Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kiyoi Tsukikage ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Prologue - Kiyoi Tsukikage
"I killed people, all to protect the happiness of the weak. But you lost your happiness... So that means you really didn't know. I took important things in my own hands. I was... I had no right..."
Rurouni Kenshin
Legends are a funny thing really. They entertain us, they found the basis of many religions, many cultures. They also pass down valuable information and teach us lessons. But they are subject to personal interpretation and sometimes, just sometimes, even the most brilliant people make mistakes, and their true meanings are lost.
Aged black eyes stared on the scene below. Sweeping her long black hair from her face, she watched the sparing match before her. It truly would have made a great portrait of saiyan pride and strength. Two warriors locked in battle, neither yielding but always struggling to overcome their opponent. As the battle went on it was clear that one of the two were getting tired. A careless mistake and then it was over, with said saiyan-jin sprawled on the floor in defeat.
The victor smirked triumphantly, raising his eyes towards the figure on the alcove above and waved. She smiled gently at him, marveling at just how strong he had become in such a short amount of time. Pride filled her heart as he helped the other man to his feet, not something widely done by their race. He was a great warrior and also had something that was uncharacteristic of her species. Compassion. She was an oddity as well with her straight hair and submissively kind demeanor but it worked to her advantage.
“Well done my son,” she called out to him. He grinned, just like he always did from his youth whenever he won a battle. It brought back such memories………….
Softness engulfed him as he cried, burying his head in her neck, taking in her reassuring scent. She tried as best as she could to comfort him, to take away his pain and sadness and to leave him more cheerful but today was particularly bad. His own father had deemed him worthless and it broke his heart and his spirit.
“Why, why am I so different from the other?” he pleaded for a response as he looked at her with glassy clear blue eyes.
“I'm so sorry my son,” she said holding him tighter. She knew that she shouldn't but she was a mother after all and decided to accept whatever consequences that came with it. Lifting his face with her fingers, she brushed away his tears with her skirt and picked him up, carrying him to her bed.
“It's because you're special, my prince. You have a great legacy to live up to. You come from a strong line, the strongest of them all, the royal bloodline. Never let anyone make you feel inferior to them. They should cower at the mere mention of your name,” She said forcefully.
He listened to her with rapt attention, his eyes never shifting away from hers. “Then why do I look different,” he pressed.
“Because you are a legend. Your birth has been foretold centuries before you were even thought to have been born. You are the one who will lead this great race to domination, and our people to unity.”
“I don't understand,” he whispered, looking at the solemn expression on his mother's face.
“A saiyan of noble bloodlines, from the houses of the east and west, will be born when the stars Sirius, Andromeda and Olftonia are in perfect alignment. Those stars are very sacred to our race, they are where we originated. But a child will be born in the likeness of those gods, hair, eyes and nature, will be different. This is the tale which has been passed down by my tribe,” She ended looking at him. His eyes were wide, and it was clear that she couldn't understand all that she had said.
“It's alright that you don't understand, my prince. But tell me, why don't you like to spar? Do you not want to become the strongest saiyan like the others your age?”
“No, I can't explain but whenever I see someone hurt, it makes me angry and I don't want to fight and hurt someone. What's wrong with me?” he asked her.
`He is a rarity indeed,' she thought as she took his face into her hands and kissed his forehead. “If you do not wish to fight for power my son, then fight for your fellow saiyan. Fight to bring us together and end this war. Become strong and fight for a time without war, where no-one will suffer. It is only through fighting that you will end it.”
“Yes, I will,” he said, his eyes briefly glowing for a moment. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw that and she wondered just how many of the legends that she had learned where going to come true.
“You almost never come to see me spar anymore, I was surprised to find you here,” The man from earlier spoke out, startling her from her thoughts.
“You shouldn't do that to an old woman, my prince,” she chastised gently, pressing a hand to her chest in an effort to ease her heartbeat.
“Sorry Toma, I should remember that you aren't as sharp as the rest of us,” he chuckled as she glared at him.
“Don't be so sure, I can still hold my own against any opponent. It's amazing how strong you are Prince Burian. You've easily surpassed your father, although he wouldn't admit it.”
He smirked as he already knew that. His father had taken to avoiding sparing with him because he sensed that. The last time was well over a year ago, he still remembered to lose to him though, to preserve his ego and status as ruler. If anyone knew that he was stronger, it would definitely upset the delicate balance of power that they had. “I know Toma.”
“I'm glad you're here my prince, I have something important to discuss with you,” she said sitting on the edge of her bed. She patted a spot next to her and Burian followed, sitting besides her. “You're growing up my son, and now is the time that you should think about getting a wife. Your father will step down from his throne soon and you need someone to stand besides you and support you as you rule.”
“I know this,” he snapped. He didn't want to discuss that right now.
“I know that you don't want to talk about this but it's important. You have already been eligible to marry for over a year now and yet you haven't found a mate. Why is it so hard my son,” she begged, taking his hand.
“Toma……..” he growled out snatching his hand from hers.
“You have your father's temper,” she spoke softly, running her hand over his forehead, just like when her was a boy. “I am not your father; you can open up to me.”
Burian sighed, his resistance all but vanished. “Saiyan women lack something alright?”
“I don't want to marry someone just for the sake of marriage and her bearing my heir. I don't know what I want, but I certainly want more than what you and father share,” he spoke out solemnly.
“Then a saiyan woman isn't for you,” she replied getting up and returning to her alcove. He followed.
“There is another prophesy,” she said slowly, unsure of whether she wanted to tell him that. He barely forgot the first one since he was so young when she told him that but this one he'll remember. “It speaks about an alien princess, but, I really can't remember the details,” she said quickly, lying in order to not affect him.
“An alien princess?” he questioned a little intrigued.
“I don't remember the details, besides it's just a story anyway. But what of the young saiyan onnas that you have been seeing?”
He looked at the woman who gave him life and turned his head away from her. She was hiding something, but pressing her to tell him wasn't the way to get her to talk. It'll come out eventually. “They don't interest me. None that I have met are suitable. All they do is throw themselves at my feet in hopes that I will recognize them. Hardly worth my time, although they amuse me for a few hours in my bedroom.”
Toma shook her head. He was exactly like his father was before they got married. It's true that they didn't have a happy and loving marriage, but that didn't matter in politically arranged ones. She wanted more for her son though, and that is why she didn't press him to marry for anything less than love. She always wanted to experience that feeling, but never got the chance to. She didn't want the same for him.
Touching his cheek softly she smiled and pushed him towards the door. “You need to go and clean up for dinner. I know that your father has arranged for quite a few women to be there in hopes that you choose a mate.” Seeing the disdainful look on his face she quickly added, “I will speak to him tonight about a mate for you - other than a saiyan.”
He grinned, and in that instant he looked so childish, just like the little boy she used to hold. `They grow up all too fast,' she thought with a long sigh.
Toma looked at the sleeping form of her husband. She smiled at the peaceful expression on his face, something that he never had when alert. Her thoughts turned to her son. He had that exact peaceful expression too whenever she looked in on him sleeping.
As her thoughts turned to her son she thought about what she had to do tonight. Effortlessly, she slipped out of the bed that she shared with her husband, picked up her robe and crept out of the room. She knew that he wouldn't miss her since they never bonded; something looked down upon among members of the royal family.
She snuck out of the castle and headed north towards the one place where she knew that she could find answers.
The old wooden doors creaked open noisily, making the intruder wince slightly. The noise irritated her sensitive ears and she rubbed them slightly before entering. She looked around the somewhat dark place, adjusting quickly to the light. She walked towards the figure in the corner and he wordlessly took her to the innermost chambers.
A few hours later Toma walked out of the structure and made her way back to the palace, content with what she found out.
Burian groaned and twitched as a foreign scent assaulted him. Rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them he turned to see a onna besides him. He struggled for a name as she too woke up. Her smile made him fight the urge to raise an eyebrow and he got up and left for the baths without so much as a word to her. She sat there sort of in shock as a maid came in to clean the room.
Yet another onna cast aside by the prince. `When will they learn…………..' she thought as she got the girl off the bed and helped her dress.
When he came back the room was clean and free of that onna's scent. It was like this every time and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty. But then again he never held any pretenses towards them. They knew that he didn't want them as mates and still they came in hopes of being the one who changed his mind. Throwing themselves at him only proved to make him disinterested and those that did prove a challenge weren't much of one.
What did he want exactly? He didn't exactly know. He didn't put too much thought into it. But he did know that he didn't want the onnas around him.
Toma sighed as she looked at her husband. They had gotten into an argument and her head hurt. He wasn't listening to her and it irritated her to no end.
“Why won't you consider it Vegeta,” she asked.
“His mate should come from one of the southern houses Toma,” he responded stubbornly.
“But our son doesn't want that. Besides you know as well as I do what his fate is. How can you deny him? The prophesy says that he would marry an alien princess from a distant planet and together they will bring an era of peace, hope and unity between the four houses. How can you make him do something that is against that? Do you not realize that he is the saiyan of legends?”
“Don't you think I know that? I am not stupid onna, never forget that. Those things are fairytales, designed to keep our people from moving on and into a new era. Most of us have discarded them and yet you hold firm to those old teachings?”
“They're not fairytales! Our son is living proof of that! Why can't you see that?”
“We have bigger problems than our son's love life right now. A union is desperately needed. Who knows how long it'll be before we have another war on our hands. Things are just too unstable right now.”
“A war? With who?”
“Those disgusting ice-jins. They came here in peace but something's not right. Anyway we can't afford to play with other planets now so leave it alone. He can get married after this war is over, Toma.” King Vegeta said standing up.
Queen Toma blinked as he walked away abruptly. She didn't know anything about this new war. Ice-jins? Those strange lizard-like creatures that came last year? She wasn't comfortable with them when they came, but she never thought that it was this serious. Is that why he was always in conference with the other kings of vegeta-sei? He was planning something, of that she was sure. She too got up and left intent on finding her son.
Burian was finishing up yet another sparing match when his father's messenger came. At first he didn't even acknowledge the male's presence but after a while he became annoyed and stopped. Besides the male's scent was starting to irritate him and he wanted to send him away as quickly as possible.
“This had better be important,” he said stonily.
“The king asks that you meet him right away my prince,” he said bowing. Burian wrinkled his nose, feeling an almost irresistible urge to blast the offending smell and the male associated with it.
“Dismissed,” he said quickly, turning away from him and going to the bathhouse to get presentable.
By the time Queen Toma got to where her son was supposed to be he was gone and she knew only one other place he could be.
Heated discussions were going on when the doors were opened suddenly and Queen Toma appeared. All eyes were on her as she advanced towards the king, determination and rage shining through them. “He is not going anywhere.”
“Toma -“
“NO! I don't know what is going on here but I will not allow you to send my only son anywhere!”
“This doesn't concern you, Toma. Leave now,” he said sternly, their gazes locked.
“How can you say that? Am I not his mother? Why else would you need him if not to fight in this disgusting war! I-” she was cut off by a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to face her son. To save his mother further embarrassment at the hands of his father he pulled her out of the room.
“Toma” he said taking her hand, “I want to do this. I'm the best and strongest warrior here and I can't send men out there and not be there myself. I have to go.”
“But you're my only son. I couldn't bare it if I lost you,” she said hugging him.
“Nothing will happen to me mother, I promise. Sure I'll get kicked around but we'll beat them,” he said laughing a bit. She smiled at his words but deep inside, she had a sinking feeling about it all. And if her thoughts were true then she would have to save him herself.
Prep work for the invasion of the nearby planet of sarij-sei was underway. Sure it was a secret and everything was done underground and at night but still the ice-jin suspected something. They prepared themselves as well knowing that the saiyans couldn't be fully trusted. They were wary of their temperamental allies and their alliance was a fragile at best.
They would attack in a week's time. King Vegeta was aware that the ice-jins knew of their plans and he didn't want to give them any time to get ready. If they did it quickly, then they would have the element of surprise and that should work in their favor.
On the night before they were leaving to start the invasion, Queen Toma was plagued with a nightmare.
Fires and dead bodies of saiyan-jins and ice-jins alike were strewn across the battlefield as the remaining warriors remained locked in heated battled. From what she saw, they were losing as more and more ice-jins came out to replace their fallen comrades. Panic took over and she struggled to find her son and when she did she let out a gasp.
His handsome face was covered in blood and it was clear that he was in pain. His right arm seemed broken as it hung uselessly at his side. His breathing was very labored with his tattered and torn clothing barely clinging to his bruised body. His adversary was in just as bad shape as he was, if not worse, having lost his arm and tail. She recognized the ice-jin as the prince of that race. Both were reaching their limit but neither wanted to back down. The fire in her son's eyes made her pause before running towards him, intent on protecting her son from the beast before him, but she was rooted to the spot. She watched in horror as the two rushed towards each other and clashed. When it was over, her son was lying lifeless on the ground, eyes open and staring into the dark green sky.
Toma sat upright in bed gasping for air. Her heart was pounding so hard in her chest it was starting to hurt. She couldn't ignore that vision, it was just too much. She glanced at the sleeping form of her husband and made a resolution. She was going to protect her son at all costs.
Author's Notes:
I've been very delinquent in updating my other works and for that I apologize. But currently I'm experiencing writer's block on them and I thought that starting something fresh would relieve it. I was rather skeptical about posting this, because I have lost confidence in myself and my abilities. Maybe my fears are well founded.
This story I hope is a little more unique than the usual ones out there, if I am wrong then forgive me, I haven't been to in a very long time. As to whether it'll be a long or short fanfic, I don't know. I wrote this on a whim and it's not too rooted in my memory. Let's hope that it doesn't die as quickly as the others. With this I leave you my story, Kiyoi Tsukikage - Beautiful Moonlight.
~Dark Kalli