually the villagers will come to see the boy as the hero he truly is. Everything just takes time, after all even Konoha wasn't built in a day.”

After tucking his mother in her bed, Ranma slowly made his way to the nursery. `Naruto…' he sadly thought, then images of the Kyuubi flashed before his eyes before he quickly directed his anger towards the small baby in the crib. He tried… he tried so hard to stay mad but couldn't find the strength to do so, not while he was starring at the cute form of his little brother.
“No matter what… you will forever be Uzumaki Naruto…” Ranma softly said while slowing patting the head of his little brother, “… no matter what happens, you will always be my brother. Even if you have that thing trapped in your body, you will never be the Kyuubi.”
`That's right, he'll never be the Kyuubi NEVER!!! I'm make sure of it,' Ranma determinedly thought as he slowly drifted to sleep at the bottom of his brother's crib, with tears slowly making their way down his cheeks.
Behind the slightly opened door, Noriko smiled sadly at her eldest's declarations. She slowly limped down towards the kitchen, wondering what she deserved to receive such a beautiful child like Ranma. However, sitting in the empty kitchen made her realize that she was technicality alone now… her husband, the man she loved, was gone forever.
Noriko just buried her face in her hands and cried profusely, mumbling why, why did this have to happen to her family!!! Her husband had sacrificed himself for an ungrateful village, her youngest child was cursed to house a demon in him for the rest of his life, and her eldest son was currently trying his hardest to keep his sanity.
All she ever wanted was a happy family, a family that didn't have to worry about the hardships of a ninja-life. That dream was all but impossible now…… no… no, it was still there but it would be much harder to achieve now. Standing up, she furiously wipe her tears away with her sleeve. She had to be strong, after all Arashi would want her to be strong if not for herself then for their children, especially since she was all that they had left in this world.
That's right, no matter what she would protect their children for all eternity. They were the last precious gifts that her husband had left her, and she would treasure them forever.
`Anata please give me strength, I don't think I can do this by myself.'

The next few years were very hard for the Uzumaki Clan, both Noriko and Ranma had to deal with those cold stares and harsh glares every time they went outside with Naruto. They were forced to ignore the whispers of angers, while trying their hardest not to lash out at the villagers.
However through it all, neither mother or brother treated the little baby with any hostility. It hasn't his fault that he was forced to bear such a great burden on his shoulders at such a young age. So as the years passed by, Naruto grew up oblivious to the cold looks and murmurs of hate, since his family showered him with enough love to fill up Konoha.
Eventually the villagers came around to accepting the Kyuubi-vessel, after all who could really hate such a sweet little face like Naruto's. Oh, not to mention the fact that Ranma decided to always carry his Katana around with him now, and just politely smiled and fingered the hilt every time Naruto went into a store or talked to an adult. The villagers all knew that Ranma was quick to act and got his temper from his mother and Tsunade, so they decided not to get on his bad side. However, those who didn't know of Ranma's reputation quickly found out the hard way……
All this special treatment didn't mean that Naruto grew up spoiled or sheltered, far from it in fact. The moment Naruto became 4, Ranma decided to make sure that his little brother became a strong ninja just like his father would have wanted. Of course his mother was against this decision right from the beginning and objected immediately.
“Ranma-chan, don't you think that Naruto is too young for training right now?” His mother asked as she was sitting on the ground, playing with her child. “He can barely even run straight without falling down.” She watched as he demonstrated that ability, catching him before he hit the ground.
Looking at his mother exasperated, “Oh, `kaa-chan…” The 12-year old boy whined, `geez, she's so overprotective,' He grumpily thought.
“I learned to become a ninja a year before him, and at his age I was already a jounin!!!” He boasted arrogantly, and got into a pose to show how awesome he was.
Noriko just rolled her eyes at hearing her son brag, “Yes, yes, we all know how strong and cool you are…” she sighed out, but then smirked. “But you'll always be my cute little Ranma-chan, my precious little baby!!!” She loudly exclaimed, before jumping up and tightly hugging Ranma.
“Ah, `kaa-chan, I'm not a baby anymore!!!” Ranma yelled out indignantly, but hugged his mother back anyway. Hey, he may not have been a baby, but he was still a mama's boy.
After a few more seconds of this touching mother-son moment, Noriko let go and looked her son straight in his eyes. “Alright, since you're not a baby anymore I'll give you the responsibility of training your brother,” Noriko said. “However you can only train him under my supervision, but don't expect me to help out. I already got my hands full training you and dealing with the students at the academy.”
Ranma just nodded, he understood that his mother had chosen him as her successor so she didn't want anyone else to learn her techniques not even her second child. Her sword techniques could be considered an advanced-bloodline too since not even the Sharingan seemed to be able to copy them. This was proven when some greedy Uchihas tried to steal her techniques, and regretted doing so when she demonstrated her powers on them.
He watched as she walked away and picked up Naruto before heading into the kitchen. As she left he couldn't help but stare at the large scar on her left leg, that scar was her ever-lasting reminder of that horrible day. When he questioned his mother on how she survived that attack despite her body being so damaged.
She just told him that before the rocks crushed her, she quickly collected chakra throughout her entire body and used a medic-jutsu to begin healing almost immediately. The only reason her body was still hurt was because the damage accumulated must have been too much, and it was taking time for her body to heal them all. Plus since she was forced to heal her entire body all at once, her chakra depleted quicker than she expected which is why she fainted from exhaustion, making it seem like she died.
He always knew that his mother was cool, but after hearing that she was practically invincible, he officially dubbed her the `coolest mama in the whole wide world!!!' which always got her giggling at her son's cuteness. It seemed that no matter what horrible deed took place, Ranma was always able to get through it with a smile on his face.
The next day, Ranma and Noriko took Naruto over to the forest to train. Before that though, they stopped by the village to pick up some supplies. “Ano, what's this?” Naruto curiously asked the nice produce lady, she just smiled and said “That's a pineapple.” She then giggled as he started to compare his hair style to the fruit.
All throughout the supermarket Naruto was running around like the hyperactive child he was, asking people various questions. “What's that smell?”, “What's wrong with that meat, it's green!”, “Ewww, fishies, why are they so big and ugly?”, “Could you get me the Double-Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs, please mister?!?!” Unfortunately his mother had put the cereal back in its place, arguing that he had more than enough sugar in his little body.
Soon after they left the supermarket and walked towards the forest, all the awhile Ranma still couldn't believe the changes within the villagers of Konoha. In the beginning, they all resented and treated Naruto with hostility and fear, but now it seemed like they all saw him for what he really was… a mere child, and not just any child but the son of their savior himself. They decided that it would be an insult to treat the boy who had the blood of Yondaime coursing through his body with hatred, and just treated the child as they would any other child.
Of course there were still some people who resented the boy, but they were all afraid of saying anything in front of his mother and brother. They may have been hateful and spiteful, but they weren't stupid or suicidal. Insulting the young blond within hearing distance of Noriko or Ranma was as dumb as spitting in the face of Death itself, YOU JUST DON'T DO IT!!!!!!
A few minutes later, Noriko was sitting on a tree stump in the forest, with the groceries next to her, just watching as Ranma taught Naruto the fundamental basics of chakra control.
“Now Naru-chan, you have to remember that the first step to becoming a great ninja is chakra control,” Ranma lectured his little brother, who was sitting down in front of him shaking with excitement. “Chakra is the energy a shinobi needs to essentially be a shinobi. It's made of two different types of energies which are combined together; the body energy that's naturally in every single cell of your body, and the spiritual energy which you get and increase through training and experience. However, you must remember that every living creature has chakra, it's just that those who never trained in chakra exercises are usually weak and their spirit is just too small.”
Ranma then made his way to a tree, “By gathering the chakra within your body and releasing it, you'll be able to perform different types of skills and jutsus which I will now demonstrate……” He then started to walk up the tree until he was standing upside-down on one of the branches, he looked down to see his mother proudly smiling at him while his brother was just gaping in shock.
“Nani?!?!? How'd you do that, `nii-chan?!?!?!” Naruto yelled out as he jumped up to his feet and grinned like a fox. Seeing his little brother's exuberance, he just smirked then jumped back down to the ground and landed on his feet. Ranma just knelt down in front of him, rubbing the top of his head, “It's quite simple actually, but before that let's work on gathering your chakra first, the only reason I showed you `Tree Climbing' right now was to get you excited about these lessons.”
Deciding that she had seen enough even though it was only a minute, Noriko stood up and brushed her dress down. “Well it seems that you're a better teacher than I expected Ranma-chan. The best way to teach after all is to properly motivate your students and it seems you've done just that,” she walked over to hug and kiss her sons, then picked up the groceries. “Seeing as how my presence is no longer needed right now, I'm going to go home and prepare dinner. So make sure that you're not late, got me?”
Ranma just nodded, “Hai, hai, I'll make sure to get him home on time.” She took one final look at her sons before leaving.
“Well…” Ranma started to say after his mother left, “… let's get started.” Even after three hours of training, Naruto still wasn't close to gathering his chakra. “Hmmm… maybe you are too young for ninja-training just yet, Naru-chan.” Ranma finally said, looking at his exhausted brother lying on the ground, panting and swimming in his own sweat.
Naruto was about to open his mouth to protest before a loud mysterious voice cut him off. “It seems that you're having problems, my little chickadee!!!!!!” The voice shouted. Ranma smiled as he recognized that voice and looked around the forest, “It can't be……” he whispered in shock.
Naruto was wondering why Ranma was smiling like that, when he quickly found his vision to be clouded in thick smoke, so he started to stumble around blindly, waving his little arms in hopes of finding his brother. When he bumped into something soft he immediately latched onto it, thinking that it was his `nii-chan. However when the smoke cleared he was surprised to see that he was holding onto the leg of a big, white-haired man who was wearing the weirdest clothes he's ever seen.
Jiraiya just grinned at the boy holding his leg, before roughly shaking the little tyke off sending him flying into the air. Ranma just sighed at seeing his brother trying to emulate a bird and quickly jumped up to catch him. Making sure that the kid was securely held in his arms, he turned to his childhood mentor, one of many, and ran towards him.
“Jiraiya-sama!!!” Ranma yelled out as he jumped up and hugged the larger man in excitement. Finally letting go after a few seconds, “It's been so long Jiraiya-sama, what have you been doing all these years?” Ranma curiously asked, but he had a hunch as to what the man has been up to.
Jiraiya just blushed, grinned and giggled perversely. `Yup, I thought as much. He hasn't changed one bit over the years,' Ranma thought in amusement.
Jiraiya then became serious and looked at the small boy in his kouhai's arms in curiosity. “Who's the kid, Ranma? Don't tell me you've become a glorified babysitter for little brats!!!” Jiraiya screamed out in horror. The only response he got was a sharp pain in his right leg, looking down he saw that the boy was kicking him in the shin!!! Why that little brat!!!!!!
Before he could teach the impudent whelp a lesson in respect, Jiraiya was held back by Ranma. “Ora, ora, calm down Jiraiya-sama…” he told the older man before picking Naruto up, “… this particular brat happens to be my younger brother.” Jiraiya just said `ooh' before looking over the boy with a speculating gleam in his eyes.
“Hmmm… so Noriko had another child. He looks pretty weak though, not too mention chubby,” Jiraiya finally stated after a minute of examination. In that next moment Ranma was chuckling while holding up his little brother to keep him from charging the frog-hermit, “I'm not weak or fat, you ugly, stupid, smelly, ummm… Ero-sennin!!!” Naruto yelled out in anger.
Ranma slapped his free hand over his mouth to keep from laughing outloud once more. `Ero-sennin that's a good name for you, Jiraiya-sama,' He silently mused.
Jiraiya just turned red from embarrassment and anger, “Oi, you damn gaki (brat) don't call me that!!! What makes you think that I'm a pervert anyway!!!” yelled the ticked off frog-sannin. Naruto wriggled himself out of his brother's grip, then ran behind Jiraiya and grabbed something out of his back pocket. “This is why, you Ero-sennin!!!” he yelled while holding up a pair of women's panties.
Sighing in disgust, Ranma eyed the underwear distastefully before turning his attention over to the red-faced man. “Honestly Jiraiya-sama, you're stealing underwear now?” he moan out. Jiraiya just quickly grabbed the panties and shoved them back in his pockets before chuckling awkwardly, `Hopefully the boy didn't notice,' he nervously thought as he slowly stepped away.
Unfortunately for him, Ranma did notice. There was something familiar about that underwear, he's seen it somewhere before, but where…… hey, wait a second!!! He saw an identical pair doing his mother's laundry, `Kaa-chan was asking if I dropped any clothes last time I did laundry too…' he remembered her telling him that she was missing a few pieces of clothing. Ranma then shuddered in realization, and slowly turned his head to glare at a now frozen Jiraiya.
Cracking his knuckles, Ranma stomped over to a very-nervous and shaking `Ero-sennin.' He saw in the corner of his eye, Naruto getting comfortable in the best seats of the house before directing his full wrath towards the soon-to-be-dead frog-hermit……
Sorry folks, but this next part is censored besides you really wouldn't want to know happened `cause it's too disgusting and sick, that and I don't feel like writing it.
……After Ranma was done, Jiraiya's once `manly' body was twisted in so many ways that he resemble a giant pretzel with quadruple-knots. Not to mention, he had several shuriken imbedded throughout his body, making it look like salt.
Wow, if anyone could think up unique ways of torture, it was definitely Uzumaki Ranma. After all, being a ninja who doesn't kill had left him at a great disadvantage during the war, so he had to offset that imbalance by using his childish imagination to improve his torture methods. `I call this one, freshly-made double-salted pretzel man…' he proudly thought, before wearily eyeing Jiraiya's bag.
Ranma slightly opened it up and took a peek, before quickly closing it and turning green. `Ewww, my kaa-chan's underwear! That sick bastard ugh yuck, I can't touch this stuff, my hands will probably melt off,' he irritably thought, but then he noticed Naruto poking the misshapen Jiraiya with a stick.
A light-bulb went off over Ranma's head, and he called for his little brother, “Naruto let me tell you this, a ninja must not only have perfect chakra control, but they must also be physically strong and fast as well.” Seeing Naruto nod, he smiled and continued, “So the best method of getting stronger and faster is lifting heavy stuff and running. Now I want you to pick up that bag over there and run back home carrying it, then give it to `kaa-chan, okay?” Naruto just nodded again and did as his `nii-chan told him.
Ah, gullible little brothers rocked!!! Well it's not like he was technically lying though……
As soon as Ranma could no longer see Naruto, he sat down on the ground and turned his attention back to Jiraiya. “Jiraiya-sama, you're just lucky that `kaa-chan left before you arrived or else you'd be missing a few key items of your own,” Ranma warned as he sat down next to an un-twisted Jiraiya, who got himself loose as the brothers were talking.
After cracking a few kinks out of his shoulders and neck, and plucking the last shuriken out, Jiraiya just laid down next to Ranma. “Well I always did have luck with the ladies…” he purposely ignored the grumbles of `whatever' and `yeah, right' he heard from his student.
“What were you two doing here anyway, you usually like to train with stronger people don't you?” Jiraiya curiously asked before yawning. “Oh this, I was just teaching Naruto how to gather up and use his chakra.” At seeing Jiraiya raise his eyebrow, Ranma just sighed, “I know, I know, he's still too young but Naruto has to learn how to use his chakra as soon as possible.”
After a few moments of silence, he turned to look at Jiraiya. “Jiraiya-sama… you heard about what happened to `tou-san 4 years ago, right?” Ranma quietly asked, then he heard a long depressed sigh, “Yeah, I heard about Arashi. In the end he went out like a real man though, protecting his family and home right till the bitter end. But I also heard that he used some kind of strange jutsu to seal the Kyuubi away within a baby.” Without moving, Jiraiya just looked at Ranma through the corner of his eyes, “Is that why you want your brother to learn chakra control so early because of the Kyuubi?”
Ranma just smiled, `So he knew that Naruto was the Kyuubi-container all along. I should have known better, can't get anything past him,' he thought to himself before replying. “Yes and no, I do want him to learn how to develop his chakra right away so that he'll have more experience and better knowledge when it comes time to use the Kyuubi's chakra. But……” He drifted off, before looking up at the sky and sighing.
“But?” Jiraiya was curious as to what the boy had come up with. Ranma always was a sharp one, and his theories were usually right on the dot.
“But… I believe that `tou-san saw something special in Naruto, why else would he have left in a mere baby such a dark legacy,” Ranma stated while looking Jiraiya right in the eye. Before he could respond, the sannin found himself flat on his face thanks to a roll-up baking pin to the back of the head. `What the hell?!?!' Ranma thought in shock before he saw his mother run straight towards Jiraiya with kitchen knives in her hands.
“You perverted old-prick!!!!!! I'm gonna cut your balls off and shove them your throat, then I'm gonna rip your eyes out and shove them up your ass so you can watch me kick it from here to Suna!!!” Noriko yelled out as she beat the frog-hermit to a bloody stump. Ranma could hear Jiraiya scream and beg for mercy, at least that what's he thought the old man was yelling, he couldn't really decipher it through all the blood that was being spit up.
After a few more minutes, Ranma checked his watch and decided that his mother had more than enough `fun.' He slowly got up, checked his clothing for any dirt, looked at his watch again, picked at a small piece of lint on his shirt, wiped the bottom of his sandal off a rock, took the time to breath in the fresh country air, checked his watch once more (well he is a torture-expert after all), then he went over to stop his mother. Picking her up over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, he wished he brought ear-plugs so he could block out all the profanity his mother was spewing at the pile of minced and bloodied meat that was once Jiraiya.
Looking back over his free shoulder, he sighed out in frustration. He was going to ask Jiraiya-sama to help Naruto learn how to gather his chakra but it looked like he was going to be in traction for a few months. Geez, he didn't know whether to thank or curse Tsunade-chama for passing down to his mother everything she knew, including her pervert-beating ways and that scary temper.
Hmmm… he wondered if Hokage-jiichan was free.

Dragging his feet, Ranma slowly walked out of the Hokage's Tower slightly depressed. He just couldn't believe how much being Hokage sucked!!! He shuddered recalling what he just saw, the moment he walked into the Hokage's chambers he saw that his `jii-chan was literally surrounded by mountains of paperwork. `Poor Jiji, he shouldn't be doing all that paperwork in his old age,' he thought in pity.
Walking up to Naruto who was just starring at the Hokage Tower with stars in his eyes, he sighed deeply. Even after seeing how hard being Hokage was, his little brother was still just as determined to become one.
Sighing once more, he held Naruto's hand as they walked away. “Why do you want to become Hokage again, Naru-chan?” Ranma asked. The little blond boy just looked up at him with a big grin on his face, “Because I want to earn the respect of the people and have them look up to me!!!” He smiled proudly at his younger brother that is before he continued talking, “… that, and I want my picture on that big mountain!!! That way everyone will be able to look at my cute face everyday!!!” Ranma just immediately facefaulted.
Spitting grass out of his mouth, Ranma just stared at the smaller boy with a look of disbelief. Oh brother…… while he may have gotten his personality from their mother, Naruto definitely got his from their father. He just smiled at that thought before patting the top of his head which earned him a yelp from his younger brother for messing up his hairdo.
A short while after, Naruto just curiously looked at his brother, “Why did we come here to see Hokage-jiichan anyway, `nii-chan?” Ranma just sighed, “Oh, I just wanted to ask Jiji to help you with your chakra gathering problem, especially since Jiraiya-sama is sorta incapacitated right now,” he then smirked evilly as he remembered what his mother did to the frog-sannin the previous day. `He deserved it too, that mommy-undy stealing pervert…'
“Hmmm… oh well, let's go get something to eat Naru-chan.” Ranma said as he picked up his brother, “Where do you want go?” He didn't even know why he bothered to ask, especially since it was always the same answer.
“ICHIRAKU RAMEN!!!!!!” Naruto exuberantly yelled out.
`Geez, if `kaa-chan didn't force Naru-chan to eat fruit and vegetables, I'm pretty sure he would be dead by now. I mean, nobody can live off ramen alone,' Despite these thoughts, Ranma was sure if his brother could he would definitely eat only those noodles 24/7. Even to this day he was still stumped at how such a tiny body could eat so much, hell the kid could eat up to 20 large bowls of ramen and still crave for more.
He once told his mother about a theory of his, that Naruto had a portable black hole in his stomach and all that ramen just went straight to his head, thereby making him addicted and constantly craving more. His mother just giggled and told him it couldn't have been that bad, however she soon agreed with him after just one trip to Ichiraku's.

Later at the restaurant, he could only look helplessly as the contents of his cute horsey wallet became smaller and smaller as his little brother continued to eat bowl after bowl. Ranma then turned to see the cute girl working behind the counter starring at him… yet again.
Looking into the reflection of his soup, he couldn't see anything on his face, `Oh wait there is something there no wait, that's just part of the ramen.' He just couldn't understand it, why was this girl always starring at him!!! He didn't even know her name because every time he asked for it, she just always turned red and fainted. He couldn't even ask her father again because Teuchi was afraid that if Ranma ever called her by her first name, she might just die from a heart-attack.
Realizing that he wasn't feeling that hungry anymore, Ranma just wordlessly passed the rest of his noodles to his brother who gobbled it up in mere seconds. Seeing that Naruto had finally finished eating after only 10 bowls, guess the kid wasn't that hungry, he asked for the rest of the bill and saw the nameless counter-girl bring it over. When he accidentally made skin contact with her hand and he was surprised to see her shriek and jump backwards, fall on her butt, then quickly run to the kitchen crying and screaming.
`What the heck is wrong with her?! It's not like that I have cooties or something I can't be that ugly right!!!' Ranma thought in horror, `Oh my god, I might have to start wearing a mask like Half-Face so that I don't end up scaring everyone!!!' He always did love teasing Kakashi because of his mask, and was distraught to realize that he could become just like that mask-wearing, hentai-reading, nasty-on-the-brains pervert.
Naruto was just blinking a lot in curiosity, then looked up to see Teuchi-jiichan just smile nervously at his brother before apologizing for his daughter's behavior. Ranma just smiled back, and replied that it was no big deal, although you could definitely tell that his smile was strained as it was shaking like a leaf in the wind.
Teuchi didn't take any offense to that however, he knew exactly what Ranma was thinking since this wasn't the first time Ayame embarrassed herself in front of him. The old man just bowed in apology before turning back to console his daughter.
“Well Naru-chan, let's just go now.” Ranma sighed out, he was starting to feel depressed now. After all, it wasn't everyday you found out that you were so hideous that cute girls ran at the very sight of you.
As he was getting up to brush his pants off, he heard two very familiar voices locked in a heated argument…… or rather one voice was loudly proclaiming something, while the other voice just dully replied back. `Oh man, I don't need this right now…… no wait, they could be of some use to me,' Ranma deviously thought.
Ranma then sat back down to wait, while Naruto just looked confused wondering why they weren't going to leave…… maybe they were gonna get more ramen!!! He perked up at that prospect. A few seconds later he saw two ninjas walked in, at least he thought they were ninjas, after all they were wearing the Jounin-vests that his brother sometimes wore.
The reason Naruto was skeptical was because these two looked like total morons. One of them had silver-hair, half his face was hidden behind a mask, his left eye was covered by his Hitai-ate, and he was reading a familiar-looking book. The other one was much worse, he was wearing an ugly green bodysuit, and he had shiny black hair in a bowlcut style, even shinier teeth, not to mention the thickest eyebrows he's ever seen!!!
Did he mention that these two looked like complete idiots, cause they did. Despite the fact that they looked really stupid, Naruto knew these two must have been really strong. After all, his brother once told him that the dumber a person looked, the stronger they usually were, and he kept using that Ero-sennin as the perfect example. At that time, Ranma was trying to teach him the all-important lesson of never judging a book by it's cover and to always expect the unexpected, which he still didn't understand.
“Kakashi-sempai, Gai-san!!!” The boy was brought back to reality when he heard his brother shout.
“Ora, Ranma-kun!!! What are you doing in this fine establishment on this beautiful day?” The super thick-eyebrows asked.
“Gai, obviously he came here to eat, that's what people usually do in restaurants.” The pervert-idiot dully interrupted. Naruto dubbed him a pervert after recognizing that book. It was the same book that he found in Ero-sennin's bag, he just told himself that anything Jiraiya had must automatically be perverted.
“OOOHHH!!!!!! What a hip new-age response, Kakashi!!!” The caterpillar-brow guy suddenly yell out loudly causing Naruto to almost jump right out of his skin, “As expected of my eternal rival!!!”
Ranma just rolled his eyes at hearing the familiar dialogue that's been said about a thousand times before. He quickly interjected before the two got started again, “Oi, oi, can't we just behave like civilized people one day of the year, please? After all, we wouldn't want to influence future generations to become delinquents now do we?” He politely said, while pointing at his little brother who was hiding behind his legs trying to get away from the two freaks.
Ranma then turned around to his cowering brother and picked him up in his arms. He smiled feeling his tiny arms around his neck, Naruto always was shy around new people. “Naru-chan, I want to introduce you to some old friends of mine. This is Kakashi-sempai…” pointing at the pervert-idiot, who just took a glance at him before turning back to his book, “… and Gai-san,” pointing to the super thick-eyebrows, who immediately got into some weird poses, while yelling about stuff like him being cool, and hip, and fashionable, and handsome, and how he was destined rivals with the pervert-idiot.
What got the young child even more confused was that while he was ranting, the background behind him suddenly changed to that of a sunset on a beach. Looking up, he was glad to see that he wasn't the only one who noticed, since his brother was palming his face in exasperation when he took a look at the imaginary scenery. The pervert-idiot, on the other hand, just raised an eyebrow before sitting down on one of the beach-chairs to read his book and enjoy the view. What the heck……?!?!
Of course, when the background disappeared, Naruto just saw Kakashi sitting on one of the stools facing the exit. You see, now that made more sense to him……
Tugging at his brother's shirt to get his attention, “Can we go now, these guys are weirdoes,” Naruto urgently whispered. However all he received was a small chuckle, before his brother dropped a big bomb on him. “I would love to Naru-chan, but you see these two are now your new teachers in Chakra-training,” Ranma said with a mischievous grin.
Naruto looked around to see that he wasn't the only shocked, because in that moment he saw Gai with wide eyes and his jaw on the ground and Kakashi actually looked up from his book to stare at Ranma with a raised eyebrow.
“Ranma-kun, contrary to popular belief, I do have a life and I cannot afford to waste any of my free time teaching,” Gai said.
“…… I just don't want to do it,” Kakashi blandly told him.
Naruto then felt his brother's body get really cold, and looked up to see him with an emotionless face. “Naru-chan, I'll be right back so don't go too far okay?” Ranma stated as he put him on the ground.
Ranma then walked over and grabbed the two Jounins in headlocks, before angrily whispering to them. Second by second, their bodies could be seen drooping further and further towards the ground, and finally he let them go after a few minutes. Kakashi and Gai then quickly rushed over to Naruto, and the boy could see that they were really pale, and sweating profusely, not to mention they had wide scared eyes. He looked behind them to see his older brother just casually waving to him and smiling.
“Ummm… it is our great honor to be teaching you to learn how to gather chakra, Naruto-kun,” Gai nervously stuttered out.
“Uhhh… yeah right, what he said…” Kakashi just mumbled, before a kunai imbedded itself beside his foot. “I mean!!! Congratulations, we are now officially your teachers!!! Yay!!!” he yelled out with more than a hint of fear in his voice.
Then the two felt a hand on their shoulders, before looking next to them to see Ranma with his arms over them, grinning like a cat. “You see, Naru-chan. Now you have two more teachers to help you with your chakra training, isn't this great?” Ranma then lead the two Jounins out the door, “Now come on, let's go tell `kaa-chan the good news…… won't you join us sempai-tachi?” He politely asked while gripping their shoulders just a bit harder, their only response was to quickly nod.
As Naruto was watching them leave, he scrunched up his face and made a decision, “All grown-ups except for `kaa-chan are weird…” He quietly said to himself, before running to catch up with his brother and his friends.
Author's Comments (R&R)
Sorry, but I loved Noriko too much to just off her plus I think it'll be more interesting this way, seeing as how Naruto now has a mother. I originally had planned to kill off her off in many different ideas but I soon found out that she really grew on me, so I scrapped that idea and went with the next best thing, I am so glad I thought of this at the last second!!! For those of you confused, Noriko basically did the same thing that Kabuto did when Naruto hit him with Ransengan, only she was forced to heal her entire body.
I'm not going to have Noriko train Naruto in the ways of the sword because I have a different purpose for him. Believe me, I have everything clearly thought up especially the direction I want to take everyone, it's all already planned out.
For those of you who are curious, Ranma threatened Gai with shaving his hair and eyebrows off, and burning all his bodysuits. While Ranma threatened Kakashi with stealing all his Icha-Icha Paradise and porn videos and destroying them one by one in front of him.
To the confused, when Ranma did his mother's laundry he wore one of those radioactive suits so that his hands wouldn't burn from touching his mommy's undies. As to why he remembered what her underwear looks like, let's just say that Noriko having a pair of sexy underwear was forever burned into the back of his brain. After all, any child seeing that their mother wears sexy lingerie would be scarred for life, I know I would be.
Yes, Jiraiya is officially the Happosai of this story. Imagine it, Jiraiya's peeping skills combined with Happosai's underwear stealing skills, feel very sorry for the women of this universe for JIRAIPOSAI has been created!!!!!!
I hope everyone liked the way I kept Naruto's two favorite passions relatively the same. It was easy finding a different reason as to why Naruto wanted to become Hokage, as for why he loves Ramen as much as he does well nobody knows that. Although there are some good theories out there, I'm not going to use any of them.
To everyone who's complaining about Ranma being a pacifist ninja, a ninja who doesn't kill, I'm guessing you don't like anime like Rurouni Kenshin (TV), Trigun, or Black Cat. Because all the main characters in these series don't kill either, so I guess that means they're all weaklings or that everyone dies because of this hindrance… oh wait……
To those who think I'm contradicting myself by saying Ranma's a “pacifist” ninja and a torture specialist, the type of torture he does is more mental rather than physical. It's not like he cuts off arms and legs… although I was thinking about doing that, I'm pretty sure that's not something a mother would approve of. I have no idea what kind of techniques torture specialists use, so I'm not going to go into specifics. Besides the Kakashi-special in the manga showed me that there are other alternatives to physical torture like messing up the chakra system or using genjutsu, so just imagine that's what Ranma did. One more example is fear; just imagine that he uses his killing intent to scare the hell out of prisoners to get information and mentally scar them for life. Again, he was partly raised by Orochimaru……