Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Stolen Kiss ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DISCLAIMER: Rurouni Kenshin and Rurouni Kenshin characters belong Watsuki Nobuhiro, Shueisha, Sony Entertainment and Jump Comics.

Authors' Notes: One shot ficcie. Someone stole a kiss from Kenshin. Is it Megumi or Kaoru? Please note, Kenshin and Kaoru are OOC (Out of Character) in this ficcie. Stolen Kisses Romance/Humor Fanfiction by Gypsy-chan. Enjoy! (This is the first fanfic I wrote.^_^ Created 5/2001, posted 8/30/01, re-edited 6/1/03)

By Gypsy-chan

It was well after midnight at the Kamiya Dojo. The residents were all resting peacefully. Kenshin's embattered spirit however, would not allow him to rest. The souls of those slain by him during his days as the Hitokiri Battousai had returned to torture him during his sleep. This would happen night after night. Kenshin began screaming out in anguish. His screams caused Kaoru to awaken from her restful slumber. Kaoru quickly padded down the hallway to his room. She quietly opened the shoji and found him tossing and turning on his futon.

Tears streamed silently down her face as she watched the man she loved suffering. Kaoru padded softly into his room. She knelt beside his futon and tenderly lifted him into her arms. As she cradled his troubled soul into her bosom, she whispered softly the words, "I forgive you. You can rest now." Kaoru repeated those words over and over until Kenshin's nightmares subsided. A half hour later, Kenshin finally fell into a restful slumber. Kaoru lovingly gazed into the face of the man who held her heart. She cried inwardly as she softly brushed a few red strains from off his face.

"Kenshin.... Oh why must you suffer every night? When will the pain stop? How much longer will you have to suffer for others?"

Kaoru laid his head down gently and then pulled a blanket over his chest so as to ward off the chilliness of the night. She stayed by his side a little while longer. "I will not leave you Kenshin.... not yet. I want to make sure you are okay." Kaoru cast her eyes over his fiery red mane. "During the day, when the sun shines down upon your head, it appears as if your hair is going to burst into flames. But at night, your hair appears to be calm. It's as if the moon has soften the blows of the sun."

Kaoru touched the part of his hair that fell loosely off his head rest. She smiled inwardly as she tenderly stroked his hair. "Ahh.... It's soft, silky and so cool to my touch. Many times during the day I've wanted to reach out and touch your beautiful red mane, but I dare not too. I know that it is shameful for a woman to do such a thing. That is why I prefer the nights. I only have the nights to be with you. It's the only time my love that I can feel free to hold you, touch you and comfort you."

She gazed at his lips. They seem so perfect to her. "If I could take something from you my love it would only be a kiss. Just one kiss from you would last me a lifetime." She then shook her head and berated herself. "Kaoru no baka! What are you thinking! You could never do that! No respectable woman would do such a thing." Kaoru couldn't help herself thought. She turrned her attention back down to his sleeping form and gazed at his lips again. "If only you knew how much I loved you. I am sure you would understand. When I hear the way you call my name with your sweet lips, I began to melt inside. So many times I have wanted to kiss the lips that call my name."

Kaoru paused in her thinking to stare down at his lips again. The more she gazed at his lips, the more she wanted to kiss him. "Can I do it? If I stole one kiss from him would he know?" She bit her bottom lip nervously as she looked around the room. She glanced back at Kenshin and called out his name softly, "Ken-shin." He didn't move. He was sound asleep. Kaoru became more resolved. "I can do this! I know I can. I will do it quickly. Kenshin will never know that I have stolen a kiss."

She blushed a crimson color before composing herself to the task at hand. Kaoru bent down slowly over Kenshin. Her face was now inches from his. She felt her heart pounding away wildly as small beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. "There's no turning back now," she told herself as she inched even closer to his lips. Kaoru carefully placed her lips over his. She then kissed him tenderly. Kenshin began to stir slightly. Kaoru panicked.

"Kami-sama! What am I going to do!"

She jumped back quickly and moved into the shadows of his room. While standing in the darkness she felt her knees growing weaker and her heart felt as if it were going to explode. Kenshin turned into the opposite direction. Kaoru could hear his soft breathing, indicating to her that was still asleep. She left his room quickly and rushed quietly back to her room.

The next morning, Kenshin was in his room searching for something. Kaoru was awakened by Yahiko's big mouth.

"Hey Kenshin, what are you looking for?"

"Something seems to be missing, that it is."

"What's missing? Maybe I can help you find it."

Kenshin scratched the back of his head and smiled slightly. "I'm sorry Yahiko but it is rather personal."

Kaoru overheard the conversation between Kenshin and Yahiko. She began to panic.

"Oh no! He knows! I knew I shouldn't have stolen a kiss.... What am I going do?"

She pondered over the situation before reaching a solution. "I know, I will pretend like nothing happened" She hurried out of her room and prepared herself for breakfast.

Sano walked into the dojo gates. He inhaled deeply but didn't smell anything.

"Hey, what's going on around here? I don't smell anything cooking. Where is breakfast Kenshin?"

"Gomen Sano. Breakfast was a little late this morning," meekly replied.

"Yeah, someone stole something from Kenshin last night," exclaimed Yahiko

Kaoru heard their conversation and decided to remain silent.

Sano arched his eyebrow at Yahiko. "Hmm.... stole something from Kenshin eh? Well when I catch the thief that stole whatever it was from Kenshin I will beat them to a pulp!"

He pounded his fists together. Kaoru flinched. She knew how strong Sano was. She began imagining herself being beaten to a pulp. She gasped slightly and then recomposed herself before entering the room for breakfast. Kenshin turned to face Kaoru as she entered the room. A large smile grew on his face.

"Ohayou gozaimasu Kaoru-dono."

"Ohayou Kenshin," she smiled in reply.

Yahiko looked over to Kaoru and blurted out, "Did you hear what happened? Someone stole something from Kenshin. He says that it was very personal."

Kaoru smiled nervously as Yahiko continued. "If I catch the thief, I will make them pay for stealing from Kenshin."

Kenshin turned to Yahiko. "Maa, maa Yahiko. We mustn't worry Kaoru-dono about this. I said something was missing, not stolen. Let's all sit down and eat breakfast now."

Kaoru felt her stomach becoming queasy. She wanted to rush back to her room. But in order not to raise suspicion she decided to offer her assistance.

"Kenshin, I'll be happy to help you find whatever you are missing after breakfast."

Kenshin smiled in replied. "Arigatou Kaoru-dono. I am sure you have more important things to do. I will manage just fine, that I will."

At this point, Megumi entered the room. "Ohayou minna-san!" They all return her greetings. Before Megumi could sit down, Yahiko blurted out, "Hey Megumi, someone stole something from Kenshin. It was something very, very personal. Sano says he is going to beat the thief to a pulp once he catches them." Sano nods his head and began pounding his fists together.

Megumi rushed over to Kenshin's side and wrapped her arms into his while resting her head upon his shoulder.

"Oh Ken-san. Don't worry about a thing. I will help you find whatever you are looking for."

A big sweat drop appeared on Kenshin's head as he stuttered, "Meg... Megumi-dono, that won't be necessary. Sessha does not want to take you away from your work."

Steam was rising from Kaoru's head. "Get your hands off him you slimy woman!"

Megumi slanted her eyes over to Karou. "My, my what has the tanuki so upset this morning." Fox ears popped up on Megumi's head. "I think we should all check her room first. I'm sure we'll find Ken-san's missing items in there. Ohohohohoho!"

Kaoru jumped up and headed over to Megumi. Sano jerked her back by her training gi before she reached Megumi.

"Calm down Jou-chan. The fox is only having a little fun."

"Take your hands off me you big dumb jerk!" Kaoru snatched his hand from off her and punched Sano so hard that he went flying across the room. Yahiko jumped up.

"Hey! What'd you do that for you ugly girl!"

"What did you call me you little brat!"

"Don't call me little you ugly girl!"

Yahiko and Kaoru got into a fight. Kenshin went over and calmed them down. Everyone was now sitting back around the breakfast table.

Yahiko jumped up and stared at everyone. "Why is everyone just sitting here? We should be out there finding that thief that stole something from Kenshin." Megumi turned to Kenshin.

"Ken-san are you sure you don't need my help?"

"Don't worry about sessha Megumi-dono, you have your patients to look after."

"Yes, I do have a lot of patients to attend to do today. But still, that thief really have some nerve stealing from you Ken-san. When I stayed at Kanryu's mansion, anyone caught stealing would get their hands chopped off."

Kaoru looked at her hands and suddenly paled.

Yahiko jumped up and shouted, "Yeah! That's a great idea! Just wait until we catch that thief. We'll cut his hands off for stealing from Kenshin.

Kaoru suddenly appeared as though she was going to faint. Kenshin turned and looked at her.

"Kaoru-dono, daijobu de gozaru yo?"

"Hai Kenshin. I'll be fine," Karou responded.

Kenshin turned to Yahiko. "That's enough Yahiko. Let's not discuss this anymore, you are upsetting Kaoru-dono."

Before Yahiko could protest, they all turned upon hearing the sounds of the dojo gates opening. The chief of police had entered the yard and was now standing on the porch.

"Gomen for interrupting everyone," he said as he bowed respectfully upon entering the room, "I was wondering if I could speak Himura-san regarding an incident he reported."

Kenshin excused himself and took the chief of police out into the yard to speak with him. Kaoru began straining her ears in hopes of hearing their conversation. She could barely make out what the officer was asking Kenshin. The only words she could hear from the police officer were, "Can you describe...". The conversation grew softer. Kaoru began to worry. Yahiko not wanting to let the matter rest began talking about it again.

"Kenshin is probably giving the police a description of the thief."

Kaoru glanced over to Kenshin. She saw him making gestures to the police officer. It looked as if he were describing the height of someone. Kaoru began to panic inwardly.

"It looks like Kenshin is describing me to the police officer. I can't believe that he would turn me in for stealing one kiss. It was just one little kiss. I know I shouldn't have done it. But now I will have to pay for my crime. I wonder how long will I be locked up?"

Kenshin returned to finish breakfast with everyone. Yahiko was so excited. He couldn't wait for Kenshin to sit down. He began bombarding him with questions.

"Hey Kenshin! What did the police chief say? Did he tell you what sort of punishment a thief gets?"

Before Kenshin could answer, Kaoru burst into tears.

"I did it Kenshin! I'm the thief," she sobbed. "I'm the one who stole a kiss from you last night."

Everyone sat in shock at Kaoru's confession. Kenshin was also bewildered by what she said.

"Kaoru-dono... stole a... kiss?"

Kaoru continued on with her confession. "I thought you wouldn't miss it. I am very sorry. I will gladly give back the kiss I stole from you. Please don't turn me into the police or have Sano beat me to a pulp. I don't want my hands cut off," she cried.

Kenshin blushed slightly before stating, "Kaoru-dono, sessha was not talking about missing a kiss. What sessha is missing is the new undergarment sessha bought the other day."

Megumi and Sano stared at each other before bursting out in laughter. Kaoru cheeks flushed crimson in color. "He was talking about his undergarments not the kiss I stole? Kami-sama! I'm such an idiot!" She was too embarrassed to look at anyone. She jumped up and ran to her room. Kenshin started after her but Megumi pulled him back.

"I think Kaoru-chan will need a little time to herself right now."

Yahiko turned to Kenshin and uttered sheepishly, "Uhm Kenshin, I was the one that took your undergarment. I thought it was for me."

Sano became angry. "Why you little punk! Come here. I'm going to beat you to a pulp!"

"Gomen, Gomen, I didn't mean it! Don't hurt me," he screamed as he ran around the dojo trying to get away from Sano.

Megumi and Kenshin laughed as they watched Yahiko and Sano. Megumi then turned to Kenshin.

"When that roosterhead catches Yahiko we will take him to the clinic for a little while. I think you and Kaoru-chan will need a little time alone."

Kenshin nodded. "Thank you Megumi-dono."

Fox ears appeared on her head. "I am sure you will need a little time to collect your missing kiss from the tanuki. Ohohohohoho!" Kenshin blushed furiously.

Twenty minutes later, Sano, Megumi and Yahiko were on their way to the clinic. Kenshin closed the dojo gates and headed toward the house. He smiled inwardly as he thought on Kaoru and the kiss.

"Kaoru-dono stole a kiss from me? How could I have missed that?"

After entering the house, he quietly padded down the hallway to Kaoru's room. He heard her muffled cries. His heart began to ache. He wanted so despartely to comfort her. Kenshin inhaled deeply before knocking on her shoji. Kaoru didn't answer. Kenshin slowly slid the shoji open and went over to her side. Kaoru was to ashamed to look at him.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Kaoru-dono. Please don't cry."

Kaoru looked up with tears in her eyes. She stared into his warm violet eyes and uttered, "Gomen ne Kenshin."

"It is okay Kaoru-dono, that it is. Sessha is not angry with you."

Kaoru smiled weakly at him. "Thank you Kenshin."

He gave her a warm smile. They sat quietly for a while before he broke the silence.


"Yes Kenshin..."

"Sessha would like to know how you stole a kiss from me?"

Karou blushed deeply before lowering her head and answering his question.

"Every night you have bad dreams. Some nights they are worst than others."

Kenshin lowered his head. He felt bad for disturbing her rest with his nightmares. She continued,

"When I hear your screams, I come into your room and comfort you. Last night seemed to be the worst. I wanted to help ease your suffering and pain. After you had calm down, I ... I stole a kiss." Not raising her head she asked him again, "Are you angry with me Kenshin?"

Kenshin lifted her chin. "How can I be angry with you. You should be angry with me for disturbing your rest."

"I could never be angry with you Kenshin," she responded. "I love you too much to be angr....." She abruptly cut her sentence off after realizing what she had said. She quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Kaoru felt her face heating up. Her heart began to pounding rapidly. She lowered her head refusing to look up at Kenshin.

Kenshin gently raised her chin. He gazed into her eyes and uttered, "I love you too... Kaoru." He put his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embraced. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she buried her head into his chest. Kenshin gently pulled her back and raised her chin towards his. Their faces were inches apart. She could feel the warmth of his breath tickling her face.

"I am still missing something and you must return it to me," he said huskily.

Kaoru smiled warmly. "Do you mean the kiss that I stole from you?"

Kenshin nodded slowly. Kaoru placed her lips on his and returned the stolen kiss. Kenshin smiled after receiving her chaste kiss.

"Was it worth stealing," he asked as he tenderly stroked her cheek.

Kaoru blushed slightly and answered, "Hai. But it was even better giving it back."

Kenshin tilted her chin toward his. Kaoru closed her eyes in expectation of his kiss. Before kissing her he whispered on to her lips, "This time I'll be the thief."


Definition List:
Daijobu de gozaru yo?" (Are you okay?)
Gomen (Sorry)
Hai (Yes)
Maa, maa (Now, now)
Ohayou gozaimasu Kaoru-dono (Good morning Miss Kaoru)
Ohayou minna-san!" (Good morning everyone!)
Sessha (Unworthy one)
Tanuki (Racoon)

Author's Notes: Hey minna-san! As I said, this was my very first fanficcie. I've revised it a little. Enjoy!