Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Ronins For Dummies ❯ Armoring Up for Dummies ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Armoring Up for Dummies

Step one: obtain an armor orb
The best way to get them are from monks. They seem to have an abundance of them and will give you the one best suited to your virtue.

Step two: will your sub armor on
You can one, pull the orb out and will it on, two project an image in the air of your orb and jump into it, or three have your clothes shredded.

Step three: call you armor
This can be done several ways. One is to call out "Armor of *insert armor name* tao *insert virtue*!!" The second way id to call out "Buso *insert armor name*!!" The third way is to simply will it one or will a piece of you armor and use it as a catalyst to start the transformation

Step four: fight
In this step you need to pick a side. Good or Evil? Decide. Then fight your opponents. You can use your weapon/s or sure-kill. Both seem to work.

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