Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 19

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: hi guys here’s a longer chappy for you! ^_^ hope you all like. I’m exited I get to go on an unofficial date tomorrow! ^______________________^ J. Hope you guys like.


Disclaimer: don’t own him… he’s not locked in my closet really… please just what ever you do ignore any sounds you hear coming from it I’ve got an electronic doll in there that I just have to wait till the batteries ware down… Yes, help me and she’s insane are usual phrases for it…


Chapter 19:

            Megumi ignored the noises around her as she did all she could to help Sano, which was currently next to nothing… especially since she had absolutely no water, no medicine, and no bedding… ‘Yes, my ideal everyday working conditions’ she thought sarcastically.

         &nb sp;  So she did the only things she could do with the little resources that had been offered her, which currently consisted of, herself and the ground… Sighing she gently pillow his head with her lap, making sure his wrists were in arms reach before beginning her administrations. To start with she picked his hand up and held it firmly in her own. Only releasing that to check his pulse on occasion just to reassure herself that he was still alive and she whispered soft reassurances into his ear letting her cool breath lightly hit Sano on his forehead and neck to try and cool his fever. ‘Where is that Tanuki-onna?’ as she thought darkly as she continued administering to Sano it was taking her a lot longer that t took a normal person to get water, did she not mention to the girl that this was a race against time?

            Curious to see if she was bringing the water yet or at least to see what was taking the girl so long, she turned her head toward the well only to see Kaoru in Kenshin’s arms bucket in hand and obviously completely oblivious to the world around her…

            Megumi frowned as she returned her full attention to her patient, ‘What is that tanuki-onna thinking?! Getting close to Kenshin at a time like this!’ her eyes narrowed further as she let her thoughts continue, ‘Of all the times why doesn’t she use her brain? I’d yell to her, but Sano…’ her thoughts trailed off, as she thought of Sano’s condition, there was no way she was going to yell half way acrossed the dojo not to mention try to compete with the fire just to call that baka back to reality! She’d just have to have a very long talk with that girl when this was all over!


       &nb sp;    Kaoru took in a few deep breaths and kept her eyes closed tight. ‘I failed…’ echoed through her head. She was almost ready to cry, ‘what if Sano dies because of me?’ she tilted her head back in frustration, frustration at herself for not getting the water, frustration for not getting out of the way of the tree so she would still be alive and helpful, and frustration that she had left everyone else behind and it would be a very long wait before she saw any of them again, only to rub up against something solid and warm… and now that she thought about it there was two arms holding her close… slowly she let her eyes flutter open only to be greeted with a heavenly sight, she let a smile cover her features as she gazed up at Kenshin the fog that had clouded her thoughts gradually fading away. This had to be heaven after all where else would Kenshin hold her this close?

            ; Kenshin looked down at her face, her eyes were sparkling and she had the funniest smile on her face, but what caught his attention was the gash on her cheek still dripping with blood, he frowned. Pushing her weight further on his chest and other arm he gingerly raised his free hand to her cheek whipping some of the blood away as his fingers carefully traced her injury.

          &nbs p; Kaoru started to melt into the caress when she noticed his frown and mentally flinched. Perhaps this wasn’t haven after all… The truth became even more apparent when she noticed the fresh blood on Kenshin’s fingers, her blood… she shook her head slightly at that thought, more blood on his hands…  lowering her face her eyes homed in on what she currently had in her hand, ‘the bucket!’ she had just managed to grab the bucket before… her thoughts trailed off as she turned her head toward the well only to see a very large flaming tree resting right where she had been standing… She may not have gotten much water do to the rush and all the jostling, but hopefully it would be enough…

            Looking back at Kenshin she flashed him an apologetic smile before rushing toward Megumi and Sano, they needed that water, yesterday!

            Kenshin watched Kaoru’s retreating form through hooded eyes, to say he was angry would be an understatement, his eyes ignited with dark furry, at the thought of her injury. He turned his heated gaze to his fingertips and rubbed the small amount of her blood that had embraced them together. If someone was responsible for that gash on her cheek, he’d find out, and that someone would find out what happens to those who threaten what is his…


        & nbsp;   Dr. Genza seemed to be taking an eternity to finish fulfilling the prescription he needed to help Sano… ‘Ki-sama if he dies…’ he let his thoughts trail off as he started to pace, he was getting more nervous by the second, ‘why can’t he go any faster!’ he though in aggravation. In reality it hadn’t really been more than a few minuets but it certainly felt like an eternity to Yahiko.

            Megumi’s words kept echoing in his mind, ‘race against time… do you want him to die!… race against time… ’

          &nbs p; Yahiko clenched his fist tightly ‘Dr.Genza’s working as fast as he can… everything will be fine… Sano will be ok… then he can go right back to putting his foot in his mouth again…’ his thoughts were beginning to sound pathetically desperate even he had to admit to that…

             A second later the sound of hurried foot steps came to his ears, shooting his head towards the sound he looked up just in time to see Dr. Genza run out of his medical room with a bottle in hand. “Yahiko!” he quickly handed the boy the bottle and without another word Yahiko was already racing back to the dojo full speed. ‘I’m coming Sano!’


      &n bsp;     Meanwhile not too far from Tokyo, a young girl with a long braid was walking down the road, drawing ever closer to her destination, ‘Please still be there…’ she silently pleaded gazing at the stars as she continued to walk.

            She continued to look at the small lights twinkling in the sky when one streaked acrossed the sky before vanishing completely. Quickly she stopped and turned so she fully faced the part of the night sky it had disappeared in, ‘I wish I could find him… please let me find him…’ She thought as she clasped her hands together as if in prayer, “Aoshi-sama…”