Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ College is fun, maybe ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Haha! The moment you been waiting for…the part where Kaoru and Battousai meet! Now be ready for my stupid story! The characters will be a little ooc! Er…ignore me. I know, I know. I made a few changes so plz read. Gomen, gomen if it's stupid! Im a bad, bad writer. You guys are soooo kind, reading my ficcy! How can you put up with my stupid story? Man. I feel so dumb here, thanks to my stupid antics. Thank you for reading this dumb story of mine…I guess if anyone who doesn't like it can flame me…*sigh* gomen nasai, minna-san. Im such a baka! Gomen nasai if it looks all jacked up. Gah! I can't get this word out of my head! It's Yue! It means moon in chinese…lol…and then I changed my name to Xia Xue… might be wondering why I changed it…er…I felt like it? That's all im going to tell you…um…is that a good answer for you guys? Gomen nasai if the romance stinks. I suck at romance writing -_-;;……..

Disclaimer: I don't own…rk…but I can in my dreams…<(\-_-/)>Oo



^^^^****Last time (kinda)****^^^^

As the group was done with the song they all went outside to get fresh air. Kaoru told them that she was going to go get a drink. 'I ^wonder what Yahiko's doing at home. He must be playing games or maybe watching TV at this hour, waiting for me to come home.' Smiled Kaoru.

She still hadn't noticed a man with amber eyes, who was watching her like a hawk. As she got her drink from the bartender she then finally noticed him.


Their eyes locked for a moment but to them, it seemed like eternity. It was broken when a woman came up to Kenshin and whispered seductively in his ear. He nodded when she gave him her card.

The woman was wearing a skirt that went halfway up her bottom and a tight shirt that was strapless, which also showed her belly button. It had barely covered her breast too (I feel sick~ I can't believe I wrote this! Ow~ my stomach hurts. I think im gonna puke~ *runs to bathroom*).

'Great! A playboy! A flirter! A womanizer!' all these angry thoughts went through Kaoru's head. 'I wonder if he knows Im a womanKaoru no baka! He does! He can't be gay for one thing…maybe he does kinda look feminine…no he's not gay. Kaoru no baka! I can't believe you! Just one look at a playboy and BAM! You like him! It must be his red hair! Baka Kaoru! That cant be right! Shit! Shit! Shit! Why am I feeling this way? Shit! Curse my luck!'

'Interesting woman,' Kenshin eyed the woman who looked like she was fighting herself.'I wonder what she's like in bed…' nasty thoughts went through him as he kept staring at her. 'Hmmm…this one looks hard to get. She might prove to be a challenge.' Kenshin thought.

"So, what's your name?" Kenshin asked huskily. The music and dancing around them didn't look like it existed to them anymore.

"Why should I tell my name to you? I thought you people already knew. Are you new here or something? If you are, maybe I could show you around the place."

'Damnit! Why did I say that? Shit! Double shit! I think he has the impression I like him…damn…'

"Im not new here. Thanks for the invite though, but," he smirked "you could show me something I don't know here."

"And what is that?"

He leaned forward to her while she leaned back. Kaoru tried to keep a hard face since his face was about 3 inches away from her. But inside, Kaoru felt her knees actually grow weak. His eyes were what was making her feel this way.

They were a molten amber color, wich held a look that made almost all women weak under his gaze. Kenshin felt somewhat attracted to her. Her eyes were a sapphire color. It made him want to just kiss her.

Maybe it was because she was different. All the women he had met or seen, had either always melted under his gazes or was all over him by now.

"Hmph," This time, instead of smirking, Kenshin grinned. "Oh say…your body."

This made Kaoru's face emotionless. She heard this many times from men, saying they wanted her body and would give anything just for her. She wanted love, not lust from men. Her sapphire eyes now held an distant look to it. She thought back the time where she had her first love…but he had did something to her, something that she would never forgive him.

She was too deep in her past memories to even feel Kenshin's arm around her waist nor did she see him bend down to kiss her. She then got back to reality and tried to push him off. His grip around her, tightened. Kaoru looked into his amber eyes, only to get entranced in them again. She was weak now, yes, but that was because he was stronger then her.

Their faces were inches apart. Time around them seemed to move slowly again.

'What's happening to me? Why am I feeling this way? Shit! Am I growing soft? Damn, but her eyes…' Kenshin looked at her sapphire eyes and leaned down to slowly to kiss her.

'Huh? What's happening to me? I feel weird. Is this truly love? No! It can't be! We just barely met! But…what is this feeling? I haven't even felt this for-,' but her thoughts were cut off when his lips gently kissed hers.

Just when Kenshin was about to make it more heated, Sano came in with his old fish bone in his mouth. Kaoru got out of Kenshin's hold and blushed madly. If there were new people there, they would think Kenshin and Kaoru were gay (A/N: remember ppl! Kaoru is still dressed as a male!). But since there were only people there who knew Kaoru was a female, nothing bad happened…except the fact that the Kaoru fans were fuming with jealousy.

"*Cat whistle* did I miss somthin? Jou-chan! You should've told us that you were gettin' it on with Kenshin here! You made us all wait outside for a while. I wonder what you two did in here. From the looks of it, both of you didn't do anything that suspicious yet…cept kiss" Sano mused. Kaoru sighed.

Kaoru ignored the baka and went outside to the gang, with her face as red as Kenshin's hair.

'Ah well! Saved by the tori-atama! Thank god it didn't get heated,' Kaoru thought, but then the cheerfulness was gone and was replaced by something dark. 'but you will pay for those word Sanousuke Sagara.'

As Kaoru came out of the club, Misao saw her and ran over with Megumi in tow. Megumi had been all this long, cheering for them in the back of the club. Kaoru knew it was too good to be true.

"What took you so long Kao-san?" Megumi linked her arm into Kaoru's. "We've been waiting for you for like an hour!"

"I'm with her!" both Misao and Sou said at the same time. Sou had opened up to the girls when they started to get used to being in a band. All of them had opened up to eachother, told eachother's past and things. All except one, Kaoru. No one knew of her past except Misao, Dr.Genzai and her family. She was not ready to tell her past to anybody nor was Yahiko. Kamatari was away in a beauty fashion show, that time in Kyoto, so she did not know what really happened.

"Just bumped into another perverted man." 'who kissed me' Kaoru added in her mind.

"Who!? What does he look like?" Misao asked.

"Oh, just a guy Sano knows," she was too tired to talk about it. "To sleepy to talk about it." Kaoru yawned.

"Kaoru!" someone yelled, "Is that you Kaoru?"

It was a female, you could tell by the softness of the voice. The gang turned around to see who it was, and what shocked Kaoru was that it was…


HAHA! 0(o_o)0 who's the woman? Er…srry if it was short…anyways, who could that person be? Is it…could it be…I aint tellin ya! Plz R&R!!!! Lol…