Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Ranma, the Demon Sorcerer ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: This is inspired by the work of Takahashi
Rumiko. All characters (that I have not created or
borrowed from other sources) belong to her. This is
a fanfiction, and is not intended to violate the
rights of those who hold control over the Ranma
series. The same can be said of the Jackie Chan
Adventure series and those who create it.
Sailor Moon also belongs to their creator.
I have no money for legal problems and
would very much appreciate it if no one tries to
sue me.
Reference used: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Characters

Thank you very much.

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Ranma, the Demon-Sorcerer
Chapter 5
<Panda sign>

Daolon Wong was laughing in triumph at the fact the he was draining the power of the
demon form of the young man before him. That was before he noticed that he could
feel any power increase on his side of the power transfer. He then saw what was
causing the lack of power transfer. A single chi enpowered symbol of protection
was marked on the boy demon's chest. A chi effect that he recognised.

"Cologne" He said under his breathe as he knew the chi master who had cast the
spell on the boy. Long had he battled the Amazon chi mistress, in trying to take
the mysitical items of the Amazons and try to turn them to a darker purpose.
But now it seemed that Amazon hag had taken this young man under her wing.
He now relieved that he should have recognise the chant that they boy had been
chanting to counter his power. It was the same version of the old woman had use
against him time and time again.

He stopped his spell. He would need a more complex ritual to crack the spell
of protection that was on this boy. In the meantime he could check out the other
options that he could use against his enemies. He then turned to look at his Dark
Chi Warriors. Only to see that they had been turned into gas from the attacks of the
Sailor Senshi.

The Dark Chi Warriors had started the fight off right with their skills with their
powers and weaponry. They had the senshi on the defensive. But then the
sesnhi had started to pull to get and use their attacks better. It was only a matter
of time before some of the senshi's attacks hit the forces of darkness. When the
attacks hit, the Dark Chi Warriors turned to dust.

Daolon Wong didn't like the way that this was going. His most powerful
minions were being defeated by a bunch of girls in school outfits. The demon
cursed figure that he wished to drain of power had a spell of protection around
the boy that would keep him from using his powers on the boy. All he would
need right now is for Chan and his annoying family showing up.

He knew that he would have to retreat from the scene of battle. But he would
have to change his plans. Especially if the old hag was here. "I will return." He
said as he disappeared in a cloud of swirling blue purple gas.

Ranma just stared at the place where the chi wizard had just vanished from.
Something important had just happened here. Something that had nearly
placed himself in danger. That chi wizard had cast a powerful chi spell at
him. He had felt the negative chi cover him. If it wasn't for the spell that
Cologne had cast on him...

Ranma then turned his attention to the Sailor Senshi that had been fighting
the starnge fighters that had been summoned by the chi wizard. They had
gather together again. They looked like they were okay.

Ranma then turned his thoughts to Shampoo. If that chi wizard was after people
who had been demon cursed, then Shampoo was the obvious next target. He
had to get home to check on her, to make sure that she was alright. "Well, I'm
glad that you guys are okay. But I have to get going now. Sorry for the trouble.
See you around." Ranma said as he used his super speed to get himself home.

The Sailor Senshi stood around looking at the retreating image of Ranma.

"What do we do now?" asked Usagi as she turned to her fellow senshi.
She was curious to see what the next move would be. They knew that there
was some new force of evil. It was clear from what they had witnessed from
the strange man and his stranger warriors. That demon cursed boy seemed to
be the focus of the evil man's attention. "And who was that man who
summoned those strangers to attack us?

"That was Daolon Wong, one of the most powerful forces of darkness to
walk the earth. He is a dark chi wizard. He has at his command hundreds of
evil chi spells and his dark chi warriors. His soul goal in life is to advance
the forces of darkness." Said Sailor Pluto with a serious expression on her face.
"He is here after the power of the demon sorcerer that the boy has. He desires
to use that power for a darker purpose. The thing we have to do is keep an eye
out for that boy to make sure that the power of the demon sorcerer is not taken
by Daolon Wong."

"I guess that it would be the best idea to have you keep an idea on eye on him
using the Time Gate. Neptune and Mars could also use their talents to keep
watch on him. But what would be the best move to make next?" Asked the Leader
of the Sailor Senshi.

"I think that it might be best to if we find a way to keep close to him. It is him
that the forces of darkness are after. To this end, I have a few ideas." Sailor Pluto

Meanwhile, in his Japanese Lair...

Daolon Wong hated to admit his defeat. But defeated he was. Appearantly he
had not prepared well enough for combat. He was not ready for the comabt with
the Sailor Senshi. Nor did he expect that the demon cursed boy had run into a
power master, or mistress in this case, of chi. He was not ready to face the threat
that was in front of him.

But then he looked at his experiments with the spirits that had been terrorizing
the city before he had found them. He had learned how they worked infecting
normal object, creatures and people converting them into a monsterous form that
only good magic could transform them back into their normal form. Now that he
knew how they were formed, he thought how he could use them to get closer to
his goals. They could make excellent minions that he could use against the cursed
one or those meddling Sailor Senshi. They were more expendable that his Dark
Chi Warriors.

Now he had to face the fact that the boy had dealings with Cologne. That meant
that the old hag was most likely going to follow the boy here to protect him until
he learned to use his own chi to protect himself from danger. With the power of a
demon sorcerer as his curse form, the boy held potential as a chi mage. Even in
his human form. That meant that the forces of Light might gain a more powerful
agent. That was something he could not allow.

He would need to cook up some powerful spells to counteract the mystical
powers of the Amazon Elder. That in addition to the power of the these new
minions would give him the edge that he needed to capture the power of the


Ranma returned home looking for Shampoo. He had changed on the way into
a more human form to attact more attention. She could be in danger from the
force of evil that he had fought against earlier that morning. he expect to find
her helping Kasmui out with the household chores. What he didn't expect was
seeing her in demon form meditating.

Beside her was Kasumi, also in meditation. Ranma recognised the meditive
stance they had taken. It was the same one that he used to focused his chi for
chi magic exercises. The one that Cologne had taught him. Before he could get
the attention of either Shampoo or Kasumi, a small old woman walked into the room.

"Cologne!" exclaimed the surprise Ranma as looked at the Amazon elder. He
hadn't expect to see her here so soon after leaving her in China to protect the
pools of the Demon Sorcerers. This was better than he could hope for. Cologne
was a powerful Chi Mistress. She might have a way to stop the evil force that
he had fought earlier.

"Ranma, I thought that you had gone to school. Kasumi had told me that you
would be home until later." Cologne said, curious to see what had brought Ranma

"What bring Airen home too too earlier?" Shampoo said, broken from her
meditive state.

"Yes, Ranma why are you home so soon." Kasumi also asked.

"Well," Ranma started his tale of the strange events that had occured doing
the day. The battles with Ryoga and his demon form. The fight with the Sailor
Senshi. Then the battle with the strange man with the magic powers.

The two young girls looked at Ranma, focusing on his story. They seemed
surprise that something so strange had happened to him this early in the day.
Cologne was also focused on the story but seemed to most interested in the
last part of the story that Ranma was telling them.

"If your discription is correct, then we will have to move quickly. I believe that
the man that battle you and tried to drain your curse from you was one of the
most powerful and yet most evil Chi wizards in the world. Daolon Wong. A
plague on the world." Cologne said in even tone, as she spoke with great care.
" It is a given that he was after the power of your demon curse. He will also be
after the power of the other demon cursed. That means Shampoo, Mousse
and that new boy, Ryoga. Fortunately, I have warded most of you. You,
Shampoo and Mousse all have a powerful chi spell on you that should prevent
the draining of your curse. But we must find this Ryoga and ward him as well."

"Why we ward him?" Shampoo asked, curious of what her greatgrandmother's
reasons for the warding of the boy who was fighting with her Ranma.

"Daolon Wong must not gain any one of the demon sorcerer's powers. If he
was to collect just one of the demon sorcerer's power from a curse one's form,
he could use it to increase his dark powers several times. Even worse would
be if he collected all eight of the demon sorcerer's forms from the cursed pools.
He could become unstoppable." Cologne said, with extreme seriousness in her
voice. "That also means we are going to have to move up your training. If we
are going to face the powers of the dark sorcerer like Daolon Wong, we will
have to use every ounce of magic that we can gather."

She looked at the three students that she had gather already. "That means
that you should all get to work on meditations on your magical powers. Now."
She commanded the children. Ranma jumped to it, his training had taught him
to always get a jump on more training. Shampoo and Kasumi soon followed.
Cologne watched them go into there training. Then she left to think and get
a move on getting things ready.

She had to find the boy who held the curse of the Earth Demon. She had to
ward him before Daolon Wong got a hold of him. She also had to set up
some good chi spells. She needed to prepare a good defense to counter the
power of the dark chi wizard. She also had to train the young ones to hold
enough magic to counter the powers of the forces of darkness. That would
help her as she would have some allies in the good fight.

Then there was the Sailor Senshi. She didn't know much about them but from
what Ranma had told her they seemed to be a force of light that seemed to hold
powerful magic. Could she look these girls as a source of mystical help in the
war against the forces of darkness that were comming after her young charges.
She would have to find them and learn more about them.


Setsuna was sitting in her chair, thinking. She needed a plan to keep an eye
on the new wave of cursed souls now that Daolon Wong was after them. She
would need to keep herself close to those that held the curse in the first place.
Luckly, she had the time gates to find out where they would be. That had
brought her to the Tendo Dojo and Furinkan High School. The Tendo home
was home to two of the demon curse and the school was one that Ranma went
to. It was also the place where Ryoga had shown up at.

Possiblities filled her mind. One of the most simple ways to get the senshi in
the location was to get them enroled in Furinkan. But she would have to deal
with explainations to their parents and the problem of the Neriman schools
history of low academic standards. So that was one she would leave to last.
But other ideas came to her mind. She thought it over till she came up with a

She would move herself to the school, taking a job as a school councilor or
nurse and use that possition to keep an eye on Ranma. She would also try to
get the rest of the Senshi to take martial arts leason from the Tendo Dojo that
would allow them to stay near Ranma at times. That would be the best way
to watch what was happening.

She also thought to what had been happpening during the fight. She had
been busy in her battles with the Dark Chi Warriors. However, she had been
observing what the dark wizard was doing and it had not look good. She saw
him try to drain the power of the demon curse form from Ranma and from all
accounts should have succeed. Some power had stopped the old man from
gaining the power that he had craved. A force of powerful magic. Who ever
placed the spell on Ranma knew their spellls. Such a person would be an
excellent ally against the dark chi master. And such a person would want to
keep on eye on ranma as well. She would have to keep an eye out for this
person as well as she kept watch on Ranma.

She got up from her chair. There was much to do if she wanted to get things
ready for the big changes that she needed to make in her life. The world could
be counting on the decisions that she makes today.

Somewhere on the sea...

He ahd been looking for his beloved for months now. Searching for the one
that would have been his bride if that outsider hadn't interfered with his plans.
Then he had gotten cursed because of the same outsider. The outsider who had
also cursed his beloved with a monsterous form. But in a way that curse turned
out to be a blessing.

He had gotten a cursed form that held more power than then his human form.
He could take control over one of the most primary forces of the world and use
it as a tool. Or as a weapon. A weapon to be used against the outsider that tormented
him. The outsider who had stolen what had been rightfully his.

He would have still been searching if it hadn't occured to him that he should try
keep an eye on the old ghoul. She had been the one to try to keep that acursed
outsider with his beloved. She had been the one to protect him. So she would be
the one who wanted to kept watch over him. As he had hoped, the old Woman
was leading him to the place that the acursed outsider was staying at with his

Soon he would have his revenge at Ranma Saotome. Soon that outsider would
learn to dread the day that he had met Mousse.

In Tokyo...

Jackie and his family were in Japan looking for the cursed figure that they had seen in
the spell that his uncle had summoned. They were currently looking for a place to start
in their search.

"We must find a place full of chi. The demon curse should grant the person who has
the curse the powerful chi that the demon held. Find that chi and you find the cursed. So
I have cast a chi locator spell that should lead us to places of powerful chi." Uncle said,
as he held his inflated pufferfish. "One more thing.... We must keep an eye out for Daolon
Wong. He must be after the power of the curses. If he can get just one demon curse his
dark powers would grow. And if he gets all eight demon curses, he will become one of the
most powerful forces of evil in the world."

"So we just have to make sure that he doesn't get them." Jade said as she seemed to
appear from nowhere. Jackie and Uncle looked surprise at her appearance there.

"I thought I told you to stay at the hotel with Tohru." Jackie said as he looked at the niece
that always seemed to disobey him.

"I thought that you might need my help. You would be lost without me." Jade said. "You
need my help with this. Who's the cunning one of the J Team? Who help form the J Team
in the first place? Who the else is an expert with the talismans? You need me. So where
are we going first?"

"You are going to go back to the hotel with Tohru. Uncle and I are going to look for the demon
cursed. It might be dangerous and I don't want you to...

"Suddenly, Uncle's pufferfish started to glow. "I have found a powerful source of chi nearby."
Uncle said as he followed the glowing fish. As he walked the fish seemed to glow brighter and
brighter. They walked until they came to the front of a hill with a gate in the front. "Here's the place.
A large amount of good chi can be found here. It fells like it might even be chi master level chi.
We might find aid in this place in our search for the accursed."

Jackie and Jade looked at the sign next to the gate. "The Hikawa Shrine." Jade said as she looked
up at the steps.