Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Kaoru's Stalker ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Konnichiwa Minna-san de gozaru yo! Long time no see..uh well maybe it's write or....Well that's not the point! The point is that I'm updating! Gomen nasni for taking so long to update. Well here's chapter 2.

Disclaimer: Now how would a person as broke as me own Rurouni Kenshin. It's just not going to happen.

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Kaoru's Stalker-Chapter 2

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Kaoru was beginning to not like her new apprentice , Soraki. It seemed to her that he was always staring at her. It also seemed to her that everytime she thought she was alone, when she turned the corner he was there, as if waiting for her. As if knowing when she was going to be there. Kenshin didn't like Soraki much either. Soraki's bold advances toward Kaoru mad him want to punch him in the face...which was completely unlike himself.

Kaoru sighed as she walked to the training hall she'd have to train him, the one who seemed tonot able to keep his eyes off of her. At first she thought it was kind of cute, but now the staring was beginning to annoy her and was also starting to disgust her. She clenched the bokken in her hand tighter as she thought about it. When she entered the training hall she saw Yahiko and Soraki sparring.

When Soraki saw her enter the room his eyes averted away from Yahiko and onto Kaoru's form. He smiled at her, but it was more like a smirk and bit his lower lip as his eyes settled upon her chest(A/N: Hentai!).

Yahiko stared at Soraki in confusion. Weren't they supposed to be sparring? Why did he stop his attack? And why the hell was he looking at busu like she was som kind of tasty food? Yahiko raised an eyebrow.

"Hey Soraki! Aren't we supposed to be sparring?" Yahiko asked.

Soraki frowned at Yahiko 'I hate that little brat' As his frown turned into a glare. 'Once I take Kaoru with me I'll do away with him.' He thought as ways to kill the young boy cluttered his mind.

"Well Yahiko," Soraki began." I stopped my attack since I didn't want to hurt you... after all you are only a child." Yahiko felt his being begin to swell with anger . The one thing he hated was to be called inferior because he was younger than some of the regular samuri's.

"Even if I am a kid, I've beaten way more people than you will ever hope to. And I your senpai!" Yahiko yelled through clenched teeth. Soraki just smiled more, it was fun to toy with this boy's mind.

"You my senpai, please!"

"That enough from both of you!" Kaoru yelled. "I want two hundred strokes from the both of you, now!" She said sternly as she watched the both of them get into their fighting stances.

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As Kenshin prepared dinner he scowled when he remembered Soraki. It seemed to him that Soraki was always giving Kaoru long and lustful stares.

"I'll have to keep a close eye on him, that I will..." Kenshin murmered, not paying attention to the vegetables he was chopping to put into the miso soup.

"Ow!" Kenshin yelled as he felt the knife slice into his finger.

"Oro...I shouldn't think while chopping vegetables, that I shouldn't" He said as he took out some bandages.

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At dinner everyone ate in silence, ever since the arrival of Soraki it had been that way...quiet. Kaoru shifted uncomfortably. She could practically fill Soraki's eyes burning into her.

"Soraki-san, I'd appreciate it if you'd stop looking at me." Kaoru said, a trace of anger and aggravation in her voice.

"Kaoru-san I'm not sure I know what you're talking about." Was Soraki's answer. Kaoru sent a glare his way.

"You shouldn't lie about it. Everyone here always see you staring at me." Soraki smiled at Kaoru.

"Well Kaoru-san, If you want the truth, I'll you. tell you. I have been staring at you, but only because you are so beautiful."

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A/N: What a way to end it right? I have better things planned for chapter 3 like what Kaoru's going to say and especially Kenshin! I'll try to have it up in three weeks, since I have to update my Inuyasha fic. Any way until next tome Sayanora! Read and Review!