Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ True Love ❯ chapter 9 ( Chapter 9 )

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Chapter 9: A New Day Has Come

Mia was working extra hard in Shinsha to have extra credit for graduating this year. She felt overwhelmed and like she was going to faint when her professor told her that she had a phone call from a friend.

"Miss Koji, telephone." Professor Lai, who helped Mia out with her work, came through the door. Mia put down her files and walked out of the huge classroom into the dean's office. There, she picked up the phone to hear a frantic voice.

"Mia speaking,"

"Mia? Oh Mia, I'm so glad to get a hold of you."

"Who's this?" Mia asked curiously at the frantic familiar voice.

"This is Cye."

"Cye? Cye? What's wrong, Cye? Did something happen to any of the guys."

"No, nothing has happened. It's one of Kento and my friend who got raped tonight by her violent boyfriend. Do you think you can bring me to the Toyama Hospital?"

"Sure, I'll be on my way in a few minutes. Don't worry Cye. I'm sure your friend will be fine."

"Hurry Mia." Cye and Mia exchanged a few more words before hanging up. Mia apologized to the professor before running down the hall and towards the parking lot in front of the tall building. She was so sure that Cye sounded frantic and needed someone to comfort him. Mia got to the jeep and started it up before driving out of the parking lot and onto the road towards Cye's house.

Mia dropped Cye off in front of the hospital and drove to the parking lot. As she was getting out, she noticed a familiar figure exiting out of the hospital. She did a double take and knew who it was the second time she looked. It was Sage walking out with his mother and looking rather tired. Mia hurried up and locked her doors before going towards Sage.

"Sage? What are you doing here?"

Sage looked at Mia with emotionless eyes that made her wonder. He smiled warmly towards her before speaking. Mia had also noticed that he was bruised upon the forehead and bloodstains were on his white uniform shirt.

"Mia, oh hi." Sage greeted as his mother came forward and smiled towards Mia, too.

"Hello, Mia."

"Hello, Ms. Umeko." Mia bowed before looking at Sage again. He didn't say anything as he put his head down.

"Oh, Sage." Ms. Umeko kept smiling, "For your question, Mia, Sage is here because of a friend. She's been hurt badly and is very ill."

"A friend?" Mia smiled, "Wouldn't you call it a girlfriend? Anyway, why is she here? What happened?"

"Well, apparently when my son was following this girl to get some help on his algebra homework, she was ambushed by these band of thugs. So, in short, she was injured in the fight."

Sage looked up in the sky as his mother told the story he told her that day. Mia looked sorrowfully towards him as he rubbed his head.

"I'm going to bring Sage home so he can get some rest. I'm sorry that I can't talk more, Mia, but I must get him home and then back over here to monitor my patients."

"Oh, I can bring him home, if you don't mind." Mia offered willingly.

Umeko's mouth faltered in a frown as she was thinking and then as fast as it came it disappeared with a happier smile fading across her face.

"I'm sure Sage will be happy to go home with you instead of his old momma." Umeko laughed as Mia smiled.

"You're not that old, Ms. Umeko."

"Oh thank you, my dear." Ms. Umeko smiled and ushered Sage to go with Mia. Sage sighed in with relief that his mother wasn't going to say anymore. A nurse had come and told Umeko that one of her patients were having a fit for a cigarette. "Excuse me. One of my patients is having a fit. I'll see you at home, honey? And thanks again, Mia." Umeko followed the nurse into the hospital.

Sage followed Mia to her jeep and opened the door after she unlocked it. Mia noticed that Sage seemed tensed about something. She wanted to ask what was wrong but didn't because of the loss look in his eyes.

Cye watched as Kento and Maia were kissing and felt a pang in his heart of jealousy. Of all the dumb things for Kento to do! Cye thought as he backed away from the opened door. He grumbled all the way down to the elevator and went down into the waiting room.

Sage couldn't keep his eyes open as Mia drove through the traffic. It had already been twenty minutes since he left Kyoko at the hospital. Mia saw that he couldn't keep his eyes open so she left him alone as her thoughts came too.

She thought about how she felt about Sage. Why did she have that feeling? And why did it have to be Sage? She just couldn't figure it out for the most part and she always wondered what he had done for her to feel that way.

She couldn't get it out, whatever it was. Mia, after all, was a year older than he was and besides, she wasn't in his league by far. He was the most beloved guy in school by all the girls, dazzled by all the women, and hated by all the guys.

' did you get in my thoughts when all of the other guys have their special temptation too?' she thought in her mind as she drove down another street to get to Sage's house.

Kyoko looked into the afternoon sky as she thought about all the possibilities why Sage had held her.

'Come on, Kyoko, you know, as much as I do that you will never be his. Even though you almost kissed him.' Kyoko thought as she had looked away from the cloudless sky. Feeling very heavy, she rubbed her eyes out of sleep and made herself get out of the hospital bed. She hated being over at the hospital. She just wanted to be home with her mother and be there for her. But no, she had to run into trouble. That was when she had gasped.

Kyoko put her hand on her head as she remembered what she forgot to do.

"Oh crap. I forgot to say thank you to Sage for coming to my rescue." Kyoko said as she sat down with a groan. He had just risked his life for her and she forgot to thank him. How rude of her to have done that. She really could have kicked herself at times. 'I can thank him later I guess.' She mentally nodded as she staggered from the bed to the window.

'It's so stuffy in here.' She opened the window to feel the light breeze billowing in the wind.

At that moment, a nurse came in, abruptly transmitting her out of her thoughts completely. The nurse glared at her as she brought in dinner for the patient.

"Here you go!" the nurse grumbled as she placed the food on the tray. Kyoko watched as the nurse stomped out.

"Jeez. Touchy." Kyoko said as she staggered back to the bed, pushing the gross sediments away and trying to get into the bed slowly, careful not to hit her wrist. She then laid down and tried to go to sleep.