Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ When Will It Be My Turn To Love ❯ Brightened Days ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me, I just borrow them. But I Love them a lot.

So PLS dun sue me… I am only a 17-year-old girl. *Innocent smiles*

AUTHORS NOTES: [FIRST!!! *bows deeply* GOMEN NASAI!! I have created another story out... i just can't help it!! Hai~~ As u all have read in the summary: Kaoru is an orphan who has a little mental illness but thanks to Kenshin she's getting better, in the recovering stage. Kaoru was abandon by her mother and in the orphanage wasn't one of the best days she had. One day she snapped and ended up with mental illness.]

<Warning: I don't really have a good command of English… So forgive me for my grammatical mistakes.>

When Will It Be My Turn To Love

Chapter 3: Brightened Days

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Previous: --

Maybe... maybe it's because he wasn't the first one who I saw once I woke up. Was he really my guardian angel.

That night... I dreamt of the same dream again. This time, I caught a glimpse of the person who cuddled me.

Crimson red hair... golden heart shaped locket. The most mesmerizing part was that he had amber eyes. Molten golden amber eyes which gaze so softly into mine. The wings on his back gave me comfort.

Are you my guardian angel?

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"Kaoru, wake up. Its time for your injection." A voice called as I turned to my side and opened my drowsy eyelids. All I saw was my doctor. I placed my legs over the bedside and looked up at him expectedly. He ruffled my messy hair and told me about the injection I was going to take.

I unconsciously flinched when I heard that I was suppose to have a shot right now, but I composed myself instantly. He pulled up my sleeve and damped my skin with cooling alcohol. I shut my eyes tight, knowing that the sharp needle was going through my skin. Finally, the needle was being pulled out and instantaneously; I felt the place where he pierced started to become numb. I flexed my shoulders a little.

"Thank you for co-operating, Kaoru. Lunch should be serving now. Himura would be coming down later." Aoshi spoke monotonously as he gave a nod. Kaoru smiled lightly as she stood up and walked towards her tinted window. Aoshi gave another short nod and exited her room.

Kaoru placed her hands on the cold surface of her window as she gazed outside of her world. She caught a few small birds flying across the sky. It was good to be free, wasn't it?

How she wished she had wings so she could be free and she could go whereever she wants with no worries. She placed her forehead near the screen looking further. One of her hand clasped her silver heart, her thumb caressed the word behind her pendant.

Mama... are you out there looking for me? Are you even planning to find me? I heaved a sigh as my eyes started to get heavy again. It must have been the injection. I pushed myself to the bed and plopped my head on the fluffy pillow.

Just then I heard a knock, after that I saw a person who had red fiery hair entering the room with a tray of food. Presuming, my lunch. I tried to seat up but my head was too heavy.

"Kaoru-dono!" The man exclaimed as he hastily placed the tray of food down and ran to my side pushing my shoulders down. In other words, asking me to lay down and rest. I relented and turned my head to face him. Softly, he swiped some stubborn black tresses of mine of my wet forehead due to the sweat. He reached into his pocket and took out a plain handkerchief as he tried to dry my damp skin.

"You're sweating too much." His gentle voice rang worriedly. I shook my head meekly and smiled. This was nothing, there were worse cases. I thought to myself. He furrowed his eyebrows and a frown found its way to his delicate features.

"I'll go and get Shinomori-sensei for you." He stood up, instantly my weak hands gripped on his shirt on wanting him to leave me alone. Weird. I didn't even know why I wanted him to stay but I did. My hands acted on their own account.

"Stay. I'm fine." Not to mention my mouth seem to have a life of its own now...

Those three words seem to have an effect on him; I could see that he had a dilemma on believing what I was saying. To assure him better, I gave him a bright smile. He seemed rather familiar.

"Who are you?" My voice faltering with each moment, eyes getting weighty. My vision getting foggy each seconds but the only clear thing I could spot was the crimson locks.

"It's Kenshin. Himura Kenshin." The man informed me. I saw his mouth moved but I couldn't really hear or distinguish anything as I dropped into the shadows.


"She's fine, Himura." A low baritone voice assured someone. My eyelids started to flutter open to find, Aoshi-sensei and... Kenshin-san.

"You're awake!" Kenshin whispered softly as he heaved a sigh of relieve. I could only smile at his over-concern. He was definitely a weird one.

"How are you feeling? Better?" In his eyes reflected worry and anxiousness. For me? I nod my head to answer his question, he seemed relieve to see that particular nod. No, it couldn't be, he was just worried cause I happened to black out when he came it. That's all... wasn't it? Sides, he had his `love'.

With that thought, I felt a cold feeling gripping my heart tight. If only...

"Kaoru, you are thinking too much. What did I told you about too much thinking?" Aoshi chided slightly as he looked at her. Kaoru smiled again and nodded. Somehow, Aoshi had a tendency of penetrating her and understand her. What could she say? He was after all her doctor since... five years ago. I took a small glimpse of Kenshin who was talking to Aoshi. Then, I gazed out of the tinted window again. This time a flying pale green butterfly flew pass and I spoke my mind.

"Aoshi-sensei... do you think I can... leave this place and live in the real world?" I asked timidly, half knowing what his answer would be, half hoping he would give me the answer I longed for.

"Real world?" Kenshin asked confusingly. Aoshi however just put a hand on Kenshin's shoulder and shook his head.

"You can, Kaoru. But you have to wait till you're better." Yup. That was the answer that I expected but not hoped for. I slouched my shoulders and looked at the carpet below my feet.

It was then I felt a light and warm tap on my shoulder. I snapped my head up immediately looking at the person.

It was... Kenshin.

"Don't worry Kaoru-dono. Someday, you will be out there." He pointed towards the outside world away from this place.

"You will be out there, with your family, with someone you love, wait... you like kids?" Kenshin asked casually as he sat beside me. I lit up at the word kids and gave a fervent nod. I have always love children.

"Okay, let me try this again. You will be out there, with your family, someone you love, a few dozens of children..."

"A few dozens?" I giggled as I asked. What did he thought I was? A sow?

He gave a slight pout.

"Don't cut my sentence I wasn't even half finish." He complained as I giggled again and nodded my head.

"Where was I? Oh yes, a few dozens of children, under your feet would be the soft and white sand of the beach. Behind would be the casting of sunrays from the setting sun..." Kenshin continued his paradise model as I slowly close my eyes and floated into it.

Without us knowing, Aoshi-sensei left the room smiling. He whispered to himself softly so that none of us could hear it.

"Looks like Kaoru found someone to depend on greatly. I hope Himura knows what he's doing to her."

From within, he could hear the pearls of happy laughter and chuckles.


Kenshin was indeed a weird yet interesting person. To me, he definitely was. He told me things that nobody told me of. He described the outside world to me. I could still remember his soft voice while he told me about his so-called-paradise. I giggled to myself as I watered the cactus.

"Looks like someone have something to talk about?" A deep voice queried as he entered the room.

"Sano!" I was so happy to see him! I couldn't wait to relate what happened!

"Yes, jou-chan?" Sanosuke sat beside me as I started babbling about what I have learnt today. Sano just smiled. But truthfully, he was even more worried than usual.

I laughed heartily when I told him what happened, usually Sano would laugh or ruffled my head saying I'm silly, but today he just kept very quiet and he stared at the carpet below him. My laughter soon faded away as I was not joined.

"Sano?" He looked up immediately grinning his stupid grin. Stupid but contagious. I smiled lightly. He ruffled my already messy hair and stood up.

"I'm glad you're happy. It's time for bed." Sanosuke told me as he exited the room after tugging me to bed. I nodded as I snuggled deeper into the blanket and shut my eyes. Soon the room became a darker world as he flipped the switch off.

"Oyasumi nasai." Kaoru bid goodnight as Sanosuke just nodded and went out. What could make Sanosuke so worried about? I thought to myself as I drifted to sleep.


(Sanosuke POV)

I walked down the halls with only the white walls as my company. The more I thought about it the more worked up I get. That Himura guy just grates on my nerves.

I shook my head fervently as I told myself to think on the bright side. Maybe he could lead Kaoru out of her clamed shell. But what if he shut it even tighter? I clenched my fist tighter. This was no good.

The closer he got... it only meant one thing. The more chances of jou-chan getting hurt. The more chances Kaoru might breakdown and shut herself even tighter than now.

Argh! The more I think about it the more I want to...

"Tori-atama!" A feminine voice shouted towards me. It broke my train of thoughts as I suddenly remembered I had a dinner to treat a certain fox. I smiled sheepishly as I scratch my head.

"Yo, Kitsune!" I called her nickname. As expectedly, she came and hit me square on my hard skull.

"Aren't you suppose to treat me dinner tonight, young man?" Megumi chided as I figured she must have waited a long time. I glanced at my watch and it definitely shocked me. It was 11pm already? Jou-chan talked to me so long?

"How about supper?" I gulped as Megumi glared at me.

"How about next year?" The fox replied angrily and walked away. I stared at her back not chasing after her like usual. She stopped mid-stride and turned to look at me looking towards the white tiles.

"Sanosuke?" Megumi touched my shoulders worriedly. I looked up towards her. I smiled.

"Supper?" I insisted. Maybe if I told her about this, she might understand and even tell me some advice? She seemed to sense some of my troubled and gave a sigh.

"Sometimes, I come to think about it. What would the rooster do if he doesn't have the fox." I smiled. She knew me too well.


(Back to Kaoru's POV)

A few weeks continued, with Kenshin to accompany me. This was the first time I ever felt this urge to meet someone. What could this mean?

Not only that, Aoshi-sensei praised my great steps of improvements in recovery. I never felt so happy in my life. It just looks like everything now is moving to the better. I wonder what would happen to me if Kenshin didn't enter my life.

I stopped my tracks of thinking. What would I do then?

But Kenshin would not be in my life forever. He cannot be there for me always. He has a life... a life without me in it.

He has a love in his life. I can't be his be first priority, neither can I ever be his second. Yukishiro Tomoe. Even her name seems so perfect. I could even picture her face.

Black shining hair framing her sharp face. Black eyes to match her snow flawless skin. A refine woman who would provide Kenshin with all his needs. She wouldn't be a burden to him. Definitely. Instead, she must have been the pillar to Kenshin. The pillar of support... of his life and the paradise Kenshin told me about.

There isn't even a single space I could budge in.

Wait! What was I thinking about? I shook my head fiercely. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I should instead be happy as Kenshin has a wonderful life. I smiled inwardly. That's right. He has a perfect life, and he was just such a kind person. He deserved it. I should be grateful that he's here right now.

With him around, with the memories captured within me. My days seemed to be brighter...

With him around the future seemed brighter.

Although I convinced my mind of all those things... somehow, my heart still ached of the lost I have admitted. It definitely still hurt knowing I have no one to depend on... to love.


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Author's Notes:

Kon'nichiwa minna sama…

So, How was this chappie??? Please R&R ne keep me happy and INSPIRED… A happier me… a faster update ne thanks a lot…Do R&R… Arigatou Gozaimasu…

Suggestions are welcome….

Gomen for the slow update...

Minna sama… Konnichiwa… WAI WAI WAI!! YES! Hai!! Kenshin came back and instead of making a bad appearance... he kinda changed his image and made Kaoru happier somehow. ^_^ Sanosuke seems to be a deep thinker ain't he? Haha~ He might be funny and dumb at times, but I seriously think he has serious time huh ^_^ Doesn't everybody? Haha~ HAI!! I hope all of you liked this chappie!! R&R ne!! ^_^ ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!

I would like to thank all readers and reviewers… Especially these people::

Yue-chan - Thank you for the review and I hope you like this chappie ne! ^__^ ARIGATOU!!

tokyo rose - I know I took too long for this.. gomen ne~! I hope you'll like this chappie and enjoy! Thank you for the review ne! ^__^ ARIGATOU!!

Tanya aka Sessha // Battousais gal - My native language? My first language is English, my second is Chinese though. But I did take up Japanese like about 2 years ago ^_^ I hope you like this chappie ne! Do enjoy! Thank you for the review!! ^__^ ARIGATOU!!

Review and make Kamimura Kaoru-chan happy!!