Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Family ❯ Stalker in the bathroom ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The rest of the day passed by in a blur considering I was too worried about after school to pay attention. After lunch, realizing I only had half a day left until I met my new family was making me jumpy.
My last class was in Gym 4, the one with the pool. I ran down the stairs carefully, trying to avoid as many collisions as I could. I was excited about this class and also nervous considering it was my last for the day, so adrenaline played it's card and forced me to run all the way to the Gym.
“516…516…” I muttered, looking carefully at the rows of lockers that stood in front of me. “Where is that bloody locker?”
510…512…514…Ah hah!! Found you! 516, bottom locker. Figures. Oh well. I shoved my bag into the tiny space and grabbed my swim trunks, walking off towards the restroom to change.
Damn modesty. I've always been self-conscious about how bony I was and I just plain don't like undressing in front of people. Laugh all you want but I won't set myself up for rape anytime soon.
I folded my clothes carefully (force of habit) and slipped a shirt over my head, stopping as I heard the soft sound of someone's footsteps in the bathroom with me. I peeked through the crack between the stall and the wall, feeling stupid all the while. I felt like I was in some damn horror movie where the dumb bim gets stabbed in the bathroom stall.
The person was wearing sandals and at first I thought he must have been in my swimming class except his attire didn't really fit that of a high school swimmer. He actually looked like he was preparing for battle or something.
“Uh…I'm coming out.” I said softly, pushing against the door a little. Death here I come. I mentally kicked myself for speaking at all but from the way the guy kept standing there, I had pretty much come to the conclusion that he knew where I was.
I opened the door slowly and carefully, ready to run towards the nearest exit if this guy decided to attack me but to my great surprise he wasn't there. I looked back and forth and into all the stalls but didn't see him. Why am I looking for stalker boy?
“Weird.” I muttered and left the locker room, looking behind me all the while.
“Come on boys!” Coach Mortin yelled. “We have a meet in September! Now suck it up!!”
Damn! I consider myself to be a pretty good athlete but this was tough! We had already done 30 speed laps and were now working on a second set.
“Come on you bunch of--!” his last comment, probably insult, was cut off as the bell rang. ”Agh!! Go get dressed!”
Everyone jumped out of the pool and took off running but I hung back for a second, gathering myself for the events that lay ahead of me. I was so worried about later that afternoon that I didn't even notice someone else had walked into the pool room with me.
I looked up and jumped a little. It was the same guy from earlier!!
The man regarded me with a cool smile. He was dressed in what looked like ancient samurai attire with a wide wicker hat hiding his face from view. He was holding a staff that had several rings dangling on it and had long red hair resting behind his back.
“W-who are you..?” I said, not realizing my teeth were chattering.
The man only continued to smile at me. “You will know in due time, Torrent.” He reached into his robes and pulled out a small glass ball and tossed it at me.
I moved aside just to watch it “Sploosh!” into the water beside me and sink to the bottom of the pool. I looked back at him strangely. “ What was that..?”
The man nodded towards the pool. “Retrieve it, it's yours.”
I laughed a little in spite of myself. I seem to do that a lot. “ Yeah right…you want me to dive down to the bottom of a pool and get something you threw at me? What if it's a bomb…or some biological hazard that your dying to get rid of? How do I know your not going to spear me with that nifty staff of yours once I turn around?!” I stammered all of this at once, trying to hide my nervousness with smart remarks.
The man just continued to smile softly as if he knew I would go after it, which I so would not have gone after it had I not bee trying to get away from him. “ You must learn to trust better, Torrent. After all, that will be what people notice about you.”
I blinked a little and swam back slightly, diving straight down to the bottom, and looking up every once in a while to see him still standing there.
The little ball rocked gently with the motion of the water. I reached out slowly and touched it, surprised at how smooth it was and how warm it felt to the touch. It swirled slowly with a light, silvery blue color for a second and I sat at the bottom of the pool for at least 2 minutes watching it carefully. I know I'm part fish or something cause I'm not even close to running out of air yet.
I tucked the tiny ball into my pocket and kicked to the surface. I still needed to meet with Sister Carla and was probably running late as it was.
I looked around carefully for the man but he was nowhere to be seen. Hm..definately weird. “Torrent..?” I whispered softly. Isn't that what I had decided to call my latest drawing? What a strange day.
I pulled myself out of the water and headed to the locker room, still pondering that little tid-bit of information all the while.
I know damn well that Anubis is a warlord but I made him help out in this story so it was not a mistake, no worries ^^;