Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rekindled Darkness ❯ Chapter 20

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: here you guys go, sorry I just couldn’t get into writing it yesterday for some reason, (shrug) so I waited till this morning, after all I want this to be just as good as the other chappys ^_~ so sorry for the delay.


Disclaimer: I do not own Kenshin and co, I just kidnapped them for the time being ^_~   


Chapter 20:

            Kaoru quickly handed Megumi the bucket upon her arrival. Her eyebrows furrowing in concern as her gaze landed on Sano’s unconscious form. He didn’t look too good, his skin was pale, and damp from sweat, with the burns from the fire speckled here and there, his lips were dry and chapped and his breath came in and out in short gasps.

            Megumi all the while had wasted no time in tearing a piece of cloth from her top and dunking it in the little cool water she had, before setting it on his forehead.

            With that done she turned her heated gaze on Kaoru, “So what took you so long?” she demanded. Kaoru opened her mouth to respond when Megumi spoke again, “Never mind I already know, just answer me one thing. What exactly were you doing with Ken-sa- I mean Kenshin, at a time like this?! Do you even care that your so called friend here is dieing and the sooner I got the water the better it would be?!”

             If looks could kill Kaoru guess she would have died the moment Megumi turned to her, she just looked at Megumi in shock before returning her glare full force. “It’s not like that!” she shouted before lowering her head in shame, “Kenshin, saved me from the tree…” she mumbled for a few moments longer as an embarrassed flush stained her cheeks ‘Kenshin’s always saving me...’ before the fire returned to her eyes and her head shot up, “So who do you think you are accusing me of not caring about my friend?! I barely even know you! So you can’t know a thing about me!”

          & nbsp; Megumi looked at the Tanuki in surprise before flashing her an apologetic smile that didn’t quite meet her eyes, “you’re right, I didn’t know…” she whispered just loud enough for Kaoru to hear before returning her attention to Sano.

            Just then the sound of rapid footsteps filled the air getting louder as they drew closer. Both girls heads shot up in alarm hoping it wasn’t another enemy… that was the last thing they needed right now. “Yahiko’s coming.” Kenshin’s voice called out causing both girls to sigh in relief. That meant he had the medicine Sano needed.

          &nbs p; Megumi had visibly relaxed at the news she had hoped the boy would return soon if he hadn’t… she didn’t even want to think about it she hated it when she lost a patient…


Yahiko rounded the corner and skidded a few feet out of his way. He was breathing hard and his side ached but he couldn’t stop… not yet… he had to keep going.  Finally the dojo was in sight and he took off using all the strength he could muster only to skid to a halt right in front of the blazing fence and gate… ‘I can’t get it…’ He thought as he began to panic. ‘Kaoru. I can toss it to Kaoru!’ His eyes shown with hope as he took a deep breath, “Oi! Busu!”  

Kaoru shot her head up and ran up to the gate leaving Megumi to tend to Sano. The second she arrived she could feel the heat of the fire radiating toward her… and she could smell the smoke this diffidently was not a good situation… “Yahiko! I’m here!” she called back, choking slightly on the smoke.

Yahiko coughed a bit himself, but he was going to get Sano that medicine no matter what! “I’ve got the medicine! I’m going to toss it over the fence to you!”

Kaoru’s eyes widened, but she nodded to her self before shouting her confirmation back to him, “Ok toss it on over!”

           ;  Yahiko pulled his arm back and threw it “Here it comes!”  He watched with baited breath as the bottle flew up into the air. And started to arc… just barley clearing the fire.

            The bottle glistened in the firelight catching Kaoru’s eye… it was starting to plummet back toward the earth now…  ‘I have to catch this!’ echoed in her mind as she put her hands out and caught it. “I got it!” she yelled out her student, before rushing back to Megumi, Sano would get the medicine he needed and would be ok now…


Misao smiled she had finally reached Tokyo, the latest sighting of Aoshi… giving a content sigh she gazed up at the sky, her eyes sparkled for a moment, before her face knitted with concern dark clouds were rolling in… it looked like a storm was brewing, she’d have to find shelter for the night, and then at first light tomorrow she could begin her search ‘Wait for me, Aoshi-sama, I’ll find you…’