Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ Justice ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: I`ve been needing to write this for god only knows how long!

Sakura: Yeah, didn't you mention this to me when we first met?

Tenshi: On our first phone call, yeah….

Sakura: And that was over the summer….

Tenshi: I'd bet it was still August.

Sakura: And it's May.

Tenshi: Let's see… August, September, October…

Sakura: It's been ten months, baka.

Tenshi: That's what I got!

Sakura: How are we related again?

Tenshi: Very distantly.

Sakura: How else did I know that?

Tenshi: I like sarcasm…

Sakura: You really are a baka.

Tenshi: You continue to diss yourself! This is soooooo fun!

Sakura: Just because we're that alike-

Tenshi: -doesn't mean that you diss yourself when dissing me?


Tenshi: Nope! ^^ Now do the disclaimer!

Sakura: Why should I?!

Tenshi: Because I'm the author, and I can make you do whatever I want! Including many other painful things!

Sakura: o.O She knows of the power of the author! EVERYONE, RUUUUUUUN!!!!


*Sakura is pulled back unwillingly, as though tied to an invisible rope*

Sakura: *mutter, mutter, curse, curse* Tenshi doesn't know anything.

Tenshi: What was that second-to-last word?!

Sakura: She doesn't own anything. Own.

Tenshi: Suuuuuure… that's what you said, own, uh huh…. Except….

Sakura: Except she owns the original character she put in there.

Tenshi: That's why I'm writing this!

Sakura: Which one are you writing?

Tenshi: I haven't figured it out yet….

*Sakura face faults*

Sakura: What?! You're typing this, and you haven't figured out which version you want to type yet?!

Tenshi: I'm gonna type them both….

Sakura: Tenshi has two versions of a Rurouni Kenshin fanfiction. One is set in some type of AU, the other fits right in with the original story line. Well… sort of.

Tenshi: Maybe you should just stop talking now.

Sakura: Well maybe you should just stop typing this, AND GET ON WITH THE STORY!

Tenshi: I don't think they're reading this anymore…

Sakura: Well, they have good reason!

Tenshi: Yeah, you're talking!

Sakura: Hey-!



Ch1: Justice

She walked on through the ominous night. There was nothing other than walking that she could do at the moment. The rain pounded her from above, threatening to send her into the muddy streets. Her only clothes were soaked. Her skin, her hair… everything was drenched. She'd been walking for days. And it had been raining for weeks.

She sloshed through a large mud puddle, stopping when she heard the sound of screams. Looking up, her green eyes flashed in the lamplight of a nearby shop.

"Could it be…? Or is it just another assassin? I'd best check…" she muttered, her voice hard and cold from her long years of solitude.

In a flash, she ran off toward the shouts of the merchant whose cart had been stolen.

"Not even an assassin. This is pathetic… how am I supposed to find him if I continue to follow shouts, and most of those aren't even worth my time."

"Worth your time?" echoed a strange shadow from behind her. A large man with broad shoulders and black hair stepped into the pool of light from the window of a closing shop.

"Yes, baka, worth my time," came the green-eyed girl's reply, "None of this is worth stopping for."

"You're certainly a brave young woman to be sayin' things like that to me…"

"Oh, am I now?" Her green eyes flashed dangerously as she turned around to face the man.

"You think you're higher than me? Think you're stronger? Heh. That's real funny little missy… real funny. I'm one of the strongest men in Japan. Still think you can beat me up?"

"Perhaps I will let you live if you stop talking to me as if I were ten." The girl's right hand slipped down to her side, hanging anything but loosely at her left hip.

"Oh, want to fight me do you?"

"Only if you can live for ten seconds into the match, then I will make my decision." She pushed aside her indigo over-shirt, revealing the hilt of a blue-wrapped sword. Gripping the hilt tightly, she glared at her would-be opponent.

"Oh… so you really do want a fight? Fine with me!"

The man took out several throwing knives, holding them in his fingers as a ninja would.

"Hmph… you are no ninja… you should not disrespect them so. For that, you will die."

In a flash, she unsheathed her sword. Her movements were fluid, mimicking water. The blue of her clothing and the blue of her sword only added to how cognate to water her style was. With two steps, she was at the man's side, and before he could draw a breath, her sword plunged itself into his stomach. She had a smirk on her lips as she sidestepped him, missing the great flow of blood and removing the blade from his digestive system. Oh, that was just too satisfying. She needed that.

Before she could deal the last blow, the man fell to his knees, doubled over and choked out, "What are you…?"

The young woman turned to face him, holding a clean katana in her hands. "I am Masako*, and those, my stalker friend, were your last words."

Just as swift as before, she again plunged the blade into his abdominal area, but this time, she sliced through the muscle, connecting hard with the spine. It fractured, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down. Screaming out in agony, the man started to fall again, but gravity was not the force that sent the man to the ground. The young woman had hit him again, with the hilt of her katana, in the back of the neck, snapping his spine there as well. She had hit it so hard and so high, that the man's screams stopped before he hit the ground, notifying his absence of a soul.

Thinking that justice had been served, the young woman turned on her heel, continuing her path toward the one place that many had turned her to, in order to find the man she needed; Tokyo.


Tenshi: Ok, so what did you think?

Sakura: I like the title. Reeeeeeeeeal original.

Tenshi: Shut up now, thank you.

Sakura: Hey- *is gagged and tied to chair*

Tenshi: It's too early to be listening to you right now. Oh, and this one's the AU version. Oh, and Sakura lied the first time, I have three fanfics for Rurouni Kenshin, but two are very identical. Ok, there's where that asterisk comes in:

*Masako = Justice

Oh, and this is the website were you can see what that girl's sword looks like. I want that thing sooooooo bad! 292.JPG&name=Sapphire+Warrior&catpos=1&subject=U3&discflag=

Sorry if the hyper link didn't come up, it worked fine from here. And if you put in the website, and the picture doesn't show up, click the button that says "Back to item info". Please review.

Heaven Sent Tenshi