Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Rurouni Kenshin The return of Shishio ❯ Chapter 1-6 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Rurouni Kenshin

Wandering Samurai

The return of Shishio

Author: Ginsenshi

Editor: Anubis Himura

To: Everyone

If you want me to change anything E-mail:

Gomen ne about it all not being edited al the way Anubis is working it I just posted as

`get it out my computer thing'

Part 1--Kenshin * Himura Battousai

Summary: The Kenshin gumi have long passed defeat Shishio, but when he return for dead or what have not been his last to get revenge on Himura.

(Old English opening)

About a hundred and forty years ago, foreign influence in Japan brought about the chaotic internal strife's and the pernicious external infiltration. Fogged and clouded in the midst of this, stood the warrior of Kyoto, known to the world only as 'Hitokiri Battousai'. In the days of the living hell, wielding his sword in the bloody wars of the times, he walked in bloodshed and opened a clearing and a beaten track for the new Meiji era through the myriad of chaos. But following the winding down and the ceasing of the violence and confusion, the warrior of Kyoto disappeared behind the shadows of the crowd. Following the flowing wager of time, the legend of the 'strongest warrior in history' lived on. And so it begins. Let us backwards to the Tokyo of 1880 (or) 1881.

(Modern English opening)

One hundred and forty years ago, in the whirlpool of Kyoto violence that began with Perry? Landing in Japan, there was a warrior called Hitokiri Battousai. This man, who paved the way for the new Meiji era with these bloody battles, disappeared at the conclusion of the bloodshed. With the passage of time he became a legend, known simply as "the strongest."

And so our story begins for a 2nd time, in Tokyo, in the year 1878 (OR) 1879. One-year sits Shishio was defeated by Battousai the manslayer

Chapter1: The Rurouni returns

(The wandering masterless samurai returns)

The sword of peace and Protect shin

It is one year later after Kenshin Himura defeated Shishio Ishin

Its a cool summer morning in the dawn of the Meiji era's 16th year. Kenshin Himura is sipping his tea. It is strong and bitter; for Kaoru had made it, and Kaoru was not nearly as competent in the kitchen as she was in the dojo. From beneath lowered lids he watched his guest sip also.

(Kenshin puts his tea cup down and asks: "Why are you here Sanosuke?

Sanosuke: "Kenshin you know why I'm here."

Kenshin: "Oh, do I Sano?"

Sanosuke: "Yes, Kenshin. Shishio he's back!"

Kenshin: "Shishio he's back? But he's dead."

Sanosuke: "I thought the same until lass night Kenshin."

Kenshin: "Hmm,--Sano why ask me and not Saito to help you."

Sanosuke: "HIM!?! No way Kenshin!

Kenshin: And why not Sano?"

Sanosuke: "Because I don't like him Kenshin."

Kenshin: "Oh, I forgot."

Sanosuke: "And Kaoru where's she at?"

Kenshin: "Out looking for Yahiko at Reoko's dojo."

Sanosuke: And why is she their Kenshin?"

Kenshin: To talk with Reoko.

Sanosuke: You mean to fight her right?"

Kenshin: "No, a talk then maybe some fighting."

Sanosuke: "Oh, okay."

[At Reoko's dojo]

Kaoru: Where's your Boss at?"

Man: "She's not here."

Kaoru: "Yeah right, where is she!?!"

Reoko: "Awe, Kaoru hi."

Kaoru: "Yeah whatever, hi where's Yahiko at?"

Reoko: "Yahiko? Um why would he be here?"

Kaoru:" Yahiko, Where is he, Reoko.

[Kaoru draws her bokutou]

Reoko: Wo, hold on there Kaoru-chan he's not here at all."

[Kaoru sheaths her wooden-blade]

Kaoru: Okay, I'll leave then.

[Kaoru walks out of the dojo and heads home, half way there she gets jumped]

Masked man: Now then if you please your yan mis."

Kaoru: "No chance of that happening.

[Kaoru steps back and draws her bokutou] you'll have to fight me for it."

Man: "No way! You're crazy lady.

[Kaoru sheaths her wooden-blade]

Kaoru thinking: (I steal have to find Yahiko)

[Kaoru turns around and gets tapped on the back]

Yahiko: Hi Kaoru.

Kaoru: Yahiko? [Kaoru blinks]--yeah hi Yahiko.

Yahiko: So where's Kenshin?

Kaoru: At the dojo-- Yahiko."

Yahiko: Okay lets go back then.

(Yahiko and Kaoru return to the Kamiya dojo an hour later)

Yahiko: Hey KENSHIN!

(Kenshin and Sanosuke are walking out of the dojo as Kaoru and Yahiko are walking up)

Kenshin: So Mis Kaoru you've found him very good that it is. So Yahiko where have you been?

Yahiko: I wont for a walk.

Kenshin: That's good that it is.

Kaoru: Kenshin is it true, is he back?

Kenshin: Its true Mis Kaoru he's back.

Yahiko: But how? You killed Shishio. Kenshin.

Kenshin: That I did with my own blade Yahiko.

Yahiko: Then how?

Kaoru: Maybe its someone is using his name.

Kenshin: I highly doubt that mis Kaoru that I do.

Sanosuke: If it's not a fake maybe he lived after that final attack Kenshin.

Kenshin: I think not Sano, my sword maybe a reverse blade but that strike killed him.

Sanosuke: I hope your right Kenshin.

Kenshin: So Yahiko where did you go to any ways?

Yahiko: To town.

Kaoru: To Town!?! Yahiko.

Yahiko: Yeah so what Kaoru I can protect myself.

Kenshin: Maybe so Yahiko but you shouldn't enter town alone.

Sanosuke: As if he can protect himself much less others. Protect himself yeah right.

Yahiko: What'd you say? Sano.

Sanosuke: You heard me, Yahiko.

Yahiko: Why you--!!

Sanosuke: What are you going to do cry to Kaoru?

Yahiko: NO, this. [Yahiko pulls out his kendo and hits Sanosuke upside the head]

Sanosuke: Why'd you do that?

Yahiko: Because your a jerk Sano.

Sanosuke: Oh am I Yahiko?

Yahiko: Yeah, ya are.

Sanosuke: Kid.

Yahiko: Kid; I'm NO KID!

Sanosuke: Yeah a K-I-D Yahiko a KID.

[Sanosuke then pulls out a small dagger]

Yahiko: Ha that's not going to help you Sano.

Sanosuke: Oh? It will Yahiko watch.

Yahiko: How?

Sanosuke: Like this. (The blade begins to grow)

Yahiko: So its bigger so what.

Sanosuke: Hmm, Okay -- dragon of the darkness flame!

Kenshin: So, the darkness flames attack huh?

Kaoru: A darkness flame attack but, that's a demon's attack right Kenshin?

Kenshin: yYes, mis Kaoru that it is.

Kaoru (A come out of nowhere question): Kenshin, if he is back-- what are you going to do?

Kenshin: Yes, I know Mis Kaoru what indeed.

Kaoru: Oh-- Kenshin please remember --me.

Kenshin (Waving his hand in front her): Mis Kaoru uh Mis kaoru are you okay?

Kaoru: Oh yes, I'm okay.

Kenshin: Very well then Mis Kaoru.

Sanosuke: Missy are you sure your okay.

Kaoru: Yes Sanosuke I'm okay.

Sanosuke: Okay then missy.

(Later that night, Kaoru is lying in bed thinking)

Kaoru (thinking): If Shishio is back how can Kenshin defeat him.

(Kenshin opens the door and then shuts it)

Kenshin: Mis Kaoru are you awake?

(Kaoru doesn't speak for a moment, then says: Yes Kenshin I'm awake what is it?

Kenshin: Mis Kaoru-

Can we talk please?

Kaoru: Of course Kenshin we can always talk.

Kenshin: Well (pause) Mis Kaoru about Shishio -I don't think I can defeat him again.

(Kaoru gasps): But Kenshin you must (pauses) I mean you can Kenshin; don't doubt yourself because of that mishap Kenshin please, after all this is over come back here to the dojo and (pauses) and - me Kenshin, please, Kenshin promise me that.

Kenshin holds her hands and says: I do promise you that Mis Kaoru that I do and remember I'm a wander Mis Kaoru you'll never know when I'll have to leave again, remember that Mis Kaoru.

Kaoru: If you do you'll always have a home it the Kamiya dojo Kenshin.

Kenshin: Yes I know that Mis Kaoru.

Kaoru: Don't call me 'Mis' its Kaoru only Kaoru.

Kenshin: Yes Mis err Kaoru.

Kenshin doesn't finish Kaoru kisses him.

(The next day, Kaoru is shopping in the market and later enter the Akabeko)

Tae: Hi Kaoru.

Kaoru: Hi Tae.

Tae: Where's Mr. Himura?

Kaoru: Oh, Kenshin he's um he's--

[Kenshin enter the Akabeko]

Kenshin: I'm right here mis Tae, Kaoru.

Tae: Hi Mr. Himura

Kenshin: Mis Tae.

(Sanosuke and Yahiko enter the Akabeko)

Sanosuke: Kenshin.

Yahiko: Kaoru.

[Then a man in war like clothes enter the Akabeko]

Kiheh: Battousai!

Kenshin: KIHEH!?!

[Kenshin and Kiheh look at each other for a moment then Kenshin asks: Ready?

Kiheh: Yeah Battousai I'm ready.

Kenshin: Good, Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu style… Doryusen!

[Kenshin slashes the ground with god-like strength and with one strike Kiheh is down]

Kiheh: Huh? No!!!

Kenshin in Battousai form: You are defeated now GO!

Kiheh: NO! I must win Battousai for my brother's sake.

Kenshin: Huh? Your brother of course.

Kiheh: No, Battousai.

(Kiheh pulls out a dagger and goes for Kenshin)

Kiheh: Ha you're a fool Battousai, I'll not rest until your blood is upon my blade.

Kenshin: Rairyusen, hmm-okay Kiheh have you lost your mind?

Kiheh: yYes, Battousai I have.

Kenshin: Hmm, I hope you find peace in HELL KIHEH-SAN.

[Then Kenshin passes out]

Tsubame: NO!

Tae: Mr. Himura are you okay? Quickly get doctor Gensai for Mr. Himura!

(Later at the Kamiya dojo)

Kaoru: Is he okay Dr. Gensai?

Dr. Gensai: Yes, but his ribs are broken Mis Kaoru.

(Yahiko and Sanosuke enter the room)

Yahiko and Sanosuke (Quickly): Kenshin is Kenshin okay?

Kaoru: Yes, you two he's okay just a few broken ribs.

(The next day Kenshin awakens, Kaoru is on the same bed lying `very close' to him)

[Kaoru wakes up to see Kenshin's smiling face]

Kaoru: Kenshin? Kenshin are you feeling okay?

Kenshin: Yes Kaoru I'm okay that I am.

Kaoru: Oh, I thought I might have lost you.

[Enters Sanosuke]

Sanosuke: So you're up Kenshin good.

Kenshin: Yes that I am Sano.

[Kenshin gets up out of the bed and walks around]

(Enter Dr Gensai)

Dr Gensai: Awe Mr. Himura you're up? Oh n-n-no back to bed with you.

Kenshin: Oh Dr. Gensai really I'm okay now, that I am.

Magumi: Yes Sir Ken does as he say's and go back to bed.

Kenshin: I'm okay everyone really I am.


Kenshin: I'm okay really I am.

[Kaoru grabs Kenshin by the arm and dashes him back to the bed and leaves.]

Kenshin (thinking): Everyone is so worrying about me so its good to have friends like this; that it is.

Man's voice: yYes Himura be happy why you can for soon it will end. (Laughing evilly) VERY SOON HIMURA I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE hash, awe ha.

Chapter 2: Kenshin's wake up call

[Kenshin awakes suddenly] and breathing heavy he says in a low voice: SHISHIO?

(Later that morning)

Kenshin (thinking): Was that Shishio I heard last night?

[Enter Kaoru]

Kaoru: Kenshin? Are you okay Kenshin, Kenshin?

Kenshin: Huh? yYes Kaoru I'm okay why do you ask?

Kaoru: Well-- you looked days Kenshin so I asked.

Kenshin: Oh, did I, sorry `Mis' Kaoru, uh errrr I mean Kaoru.

Kaoru: That's okay Kenshin you can make it up by coming shopping with me.

Kenshin: Oro, --okay Kaoru.

[At the market]

Kaoru: Okay Kenshin grab some of this, that oh and some of that too.

(A hour later)

Kenshin (thinking): Must she buy all this?

Kaoru: Kenshin stop daydreaming and help me get this home.

Kenshin: Yes Kaoru. (Half way their Kaoru gets kidnapped)

Kenshin: NO, Mis Kaoru!

(At the Kamiya dojo)

Magumi: Good you're back Sir Ken I have a message for you.

Kenshin: Oh? Thank you Mis Magumi.

Magumi: Your will come Sir Ken.

(Magumi hands the message to Kenshin)

Chapter 3: The Message

(Kenshin reads the message as followed]

Dear: Himura

I'm back and I wish to challenge you in battle again come to Kyoto Battousai.



If you don't you'll never see Kaoru again Battousai so come to Kyoto. I'll be waiting for you.

Chapter 4: The challenge from Shishio

(Kenshin runs out of the dojo)

Yahiko: Huh Kenshin what's wrong?

Sanosuke: It's Kaoru she's been kidnapped.

Yahiko: KIDNAPPED? (Dryly) Again?

Sanosuke: Yahiko lets go help Kenshin, I have a feeling he's going to need it.

(Hours later in Kyoto)

Kenshin (shouting): SHISHIO! Come out I'm here now! Now release Mis Kaoru.

Shishio (unseen in the shadows): You have to win against me first Battousai!

Kenshin: Very well I will defeat you Shishio!

Shishio (thinking): Yes stay there so I may kill you without blood shed (aloud): Well maybe just a little.

Kenshin (thinking): What's he waiting for any ways just attack me all ready!

(Shishio goes for Kenshin, Kenshin blocks then Shishio goes for Kenshin's sword hand)

Kenshin: Damn you Shishio!

Shishio: You cussing me out won't win this battle Himura only the true Battousai can win against me!

Kenshin: I don't need him to defeat a jerk like you Shishio that I don't.

Shishio: Oh, but you will if you want to have any hope of defeating me Himura!

Kenshin (Thinking): Awe, I know if I can get him mad enough he'll attack without thinking. That's my only chance of defeating Shishio.

(Kenshin tenting Shishio): Ha you can't defeat me Shishio that you can't.

Shishio: Oh Battousai? I can and I will!

Kenshin (thinking): Yes now just attack already.

(Shishio attacks Kenshin blinded by his own anger): YOU'LL NOT WIN BATTOUSAI!

Kenshin (shouting, weakly): Oh, but I have Shishio.

(Yahiko and Sano appear in Kyoto's main street)

Yahiko: Sanosuke why does Kenshin sound weak?

Sanosuke: He's tired somehow from fighting Shishio.

Yahiko: But, He hasn't really been fighting Shishio much though.

Sanosuke: Maybe so but blocking every singled attack must have tired him out.

Kenshin (thinking): Awe, I have another plan. (Kenshin sheaths his sword)

Yahiko: Huh, why is Kenshin sheathing his sword?

Sanosuke: He has a plan Yahiko just believe in him.

Yahiko: But he's not using his sword what kind of plan can he have?

Sanosuke: A risky one Yahiko.

Yahiko: How's it risky Sanosuke?

Sanosuke: It involves him using all of his rei (spirit, ghost) energy or ki as it was called in the feudal era and if that happens he'll not live.

Kaoru (yelling): No Kenshin don't do it please Kenshin. RYUTSUISEN!!!!!!!!!!!

(Kenshin concentrates his final attack)

Kenshin: I have to Kaoru for you to be safe I cannot live.

Kaoru (shouting, crying): No Kenshin I love you; you can't leave me NO!!!

The *word "No" echoes)

Kenshin (sadly): GOODBYE KAORU!!!

(All is covered in a bright flash of white light, The dust blows away after an few minutes)

Kenshin's body is not seen anywhere. But Shishio's lifeless body is found and burned in honor of "KENSHIN HIMURA; BATTOUSAI THE MANSLAYER".

Chapter 4: New life in Tokyo Japan

Dr Gensai: We'll never forget the brave Himura Kenshin and his way of life. He'll always be remembered in our mind and in our hearts.

Kaoru (sobbing): Oh Kenshin hmm. (Thinking): Kenshin why'd you have to leave me? Now I must raise our child alone, Yes Kenshin I hold our child's life and he'll be name Kenji Himura.

(Someone walks in, this person looks like Kenshin)

Kaoru: KENSHIN!?

Unknown person: Yes Kaoru?

Kaoru: Oh KENSHIN it is you.

(Kaoru rashes over to Kenshin and hugs him): Oh, Kenshin I thought I had lost you.

Kenshin: Oh, you did Kaoru hmm never.

(Everyone looks at Kaoru and asks: KENSHIN?

Kenshin: Hi everyone.

Chapter 5: The wedding plans

Kaoru: Kenshin, How did you live after the fire and get back to Tokyo?

Kenshin: I don't know Kaoru, but I did.

Kaoru: By our destines Kenshin that's how.

Kenshin: Hmm, DESTINY that it is.

(Later that night Kenshin is standing outside of the Kamiya dojo)

(Enter Kaoru)

Kaoru: Kenshin are you okay?

(Kaoru places her hands on Kenshin's chest err should, Kenshin places his own hand on hers and as he's kissing her says: I'm just looking at the peaceful night sky that I am.

(Kaoru gazes at Kenshin for a minute and asks: Kenshin -

(Kenshin looks at her): Yes Kaoru? I love you Kenshin and I want to be with you forever and more Kenshin.

Kenshin: I can't promise that Kaoru but I can only give you my love for you and our child to be. And Kaoru (pauses) Will you marry me?

(Kaoru gasps): Oh yes I'll marry you Kenshin!

Kenshin: Well that was easy to say.

(Enter Magumi and Sanosuke)

Sanosuke: So are little Kenshin is going to marry Kaoru kamiya?

Magumi: Yes so they are destined for each other Sano.

(Three weeks later)

Keaea: Do ye Kaoru Kamiya take Kenshin as you're husband?

Kaoru: I do.

Keade: And do you Kenshin Himura take Kaoru Kamiya as your wife?

Kenshin: I do. (Kenshin gazes at Kaoru then kiss her)

Keaea: Then by the powers given to me I now pronost you husband & wife.

(9 months later Kaoru gives birth to her baby boy he is named: Kenji Himura)

Chapter 6: Toward a New Age

(The prosperous-looking dojo. Yahiko enters the front gate.)

Yahiko: Acting master Myoujin Yahiko coming in . . .

(A little boy, the spitting image of Kenshin, is sitting on the roof bawling his eyes out.)

Yahiko: Not again, Kenji. You climb up and get too scared to climb down?

(He hooks his sword on the back of Kenji's robe and swings him down. Kenji goes limp, relieved.)

Yahiko: You may look like a little Kenshin, but you're really just a little idiot . . . I don't know how you're going to carry on the dojo--

(Kaoru pegs him with a sandal.)

Kaoru: Hey! Quit picking on my son, or I'll really get mad!

Yahiko (swinging Kenji around to her): Who's picking on him? I saved him!

(Kenji gurgles and holds out his arms to be picked up--he loves his mom.)

Kaoru: Oh, so you did. (Taking him in her arms) Were you scared? I'm so sorry.

Yahiko (angry): You should be apologizing to me.

Kenshin: Yahiko. I'm sorry to call you out here in this heat.

Yahiko: Kenshin.

(Inside the dojo. The wall bears a large number of students' nameplates; Kaoru is listed as master, Yahiko and Tsukayama Yutarou as assistant masters, Shinichi Kozaburo and Higashidani as students . . .)

Yahiko: What is it? If you want to arrange for outside practice at a new dojo I could--

(Kenshin puts his hand to his sword.)

Kenshin: Take your stance, Yahiko. A one-point match. All right?

(Yahiko looks startled. Kaoru steps forward.)

Kaoru: Yahiko. Have you forgotten what day it is today? Today is your fifteenth birthday. You've heard, haven't you, that warriors long ago were recognized as men when they became fifteen . . .

(Yahiko remembers Sanosuke telling him, "its called genpuku. It's what you're aiming for as a swordsman. Remember that.")

Yahiko (thinking): So that's it. Kenshin is testing me to see if I've truly become a man . . . But . . . Those instincts! That presence! Even if he hardly ever uses the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu anymore, he's the greatest living swordsman there is, a true legend . . .

Kenshin (as if sensing his thoughts): Don't be afraid. You've resolved to follow the path of the sword. Remember all the battles of your life. The battles you've seen with your eyes. The battle you heard with your ears . . . The battles you embraced with your own skill . . . And all the battles you carry within you. If you concentrate all your strength behind that one blow, it will be enough.

Yahiko is suddenly strike by the warriors, all fighting for their own reasons, that he's seen over the years. He takes his stance.)

Kenshin: It will be enough. Miss Kaoru?

(Still holding Kenji, Kaoru steps forward with one arm raised.)

Kaoru (letting it drop): Begin!

(Kenshin and Yahiko charge at each other, both striking.)

Kaoru: A . . . a draw?

(Kenshin's sword has hit Yahiko in the side, but Yahiko's sword caught him on the shoulder. Then Yahiko's sword drops and he falls to his knees with the force of the blow.)

Yahiko: Heh heh . . . guess I couldn't measure up.

Kenshin: Hmm. But it was a good blow. Can you stand?

Yahiko: Yeah, I guess so.

(Kenshin and Kaoru exchange glances. Then Kenshin holds out the sakabatou to him.)

Kenshin: Yahiko. A gift for your coming of age. Take it!

Yahiko: Wha . . . Wait--wait a minute! I can't take that! First of all, I lost!

Kenshin: I wasn't concerned with who won or lost. I only wanted to see if your whole soul was behind your attack. When I saw that it was, I made up my mind. Take it.

(He holds it out again, and Yahiko accepts it.)

Yahiko (thinking): It's heavy . . .

Kenshin: You may find it heavy and hard to use at first, but you'll learn to wield it with your own strength. And someday you'll surpass me with it.

Yahiko (nodding): Right!

(He races out the gates. Kenshin and Kaoru watch him go.)

Kaoru: So that's the end. You carried that sword for fifteen years. You must feel a little lonely without it . . .?

Kenshin: A little. But I feel happy as well, so I feel better than I expected. (To Kenji, as he takes him) Come on. All right, Kenji, you'll inherit the sakabatou after Yahiko.

(Kenji scowls and pulls Kenshin's hair--he hates his dad.)

Kenshin (laughing): I suppose you'll get used to me eventually.

(Kaoru smiles, and reaches out to touch the cross scar.)

Kaoru: Megumi told me something when I went to visit her in Aizu. She said sword scars carry strong emotions behind them. As long as those feelings remain, the scar will never fade. (Thinking) The scar looks so much lighter . . .

Kenshin: Yes. Probably the scar will never completely fade. I almost never use the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu . . . I've passed on the sakabatou. But that doesn't mean I'll never fight again. The battle of life isn't over yet. (He passes Kenji back to Kaoru.) I'll fight on, upholding my vow not to kill.

Kaoru: You're right. (Thinking) But . . . (aloud) Kenshin?

Kenshin: Oro?

Kaoru (thinking): You've fought well.

All Right Reserved

For all artist's art and me


By: Unknown

Sometimes the love we're

looking for is right in front of us-

too close for the eyes to see.

So close your eyes and

let your heart see it for itself.

Rurouni Kenshin FanFic

Written by: Ginsenshi

Edited: Anubis Himura

Rurouni Kenshin

The End…