Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Misteltoe ❯ Christmas Eve ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimers: I own nothing, *sigh* though I wish I owned Rowen, Kento, and Sage. Sorry if the rating is a little high it's my first fic.

Warnings: Yaoi.

At the Koji residence laughter can be heard as snowballs fly through the air in two or three directions at a time. Cye and Kento on one team and Ryo and Sage on the other. Kento gathers a large snowball and hurls it at Ryo as the door to the mansion opens. Ryo gets hit by the snowball and blindly throws one back hitting Rowen who just came outside. " Hey watch it guys," Rowen says before Kento tackels him into the snow as Cye, Ryo and Sage throw snowballs at him. Kento now lays on top of Rowen who is slightly shivering do to the fact tha he is'nt wearing a coat. " Thanks," Rowen mutters blushing as his jeans start to get tight. "Hey no prob' Ro. Why'd ya come out here if ya didn't want ta play? Wait why in God's name aint ya wearin' a coat?" Kento asks helping the smaller boy up. " Mia wanted to know if you guys wanted hot chocolate," Rowen awnsers as Kento brings him into his coat for warmth. " There that better?" Kento asks concerned. Rowen nods his head in replie. ` God Kento you are very warm' Rowen thinks before leaning into Kento and letting out a small sigh. Kento smiles to himself as Rowen snuggles up to him. ` I'll get you under the mistletoe yet Rowen' Kento thinks as he gives him a small sqeeze. " Hey guys tim for hot chocolate!" Kento shouts as he leads Rowen back into the mansion.

All five Ronins enter the house and take off their coats. Rowen escapes from Kento and and runs into the kitchen. Mia sets down six mugs of hot cocoa on the kitchen table. They all sit down on their chairs at the table and start to drink. " Is every one excited about tomorrow?" Mia asks as she praises that Yulie is with his parents. " Yes," they all say in unison. " Can we open presents when we wake up?" Rowen asks hopefully as he takes a gulp of his cocoa. "Yes we can but you better get to bed soon," Mia says like she's talking to a little kid. Rowen huridly finishes his cocoa says goodnight and runs up stairs. " You'd think he was a kid ," Kento laughs as they all go to bed waiting for Christmas.

BM: Please rveiw so I can get the second chapter up. How should Rowen end up under the mistletoe, and sould he know what it stands for?