Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Detective School Q Tantei Gakuen Q Fan Fiction ❯ Codename: Athena ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
SailorStar9: Since GracedAngel1864 isn’t too pleased with this prologue, I’m pulling it down and replacing it with this. Hope you like this better, GracedAngel1864. A cross with Tantei Gakuen Q.

Basic Summary: Mizuno Ami isn’t who she seems. She was the rightful leader of the Inner Senshi, until Venus shattered the gem on the Frost Tiara, undermining her powers and claimed the Leadership Mantle for herself. Not only that, she is an Elite of the Assassin’s Guild and the target the Guild has now is the syndicate: Pluto.

Pairing: Ryu/Ami


Disclaimers: I own nothing here.


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14-year-old Mizuno Ami stood on the deck of the ship that was ferrying her to Kirisaki Island upon Dan-sensei’s request.

Normally, the sea breeze always clamed her, but not today. Ami’s mind still went back to the bitter betrayal of her so-called friends, especially Venus.

And all because she had no wish for anyone, in particular Mercury to find out the truth.

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Memory sequence

“Mizuno Ami, on account of treason, you’re hereby removed from the Senshi.” came Aino Minako’s firm voice.

“And why am I accused of that?” Ami quirked a brow, her ‘Assassin’ personnel coming forth.

“You were a traitor to the White Moon Family in the past, and you’ll betray us again in the future.” Minako lied.

Gasps were heard.

“Since when?” Ami asked.

“Since the Silver Millennium.” Minako replied.

More shocked gasps were heard.

So, she remembered. Ami thought.

Ami’s memories had resurfaced ever since she was resurrected from the battle against Beryl and she found out the truth.

Turns out, Venus and Princess Serenity were cousins and Mercury was the rightful leader of the Inner Senshi. Not only that, Mercury was also one of the very few Elites of the Assassin’s Guild; going by the codename: Athena.

The past Venus had begged Queen Selenity to make her the leader of the Inner Senshi, instead of Mercury, but the Queen refused, telling her flatly that the leader was decided by merit, not by family connections.

But Venus would not give up.

She had sneaked into the Mariner Castle and shattered the power gem on the Frost Tiara, which Mercury gained most of her powers from, thus making her the weakest Senshi. Then, she grabbed the Leadership Mantle, a trident given to Mercury by Queen Selenity herself as proof that she was the leader.

Unfortunately, Beryl attacked and with Mercury’s powers seriously undermined, the Silver Millennium fell.

End of memory sequence

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Back in the present, Ami could feel her tears threatening to well up.

No, I won’t cry! An Assassin doesn’t show her emotions. she told herself stubbornly.

A worried ‘Daijoubo desu ka?’sounded behind her.

Startled, Ami turned around to look into mesmerizing gray eyes.

************************************************************ ******************************
Amakusa Ryu was walking to the ship deck when he noticed that someone was there before him.

A girl with blue hair that was a shade darker than his was already on the spot.

Ryu frowned; something about her just did not seem to feel right.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he approached the girl.

When she turned, Ryu found himself drowning in her ocean-blue eyes.

Seemingly startled by his sudden appearance, the girl stumbled back slightly.

Ryu quickly grabbed her arms before she fell.

After stabilizing her, Ryu took his place beside the girl.

“You haven’t answered my question.” he stated plainly.

Ami remained silent as she looked away from his piercing look.

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SailorStar9: Wow, this is one very weird beginning. Read and review.