Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Samurai Sushi ❯ Vol 3: Chap. 21: Cupid's First Game ( Chapter 21 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Cupid's First Game

Time to get back to work. Amethyst would get this game right. No distractions. No cock ups. Just a simple cupid game. But first she had to deal with her crush.

“Uh… it's a movie set!” she tried to lie. Joseph blinked.

“A movie set?” he asked. The man looked around. Amethyst nervously laughed.

“Yeah… it's all just a movie set,” Amethyst said flaring her arms around. “See?” She pushed on a side of a building.

“See?” she asked. Joseph stared at her with a blank stare.

“Why are we here?” he asked. Amethyst shrugged.

“I come here for the quiet,” she said. She bit on her lower lip. Come on. Please leave. They stared at each other. Her heart pounded.

“What do they film here?” he asked. Amethyst blinked.

“Huh?” she asked.

“What are they filming here?” Joseph asked. “Is it a drama?”

“Uh… Yeah, yeah, yah,” she said. “They are on a tight schedule So why don't you head out before they start for the day.” Amethyst started pushing Joseph across the bridge. He didn't get a chance to speak.

“Whoa! Hey! Amethyst!” he shouted. “What are you doing?”

“Come on! No time to lose! Get going!” Amethyst shouted. “Move! Move! Move!” She pushed him across the bridge. Once he disappeared, she could breathe again. Amethyst leaned on the rail.

“Damn,” she muttered. The girl took a moment to calm down. Amethyst stood up straight.

“Right,” she said. She had work to do. Amethyst turned and walked further into Kita Tokyo.


Game #1

Amethyst began to work on her plans. She opened her bookbag and reached inside. Two pink and white cards. She took a smell of the perfume on the slick surfaces. Her lips curved into a smile.

“Perfect,” she said. On to Kamiya Dojo. Amethyst turned off her phone for extra measure.


“Hello?” Amethyst asked. She looked around the dojo. So far, no one was in sight. She took off her skates and rounded the corner. Amethyst looked out in the yard. Kaoru was practicing kendo. Perfect.

The Icelandic woman slid out from around the corner and cleared her throat. Kaoru stopped and turned her head.

“Oh, Amethyst,” she said. The Icelandic girl smiled.

“Hey there,” she said. “How are you?”

“Fine…” Kaoru said. “Why?” Amethyst giggled as she handed the card.

“What is this?” Kaoru asked.

“A game,” Amethyst said. The assistant master looked confused.

“What kind of game?” she asked. Amethyst smiled and winked.

“Play along and see,” she said. She danced away around the corner. Kaoru looked so confused.

“Huh?” she asked.

“Oh!” Amethyst said. “Do you know where Kenshin is?”

“I don't know,” Kaoru said. The Icelandic girl shrugged.

“Oh well,” she said. “I'll find him myself.” She walked away.


Amethyst tracked down Kenshin heading out for shopping. The Icelandic woman grinned to herself. Could this day get any better? She followed behind with the other card in her hand.

“Kenshin!” she shouted. “Kenshin!” The red-haired ronin turned his head to see Amethyst skating towards him with a wild grin on her face.
