Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Her ❯ The Past ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Tenshi: Ok, one of my reviews kind of freaked me out.

Sakura: We're not sure, but we think that someone was yelling at her, up until the part where they were going to give her a plushy…

Tenshi: Now I'm all confused.

Sakura: Try to keep in mind that Tenshi has this tendency of getting very confused very fast.

Tenshi: Normally, I'd bop you for that, but it is the truth.

Sakura: The truth hurts sometimes.

Tenshi: Anyhoo, to answer K&K fan's (from answer, any relationship that shows up with Kenshin is somewhat unimportant, but he's kind of with Kaoru, I guess….

Sakura: Kenshin's relationship isn't the main focus of the story, so that's why it's unimportant, I guess…

Tenshi: It's hard to explain. Anyhoo, for anyone who doesn't know this, Her is being posted on both and, at the same time, so that's why things pop up that aren't for your website. Easy as that. Oh, and livingdisease, don't worry about telling me "how good you think it is", I like the reinforced encouragement, it's one of the few places I get it, so I welcome it with open arms. ^^

Sakura: Breathe Tenshi.

Tenshi takes deep breath.

Sakura: Anyhoo, standard disclaimer applies.

Tenshi: OK!



Ch 6: The Past

While Megumi and Kaoru went about doctoring their wounds, Kenshin looked up to Megumi.

"Miss Megumi, how is Miss Masako's condition?"

"Hm? Oh, other than a burst blood vessel, a giant bruise, and a few cracked ribs, I think she'll be fine with a bit of rest. There isn't too much I can do that I haven't already. But, she'll be fine, Sir Ken, no reason to worry about her," Megumi answered, once more, trying to suck up to Kenshin.

"That's… good to hear… that it is…" Kenshin replied, inching away from Megumi, "Perhaps, I'll just go and check on her…." Quickly, before anyone could say anything, Kenshin used this as an excuse to get away from the fighting pair.

He walked down the hall to the door that led to the room they had put Masako in. He slid the door back and slipped in. Masako lay there; her legs propped up with a few pillows, seemingly sleeping peacefully. He walked over and stood beside her watching her for a moment before memories started coming back to him.

***Kenshin's memories (yeah, yeah, I know you people hate these things, but frankly, I don't care)***

He had just been handed a slip of paper in some little empty restaurant. He unfolded it. Matsumoto; his next job. Laying down a few coins for his tea, Kenshin stood up, pulled his hat low over his face and exited the building. He knew many things about the famous Matsumoto's. They were two of the Tokugawa's top scientists. This was a good idea. He could possibly cripple half of the government in one foul swoop.

As Kenshin reached a building, he saw three people walk by. His targets, and a child. His targets, with their daughter; a small girl with brown hair and green eyes. Kenshin walked over.

"Matsumoto?" He asked, pulling the hat lower over his face.

The man, woman, and little girl turned around. She was one of those innocent looking four-year-olds, typical. The man had short black hair, with the girl's eyes and face structure (well, I guess she got them from him, but… whatever). The woman had mid-back length deep brown hair and the same green eyes. They looked a bit confused, as did the child.

"Yes, what business do you have here?" Mr. Matsumoto asked, looking and sounding quite professional.

"My business is with you," Kenshin answered, unsheathing his sword. Mrs. Matsumoto gasped and pulled her child back, and into her arms.

"Miya, take Rini, go, now." Mr. Matsumoto told his wife as he stood his ground. Hesitantly, Miya nodded and turned around with their frightened daughter in her arms. But Kenshin knew that this job included both husband and wife, so before she could get anywhere, he ran, and blocked her only escape. With a gasp, Miya stepped back. Kenshin raised his sword, slashing her across the chest, nicking the small girl's arm. The child began to wail while Miya screamed and Mr. Matsumoto yelled.

"NO! MIYA! RINI!" he screamed, running to them. Kenshin stood in his way this time. "Hitokiri Battousai, the man slayer!" he gasped, finally seeing his face and stopping. "Please, leave my wife and child out of this! If you must kill someone, kill me, but let my family live!" he pleaded.

"I'm sorry sir, but my orders are to kill you and your wife," Kenshin replied, lashing out at the man.

"Haro!" Miya screeched, propping herself up one her arm as she lay in her blood. Haro crumpled, coming to rest on the ground, his blood making him look like a strange boat on a red lake. The child only continued to cry.

"Father!" she cried, wailing again when a new pain struck her arm. Kenshin looked over, striking down Miya one last time. "MOTHER!" the young girl shrieked, seeing her mother no longer give signs of life and instead gush blood. "NO!!!"

Kenshin looked down at the sobbing girl. "I had no orders to kill her… I'll just let her live."

Rini looked up, seeing the assassin's face. She memorized it; she'd never forget who he was, for she was going to come back for him.

Kenshin turned away from the blood stained scene, and disappeared into the afternoon shadows.

***End of `Kenshin's Memories'***

Kenshin looked down at Masako as she regained her energy through slumber. He hung his head, letting out a sigh of remembrance and regret.

"So, you changed your name," he whispered, knowing full well that she couldn't hear him, "from Rini to Masako? Well, at least you kept your family name, that you did." With another sigh, Kenshin left the room and went out into the night. He looked up at the twinkling stars with a heavy heart. "I'll try my best… though I cannot guarantee it… but, I will try to make this up to you Rini, or, should I say Masako? I will do what I can… that I will…."


Tenshi: Poor Kenshin… poor Rini.

Sakura: Wow, didn't think you could write like that.

Tenshi: And the funny thing is… me neither.

Sakura: Well, you know what to do!

Tenshi: Is it just me, or does it seem harder to get reviews on

*Sakura shrugs*

Tenshi: Oh well, please review everyone!

Heaven Sent Tenshi